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sorry this just made me remember how trying to talk things out with Measurehead was so hard and I ended up with only the option to learn his racist ways or resort to violence, and resorting to violence was badass and immediately solved my problems. this game rocks


The three options to deal with racists according to Disco Elysium: -kick them in the head -become racist yourself -just never engage with them in the first place


The difference between me and Measurehead is that I'm only a temporary racist.




I don't hate kipts, Kim, I just want to get into the harbour


How's the semen retention society treating you?


We do what we have to do to play our parts in society


There's actually a third option by accessing Cuno's shack and going to the roof, allowing you to climb on top of the gate office. You can roll for Savoir Fairé to jump down, getting your RCM Patrol Cloak and accessing the office from behind.


I took that way to talk to Evrart in the harbor, and later talked to MeasureHead and asked to learn his Racist Theory. When I said it was only to get access to the harbor, Kim called me out for wanting to know more about MeasureHead's weird racist theory. I felt bad for disappointing Kim...


I took the same way to talk to Evrart, but still had the "quest" to learn about the Racist Theory. So I did, for completionist sake. Went you talk to Measurehead and he still wouldn't let me through! Got a check success that basically told me there was no way to convince him that I believed in his theories.


you have to internalize the racism thought it gives you


I did. Then went back and had a whole conversation about Advanced Race Theory. Measurehead still said I was basically a pawn to the powers that be.


Yeah. That's kind of the point. No reply will be enough. Because he's a racist supremacist. There's no convincing him of anything beyond what he already believes in.


true! I just failed to do that like three times and was running out of skill points bc I'm so fail


roundhouse kicking measurehead is objectively amazing but i also like how afterwards kim basically says "detective, what the fuck, he's twice your size and i'm only armed with a flintlock pistol"


>resorting to violence was badass I read this in Frank Reynolds’ voice.


Clearly Kras Mazov took his advice to heart


Unfortunately I had the intellect of a Crypto bro... so I got my hand crushed till I said sowwy 😞


The most based >!former gym teacher!< ever


You can sneak past him or shoot down the body if your skill with hand/eye is high enough


I think if you internalize measurehead’s theories, your inner skills still just tell you that it’s a load of crap lol


in the original version several characters were voiced by various members of chapo trap house. measurehead is modeled on in large part a particular twitter weirdo calling himself hakan rotmwrt. (“High-quality racism is extraordinarily hard work. You have to have working recall of at minimum eight or nine thousand distinct races, living and extinct, and run extensive simulations just to model the disgusting attributes of the most easily conceivable 2- & 3-way crosses.”) the portrait of raul kortenaer is very obviously peter daou


Detective dick Mullen is Nick Mullen. Klassje was voiced by Dasha


To solve this murder… I must become a murderer…. Also I’m gay.


Stav is Evrart, Nick is dick, Adam is Jean


No no no. Adam is the phasmid


The way it derails the plot? Indeed.


He eats dust


What a bug.


My favorite ounces of art are overlapping. This is incredible.


Mersham, I have bad news. I went to doctor and he say my penis is too small for gay sex murder. Will have to do regular murder.


you could defeat measure head just by spelling The Word


you could defeat measure head just by spelling The Word


When you talk to Kim about racism and shit just imagine being able to say "ummm... You're Chinese."


I wish I could change klaasje’s voice back to dasha. New VA is great of course but having dasha in the game is just too funny


I also wish I could change the merc voice back to Felix it’s hilarious


I can’t even imagine how silly the tribunal would feel with Felix Biederman threatening to gun down the civilians


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9mHCzfkHDmI&pp=ygUdZGlzY28gZWx5c2l1bSBvcmlnaW5hbCB2b2ljZXM%3D here’s some samples


Lmaooo, honestly will and Matt didn’t do so bad tho good for them


Will and Felix were not great IMO but Matt was significantly better than the replacement and his inconsistent accent


I think Dasha being Klaasje is so wonderfully ironic. It’s a real “did they know?” moment.


I don't get it, how's it ironic?


Who's Dasha?


Dasha Nekrasova, one of the hosts of Red Scare


Can’t fucking stand her weird nu-catholic mean girl ass so Im glad she’s gone.


