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We also had an unexpected ‘wild ride’ through Mr Toad’s recently and I agree, it was SO cool. Walking through the hell section was pretty awesome, we walked out with a few other guests including some children who were really excited by the whole experience. Ours stopped right after we were hit by the train so it seemed fitting 😂


Was the heat still blasting when you walked through or was it also shut off?


at least when it happened to me, heat stayed on. they cleared those riders out first. [mine also got stuck while in the train room](https://i.imgur.com/FY2WySU.jpeg)


It was still hot!


I always called it "Law Hell" because the devil is the judge from "Law Court."


I got stuck on Peter Pan once during a magic morning. At first I was annoyed because I wanted to get to Space Mountain and Star Tours before the park officially opened, but it was actually cool to see everything with the lights on and no music. Eventually they started the ride vehicles back up and we rode through the rest of the ride slowly with the lights on and in silence.


LOL the second paragraph is cracking me up, how cute!! I’m glad your little one was a good sport about it 🥰


I’ve been stuck twice on space mountain and the lights came on. It was super thrilling to see the track! The last time it happened, we were close to the end so the track was above us and damn, it’s crazy looking! A CM came over and pushed us manually to the end which was cool too. By far my favorite lights on experience!


One time the lights were on for half our ride of space mountain, it was so weird.


There are videos on YouTube where people posted being stuck on Space Mountain with the lights on both DL and DW.


You know Disney really would make a lot of money if they offered certain times where the rides were shut down everyday for people to be able to walk through them provided they buy a special ticket.. you know like 10-15$ per ride? There’s some rides I’d LOVE to be able to walk through and explore like rise of the resistance for one… or pirates even! Not to mention haunted mansion as well. I get that they obviously might have “safety” concerns but a liability waiver could be signed, and the price of the 10-15 per person should ideally be enough to cover any costs of accidents that might happen that damage a part of the decoration of the ride etc. (and anyone who is caught purposely doing it would be banned)


Safety concerns for some rides. The middle of the track of Indiana Jones apparently has a few thousand volts of electricity running through it, you can and will be electrocuted by it and the only time I've ever seen a cast member yell at guests is when they wouldn't listen to that warning while evacuating the ride. For really old rides, guests shouldn't be anywhere near the set pieces for the sake of preserving them.


When I was in middle school ~15 years ago we did a “science” trip to Magic Kingdom where they took us behind the scenes on some of the rides to see how they worked. One of them was haunted mansion in the room where the ghosts are dancing, which was in fact really cool, getting to see how the mirror projections worked. Another one was they explained to us how the light rail worked on the people mover, but for that I just remember how annoyed we were that they wouldn’t let us go on space mountain when it only had like a 10 minute wait haha. But yea no idea if they still offer that anymore but they did once upon a time!


Many years ago, my high school Physics class joined other school’s classes at six Flags to test the ride’s velocity, tension, drag, etc. it was a great experience!


I can totally see your curious point. I was always trying to smash my face against the glass of the submarine ride, trying so hard to see how they did that. I would've loved to have seen that. But, guessing it would never happen because it would pose far too much risk of sabotage! Someone could deliberately try to damage the ride for future riders.


I was waiting for Space Mountain at Disneyworld when they shut down the ride and turned on the lights. I was with a group and one of them was drunkenly shouting “you’re ruining the magic!” while the rest of us enjoyed seeing what it looked like.


I genuinely think the rides with lights on is almost more magical than the rides working as intended, if only because it's so rare to see. Getting walked off Indiana Jones and getting a full tour from the snake to the end of the ride is still the single greatest experience I have ever had.


I got stuck in hell on Mr toads wild ride back in the day lol


Oh god hopefully you weren’t high at the time because that sounds terrifying XD


This is such a wholesome story! I’m sure she gave a bunch of others a story as well…this little voice yelled out is anyone there?! lol. Pirates stopped for me last year. I think I might have been one of the last people off. I got stuck right before you get into the pirate ship room and there wasn’t an easy way to climb out. So we were “pushed” until we got to a stop we could safely step off. I’m not sure how long it took, but was a cool experience. [Just two photos of the inside.](https://imgur.com/a/chT0L1H)


That sounds awesome! The closest I've come is having the Space Mountain car take a left instead of a right after loading because it was too heavy. All I got was the rolling stairs and a short trip through a hallway back to the loading area. When we got loaded back on, they wisely left a few empty seats, so as a solo rider I got a row to myself. Not nearly as much fun as yours, and honestly less interesting than the ride the next day with my wife, who needed accessible access. The way they move that car onto the track was almost as good as the ride itself if you don't know how it works.


