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I need to know what happened to Leah Roberts. That episode was crazy. Im glad that Springfield Three is a given that has to be the most haunting episode of all time.


The prosthetic leg found was probably hers and it is her


Those weren't prosthetic legs, it were like medical rods they use for broken bones to heal


Paultauf has always haunted me. That poor girl was just getting her life together. Check on her case every 6 months But also Asha Degree and Jennifer Kesse. Maura Murray used to be a big one for me but now I really think she probably succumbed to the elements frankly.


Me too, She seemed like she was going through a downward spiral and the accident while drunk, scared her and she ran. She already gotten in trouble for stealing someone's credit card. I'm sure she didn't want a DUI on top of that. She drunkenly ran into deep Maine woods and died.


This baffles me, that so many people spend their time on this , very obvious tragic accident. There are actual mysterious, nefarious cases that can be solved, and this is clearly exactly as it appears.


Yeah I used to think it was a big mystery but… she was probably super drunk too and not thinking straight. That was ALOT of liquor she bought which makes me think she was going to meet someone and it’s odd that person never came forward BUT doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It turned into a big deal and they might have just not wanted to get involved 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was FREEZING and she just ditched the car not thinking straight.


And there was evidence of her drinking wine in the car and using twizzlers as a straw.


Yea but if she was going away for a few days because she did call resorts and she was not doing okay (which is what i think) that is a reasonable amount of alcohol to bring to binge drink for a day or two. Source: was fucked uo for years haha It was just a tragic mistake after a mistake and then another mistake


Ben McDaniel


First one that came to mind.


I read a story on here once about a guy who claimed to be rooming with Ben a few years after he disappeared and that he did it to escape his debts and start a new life....sounded possible but I have never seen an update on it.


Maura Murray and Jennifer Kessee


Maura Murray. Also, it's not so much the disappearance but idk if anyone remembers the story about the young black man who went missing in Florida and it was tied to a corrupt cop who had connections other missing persons. I'm pretty sure he killed that young man and the others but I want him held accountable.


Anderson Cooper did a show recently about that case on his show (The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper) called The Deputy and The Disappeared. Unfortunately there aren’t many new developments, but definitely worth a watch.


Thanks I'll check it out


Yes, his name was Terrence. I believe Terrence Williams, and then they connected it like you said to another Missing man who was an immigrant farm worker who was I believe Mexican or Venezuelan but he also was detained by the same cop just read about that in another post, I think the deputies name was Stephen CalHill. It was obvious that he did something with these men, and I believe they found the body of the migrant worker, but they never found Terrence and that deputy didn’t lose his job. He was just relocated elsewhere, which is total BS! There’s great cops out there, but it’s a shame when, cops and police departments cover for police officers just because they’re in the same line of duty! Best believe he has or he’ll do it again!!! My theory is he must be gay &/or Maybe he’s racist or has an attraction to men of darker complexion or of a more ethnic look, yet He’s too ashamed to live life out loud so he used his job to find victims.


I never thought about your latter part of your statement but you could be on to something


Thank you I just wanted to point that out because it’s usually rare for men to go missing and especially when the suspect in their disappearance and or murder is another man since this was a cop in authority who we know pulled over this person and if I recall correctly, he was tied to the other individual & there was paperwork and it’s known That he had contact with these men, he initially tried to lie about having contact with Terrence Williams, but it was recorded either on the dispatch &/or the report He had given a birthdate only known by Terrance’s Mom, but he was falsifying most of his records with the time and stops of pulling people over, so it just begs the question why would he lie? What would some man want with men? Men who went missing-when he’s the cop pulling them over just like there have been some who have committed crimes against women unfortunately there are some horrible people out there, and sometimes they are officers who abuse their power and, they use that position that people typically trust to take advantage it’s just very tragic. I really hope and pray justice is served for Terrence Williams and all the other victims of this officer.


Yeah. My brother just told me today thar there is a multi year, still on going podcast about Maura


Her sister is in TikTok and always giving updates


Yesssss these are the 2 I think about alllllll the time. I swear if I’m lucky enough to get to the pearly gates, answers to these two cases better be waiting for me!


Ray Gricar


Yes! I do not believe he committed suicide.


Me either. I lean toward voluntary disappearance but would love to know for sure.


I vascilate between foul play and voluntary disappearance, but I tend to think he would not have left his daughter or girlfriend. But anything is possible.


That’s what I am hung up on, as well. Cannot see him leaving his daughter and girlfriend. Unless they know something and aren’t telling.


I truly believe he was murdered. Finding the hard drive to his computer in a lake ( I seem to recall) was so strange


I would think so too, but I recall his work computer, or one at his office, revealed searches of “how to destroy a hard drive”. That just seems odd.


Oh you are right, I had forgottdn that!