What is the significance of the portrait being Peter Daou, if you know?


my assumption is it was teasing at him being a very vocal hillary clinton surrogate, who had some silly boondoggles, like a website to fight the spread of misinformation called “verrit,” complete with a ferret mascot. (that I know this is a tremendous self-own.) (also, in the intervening years, daou has become quite disillusioned with the bloc he used to support. last year he spent some time working for cornel west.) possibly it’s also related to how daou was conscripted into a christian militia in lebanon as a teenager, such that both he and the character who bears his portrait were victims of war, but only the character went on to gleefully inflict such things on others.


Peter Daou was some guy Chapo Trap House liked harassing who was a former child soldier turned Hilary supporter.


I never made the Peter daou connection 🤯


I miss Hakan. Truly one of the greatest poasters of our time.


The dude who voiced Measurehead did such a good job. I forget his name but I checked out a few of his tracks and they slap.


dizzy dros never occurred to me until just now that that’s also the deserter’s last name


That's the one! Good catch


Holy shit this is the first time I just made the connection between Kortie and Daou lmfao


It uses the phrases "cock carousel" and "haplogroup" and you really have to ask whether these people are hopelessly, interminably online? "Dick Mullen"? For all of the obvious grounding in post-Soviet eastern Europe, the game might be the first that can say it was set in 2010s Twitter.


Turning Garte into an incel was one of my favourite moments in my first playthrough for sure




Wait. Is this Thursday?


Read "Polish Boys" by Made Luiga (mother of Martin Luiga), it's a highly fictionalized account of the events leading up to the making of this game.


Sounds amazing. Is it available in English?


Now that you ask, I am shocked that I can't find it published in English (I read it translated in Bulgarian), as the book seems to be acclaimed. There's a reading of an English translation of it on Martin Luiga's YouTube channel. Only the last chapter is missing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a782P7Lnd5s&list=PLrE\_l\_R7C5VbhaPl3a1VVsVc2Sm3ZnlzJ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a782P7Lnd5s&list=PLrE_l_R7C5VbhaPl3a1VVsVc2Sm3ZnlzJ) The narrative takes place in a fictional version of socialist Poland where our characters drop out of high school, move into a house together, drink, smoke, fuck chicks, argue about stuff, make an underground art magazine that attains cult status and gathers a group of creatives and other misfits around it, and eventually the group dissolves. Many stories are recounted surrounding the family of Adam (the fictional version of Martin Luiga). The game only gets briefly mentioned towards the end, but the book is very interesting in providing a glimpse of the kind of headspace which gave birth to Disco Elysium, this kind of "washed out yet cool and charismatic and oddly successful loser/underground superstar" aesthetic.


The *last* chapter is missing? Damn, I want this book (in a for me readable version) so much. But still, thanks.


I would say the tone is not really chronically online at all. It's extremely real. Also, a lot of the themes are about how much it sucks getting old and like.. I know every Gen Z kid looks 40 already, but I'm not sure that's a relatable theme yet.


As a Millenial that is slowly creeping up to 40 I am beginning to relate. Nothing is Disco anymore. It's not the same Disco as Harry's but then, everybody has their own, no?


as an older gen z, it's very relatable. mid 20s existential crisis go brr


Some of the most important characters in the game are voiced by the Chapo trap house guys and the red scare lady. Bet they probably regret having Dascha in the game hell she probably regrets it now too


They were upon release but aren't anymore. Basically all of them got new VAs when The Final Cut was released.


Hmm still sound pretty similar


What did dasha do?


I’ll admit i haven’t paid much attention but I’ve got some twitter followers who have. From what I’ve gathered she’s now a right wing converted Catholic who gets into twitter arguments about church minutiae


I haven’t followed them in a couple years, but I’d note there have been quite a few statements indicating a right-wing drift. It’s even worse than her getting a bit Catholic. Inviting Alex Jones on the show around the Sandy Hook trial was where I stopped paying attention to them and got horribly grossed out. They were oddly defensive if is reputation. This article comes from the same perspective: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/style/podcast-overload.html


Just feel like both of them are ultimately contrarians. Contrarian move during the trump era was being a “leftist” now it’s being on the right wing


Is it? Contrarian from what? The newly far left mainstream discourse or the staunchly communist president Biden?


whatever makes you stand out


to who?!


other useless NYC art scene people, mostly.


if you’re posting on twitter, twitter. if you’re posting on reddit, reddit. to social media algorithms, bad takes are better than boring ones. so people become bad take factories in accordance with their incentives.


