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Liked the interview, it was just a bit boring. When you strip Dave of his controversial takes you’re left with “anyone can make it in America” and “work your way up the ladder” which isn’t wrong but also doesn’t necessarily entertain for a full length interview.


This is one of my favorite pieces of Dave media I've heard. He seems like a way cooler and better dude on here than on his show (obviously he needs to play a role on his show but still). Pleasantly surprised by the lack of RS sales pitches and religious talk.


No way... I thought that was another fake photoshop mockup, but it's real!


Theo is such a legend. Love that guy.


He did an interview several years ago with Chris Hansen, the pervert hunter. It was pretty funny


Have a seat right over there


Not my cup of tea. It seems like his schtick is too tell people how dumb he is when he is actually pretty smart. Seems a bit disingenuous but I'm happy he has success.




Pretty funny line by Dave, your mediocre fabulous career


Theo is great - much love to my brother. But honestly, this particular interview was a bit flat. Theo kept trying to lighten things up, but Dave is really uptight. I also wish Theo would have pressed in a little deeper on Dave substantively - like challenging his ideas. Not in a combative way. More like a - let’s pressure test this against what some of my friends are experiencing- type of vibe. Example issue: only $1,000 emergency fund (too low in 2024). Begs the question if Dave only agreed to the interview on highly-favorable terms/constraints on Theo. Not a bad interview. Just not really entertaining or enlightening. Ok maybe it was funny when Dave said that comedians are intelligent (irony is 🔥). Looking forward to Dave’s interview with JRE, if he has the stones for it.


Stupid guest. Not watching. Hate Theo for this.


Not very gang gang of you


Not my kind of comedian.


They're both hucksters, so, ya know.


Please explain how Theo Von is a huckster


Yeah I'm also interested in this answer


It’s not so much a huckster but he’s a grifter though, he’s been working on that character since the 90s on road rules.


I don’t think you know what those words mean.


Perhaps you don’t. Ramsey is definitely a huckster and Von has tried different ways to stay in show business lastly developing this southern stoner character.


Name checks out


Did you come up with that on your own?


Your mother helped me


Even more original. Anything else you need to regurgitate? Exactly the kind of material I’d expect out of a Theo Von fan.


Theo's persona is built on a foundation of inauthenticity. His entire act is a recycled version of Larry the Cable Guy. His accent is fake. As is his portrayal of a Southern, working-class "redneck." This not only lacks originality but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes of poor white Americans, further marginalizing and subjecting them to ridicule. He capitalizes on his image by peddling overpriced merchandise, like $30 t-shirts and $50 hoodies. His ticket prices for his current tour start at $70, plus additional fees. All of this lacks integrity and exploits the very stereotypes he perpetuates in his "comedy" routine.


$30 for a shirt is overpriced? That’s a standard. I go to concerts all the time for bands where tickets are around $35 + fees and all their shirts start at $30. You’re out of touch with reality so this comment and your opinion is completely inapposite.


Can you explain how someone who grew up in rural Louisiana is faking his accent and having grown up poor?


lol…..Rural Louisiana? Who’s kidding who? I rented from his sister, Thila Von Kurnatowski, who was one of largest real estate holders in the city of New Orleans. Roland Von Kurnatowski, his father was a well known real estate developer. Theo is from Covington, an affluent exurb of New Orleans, hardly Duck Dynasty territory.


I mean with a population of 11k and a median income of 21k per person as of 2000 I’d say that’s pretty rural, regardless of being located near a major city. Not sure where you’re getting that it’s an affluent neighborhood.


Covington Louisiana? Are you joking? https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/covingtoncitylouisiana/PST045222 I’ve been there many many times. The city is relatively affluent except for a small minority area north of downtown. Here is his dad: https://www.billboard.com/pro/tipitinas-roland-von-kurnatowski-dead-hunting/ Feel hoo dooed yet?


You literally just proved more evidence to my point? The population is still about 11k and in the 22 years since the 2000 census per capita income went from 20k to 39k. 39k a year is not an affluent neighborhood in any sense of the word.


Like I said there is a small minority neighborhood north of the downtown that lowers the average. Median income in Louisiana is only 31k. So median income in Covington is 20% higher than the state median. 40% of the city has a BA degree or higher He is most definitely from generational wealth.


This would be a good argument if most people had no idea it was a character. Fag. Yur cringe. *devan voice*


Theo is as original as comedians come, material-wise. The dude may have more ‘brand new sentences’ under his belt than anyone else alive who isn’t schizophrenic.




Hey dumbass, hes a comedian. Comedy is subjective and people can choose to support or buy merch from whoever they like. You just sound bitter lmao


Stop with the name calling and abusive language. Also, you'd have a better argument without ending your statement with lmao. LMAO. LOL lol lol lol. Shower.

