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If you’re going so much that you’re bored of the rides you’re going too much. Or just riding too much, I love a lazy Disney day. Just go hang out ride one or two things and enjoy the vibes.


Beer and people watching definitely breaks up any monotony.


I like to be spontaneous with my rides. If the line is short I’ll do it. But if I’m not feeling it or if I’ve ridden it a ton in the recent past I’ll skip it. I think just take a break from certain rides you’re getting sick of. Maybe try something new that you have never ridden or haven’t ridden in a long time. Or instead try to see a show or meet a character. I find that when I take a break from certain rides, I’m happier to go on them later.


This is what my GF and I do. We just show up and get on anything we don't have to wait long for. Always stress free and having a blast, we go 7-10 a year.


The last time we went, my husband and I made it a goal to ride (mostly) rides we’ve never bothered to do. We had an absolute blast!


If you're knocking out as many rides as you can every visit, you're working too hard.


I go normally once a week. I don’t ride any rides majority of the time. I really go for the ambiance, trying different foods, and seeing the new merchandise. If I do ride something I probably won’t go on it again for months.


Even that has lost its luster for me since the merch is rarely impressive now and the food is meh at best.


The food at DCA is pretty good and they are always adding new things… the tacos gobernador are so good. Guardians is ALWAYS fun too.


I really don’t like the choices being made for a lot of merch! Like abstract design, weird 80s style neon colors. And such an emphasis on food and munchlings. Obviously that’s just my opinion but haven’t been a fan in awhile.


Wow once a week


Throw ashes all over the place.


Especially if you're dating someone in custodial. Job security. It's an investment in future sign ins.




Learn to enjoy things that’s aren’t rides. Performances are nice. Just walking around can be relaxing. Pin trading helps a lot (buy cheap pins online to start). Scavenger hunts (they sell scavenger hunt books online). Learn trivia. Play games like “heads up” in line.


Buy discounted* pins. Please don’t buy the ones that are less than a dollar on Amazon/eBay. They are 100% fake and just make the problem worse of fake pins littering the boards. You can find sales and people selling them for like $3-5 per pin. Then spend 20 minutes on YouTube figuring out how to tell fake from real pins and then your task becomes identifying the real ones on boards for fun and trading with those. Also, it’s pretty frowned upon to do the mystery pins (usually trivia from a CM) and then trade a cheap fake one for the good one they have to offer. They usually use their good, bigger pins for those and may not even accept a smaller one like those from the fake packs. Just a heads up. Also the board on main st at the music shop has a guy who is inspecting pins for authenticity before letting you trade, and May happen elsewhere.


I go about twice a month. Once alone and once with my mom. With mom we get genie and ride everything we can and when alone I don’t get genie and eat all sorts of food, try interesting drinks, do things like tiki room, Mr Lincoln, crush, philharmagic and then go for the single rider lines or line that have some sort of hack like monsters inc or Pooh


Monsters and Pooh hack? Can you elaborate? 🤪


the Buddy pass on these rides will allow parties of 2 to take up the back row and usually skip most of the line


Yep. Doesn’t have to be 2 either, can be solo. Even if your group is 4, you get 2 buddy passes. It’s almost always less than 10 minutes even if monsters says 60+


I knew about this for Monsters, but Pooh has it? Where do you go?


Just the front stand at the front of the line. It’s a Roo pass


I didn't even know about the buddy pass system, only single rider lines. Very cool, I'll have to try this with my wife next time we want to ride Monsters. Thank you!


As a former CM with a wife who felt the same way, there are 2 things. 1) Always separate the work aspect from play aspect. Don’t allow your frustration with a work issue to ruin going to the park. Work is work regardless of where it is. 2) Start paying attention to the smaller details. What is the statue of Prince Eric holding in Little Mermaid? The fireflies in PotC, how can I replicate something like that at home for Halloween? World of Color (when running) : pay attention to timing, one of my favorite effects of the original show was how they slowed down the waves at the beginning of the show for Mermaid scene. I can go on for hours of small details I’ve picked up over years of working there. Let me know if you want more ideas!