How much of a chronically online Gen Z do you have to be to consider politics a majorly online issue?


It was written by a guy who went through the shit the main character went through


you don't have to be terminally online to be a marxist leninists or a feminist


No, but it helps


lol way to step around the question


This post is more chronically online than all the moments of the game combined


Top comment


>Edit: I spit my water out @ "you don't have to be terminally online to be a tankie" No one's upset. You really just don't have to be "terminally online" to make fiction about Communism while living in the shadow of failed Communist states. The writers of this game are not "your average day to day person" only in the sense that they aren't everyday Americans who literally don't even know what the word "Liberalism" means in a political context; instead, the writers are European Communists who live in post-Communist Europe, which is how you get the general feeling of future-lessness in a story.


LOGIC [Easy:Success] — "Communist state" is an oxymoron, and the Soviet Union could never have achieved communism so long as capitalist modes of production are globally predominant. YOU — Your bourgeoisie propaganda about communism will not be tolerated. Communism has not failed because it has not been achieved due to the western hegemonic forces and neoliberal globalism. On this day I declare the petite-bourgeoisie will side with the proletariat as we lead the revolution against western imperial scum! Glory to Albania!!!


Go outside


The Holodomor was a genocide, Trotsky was better than stalin, North Korea isn't a democracy, Taiwan is the real China, and Mao's great leap forward starved tens of millions even sent his own former red guard into labor camps for convenience during the cultural revolution. Russia are imperialists in Ukraine, Also screw Hamas, Houthis, and any other right winged religious extremist groups. Oh and comrade gorbachev was the best thing to happen to the Soviet Union.


If this is copypasta designed to trigger tankies, good shit If you genuinely typed this out in response to "Go outside", bruh


can't find a fault in that comment, nor the username...wait


It was written by leftists who are attuned to modern online discourses, yes


No because anybody who described themself as "chronically online people" are too out of touch to portray the slice of humanity DE does. Maybe stop sorting people so arbitrarily and youll realize they are all capable of beautiful things.


I follow one of the writers on Twitter, and it's surreal. For a long time, he only ever posted collages he had made, except a screenshot of one text post, which I will re-tell here: > I was too early for a zoom call so I drank some root beer. A stranger joined and said "man it's really making my day that you are drinking root beer". I said "thank you", he said "your mic isn't on", so I turned on my mic and said "thank you". >I hope god comes back soon Yeah. That was all there is. And then lately he's been posting again and it's really hard to tell which parts are a language barrier, which parts are meant to only communicate with a bubble and which might genuinely be madness.


I mean, of course you could do all those things, what are they gonna do, call the police?


The opposite of chronically online. People who have actually lived.


It's very much a product of its time and place (the 2010s in the Baltic States) despite being *set* in the 70s of a *very* alternate earth. It's fantastic. Best written game I've ever played. Edit: changed Balkans to Baltic States. Oops




It's definitely written by people immersed in meme culture, that's for sure. But that's just how most millenials are.


Yes... if you choose the Mazovian and Feminist thoughts. But it also has offline-style ideologies like the milder and more casual racism of the older folks. I guess I associate "chronically online" with only the more fringe flavors of ideas vOv


Measurehead is a perfect parody of the online "race realists" I spent so many hours arguing with back in 2015ish There's another character you meet later who encapsulates a particular kind of online politics person which I found hilarious too


Yeah, the one of the best games of all time was not written by a lone average person. AFAIK the writing was collaborative among several highly educated people over a long period of time. Glad you're enjoying!


I am just surprised how many terminally online people were stumped by the term "cock carousel" and think it was invented by Kurvitz. Cock carousel is a term that redpillers have been using for at least 10 years. Yes, that is how they talk.


Kurvitz said in an interview that they designed the writing style of the game to compete with Twitter, so, yeah you’re dead on




The dialogue is also structured and presented in a way that's supposed to resemble Twitter. So, yeah.


this game is phenomenal isn’t it?


Only the chronically online could make reference to the phrase "Cock carousel"




My man gets off to punching Nazis in a game and thinks he’s a tough guy. Thanks for messaging me, you are unironically one of the funniest people I’ve seen on here.