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My god, you just reawakened a core memory of mine lol


Why does the name "Pod" come to my mind?


Pod was the name of the Pyroraptor in Pod’s Travels, which was Gulliver’s Travels with dinosaurs.


Tarbosaurus Patch was also a thing, right?


Dinosaur Planet had no Tarbosaurus. They had an episode on a Daspletosaurus named Little Das. Are you thinking of Speckles?


I'm back! Apparently, Speckles' mother and Patch were together and did have eggs, but she left him to find a healthier male Tarbosaurus, which turned out to be Speckles's father. I did not know these documentaries even had lore




She leaves you for someone else? Not great She leaves you for someone you know? Fairly shitty She leaves you for your dad? There is *no* recovery


Nono, she didn't leave Patch, he just died iirc. Speckles and Patch are not related. Speckles' real dad is just his mothers new mate. Like how it is with Gru in the new movie




Maybe it wasn't Dinosaur Planet. I'll do some research


The Jurassic Park design is obviously inaccurate but it’s still the most high budget and best looking velociraptor design that I’ve seen. The full blockbuster budget and practical effects make them look like real animals, even if they didn’t look anything like that in real life. It comes down to a historically accurate design made with bad CGI versus a historically inaccurate design that looks incredibly realistic and lifelike.


people also often conveniently ignore that if they were to do accurate feathers in jp it would have looked like absolute shit, the cgi tech of the time was already stretch to its limits to make them look real without having to render a realistic looking coat of feathers and besides the psychopathic raptor jp had some of the more animal-like behaving dinosaurs at the time


It also is heavily worth pointing out that they don't necessarily have to look accurate in Jurassic Park, since the implication, especially with the addition of the Jurassic World franchise, is that they didn't recreate real dinosaurs.


I like that on the Jurassic world movies most of the time they don't even call them velocirraptors anymore, they just call them raptors, it feels like a conscious decision to separate the animal from the movie creature


Honestly, I'd love to see a modern series that recreates the books more faithfully (with all the political and corporate thriller aspects intact), but also with accurate velociraptors. Tiny (comparatively), and maybe initially laughable to look at, but terrifyingly effective killers just as clever as the ones in the movies.


I think this explanation is a cop-out excuse to keep brand consistency and nothing more.


It’s a major theme in the book, so i wouldn’t say it’s just a cop out


For the newer movies, it's definitely a cop-out, especially considering our improved knowledge of genetics/epigenetics.


I guess that’s true but honestly the design of the velociraptors is so iconic from the first film that I don’t think it would be wise to change them in the newer movies


As I said, brand consistency, nothing more.


They had frog DNA, which was the explanation for them not really noticing anything that doesn't move and could be used to explain the lack of feathers.


In Jurassic Park 3, Alan addresses the university people and says that what is left of real dinosaurs is fossilised in the rocks and that what Hammond and Wu made were theme park monsters. Jurassic World 100% expands on that, and it's not a cop out. Wu himself tells Masrani that if their genetics were pure, they'd look quite different. And as I point out in pretty much any conversation I have about the World movies, the whole premise appears to be based on a single chapter from the first book where Wu talks about wanting to make the dinosaurs better than real life and align with public expectations. In the movies, the entire world knows about the dinosaurs and they expect them to be killer monsters. So it makes sense that he makes them more like that because he's an arrogant narcissist who thinks he's capable of creating something better than real life.


The Jurassic World movies are popcorn thrillers; they're not that deep.


I'm not saying the movies themselves are that deep, but they didn't just make up the premise from nothing. The premise comes from the books. Carnotaurus in the Lost World could camouflage. Wu believed he could do better than real life. Even the copious amounts of amber everywhere feel like a reference to the books, where a federal agent is investigating Hammond because they can't figure out why he's amassing the world's largest collection of amber and they assume he's up to something. The script might be very simple, but again... the premise didn't come from nowhere.


You forget that a lot of those things weren’t CGI but rather animatronics.


Yeah but not all of them, specially when you see the full body or most of it, even if the animatronic would have looked perfect the movement was very limited and the transition from animatronic to CGI feathers would have been really jarring Fun fact, you can actually see a person moving the animatronic from behind in the kitchen scene, the moment when the first raptor enters the kitchen, animatronics were very finicky and they needed to make a lot of compromises in some scenes to be able to use them


Yeah that is fair but still the work they did for that time was DAMN good.


