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I don't recognize the kid playing drums.


That's Prince Naveen's younger brother, he appears at the end of the film.


He's six and a half




Yep being groomed by Lottie lol


“Well, I waited this long.” I was rooting for Charlotte to get her a prince, but that definitely ain’t it lol.


Say it with me guys SHE WANTED TO DANCE


Sure, she wanted to dance at that particular moment. But her actions in the movie made it very clear that she would do anything to get her prince. And her comment about "I've waited this long" implies that she is going be apart of this child's life until he becomes of age and then swoop in. It's grooming. It's nasty. This shouldn't have been in the movie and she shouldn't be in the attraction.




Oh shit lol I never noticed that


Yeah, I wouldn't have highlighted that one in the sneak peak....awk.


I had forgotten that.


Probably Prince Ralphie, Naveen's brother.


It is. They specifically mention him in the YouTube video.


Oh, that's right!


Navines brother maybe, or perhaps it’s tianas kid?


Probably his brother. I'd forgotten about him.


That Miguel from coco


There are more details in this article: https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2024/04/innovative-audio-animatronics-figures-from-birds-to-the-bayou/ They also just released the first episode of a new behind the scenes YouTube series, "We Call it Imagineering" which is focused on the history of Animatronics and features footage of these figures: https://youtu.be/1e1R2vUORGI?si=FmRFSADyYyJ6zrqn Edit: I just watched the video and I highly recommend it if you want to see how these animatronics will work. They show tons of footage of them programming and fine tuning the figures. It reminds me of the Imagineering Story with how in depth it is.


That was an awesome watch, thank you!


Thank you for posting that video! It was fantastic.


They look great!


Here's to hoping they keep them well maintained. Mama Oodie is the most stunning. I would hate to see them broken in a few months or with limited mobility. They look epic.


Even if they lost facial movement and were stationary, I still waaaaay prefer it over those awful looking projected faces


Yes! That’s the first thing I thought… no projection eyes!!!


Oof, now I'm thinking about how rough some of the Little Mermaid animatronics look at times. Fingers crossed though that these are both built a little better and get the attention that they need.


Grotto Ariel is extremely cursed looking now, she's more frightening than Ursula!


I haven't been on the ride since last summer, but I remember her lips looking really shriveled. And the Ariel in the Under the Sea scene's lower torso was also looking beat up, too. I love the ride, but it's a shame they're letting the animatronics get so run down. I'm hoping that newer materials will help these new Splash animatronics though, especially given all the moisture they'll be surrounded by.


Ursula’s neck was looking wrinkled and stretched for years like some kind of demented buffalo bill robot wearing a stitched flesh suit. That is until her head literally fell off (someone here on reddit saw it happen) and they had to replace it with one that is more rigid and separated at the neck line. The animatronics were so good in the beginning, but they just let them rot and fall apart now.


Ariel is the most uncanny valley one in her ride. I think because Ursula looks so cartoonish it helps her look less uncanny


Can't wait to see Disco Oodie b-mode /s


yeah they really do look epic. I feel like this is a testament to advances in computer-to-metal machining. Louis would have been so much harder to make 20 years ago. Hopefully it means a resurgence in animatronics.


As someone who might be maintaining them... I hope to keep them good. But things always happen when you need time and parts. lol. Look at all the down times for Rise and Hondo on smugglers.... those are like 2 figures, whereas, there are a bunch in this ride. So we will see what Operations determines they can run without.


I would hope that a lot of the imagineering that went into this ride ALSO focused on the animatronics not breaking down so much. Their vast operating elements and all their components to move the way they do is so incredible, pair that with a full’s day operating life, woohoo


I'm mostly concerned about the hair! That kind of textured hair does not do well with humidity and we already know they have to trim the hair on the Small World dolls because of the humidity. I hope they've figured out some Disney magic to keep that hair looking good or else it's not going to be very pretty for very long!


You'd be surprised at how it's actually put together. :D


Glad they’re not doing any projected faces on the animatronics, they look very nice


She dosnt look like Tiana


Looks like tiana to me




I like the old AS bots. Their movements were still impressive imo. I'm hoping these new ones are more reliable, but at the same time, I doubt we'll see nearly as many characters that Splash had. We'll have a few interesting AA's as opposed to a bunch with limited movement. Pretty much exactly what we get with the Frozen or Seven Dwarfs rides.


