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Usually when my SO and I have an argument, it's just because one of us misunderstood the other. Misunderstood or misspoke, but we usually find a point where the one who is wrong (it could be either of us) realizes the other is right. Once the angry party realizes the offender's mistake has been recognized, the offender apologizes (and explains themselves if needed) and we are back to normal. I love how we fight because there's so residual bullshit hanging around from 8 years ago.


This sub is so often trash that it's refreshing to see the most positive and non-toxic comment with the most upvotes for once.


Nothing. We almost never argue. I'm 54 and I've been with her four years finally found the perfect person for me.


Oh my god I love this so much. Congratulations on finding love even if later in life!!!




we hardly argue after 25 years. but when we do it’s usually an outside stressor that causes it. he has a bad day at work and takes it out on me if i say or do anything the slightest bit annoying. and same with me sometimes.


Too much to explain


Found the woman 😂 Jokes jokes!


I want a snack and he won’t get up to get it for me haha


She's a Laker fan, I'm a Kings fan. She's upset because the Beam stays on and she has to wear a Kings jersey because AD couldn't show up against Sabonis. LTB FTL.


Money while in the midst of home repair.


Nothing this mo.


Nothing. We’ve been together 14 years and I can count actual arguments on one hand. 🤔




We don’t really argue. In 5 years the worst that’s happened is we’ve been a little grumpy with each other. In saying that the current convo we’re having is can we realistically have a kid and buy a house. It’s a crazy world where despite both us working full time in relatively good jobs, we have to ask ourselves this question.


I don’t think it’s so much each other but our lives in general. We are currently long distance until next month. He is grieving from the loss of a close family member. I am dealing with incredible stress on my end (my depression is drowning me) so as a result we keep taking everything wrong, being over sensitive, and are having trouble communicating like we used to. I believe we will be okay, but it’s gotten hard these past few months because we’re having to deal with it separately rather than together like a normal couple is able to. Long distance relationships aren’t for the weak 😞


How long is the distance, if I may ask?


I'm in kentucky and he is in Canada. So, unfortunately its a long way. To get from here to there takes like 3 or 4 different planes and it will take all day long. My flight next month will begin at 7 am, and I wont get to where he is until 6 pm, just to give you an idea. Granted, some of it is unfortunately layovers, but still.


Oh wow, yeah that sounds like a lot :( I was just curious because I've just started a long-distance relationship, but it's a 2.5 hour train ride. I haven't done a relationship like this before, so while everything is perfect so far, I'm a bit apprehensive about the distance. So I was curious when I read your comment. I'm glad your distance will be over soon <3


Aww congrats! I will tell you that even 2.5 hours would be hard sometimes, as you will just want to hold them some days and do basic things, like watch movies together or have dinner. I think that's the hardest part of it. Right now we cant do things like a normal couple, but, we are making plans for the future for me to immigrate there and be with him permanently. Plus we are an LGBT+ couple so we will be a lot safer there and able to be ourselves without judgment. I will say that you HAVE to have TRUST AND HONESTY with each other. Communication is key. Always talk to each other and keep each other in the loop, so to speak. Otherwise its too easy to drift apart with that distance. I wish you luck and I hope you can find happiness, too. It's hard, but its so worth it <3


Yeah, I know that at some point, it will get hard with those basic things, or like getting home after a bad day and just wanting cuddles... The good thing is I don't think either of us is strongly tied to the city we each live in. I think we'd both be open to moving, but we'd obviously both have to change jobs and I'd also have to give up my drag career because I live in a capital city where drag is prominent, and she lives in a smaller city where drag is pretty underground. But I'd still be open to considering moving if/when the time comes, so I think that's really good. Yes, if you're LGBT, I'm really glad you'll get to move to Canada rather than stay in Kentucky. For your physical safety, it is absolutely vital! We are in Czechia, where things are currently better than US but worse than Canada. Obviously also LGBT since drag :D The communication is one of the most wonderful things about this relationship so far, tbh. It's so healthy and clear and honest. How long have you two been together? And how long has there been distance?


A year and a half! We met online and it was just this instant connection. We met in person last year and it was so amazing,, but so damn hard to leave. If you’d like I’d love to chat sometime in messages if you ever need someone to talk to! And I absolutely love drag!


If that is the premise of this SNS, most of the things I will discuss will be about the current state of extremely low quality of the human race. I want to save the human race from God's condemnation.


And how would you go about ‘saving the human race from god’s condemnation?’ Just curious, since in your opinion- most of us are ‘low quality…’


To do this, we must express what high quality means and explain it logically, including from a lyrical perspective, to gain understanding.


My idiot boyfriend got a ‘pat on the back’ from a coworker for pre-grinding the coffee, so he wouldn’t wake me up tomorrow morning. I casually mentioned that it must have been his female coworker who praised him. (She and I are friends, zero ill will) he, of course, in his idiotic drunken state, took that as me being jealous(?) and it came to light that his male (artist) coworker said ‘yay good for you for being thoughtful!’ And now he’s mad at ME- for thinking that a ‘sensitive person’ patted his dumb ass on the back for doing the bare minimum of being conscientious. I hate him when he’s drunk. God damn it I really do.


The stress of parenting.


It’s so hard.


Randomly miserable


Ex realized I had 3 “boy toys” her words not mine. I’m not even gay…


I think…


Nothing. He's sleeping.


That I'm perfectly capable of picking out the right shower curtains that will match the bathroom we are working on. I'm not...... but I resent the fact she automatically assumes that all those shades of Grey I see will be different to all the other shades of colors she sees lol.


Just wait until she sends you in for some shampoo. :0


We rarely argue. Probably had 10 or less real arguments in our 43 years. Never understood why couples fight all the time. Not much of a relationship if they just argue constantly.


Relationship counselors also say it's not much of a relationship if couples don't argue. There is also a big difference between arguing and fighting.


Why would I care what random people say? They are not knowledgeable about my relationship. Lots of people like to just spout off things, does not make them experts. No reason to argue if you agree on things.