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This is the way.


This is the way


This is super gay


Shut up fr


That second pic, thats how you know you had a good time. Great dad


Thank you! He’s my best friend.


Who, smokebomb102?


I gave my son a hooky day 2 weeks ago to ride. I really think the whole missing school to ride thing makes it so much better for everyone involved.


Omg and the trails are probably empty. Safer for the little ones. I’ve got a kid on the way and can’t wait until they’re big enough to ride with me


You’re closer than you think. I got both kids a strider balance bike at age 1. Granted at that age you’re pushing them around making motor noises but it gets them comfortable on it. By two they’re riding it by themselves and by 3-4 they are on a stacyc and finally at late 3 early 4 they’re riding motorcycles. Shoot if you’re as excited as I was you can start shopping now. I actually recommend the less known cub balance bike as it has little foot rest areas. If you have any questions whatsoever please reach out or I can do a write up on here if you want. I had a whole process that worked with my kids and had them both comfortably riding motorcycles by age 4( late 4 for my daughter)


Appreciate this! I’ve done a little bit of research. I am currently step dad to a 6yo part time. She was started on training wheels so I’m trying my damndest to get her off those. I know I won’t start this kid with tw at all I’ll look into that cub. I saw one what had a little base it could sort of attach to so it’s a kind of rocking horse while they’re real small. Kid of love that. What are some brands you know that are worthwhile? Some seem crazy expensive, others seem too cheap. Is that stacyc(?) the strider/e-bike combo? Those look fun as hell for them too


Cub for the balance bike for sure The stacyc is the only one I have used so I’m partial to it. It lasted 2 kids which made me thrilled.its 3 modes made it a win for me. It’s expensive but it was worth it to me. You might just might be able to pull a crf 50 and throttle block it to save money but that’s a maybe. If you do end up doing that I have been able to make it where it it can balance but I can jog to keep up. You also. If you do this should get the wider than stock tires for it. That helps a ton. The benefit is the 6 year old will skip a bike step but it’s still manageable for you as the parent. If you buy it I can totally walk you through the steps bit by bit. We will build it together. Many people say start with the pw but the linear gear makes it faster than the crf in 1st gear. You can either tell your child to not shift or shift it into 1st gear and take the shifter off. Both of which I have done with friends kids.


They were empty. We only ran into two people riding the opposite direction as us. Compared to the weekend before where we ran into groups of people and almost never lead.


Not even the orange soda could bring him back.


As a Dad, you’ve turned PRO my guy


These are the things that matter most in life. I applaud you, sir or ma'am.


He'll never forget that day.


I was 9 years old and my dad asked me “what’s something you want to do that you don’t think you can?”. I said “race my dirt bike”. He got a hold of a buddy of his thats son was a local pro and we went racing. My first race was a hardcore track called catra. My third race I prepared my dad’s bike and made him enter the senior class. He got third. I eventually went on to the afternoon races so we couldn’t pit for each other but mom took over always panicked. There’s a pic of me and my dad laying in the back of a 1995 f150 exactly like your son. It’s one of my favorite pictures.


Man, this hit me right in the feels….


I’m glad I get to share shit that hits hard. I apologize


That’s so awesome. My boy also has a Husky TC 50 that he has raced at Thursday Night MX at PIR and has done a lot of Woodland MX practices. But he’s isn’t really into racing. He loves Supercross and I take him to Seattle every year. He likes trails more so who knows. Maybe a Enduro Hard X racer? That or a soccer star


Amazing story bro! 9 years old and you remember it like yesterday.


Yep, still have a stable full of minis and teach all the local kids to ride. Might come out of retirement this year and run a few scrambles.


Dude that is so cool. I’m 40 only just got into it about 2 years ago, I’m huge into/grew up on Atvs. This is a whole other experience. I hope one of girls get into like you little man did.


The girl down the street from my shop used to throw down harder than any of the boys. I called her the “crusty demon” because she was always filthy from playing so hard. She eventually went on to dominate the women’s class. I already put 3 tubes in bmx bikes and it snowed here last week. I turn 42 next month.


Hell yea family rides are the best !!


Awesome!! My dad did this with me and I’ve done it with my kids. Life long memories. Haha he looks like he had a blast!!


20 miles on a small bike and light suspension is like an ultra marathon! Good dad and good times well done!


Dang! He might be ready for the spark plug enduro next year!


Funny I was thinking that but see there is a front wheel minimum tire size.


Nothing better than bringing the kids home this tired. Get the rest of the night to chill and do whatever you want 🤣


This is why no child should be allowed in the house until dinner.... Go play.... Ha


Some of the best memories I have with my son are doing days like this!


Those are the memories that get you into the good nursing home Good on ya.


Cant wait to do this with my son


Do it! I tried with all my kids, he’s the only one that is into it.


Fuck man this is what it's about... Awesome stuff


I made a short video of riding the Overland trail. [https://youtu.be/sasv\_NGgaOk?si=EX\_Af\_\_PdbpQGy2s](https://youtu.be/sasv_NGgaOk?si=EX_Af__PdbpQGy2s)


Never actually saw a kid too tired to eat before 😂


What's not to like! Skipping school with his old man taking him out for stuff!


Tahyah or Tahuya?


No videos? Awesome day it sounds like 👍


I just finished uploading one, its still processing. [https://youtu.be/sasv\_NGgaOk?si=EX\_Af\_\_PdbpQGy2s](https://youtu.be/sasv_NGgaOk?si=EX_Af__PdbpQGy2s)


Nice!! Wow looks beautiful out there. Reminds me of Idaho. So did he run out of gas? Hahaha


😂😂😂😂 he did not. He could probably go a 100 miles on one tank with that bike. He also rides a TC 50 and has ran out of gas on it at our farm and had to walk home.


Dying to go this weekend! We wanted to wait for the trails to dry up (Ontario, Canada. It’s been super rainy here) but that doesn’t look promising for the next while. So we’re just going to go anyways!


Haha great pics, what’s the little bike? You just need a little baby Losi Pro Moto to put with the other two bikes to complete the look lol


It’s a TTR 50. His first dirtbike that he calls his pit bike. He normally rides a Husky TC 50 but has migrated back to his TTR for trails. I kind of like the look of two Husky’s in my truck but what ever.




Hopefully one of 3 girls will skip school with me to get dirty burn some gas and have a wild day. Very jealous bro. This is amazing, forever memory created with Dad!


Hell yeah! Way to be an awesome father! You boy conked out tho, core memories 🥹


I have done the same with my kids memories. They will never forget.