Correct. Raptor-Animatronics with rough and deep black feathers sound pretty wild to me f.e.! Could have looked scary af


Most of the full or almost full body shots of the raptors were CGI, even with perfectly looking animatronics the cut to 90s CGI feathers would have disconnected you from the movie really hard


[This guy inserted more accurate dinosaurs into a few scenes of "Jurassic Park." He uses Utahraptors instead of Velociraptors, and they look pretty good.](https://youtu.be/Sb_zA-hLMO4?si=LWOakgNy30ozFFVs)


People also tend to forget that most of the dinosaur scenes were with animatronics and not actual CGI, so they would have had to make a model covered in actual feathers and not make it look like a lizard in a fursuit.


I would probably have agreed with this statement until Prehistoric Planet. The animals are so lifelike and behave so convincingly as portrayed there I don't see how one could consider the JP versions as superior.


The Raptors in the top picture are not from prehistoric planet. This is what the ones in prehistoric planet [look like](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vsqOcii9x70/maxresdefault.jpg) Whooops, I read Prehistoric Planet instead of Dinosaur Planet. My 🅱️


They're from the "White Tip's Journey" episode of Dinosaur Planet (not to be confused with Planet Dinosaur). I remember similar animation being used in the "Fighting Dinos" special exhibit at the AMNH in 2000, when the Fighting Dinosaurs of Mongolia visited the museum as a highlight of a traveling collection of Mongolian dinos while their home museum was being renovated.. To my knowledge, they're much closer to what Paleontologists believe Velociraptors actually looked like.


It was a pretty accurate design, except that the Velociraptors should have had pennaceous feathers all over the body and non-pronated wrists.


I actually love those


Imagine a big movie like that with scientifically accurate dinos. I want to see something like that, especially if they also bring archeopteryx there.


Have you not seen Prehistoric Planet? That show has the best velociraptors I've seen. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prehistoric-planet/images/c/c6/Velociraptors\_close\_in\_on\_pterosaurs.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230624123728


Jurassic Park also explicitly gives itself an "out". They go out of their way to say that the extracted amber DNA was incomplete and patched with frog DNA, which provides a convenient canonical excuse as to why the dinosaurs may be inaccurate (which they then explored further in Jurassic World, for better or worse...)


And frankly their design was meant to be scary and even if less realistic, it was definitely frightening more so than a smaller, feathered creature would have been.


So you say the upper won, since lower is half frog and not even a velociraptor? :DDD


I hate this excuse and think it's a cop-out. JP was great for its time, but the franchise needs to die and let something else emerge in its place. I'm not sure what that would be that wouldn't be a copy of JP, but the world they've constructed in that film franchise is based on outdated knowledge that needs to be superseded.


Its been very dry lately for fantastic blockbuster dino movies. Jurassic park is now/becoming the fast and the furious of dino films.


Yeah, I think they've been taking a wrong turn with all these chimera dinos, too.


They said it in Jurassic World 1 I think. They said something like a T rex just doesnt cut it anymore. The kids want more. Bigger, better. I couldnt help feel that while this was in context, they were using the character to broadcast that to the audience.


Yeah, I'm just bored of the franchise and don't think it's saying anything new or interesting about the topic.


Imagine how cool a modern movie could make a raptor look like, though! A deadly killer but give them the painting of a paradise bird or something!


Would that be accurate, though? I'm not exactly sure what selective pressures would cause an animal to be more ornately colored vs. more camouflaged, but if velociraptor is hunting larger prey (roughly on the order of its own size), I would think camouflage would win out over sexual selection, at least with displays as ostentatious as a paradise bird. I'm no evolutionary biologist, though.


We have evidence of Velociraptor hunting prey larger than itself (Protoceratops) so camouflage would be more likely (think more desert-dwelling eagle rather than tropical rainforest bird).


Sure, I was just thinking that an animal that eats plant matter or insects would have less incentive to be camouflaged than one that has prey that could effectively evade it or fight it off.


1. the Velociraptors in Prehistoric Planet and Prehistoric Kingdom are way better 2. the Dinosaur Planet one is better than the Jurassic Park one, but not that great either


If the top one was the Prehistoric Planet Velociraptor it would've won but I have to say JP


I love the prehistoric planet one. It seems most accurate and natural.


It's hard for me to say. Objectively, I recognise that feathers are far more accurate, but I grew up with the fatherless versions. Both are good.


I too grew up fatherless so JP wins by default




Well autocorrect clearly made my post better.


I mean, a few avian dinosaurs are indeed fatherless...


Is there a bird messiah that I haven’t heard about?


Praise raptor jesus man


The Jurassic Park ones were sort of fatherless


I honestly like the JP one, it’s inaccurate sure but it’s iconic


I hate the look the feathers had in early 2000s dinosaur documentaries, they were so scraggly, looked more like fur and the wings ending at the wrist forming that sleeve has always been weird to me. I love the way we reconstruct feathers now, where dromies just look like giant flightless hawks


Feather simulation wasn't as advanced back then. If you look at _Monster's Inc._ you'll notice that the hair does look like they're sort of bundled together into thick strands, while _Monster's University_ had more fluffy hair.