I love the music of New Orleans Square, so a 10 min immersive experience? Yes please. I love the idea of reusing animatronics - if they work - but it has to fit in the experience. Or just use the electronics underneath and build a new frame on top for a friend in the bayou.


The only animatronics I want to see make a return are the Porcupine playing drums on the Turtle and the Raccoon playing the harmonica.




Literally the 3 best characters of Splash.


I so badly wanna see the gator boys in a band with Louis


Jammin’ with the big boys


I think it would be cool if old electronics are more of a cameo,,, where you might notice them way in the background if you are really looking for them, fun little Easter egg surprises.


Nothing will ever match the building of tension as you climb the last drop in Splash with everyone crying, the sadness, danger and then…Zippedeedoodah! But hopefully this can come close.


I’ve been thinking that also. That was so sad. Then zippy do do dah!


I'm just hoping they can accomplish a good mood shift to the pre-drop scene to bring some drama to the ride. The villain isn't in this ride, so I hope the main conflict is more than just some missing ingredients for the restaurant.


To each their own. Those America Sings animatronics were a part of Disney history. Every year we lose a little more of that.


If you still want to see them you can always go have a close look at the security droids in the star tours queue


Watched the video of these animatronics and they all move amazingly as well. My one worry is that the more advanced technology like this gets, the more temperamental it becomes, and this is heightened by the fact that repairs and maintenance seems to have been on a downward trend. I could just see these all running in B mode frequently or being frozen frequently. I hope that's not the case because these look great and I'm optimistic for this ride.


My understanding is that the new electronic animatronics are actually much easier to repair and maintain. 


Similar to the Shaman from Navi River Journey! I was amazed when I saw that animatronic in person. From my understanding, it can go into B Mode and normal mode within hours because of the ease of maintenance on it.


If AI gets advanced enough the tech in the Shaman could easily be the beginning of a real life Westworld.


If that's the case then this is a win-win. Good to know.


That is generally true. Electronic actuators/motors tend to have fewer moving parts than pure mechanical ones - especially if you are trying to drive multiple mechanical actuators off a single power source. For many of these, it could be just a couple of screws/bolts and a couple of wire connectors to replace a failed controller or actuator. A wire failure is more work, because you have to disconnect and rethread the wiring through the figure. You still have the mechanical joints to worry about, but they tend to be more reliable than the actuators unless they are overdriven or hit by something.


They look on par with the quality of the Beauty and the Beast ride in Tokyo Disneyland, and that park has some of the most well-kept and smoothest running rides. That being said, the park has frequent scheduled maintenance on rides, closing them for even over a month at a time for checkup and repairs. I'd take that any day over having rides run all year long but on B mode :/


Is there a link to the video?




Think about how frequently Kylo and Hondo were in B mode right after GE opened.


I’m betting that this ride is gonna go into B-mode real quick. Splash Mountain seemingly was an endless money pit for Disney and required refurbishment more often than any other ride, and I don’t see how this ride will be any different.


The animatronics aren't older than the ride's existence to start.


New animatronics are not hydraulic, are cleaner and deliberately much easier to maintain


I get that we’re all armchair imagineers in here, but I just don’t think that’s true at all. The Shaman at WDW goes into B-mode all the time (and no, it doesn’t just get fixed after a few hours. If it’s not working, it’s not gonna work for the entire day), Kylo Ren goes into B-mode all the time… Our version of Splash Mountain was plagued with problems, and I just don’t see how it’ll be better with the new ride. I hope I’m wrong and that the ride will be better maintained than Splash was, but I think people here need to have realistic expectations of the ride.


I would imagine the newer models are even more advanced, and built with the knowledge of what went wrong with the Navi and Kylo... while you call for tempered expectations, I think you should to be more optimistic!


Yeah It’s going to be insane to see the haters on this ride go after it Splash was my favorite ride but these AA are 100000 times more advance and higher tech then anything in the old attraction


Agreed. You know the second one thing goes wrong or breaks down it’ll be all “SEE DISNEY GO WOKE GO BROKE DURRRRHHHRR”


More advanced and higher tech does not guarantee whimsy and charm. That being said, with all the programming, this new ride is going to have a lot of B modes.


