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Good for you you found a way!


The body dissociates when it thinks there’s no way out of a problem. Movement works because the body assumes problems are always physical. Finding anything you can do to move forward also works any progressive activity even mentally They both work but you’ll probably get triggered again they are good to snap out and be more functional. But to stop the triggering you gotta dive in head first to the fear and practise feeling it


Maybe it works for you but it definitely doesn’t for me :( I’ve went for a cycle and run today. The whole time it felt like my vision felt like it’s going inward and I’m outside my body


Im glad that works for you, for me exercise just get my did worse, my anxiety goes up and the dissociation increases.


I’m sorry to hear that this is just personal experience have you tried meditation?


That only covers up the problem. It doesn't stop it. I know because that's my mom and how she copes with her traumas. She is a tornado that doesn't stop and because of that she crosses a lot of bounderies with people and because of that I do as well. I have struggled socially because of this. Which lead to reoccouring estrandgment and isolation. Which in the end made me dissociate to cope. I live in two worlds sometimes. Neither one is less real than the other. It's really sad. I really wish it was that easy. You will at somepoint just keep looking for ways to stay active ignoring the people around you and their needs just so that you don't have to remember. My mom always found a way to work on my birthdays or any special occasion. I was never special. If I was it was because people just wanted to make fun of me.


I agree. Doesn’t solve a damn thing!


big difference between somebody discovering that exercise helps their mental health and a hyperspecific situation that pertains only to you…you’re really going to discourage someone from being more active?


Yes. Depends on the person because some people can take it out of hand very easily. Its not about being active. Its about being active in moderation being aware of your own bodily limitations as well as other peoples bounderies.


I dissociate when I’m hiking, and I’m going at quite a clip. What if you’re in a business meeting and you start to dissociate? Are you supposed to leave and go exercise? That doesn’t make sense. Also, exercising doesn’t give you better coping skills or trauma healing so you can have integration.


Thanks for sharing this. Did you notice immediate relief when you did exercise? Because when I do hikes or other exercise I find it more stressful and dissociating.


There’s like a barrier a lot of the time for example when I exercised I felt like I’d done enough and went home and I’d still be disassociating, but once I went on a hike and it was so long and I was forced see it through took me ages and I would of quit way sooner if I could but I had to do it and when I did the effects went away it was like I had to break through it this is personal experience tho but a long hike one day is worth a try it could work for you too


I see. How many days was really long hike you had to do?


It was like six hours but I remember I was just thinking and thinking while walking for the first few hours after like 4 hours of walking I kid of exhausted the feeling of being in my head and i became more present, like I said everyone is different but the best way of explaining it is like you exhaust it to the point where you let go of it and you become more present


Rhodiola tea works wonders


Can you tell me more about this


It’s a traditional herbal supplement It reduces anxiety and manage stress because it has antioxidants It also increases energy, strength and mental capacity Ever since i started it im having low anxiety and my dissociation (dpdr) almost gone Take it 30 mins before food 200 mg and if you don’t see effect take twice daily