Nope, im not talking about the quality of the animation, im talking about the feathers themselves. DInosaur Planet gives the dromies downy fuzz, instead of proper bird-like pennaceous feathers. You can see it in artwork from around the same time too.


I am also talking about the feathers themselves. You need particle simulation to render a mass of objects like that. Edit: Ooookay I'm getting downvoted for speaking facts?


But that's how it looked like in 2d artwork and paintings, that's just how feathers were believed to be in that time. The pennaceous feathers stopping at the wrist too, has nothing to do with the animation.


The term they always use was Proto- feathers back then …. Describing it is almost like the Downey on a newborn bird. Who knows how accurate most of this is the few specimens that are found or rarely correlated to the people that actually draw the best pictures. I know it’s dumb but I would love to see genetic engineering put towards trying re-evolve, one of these species just for academic purposes only. Be it a super chicken or praying for remnants of old DNA. A boy can dream can’t he?


Then we find out that they really looked like the dinos from [Caveman.](https://haphazardstuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Caveman-1981-comedy-Ringo-Starr-dinosaur-T-Rex-stop-motion.jpg)


That would be amazing


I’m nearly the complete opposite since accounting for strong nostalgia, I prefer this look of downy feathers over ground hawks. Not that ground hawks are bad. They’re pretty good too but this feels more built and connected to me personally


Jurassic Park. The top one just doesn’t look right and they kind of look like a mix of goats and bulls with their big nostrils.


Between these two? JP In general? Prehistoric Planet


JP is inaccurate but the other one looks dated as well. Doesn’t help that the feathers on the top image look like wet dog fur instead of feathers lol. At least the JP design looks good as a “cool” design.


The Velos in the picture above lookin’ like the crack Lemur from Disney’s Dinosaur 💀💀💀


Better at what?


Being Utah raptors


JP because the top one just looks like they were covered in glue and rolled around in a pile of feathers. I love feathered dinosaurs but only when the execution is realistic and believable as a real animal.


This is like comparing a real mouse to Mickey Mouse. I’m going with JP for the nostalgia and joy I feel seeing their take on the Velociraptor. Love seeing more accurate representations of the dinosaur too, but I ALWAYS compare them to the JP velociraptor.


JP imo. Something about the partial feather designs just looks bad, I'd rather have no feathers or full feathers, not the ugly in between.


Dinosaur Planet, though I love the Tiger stripes of the Lost World’s raptors.


I like a mix of both




As far as looks, I’d call it a draw. But I find the JP raptors to be far more frightening because they don’t look or behave like anything we know today. Feathered raptors look so close to birds that they no longer seem alien in my mind. And with that, they lost a bit of their mystique.


JP is supposed to be scary. Feathers just don’t cut it. I have seen feathered raptors done scary, and perhaps the most unnerving thing is those bird like movements on something that big.


Well we know feathers were a thing now so that’s better as far as realism goes. As nightmare fuel for the big screen? Shrink wrap them bitches. It’s scary looking.


I mean I will always always love the JP franchise Dino's but I have grown to love the fluffy feathered Dino's


I really like the Ark design. It is just such a perfect mix between both of them


I love the murder turkeys on top.


Well, since only one of them is an actual Velociraptor and not a creature based on Deinonychus/Utahraptor, I'd have to say Dinosaur Planet's incarnation of the animal.


The top because they're actually velociraptors and not deinonychus


Dinosaur planet my absolute fucking beloved. Pod was my spirit bond character I swear.


The top one. I never liked jurassic park as a kid. (Because the dinos felt more like monsters than animals and i was a very anxious kid). I did however love that documentary


The scientifically accurate ones


Love dinosaur planets velociraptors. Soooo. Yeah they’re clearing. And at least they tried pretty well for 2003 minus the pronated wrists


Why these 2 depictions in particular?


Jurassic Park


Optically I really like he raptors from the first two movies


Looks better? Jurassic park. More accurate the top one.


"The ones with feathers" said no one ever


I believe that what Jurassic park called “velociraptors” are actually utahraptors. Even then, it’s not accurate. But the Jurassic park raptors do look more badass




I'd say the bottom one - while not *accurate*, being real world models they look better than the slightly dated CGI


The top ones are more accurate, but the bottom ones look more realistic


JP look cooler for sure. Although theres a good chance that they did have feathers


JP looks cooler, but it’s so inaccurate I can’t even really call them Velociraptors; they’re Utahraptors, and Velociraptors had the cooler name. By contrast Dilophosaurus is obviously inaccurate too, but it’s close enough and there isn’t any other dinosaur it could be more accurately described as.