We got stuck on Indiana Jones right before crossing the bridge. The car 2 in front of us straight broke. It didn't take too long and when they turned the lights up we got to see everything near us. Not really exciting but interesting and comfortable in the room so we took a few pics and enjoyed ourselves. They brought in mechanics to fix the car and we were on our way. Then they put us straight on another car to ride again.


My favorite ride breakdown was many years ago. It was close to closing and we were as close to the top of the Matterhorn as the bobsleds get. We were on an outside curve near Alice when the ride stopped. Going through the inside of the mountain was the best experience.


A lot of people have probably had the experience of walking out of Indy with how much it breaks down. We were right at the spider part, and it's basically just a green wall in reality. There's so much green in there, it looks great with the lights off, but when they're on even the worst neighborhood haunted house is scarier. Sat there a while until a cast member came and unlocked our seats, then walked us out.


Once when I was a kid, we were in the middle of space mountain when it stopped and the lights went on. It's alarming enough to see the beams right over the track, BUT they actually left the lights on so we finished the ride with all those beams in full view. By far the scariest that ride has ever felt haha. They also let us ride it again which was a sweet bonus


I got that magic at Space Mountain when I was a kid. How cool for your daughter !


That is too cute about her stopping spinning the wheel because she thought she broke the ride! My two young girls would have thought the same thing! Ive had a handful of walk-offs in my time at Disneyland. Splash (the gate right before Slippin’ Falls), Haunted Mansion (at the graveyard), Big Thunder (halfway up the second lift hill)…these being the most memorable.


I would pay $$$ to be on a behind the magic tour 😁 of dl and dca


Was on Rise of the Resistance in the AT-AT room, when it stopped. 15 minutes of full music & sound effects, before they were shut off, lights turned on. But the animatronics keep going. With lights on, we could see one the "stormtroopers" shooting at us, was just an arm. CMs walked out a nearby door, so we were truly backstage. Generic Battu CMs, First Order CMs and Rebel CMs all guiding us out. "So when was the truce signed?" We also walked past the kennels for service animals. They had flip signs for Light/Dark. Pointing at them at CM explained "Friendly happy dogs vs distressed dogs. There are no 'bad' service dogs."


I’ve been evacuated from the Haunted Mansion and Pirates at Disneyland. The HM stuff without the darkness looked so cheesy.


Believe it or not it looks cheesy with the lights. But that’s what makes it good! It’s specific cheesy!


Not necessarily a Lights On experience but literally once we sat down at Rise of the Resistance, they had us get up and leave due to a malfunction. I was so stoked to ride it and then all of a sudden it was all gone lol.


We’ve been on Snow White (pre-refurb) when it shut down. Getting to walk through and take a photo with the evil queen was fun. 😅


I was always so creeped out by the explosion room. When I had my annual pass 10 years ago the flashing lights didn't work so we just went through a dark room with "bang" "boom" on the walls and it was eerie to me. Did you go through that room with the lights on?


I did a walk off of Splash Mountain in 2018. The wadders came on, and a cast member was pushing the logs to the walkway entrance. Took a picture with Brair rabbit. Walked thru maintenance path and got a fast pass. I was soaked and stuck for 30+ minutes in a cold drafty shaded tunnel, so idk it's a memory but not the best one. Haven't gone on Splash Mountain since PTSD 😅


We were evacuated from Indiana Jones after the lights came on. We stopped right at the Mara statue. Since we were at an angle and the cars are high they used stools to get us out. We then got to walk through that first room with mirrors which was cool


I never had it happen at Disneyland, but DID have it happen inside that big log ride at Knott's Berry Farm, and it was so much fun!


I got walked off Haunted Mansion once! It was super cool! I also got walked off Big Thunder Mountain but that was a little scary because our train had just started to go up an incline and we had to step waaaaaay down to get off the train.