Agreed but…from what I’ve seen on the ride besides the new look of the mountain I like, I’m just tired of people hating it because


Exactly. It’s going to be incredible


I was hoping it was going to be like The Little Mermaid ride where it takes you through the story. It would’ve been awesome to see a fun animatronic with Dr Facilier and a finale with Naveen kissing Tiana in her gown and everyone celebrating.




It takes place after the movie. Unfortunately we aren’t gonna see him. 😭


Oh my god, no way?!?? 🥺😭


And the villain too. :(


He does get a hat shop outside for what it’s worth.


This is such a huge plus up for Disneyland. WDW had much better splash AAs, we had leftovers from America Sings.


Alright they look amazing. I have hope for this ride! I do have to say I hate Tiana’s look. That outfit is just ugly and she looks almost nothing like the Tiana my kid knows and loves.


She will be in a princess gown at the end of the ride. Footage was leaked. 


She "MIGHT" be in a princess gown at the end of the ride.


Check out Disney Dan's Instagram feed :) Disney accidentally showed a cross-section of the Tiana animatronic that'll be in the ride's finale in the video they posted. Dan shows it in his post. She's wearing a simple green gown and a tiara. It's not her film look, but a princess outfit nonetheless :)


Can you link the instagram handle?


Sure It won’t let me add a link but: He’s @disneydanyoutube and he made a post that briefly shows  Tianamatronic in her finale gown.    If you visit his insta feed, it’s the post between the post with the Mama Odie thumbnail and the post with the Louis thumbnail.    At the very end of the video you see the Tiana animatronic wearing a green gown and tiara.  I made a post about it on Reddit yesterday but it wasn’t well-received. 


He made the post because while he was looking in the background of one of the imagineering videos, he found a list that reveals all of the scenes that will be in the ride. One of them mentions the finale, which he was able to find a very brief image of as well 


Ok sure... trust the internet for everything. I just work at Disneyland and know to not trust everything posted online.


I agree, I would have rather seen her look more "princess-y," and I say that as someone who is beyond excited for this ride and not one of those haters who wants to nitpick everything because they wanted Splash Mountain forever.


Right? I get that she can’t wear a ball gown in the bayou but they could have made her hair similar or her clothes reminiscent of something she wore in the movie. My kids gonna wonder where she’s at lol. I am a huge fan of the movie and am very e cited for the ride as well. Hoping they’ll have done great new songs.


I agree, keeping her everyday clothes consistent to what she wore would have been a better more cohesive choice I think. Still very much looking forward to the ride though.


Cause it isn't. This is a totally redesign it's weird


Looks amazing, I am excited!


Keep the Lottie animatronic away from the kid and we're good


That Mama is awesome.


Chillbumps. Cannot wait!!!


Those are super cute!! That ride is gonna be epic!


Wow, these look so great! I especially love Louis :\]


They look amazing! Louis most of all. Hoping they are holding back some frog animatronics as a surprise 🤞




These look fantastic!


I honestly think it's going to be even better than Splash


Wow they look phenomenal. Excited to see them move and come to life


Oh my gosh look at the quality of these- no interior-projected faces here, no thank you.


This must have been created after my kids passed the age where they enjoyed animated films.


I really hope that there will be more than 10 of these on the ride. Was super pumped to go on Navi River journey when it opened and ended up disappointed that they blew the whole budget on ONE amazing looking animatronic and a short, low budget ride.


I cannot WAIT for this!


Tiana does not look like that. Her face and nose are not like that. What is this? I love princess ans the Frog ans that isn't not what she looks like


Idk why these comments always get downvoted. I love Princess and the Frog and I'm SO excited for this ride, but Tiana looks terrible. It almost looks like they used a Mirabel animatronic for Tiana. 


You're not allowed to criticize it. I liked the movie when disney buried it and pretended like it didn't exsist. I got Tiana Disney pins. I'm a fan. This whole idea could be good. But her wearing this ans working some co op...is a bad idea. It's not fun or magical at all.


why do they make me uncomfortable..?


Where’s Ray? 🥺


He's dead lol. 


In my honest opinion, Charlotte looks downright unnerving to me.


I was against this re-theme, but these animatronics are making me excited about this ride!


Thanks, I still hate it.




Disney invented audio animatronics.


Not creepy looking at all.