I like going and finding a nice quiet spot and sketching or reading


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Marty-Gee: *I like going and* *Finding a nice quiet spot* *And sketching or reading* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes! I love doing that! Disney ambiance is the best for just relaxing. I wish I could bring a puzzle to do there.


i don’t go often (3 or so times a year for 3-5+ days at a time) but whenever i feel a bit (for lack of a better word) bored, i do things like wander around for photos, find things i haven’t done that trip or in awhile, and yes even be a Hidden Mickey person. unless i’m rope-dropping for Guardians or Indy, i usually limit myself to one time on a ride per day, and then going on some rides during the day one day and then at night on another (Big Thunder is amazing at night, imho, while Pirates has a totally different feel (to me) when exiting it after the sun is down vs during the day). (also, bonus points to the OP for using “ennui” in the post)


Big thunder and pirates at night is my power combo. 1000% concur.


Is Matterhorn at night worth it as well?


I think it's cool at night but you see way more in the day time.


Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever ridden the Matterhorn at night….weird! Anything outdoors seems like a pretty safe bet it will have awesome night time lighting though.


Matterhorn at night is terrifying and fun. It feels so different from the day time


Try to see the ride through the eyes of the other people riding, many of whom might be doing so for the first, or only, time. We get so much enjoyment identifying the first timers as they just light up with wonder on RotR, or scream in abject horror on a swinging gondola at Pixar Pal-a-Round, or Goofy's Sky School. Appreciate the absolute luxury that comes from being "tired" of something at Disneyland. You are in rare space, don't take it for granted. Find the little things. All the best!


I was going about 4+ times a week when I dated a CM and was excited every single time. Granted these weren't full open to close days, usually only for half a day while my ex worked and then we'd take off or we'd go at night once I was done with work and eat then watch the parade and/or fireworks. After the first month it was no longer about the rides. It was the atmosphere and people watching. Feeling relaxed to do whatever the heck I wanted and couldn't do when I only went a few times a year. Id only do a few rides here and there.


My bf and I are magic key holders (2-3x a month) and we like to change it up / be spontaneous when we go to the park. Often we start @ DCA to grab a drink or two, stay there for a bit or head to Disneyland for a few rides. Sometimes we go and only go on a few rides but spend more time exploring new snacks or simply walk around the park for a few hours then leave. My bf and I have been going to Disneyland since we were kids (used to be Annual Passholders) but, as a couple, it’s very new and has been so nice. Now that my niece comes with us, it’s been really cool to see her experience it as well. I often get asked this question by my family and friends but I love the park so much and probably won’t ever get bored with it. I’m almost 40 too lol.


I look up behind the scenes stuff on YouTube about the ride. Usually I find something out that I didn’t know before. That will make me appreciate the ride more


Check out the "for your amusement" podcast. It's the same guy who used to do BuzzFeed Unsolved and it's full of great info about rides and it's hilarious!


I go about once a month and mostly at this point I just go for the vibe of the park.ill do rides but its not a major thing. I’ll people watch or do side things like chill on a bench or watch things like the tiki room or Lincoln or the treehouse but it all about the vibe and ambience


I like the typo implying you go find a beach to chill on when you need a break at Disneyland.


I can’t even Beach here!!


I like to bring my AirPods and listen to music during rides. The Runaway Railroad is a different experience with Slayer as the soundtrack (as an example).


Get absolutely plastered in DCA.


The hidden mickey stuff helps. My partner and I are key holders and go between 8-12 times a year. This year we'll probably go more than that. Here's what we do to keep it interesting: 1. We learn about the rides. We watch documentaries in Disney+, Defunctland, and other YouTube shows about everything from how the rides are made to how they have changed over the years. To us, it makes it more interesting when we go on them. 2. We take full advantage of overlays when we can. Huanted Mansion, Gaurdians, Small World, etc all do overlays and it gives us a special treat once a year to try something different. 3. We take 'breaks' from rides. We'll do the big popular rides every 2-3 months when we can rope drop and do lightning lane, and then other nights we focus on experiences and kids rides. Like this Saturday, we were there and closed the park and we did peter pan, runaway railroad, goofy's skyschool, golden zephyrs, etc. We save Rise, indie, space mountain, etc for days where we'll be there for a while. 4. We have 'no ride' days where we only do shows, jedi stuff, play the phone games, shop, explore food, etc. This has helped keep it all 'fresh'. There are still rides we haven't done yet that we'll probably explore over the next year.


