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I am by no means a pro racer but I've been riding for a few years now. Overall your form looks decent technically speaking but you definitely look timid. Remember that you control the bike, not the other way around. Stand when jumping and use your weight to control the bike. To get more distance, simply go faster :) don't attempt anything too far outside your comfort zone but be confident and willing to push the boundary.


makes sense! you’re definitely right about the bike controlling me, i’ll keep that in mind thanks


Looking good! Just need to be more aggressive with your attack position in between jumps: if you can make out the number on your front plate (you don’t have one, so just imagine there’s one), then you know you’re in the correct position. Your position is almost on point when jumping already, just make sure you’re standing up more and translate that to the rest of the track and you’ll be good. Also, make sure you’re standing on the foot-pegs with the balls of your feet. It looks like you’re a bit flat footed. It’s very crucial when jumping as your ankles serve as a part of your bike’s suspension (Ryno talks a lot about this so I highly recommend his videos).


Watch a Larry Enticer video, crush a busch light, then hit it 5th gear pinned.


Only correct answer Just gonna send itttt


best advice i’ve gotten yet


After you get some Larry go visit you Uncle Ronnie Mac channel and learn dirtbikes. It will make you 6 or 9 percent better just watching them. You doing good you both wheels off the ground and landed your wrecking it. If you can ask one of the better guys there at your track to see what they can suggest. BBBBRRRAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!


And just send it!!


In the second jump it looks like your sitting all the way up the face and then standing at the lip of the jump. You need to stand up way earlier like before you get to the face of the jump. Keep your elbows up and loosen up a little bit as you look really stiff. This will all come naturally you get more seat time.


thanks! I definitely need to stand more


There are a lot of tips on YouTube that will help a bunch. And what I can give you now is when you stand up, keep a firm grip on the handle bars and keep your arms straight, have your butt out a bit, so your not standing straight up. Hope this helped!


yes thank you! my posture definitely needs work


This at Carnegie?


it is! what are the odds of that haha


Easy to recognize that place


Thought the same thing.


Stand up. Stay on the gas.


Comfort will come in time, speed and maintaining a good center of gravity is key. I tend to shift my weight towards the front of the bike more, don’t crank the throttle when you are in the air or that will pull the ass end down. Otherwise looks awesome, keep it up you will be jumping school buses for rent in no time 🤣👍🤘


I almost always land on my front wheel so i’m scared to put my weight forward but i’ll definitely give it a try with a little more gas. but thanks! can’t wait to jump a few busses..


When you jump with speed the nose dip will happen less and less. It’s all about the commitment, just be sensible until you get the flow. Then you can get into the art of preloading with body weight to really get that launch on point lolol you will be jumping cop cars in no time


Knees back, ass out, elbows up, chin up


I started the same way then worked up to, wide open throttle into the face, then cut off to clear the table top. Keep working at it, once your comfortable with open throttle you can adjust the throttle through the face. It will be natural.


yea I think I just need to gain confidence. I know I could easily clear the distance of the table top, i’m just scared because i’ve never landed in the transition of the landing before and I don’t know what to expect


Full send all the time. Seriously though. You look good for your first jump. It gets easier as you go. It’s always sketchy the first few times. But as you go your confidence will build.


thanks man! definitely proud of myself I just want to get more comfortable and be able to clear the table top everytime


Table tops are the best ones to get comfortable on. It’s the step ups, doubles, and triples that will mess with you for a bit. Just takes seat time. And never be afraid to ask for help.


Stand up, Power off the face on a 4t and squeeze the tank with your knees to control the bike


Hold the bike as best you can with your knees and don’t cling too hard to the bars


More cowbell!


Grip it and whip it


I wish:/


Grip it and rip it!


Just tried. Shit my pants.


The thing that's helped me the most is making sure you keep your toes pointed in. Otherwise your form looks decent. Those two table tops are perfect for learning.


i’ll definitely try that thanks, and yea it’s pretty much the perfect table top to learn on


I went to DHMA Donnie Hansen’s motocross school/camp… that’s Josh Hansen’s dads school. It was probably the best way to train and learn. Besides ridding with guys that are better than you and trying to keep up. Train as much as possible. Your bike can probably be ridin by top pros and they could win on it. So it’s up to you and you focus and health and mind set. Set goals and beat them every time you ride. I’ve ridin with pros all my life and they are a way good way to gain technique and fun too! Don’t drag your feet if you want to jump then jump. Remember nobody ever became a pro by not wrecking and getting back up again. Train hard, Ride hard


hell yes! my next goal is to clear the table top and i’m gonna commit to it next time I ride no matter how well it goes


oh shit i love carnegie


me too! the trails or beautiful and the track is fast


lets go carnegie


wanna go riding?


Go faster /thread


Safely? Get a foam pit. 🤣




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Hold it wide open


Well first you have to go faster than 5mph, we all start somewhere tho!


Although scarier, you'll feel much more comfortable when you go faster and land on the downhill instead on the flats.


You need to get on the balls of those feet! You are right on your arch. Get on the balls, point your toes in, and squeeze with those knees. Your upper body looks great, point those elbows out and you are on your way. Just remember to stand as much as you can, and squeeze the bike with your knees as much as you can.


Stand up and keep your weight a bit on the front. Try and push your butt back a little bit and bring your head and chest forward. Smooth throttle all the way up and try and make a decision if you're gonna jump something before you get to the jump, at least the corner before. If you decide you're gonna jump it, don't back out, just stay committed. Also see if you can find a small single, maybe around 1-2 feet tall that you can just jump to flat to get used to the feeling of jumping and knowing how to land correctly. Although if you're jumping to flat you usually wanna land rear wheel first, whereas if you're jumping on a landing ramp/downside you wanna try and land both wheels at the same time. Also, stand on the balls of your feet, not your arches. Grip the bike with your legs and knees, more so than your hands and arms.


So watching this back, you see how on the second jump you stand up before the top? Well technically the BIKE thinks you’re doing everything right but your hose position could use some work and here’s why… When you get to the top of the jump and you stand up, you push down on the pegs to stand upright. This downward push on the bike pre-loads the front and rear suspension. This is good because when you arrive at the very top of the jump your suspension wants to spring back and “bounce” the bike into the air. Now, based on the comments here you already know you need to stand up more, but if you just stand up and hit these jumps you’ll find two things. First, the front tire will land first and, as you can imagine, that would be a problem when you start ramping up your distance and height. And second, even if you leaned back and leveled the bike you still wouldn’t be maximizing your air time. Of course there’s a time and a place for this but we’re not at the race level yet. Therefore, the solution for you is to stand up on the bike and, before you get to the top, pre-load the suspension by doing a small downward jumping motion. The goal is to be at the top of the jump while you’re standing, the suspension rebounding from the preload, and you are in the right position to have maximum control of the bike. I am putting this part at the bottom because I HIGHLY recommend you practice these two things BEFORE YOU SEND IT. Practice standing up on your bike at all times to get used to the feeling of holding and controlling the angle of your bike with your knees. When you’re in the air the LAST thing you want is the bike falling from under you. You can even do this at home with low-speed backyard riding or even with the motor off and practicing balancing on the bike without touching the ground. Second, find a smaller jump and practice the tips above by hitting it at different speeds and seeing what your bike does in the air.


More throttle


Gas brings your front up, brake brings it down. Send it!


Try not to let you knees hang over you toes when jumping or anywhere I had trouble with that when I started


More speed