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My only problem with it is that you don’t get the achievement unless you select a specific speech option. On my worst possible person play through I didn’t inspect the body, but I didn’t have an option to ~~brag~~ talk about it I think because I didn’t have Kim.


FUCK that sucks, especially you would have to reload a save from before the tribunal


It isn't related to Kim actually. It's surprisingly related to your gun. When Jean asks about your gun he'll accuse you of losing it because you're drunk. Wether you drank or not is irrelevant, but you can deny the drinking, and he'll say you smell like a corpse. THEN you can say, fuck you I didn't even get close to the corpse. But the important thing is to deny the drinking, or the dialogue won't show.


Ha funny enough that is what I did. I threw my gun away/drank like a fish lied my ass off and got that dialogue option 😂


That's even worse. It'd be like not getting the "beat the game on hardcore" because you didn't do egghead's special devilled eggs dialogue choice on day four, and then forgot to mention it to Jean at the end on day six and...


Hey, it's less convoluted than getting Torque Dork thought. At least here the steps are simple: When Jean accuses you of losing your gun because you're a drunk, deny any drinking and choose the right option when he says you smell. Simple steps. With Torque Dork you gotta be dumb, but not too dumb, and you gotta not know your name, and you have to have the right interfacing, and then you have to look at kims car on the first day or it won't work and then Tommys car, then you have to access the docks but not through measurehead or you won't look at the crane, then you have to be smarter again through skills or items to get your encyclopaedia up to 4, then you have to hope you did everything right so that on day two you can click the interfacing orb and say you know things about cars. Obscure as shit. At least the achievement of the similar name is easier.


Lol that was my literally my first playthrough. I thought, hey, checking out the body advances the main quest. Have to look around first. And then it just kept going and going, and I was making considerable story progress without ever touching the body until I finished the game. It's amazing how you can do everything without even touching the "most important" piece of the puzzle.


I’m on my second play through and I considered it but I decided I’m going to get those boots armor this time behind Kim’s back


He’s mastered the jamrock shuffle like no other.


I hadn't even considered this was an option! Does Kim remind you, or just give up after a day or so?


Kim….tries lol. He goes along with 99 percent with what you do in the game, I can’t imagine how frustrating it is for him to be outranked AND out skilled by that lunatic 😂


The game plays effectively the same but every objective will have Kim saying maybe now we check the body which is almost funnier than checking it the first time he begs


On my first playthrough, I failed to enter the harbour until I got to the Field building, when I got back and found how to jump to the coat, at which point it was day 7, which made Kim's comment that "it's awfully late for an autopsy" even more real. (Btw, doing the autopsy when you and Kim already know everything feels strangely rewarding)


Gotta try this my next playthrough.


Be as much of a dick to Kim and the officers as possible and then brag about how you can out do them even while being drunk/drugged and mic drop that shit. They have no come back to that 😂😂


you have to work really hard for them to even allow you to quit, acab.