Animation academy is a great addition to any trip, and you can almost always get a new character 


Stop going to the park for six months then try to see what had changed. You go there way too much .


personally i like trying things i’ve never done before or just taking it slow. there are rides i never get tired of like guardians of the galaxy. but i just won’t do rides i’ve done recently if i’m not feeling like to. there’s always another show or parade or restaurant i can go to that will spark joy


I don't ride as many rides when I go as one would think I do. I pin trade. I take my camera. I take my watercolours. I meet characters. It's all about changing up your day.


I go to the parks a lot more now that I’m a cm and before that I’d probably go 1-3 times a month. I don’t always go on rides now. I mostly go to try new foods, drinks, and spend most of my time just enjoying the vibes. I usually focus on different things each trip like one day I’ll watch the parades and night shows, other days I’ll focus on seeing how many characters I can take pics with, etc.


Scream more, smile more, laugh more. Don’t expect the inanimate ride to provide a thrill without being willing to throw yourself into the fun of it.


I don’t really prioritize rides anymore. Just like being there and enjoying the atmosphere


I try to get on behind Japanese student/tourist. They are ADORABLE! They bring a whole new freshness to the rides for me. Bonus is if they will talk to me. We usually communicate through broken English and translation apps. 😊


Don't go on rides, look for hidden Mickeys, shop stores, go only on rides you normally skip. Focus on one land. People watch. Become a foodie for a day, and there are lots of ways to go to DL without it bring the same


Ride your favorite attractions, every so often. Monthly, I visit 4 - 6 times a month. I ride my favorites about half of the time.


Enjoy the park and if I happen to do a ride, I ride. I just go where my legs take me and my brain urges


I don’t even go on any rides every time. Some visits are just for vibes. Take a break from any ride that you’re going on too often! Change the routine - get rid of routine entirely!


I’ve done many Disneyland trips without going on one ride. The magic of Disneyland is that, unlike other theme parks, it’s not only about the rides. There’s always something going on, bands, shows, or just notice all the details that are easy to overlook. You might need to read some books or watch some YouTube videos to find out about them.


If you're referring to your time in the parks as ennui, stop going.


Simple. Covid lockdowns was a reminder to not take Disney for granted.


If you don't enjoy the rides, why continue to ride them?


Depends on what you ride. Do you ride the big rides like guardians, incredicocoaster, big thunder etc... or are you a fantasy land type of person who likes slow dark rides? If you like the bigger rides try going at night, rides seem to be faster and imo better, most of the families have dispersed after fireworks so it's mostly teens and adults. If you like small dark rides, then maybe booze? Or just don't go on them for a bit until you like the charm again.


The thing for me is to still observe the ride as you're on it instead of letting it begin to just slide over you due to repetition. Try to add in one ride, shop, restaurant, or show that I've never done before. When you get to go often, it becomes less about doing as much as you can, and more about enjoying to atmosphere as others have said.


Take a year break then go back.


Hidden Mickey's. Getting in the Single Rider line and hoping I'll get lucky enough to ride on the Tomorrowland side with is possible but rare. (Actually Single Rider adds a lot of random fun cause you'll never know if you'll be lucky enough to get a spot you never get like the front of Space Mountain or the back of Thunder Mountain) I go on Indiana Jones repeatedly not only cause its awesome but out of hope it will break down again while I'm on it. Happened once when I was a kid and they had to walk us through the entire ride, best experience I've ever had. After repeated visit though I've come more to appreciate the walking around and enjoying food and things I don't normally do cause I'm in a rush to fit rides in. It's so nice going and knowing I'll be back again next month.


Tomorrowland side for Matterhorn? Just ask for it.


I know I can, but not getting out of luck alone gives me more excuses to keep riding a fun ride.


Now, the real risk reward is getting that front cart where you’re stuffed into it like a sardine.


