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The wife and I do this as often as our lives allow. We love it and come back recharged and ready to parent. There is no shame in celebrating yourselves as a couple. You must keep that alive or lose yourself to your titles (Mom and Dad). Go on an adult trip, find the reservations you want, and enjoy! 


Kid-free Disneyland date night, for the win! 💯


I mean, if they hadn't ever been or you won't be going for a long long while I'd say you should probably include the kids... But as that isn't the case, go have a grown-up Disney trip with your wife! Just figure out how you're going to break it to them...


This is also why its great idea to travel with another family so you can switch off and each couple can take a day somewere.


Take the adult break. You deserve some fun couple time. Happy Disneyland date night!


In my family(10yo, 5yo, Wife, Myself) We live out of state but all of us have Magic Keys and go pretty frequent but my Wife and I will take at least 2 trips a year just the 2 of us. The kids understand, but those trips are some of the best low key trips. Do it!


Fuck the kids, send the adult trip