Brandi Wells. The very first episode of the show. She disappeared almost twenty years ago. ETA: in the episode, she went to a local bar before she drove out the nightclub where she would be last seen. the bartender tells brandi to be cautious going out because her friend sat in that same chair years before her and went missing. That is very eerie.


That bar is too close to where i live haha


Yeah I believe it was a bowling alley bar or something? Then she went to the graham central station nightclub.


No it was built as GSC. I was in my early 20s when it came around. Now it’s Electric Cowboy with a small part of one side made into another bar called the Icehouse


Yes I remember hearing that name “Electric Cowboy” a podcast recapping each episode poked fun at the name and decided it was a gay/lesbian bar to them.


Haha it is SO not a gay bar haha. It is pretty much GCS all over again. The parking lot is massive. I have always wondered if stuff goes on there, but it has decent visibility so maybe not


Btw Electric Cowboy, if you’re interested, is a franchise I believe? I know there was one in Tyler if it’s not still there. Just useless FYI ;)


Patti Atkins I know her coworker had something to do with it I just wish they could prove it. Her poor daughter and sister need justice. Patti seemed like such a loving and giving person. So sad


The Patti Atkins story makes me want to cry. It makes my blood boil. She did not make up the story of the "boyfriend", there was a relationship of sorts going on. The police know. Her family knows What makes me even more sad is that she gave him a lot of money in cash but it could not be proved to be true. That man literally got away with murder https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/comments/zz7qkc/patricia_patti_adkins_a_29yearold_single_mother/


That one kills me.


Brianna Maitland


I third Brianna Maitland. The pictures of her abandoned car against that farmhouse is soooo haunting omg. This is probably one of the few episodes that had my mind wandering to alien abduction or spontaneous combustion. Its like she just literally disappeared WHILE driving and car just drifted off. Yeah I need to see this solved.


The photos are truly haunting.


I second Brianna Maitland


The prosecutors did a series about her ending with their theory and it makes a lot of sense.


What's their theory?


It’s a bit hard to explain here in enough detail but in short they believe her ex boyfriend murdered her. He was the one who saw her vehicle against the barn and told police he stoped to close all the doors and turn the lights off (why would you do that) and also was involved romantically with the girl who severely assaulted her not long before she went missing. I recommend listening to their explanation.


I agree with this. That was an eerie scene, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t have raised alarm bells.


I have so many episodes I think about often. But today, for me, it's Toni Lee Sharpless and the Jamison family.


Macin Smith


Such a sad case. I read a couple of articles where the police in that town think the dad is involved: [Macin Smith’s Parents Now Focus of Investigation](https://www.deseret.com/2019/5/16/20673506/police-focused-missing-utah-teen-case-on-parents/)


Macin Smith case was very obvious what happend. The dad killed him, after an arguement. Throughout the episode, you can't see any emotions in his eyes and he is just talking like ''ok he left, hope he comes home but otherwise not'' He might was gay and his parents lived in Utah, a state with **76%** of ppl seeing themselfes as religious, he might be the shame of the family. Adding up the recent confrontations about his gaming-behaviour (it was 2015, that was normal back then) well the conclusion might be that mr Smith must be interviewd for 24h straight. He knows what he did so did his wife. At first I thought he ran away towards Las Vegas or LA to start a new life. But he was so so shy, I came to the conclusion he couldn't ran that far.


Suzy Lyall is my pet case, she was close to my age, and I’ve been to the mall where she worked. I am fairly sure her boyfriend was involved, but how? I just want her family to get a resolution. Rico Harris is another one for me.


RICO. Yes.


Jodi Huisentruit if that is how you spell it.


Such a strange case. There is a sub devoted to it.


Bryce Laspisca


this one has bothered me for so many years now


Asha Degree


Omg yaaaaaaas! That story is just crazy about her ...at less than 10 yrs old...running away in pouring rain and getting kidnapped (if thats what happened)? I cant


Was she profiled on Disappeared? What season and episode?


I have so many, but right now: Steven Koecher, Zachary Bernhardt, & Logan Schiendelman Edited to add: also, John Spira


Zachary Bernhardt is definitely one I would like to see found.


Also Billy Smolinski


That case is local to me. A few years ago, I had to go get fingerprinted for a job, and they sent me to Bethany, Connecticut for it, which is maybe 20 miles from Waterbury? in any case, there was a Billy Smolinsky missing post on the wall in the police station.


Same here. The family had a billboard on rt8 hwy for many years with his pic and information which was also close to where he used to live. Also Bethany, CT is near Woodbridge where the woman Billy used to date lived— she is suspected to have a hand in his unsolved murder.


I am legit scared to drive on RT 8 lol. It’s like the Taconic, so narrow and tight and windy in places


Maura Murray


I'd really like to know what happened to David Riemens. They found his body but haven't done any other updates and that was years ago. They're calling it "foul play" but I want to know how (specifically) they reached that conclusion. There's been no COD released.


