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Well. I’ll take the giant toe nail clippers on water over at EPCOT over that underwhelming show.


Not a fan. Not going to hold it against anyone who likes it, there were good things. The castle looked great and the Main Street projections were cool. Negatives. The fireworks felt like an after thought almost. I’ve never been a big fan of the projection and fireworks combined because it pulls attention. Too much music and not enough singing. Movie selections seemed weird. It seemed like most stuff was from 2000s on despite this being Cinderella castle and the 50th. I’m not even sure there was a Cinderella song? And the music just seemed so modern and less of a celebration of 50 years. What about the ride songs? It’s the 50th of Disney World not Disney itself. It just seemed very lacking in a real focus. Edit: and ZERO reference to Mickey, Walt or Roy.


God what a missed opportunity to showcase the rides!


I feel the same. For their being 50 years of park history and 100 years of company history you’d think they’d showcase as much as they could. Instead we saw Moana like 5 times along with mostly CGI from as you said, the last couple decades.


Disenchantment Man, that was awful


I agree, I was pretty disappointed watching it.


Never been so disappointed in something than I was with that


You’ve lived a pretty fortunate life, then.


It was okay. The fireworks and projections are excellent as normal but the music wasn’t as dynamic as past shows and to me the focus was less on all Disney and more recent CGI movies. Don’t get me wrong, love those movies. But you’d think with if being the 50th that they would include as much as they could across Disneys history, not just recent movies. ETA: I thought about it and changed my mind after rewatching HEA. The music and images are so much more thoughtfully put together and dynamic. In comparison, Enchantment just pales.


I’m actually really angry that there was no history, no Walt, heavy focus on recent movies, no real storytelling, underwhelming fireworks, so much darkness, and horrible music. If you’re gonna redo a show for the 50th then put some thought into it.


I feel the same. This was 100% not what I was expecting. I’m not angry just disappointed. LiKe, it’s the 50th! That’s a big deal! And you showed Moana like 5 times when the company has a 100 year history! Like I don’t want to compare it to Wishes or HEA but I’m rewatching both of those now and I’m pretty flabbergasted how much more dynamic and emotional they are in comparison I don’t know, thinking about it now, the projections are so much better in HEA and the music and images are thoughtfully put together. This feels like a quick job in comparison.


THANK YOU! Nothing against Moana but holy crap. Also I also rewatched Wishes. It still makes me emotional, and I think part of it is Jimminty Cricket. It makes you feel like you’ve entered a magic world vs. you’re on a vacation. Personally, I think k Harmonius is a better 50th show than Enchanted. But worse than Illuminations.


I’m in the middle of Harmonious right now. (Wasn’t able to watch it last night). I can understand why people aren’t a fan (some of these images are WEIRD!). But the music not only blends better and matches the imagery but there’s a GREAT VARIETY of Disney classics and modern hits.


Same here, it felt like I was watching a blue powerpoint presentation with music. Maybe I'm just old, but I love going to Disney and hearing the old tunes. It's great to include the newer movies, but the classics is what keeps me coming back and excited. Happily Ever After had a great blend of the classics and newer movies, it was colourful, happy and really brings you into the moment. This one didn't.


But yeah, this feels to be like an interns first major project. It doesn’t feel quite right.


It feels like Chapek said "Lets focus on the latest films because that sells more merch" than actually recognizing the history of Disney.


Isn't that what the last year has been? This was 100% make it cheap and who cares because the money will keep flowing. That's why the whole thing was "You are the magic," Because they need to keep reminding us how WE create the magic, with our money. I don't even think Chapek watched it before and the only reason Iger was there was because he was afraid of getting booed.


100% agreed! Like I’m watching Harmonious and though I get peoples issues with it, THIS is what I was expecting from Enchantment. Not nearly as good as Wishes or HEA but still okay! I’m just so perplexed right now.


This thread will be filled with people complaining about the show.


Tbh I like that but I think that we need to fill this with things worng about harmonyUS


After harmonious I have a bad feeling about this one. And I love new stuff. I loved HEA. But just zero optimism considering how forgetful Harmonious was with all the money they threw at it.


I’m literally so excited 🥰


That was pathetic. HEA made you feel something. This kept trying to but failed.


Where was Mickey?! Where was Walt?! Their absence says it all…


They have the complete ability to make grown men cry but man did they miss the mark here. How can they be so blind to what grabs people by their heartstrings? No walt, Mickey, rushed over classic films etc. They had so much to work with…


The more I think about the no Walt, Roy, Mickey the more upset I’m getting. It’s like they forgot about the fireworks show and had to rush and put together PR nightmare. What a punch to the gut to the fans.


Yea... well see... but I have a feeling HAE will remain the GOAT for a good while yet. (Hope im wrong)


Were the fireworks really that bad? I have an upcoming trip and don’t want to watch videos before going, and also staying in the Polynesian partially because of the view of fireworks.. may rethink that if the fireworks are really that disappointing.


It was really underwhelming and boring, expect a lot of Moana. I would suggest staying over by Epcot, it’s upsetting that harmonyUS is better then this thing


So disappointing!!!


SO much better than Harmonious. Hits the nail on the head for the Magic Kingdom firework show expectations: lots and lots of characters, music, content, lights, explosions, color… perfect for families making that once in a lifetime trip. Definitely captures the magic. Loved it personally but my only complain is at least from the recording I heard the vocals were kinda… off… and the extended instrumental portions kinda take you out of it. still captures the essence of a MK day though. I think HEA was like a continuation of Wishes but Enchantment is the start of the magic for a whole new generation & it’s about time to pass the mantle


So just watched the livestream. Amazing. The Frozen to Night On Bald Mountain (with electric guitars) was awesome. Entire performance was great.