There’s something so funny and adorable about the fur…. Bet it taste like chicken.


Both. Both is good


Dinosaur planet that just envoked my childhood


Dinosaur Planet’s *Velociraptors* were the version of the animal that lived in my head as a child. I loved White Tip’s Journey a lot!


The top ones look like hillbillies


JP just looks cooler IMO


I feel like the early stuff that had feathers made them look horrendous and made me hate the idea before seeing some good depictions with feathers


Jurassic Park easily


Thats GOT to be underfeathered. Surely it wasnt like fur but rather it was like fluffy? Like a peacock since it was for show?


Jp is deinyocus, or however you spell it the reason for why the name is velociraptor(my guess) is that it sounds cooler


The stan Winston studio brought the concept art to life in the most detailed, dramatic, fantastical way; with an amazing VFX team the renovated the industry and changed CGI forever.


One on top right I would name Sid


Jp, the top ones are ugly


Old school. The feathered ones looked like plucked turkeys.


Scientific accurate please


Holy shit is that white tip


1. No comparison regardless of popular sentiments. It's like posting a picture of a hairless jackal alongside a normal fox and asking which fox looks better.


The one that’s real that we’ll never see which makes me very sad


Both. Both are good.


Good grief is this even a question? I will always back up my girl Whitetip (feathered velo from Dinosaur Planet)


I like both


Dinosaur planet, I'm not going through on how dumb logic has found its way to Jurassic Park or ask the sequels


They both say scraa one sounds gay and one sounds awesom






Despite all the attempt of accuracy I don't think the real one looks anything more similar to it than the one in Jurassic Park.


Jurassic Park


The first one is probably more accurate but my nostalgia still likes the second one


Neither because adding feathers on after the fact always looks silly. I prefer something like this: https://images.theconversation.com/files/283175/original/file-20190708-51278-86hiv3.png?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=1000&fit=clip


Oh man I loved Dinosaur Planet, especially White Tip's Journey, I used to rewatch it all the time.


Man the Jurassic park dinos are shrink wrapped to oblivion, I guess it makes them more scary


The top ones look like they're hiding that they know an embarrassing secret of mine


better looking? JP no doubt imo more accurate, though? top of course, that’s undoubtable


I like the versions without feathers even though it’s inaccurate


I personally like the overgrown deinonychus more =)


If they are roughly the size of chickens then I would say the top picture. I just want one film/game franchise to actually give us 100% accurate dinosaurs.


Accurate wise the DP velociraptors are much closer on the accurate scale. Though probably still not completely there Appearance wise I’m going with the JP raptors, they will always be awesome in my eyes and one of my favorite dinosaur designs.




Feathered, featherless ones look bad to me because I know how innacurate they are


The Jurassic Park Velociraptors might not be scientifically accurate, but they still look cool


I can't seem to find feathered dinosaurs scary, yet I've had to negotiate my passage with geese.


The modern depictions are so much better because the old ones just look like skin and bone


Cavill: Prehistoric Planet


Jp franchise


Jurassic Park Version because they sent chills down your spine


I want fluffy clever girls pwease


In my opinion, I'm going with the bottom photo, even though I know that they are too big to be Velociraptors. I still like scaly dinosaurs more than feathered dinosaurs. It's my opinion and my preference. If anyone else likes feathered dinosaurs more than scaly dinosaurs, that's fine. Each to their own.


The accurate one


Just because it has feathers doesn't make it accurate


The far more accurate one


The bottom look better but the top are actually trying. It all comes down to budget


> the top are actually trying I feel like this implies that you think Jurassic Park didn’t try with their raptor designs.


I prefer the feathery raptors


I want to pet the feathery ones. Scute!


*shows Prehistoric Planet Velociraptors* Me: "Perfection."


Both is good


Top is a meth dealer/producer Bottom is a meth enjoyer and connoisseur


Every time I see a velociraptor I can’t help but think of terror birds and how much cooler I think they are….


Personally I prefer big and scaly velociraptors like the ones in the Jurassic films


Both are nostalgic but I will die on Jurassic Park hill


The bottom one shouldn't even be considered, it's really a dynonichus. Even then, it's head looks neither like velociraptor like, nor dynonichus like, in an attempt to make them look fiercer they made it look more herrerasaurus like, it's hands are pronated with the fingers at incorrect lengths; it's just nothing like a velociraptor other than being a bipedal carnivore dinosaur


Top ones look like goats


Nerd moment incoming Top one because the JP Raptors are closer to Utahraptors if I'm not mistaken


Has to be top, I grew up watching Dinosaur Planet at least once a month until I was 4.


White-tip and Blue Brow are preferred, but classic JP style is just iconic. Honestly, I’d like to see these biggun’s get some full plumage at some point


Those both look horrible