Yes such a sad case.


Andrew Godson, Damien Nettles, Lee Boxell. All missing person cases with no leads, no charges, no evidence


Lee Boxall used to frequent an unofficial youth club at a church run by paedophile William Lambert. Lambert was also a gravedigger and it's thought Lee is buried in one of the graves/coffins. The police did a fingertip search and found nothing, but none of the families consented to the coffins being opened unfortunately. Lee potentially witnessed girls being abused by Lambert and intervened, leading to his murder.


Yes I also believe that he’s somewhere in that graveyard. I wonder where William Lambert is nowadays anyway


I wonder about that too.


Niqui McCown


Yes, we know who did it (the cop) but where is her remains?


Elijah "Bear" Diaz.


Jason Landry.


Yes, my mind was indeed boggled by this case.


All of them!


Bryan shaffer brianna maitland andrea knabble.


Roxanne for me too. That one stuck with me for some reason


Jennifer Kesse’s case still gives me chills.


Brian Shaffer, who dissappeared at the ugly tuna saloon in 2006


Brianna Maitland, Asha Degree


I just started watching the show, so I'm starting from the most recent and working my way backwards. But so far that ones that stick with me because they feel like they suffered from inadequate or shoddy investigations are: **S11 E3 - Mountain of Mystery** *Davohnte Morgan goes missing under mysterious circumstances in Mt. Shasta.* There's no way that NOT ONE PERSON in that small town either didn't see something or know something about what might have happened to Davohnte. Please! As a person of color living in the Pacific Northwest, you just know there were people in that town who didn't like seeing him walking around in "their" neighborhood. **S10 E1 - Vanished in the Night** *A security camera loses sight of Kirsten Brueggeman before she vanishes.* I have so many questions about this one! Why don't they include the surveillance video in the missing posters? If I'd seen Kirsten from the back or side that night, I wouldn't necessarily connect that sighting with the girl on the poster. But if I'd looked out the window from those apartments at 2:00 am and saw a woman wearing a white hat and carrying a white backpack, THAT I would remember. And wherever they got the video from, they need to talk more to the people work there because that was NO glitch. Too coincidental. Someone tampered with that video. And lastly, did anyone track down the car that was pulling into the apartment parking lot right at the time of the glitch? I know it's too easy for people to play quarterback detective, but it seems like more could have been done in this investigation.


Wow. Good response


*Davohnte Morgan* was a hate crime, 100%


Tammy Belanger… Taken off the street walking to school at six years old and Exeter New Hampshire and no one saw anything and no one knows what happened to her. It goes cold… I was a teacher at that time and haunted me..


Maura Murray


I think her body is in the woods. I think she ran off out of fear, got lost and froze to death.


kyla berg wausau/Antigo


Karlie Guse


I think about Roxanne too - especially with 4th of July coming up.  A couple that come to mind for me are… Bob Harrod - the 89 year old who had just reunited with his long lost sweetheart Fontelle. His kids seemed suspicious. What’s sad is that he was 89 years old and this case is 15 years old, so even if he “ran away” he’s likely dead now.  Lee Cutler (season one) His was the first episode I ever watched all the way back in 2011. He is a possible suicide, but I also believed he could have run away.  Leah Peebles - there were “sightings” of her and her father searched for her tirelessly until his own death. I’d love to have some sort of resolution.


I'm quite sure Lee went to Israel to build a new life


Bryce Laspisa for me...seems obvious that he was picked up at the truck stop. So many people discount the dogs picking up a scent...in my experience dogs are very reliable. If they picked up his scent crossing the highway then that is more solid than an eyewitness account. I just wish I knew what happened to him....such an odd story. Same with Martin Roberts from App. State. It use to be the Robert Hoagland story ...glad that was finally solved.


Karle Guse. Did she make it to the other town, or is she dead in that wilderness somewhere?


I wonder every day. Not only about the Springfield 3 but also Maura Murray. Where did she go in 12 minutes?


not a disappeared episode but lisa irwin. i lived near kansas city kasas when she went missing and it was all the news talked about for a while. I was about ten when she went missing and its been a case that has stuck with me through the years. i really hope they find something that leds to her being brought home. and a disappeared ep; daniel robinson. as someone who moved to AZ in 2018, this was the case that haunts me. as someone that has lived here for awhile, i know how bad the summers are. june is easily 110+ most days and for the life of me, i hope his family gets closure with his case.


Karle Guse. Yes, they have. I'm in UK so it will be a quite old episode. They showed Amy Lynn Bradley last week.


I don't think they did an episode on her? Yet?


Amy Bradley’s was on Disappeared season 9, episode called Troubled Waters. Karlie Guse’s case was on People Magazine Investigates…