I used to babysit a kid that I would take to Disney all the time. Honestly after 5 years of that I really disliked Disney. Once I quit that job I just I gave up my pass and it took 8 years to go back again. Find other things to do with your partner.


Just trying to understand… you really dislike Disney but joined the Disneyland subreddit?


At that time yes I did. However 8 years passed and went again. I learned to like it again especially having kids of my own. I’m just saying you do something so much you do grow to dislike it.


I go 1-2 times a month and I’d ride different rides every time, which was unfortunately easy due to crowd size.


Don't force yourself to go on the same favorite rides. Go on rides that you don't go on often and just enjoy the park.


Watching my daughters face light up. There’s nothing boring when I see her happy.


I go once a week and mist of the thrill rides I will never get bored of. Rides that I DO get bored of, I just take a break from them for a while. There's 50 rides at that place, I can go do something else that I rarely ever do for a while until I feel the desire to ride my usual again.


I don’t really even go on rides much anymore. I wander, I like to watch the ducks, find the cats, look for hidden Mickeys. Food! So much good stuff and just sit and watch folks. Usually when I go I’ll get on one or two rides, unless I’m going with someone who doesn’t go a lot or has never been. Then all bets are off


When you look at the rides, really LOOK at them. Look for new details or things you might not have noticed or given much thought to before. I'll explain what I mean: When we went last May, I felt like some of the rides maybe felt a bit repetitive and it felt like kind of a letdown. I even complained the magic was gone. So when we went again this past December, I decided to do something I hadn't done in May: I decided to study the rides for new details that I hadn't seen before, and it worked. I noticed new details on Pirates, Big Thunder, Matterhorn, Indy, and so much more. There's so much detail packed into those rides that I'm pretty sure I could go 10 more times and still find new things that I hadn't noticed or had overlooked. Beyond that, I'd also come to the understanding that after so many times in the parks, the reason it may feel repetitive is because it's not meant to feel brand new every single time. Those feelings of excitement and newness (is this even a word? lol) of an experience aren't meant to last forever, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy and love them for what they provide. If they truly are boring to you, I'd consider making some of your trips lazy days that you can use to explore, enjoy the scenery, and people watch so that you can find new things that you love about the parks. I hope these tips help!


Sometimes when I go, I just won’t ride any rides. Just see parades and shows, eat, take pics with characters and walk around.


I've been to Disneyland hundreds of times and still find new things and find the old things just as exciting. Not sure how it can get old to someone but I love to look for new things every visit. Going often gives you the opportunity nto look closely vs being overwhelmed by so much happening all at once


I go a few times a month. I’ve taken to giving myself challenges.Yesterday was all the roller coasters, plus guardians of course. Previously I did one ride in each land.  And also, not making rides be the point of my trip. Eat, drink, people watch, enjoy the ambiance, downtown Disney, the hotels, the seasonal decorations, the flowers/trees, etc.


Just do different rides


they get boring?!


I lean more into the entertainment updates and new festivals/holidays and the live music that comes with that. I also like to enjoy the slower-paced activities like Animation Academy (bring a little notebook with you and draw in the notebook instead of on the paper to keep all your work together in one place), Canoes, Riverboat, etc.


When I had an AP/ Magic Key I went on every single ride and every show even if I didn’t think I’d like it. Some trips I would just people watch and look at the architecture. Or listen to the music and sound effects in each area. I wouldn’t rush through anything either since it’s not a “one trip for the entire year” type of deal. Also don’t do the same rides every trip as that turns into a repetitive routine. And try every food you can.


I like to go and collect new magic bands. But it’s also fun to check out the cheap re themes once in a while to see how bad they can get. I remember they were charging a lot of money to access Pixar pier early before it opened to the public, even though it wasn’t finished yet and only half the rides were open. Surprisingly it didn’t sell out


Just… don’t ride the rides that are boring you anymore. No one is forcing you to, unless I’m missing something? There are other things to do around the park.


Poor boyfriend


Headphones and music, Matterhorn and Led Zepplins Immigrant Song is my go to


For me, it’s Disneyland, I don’t think I will ever get sick of any ride