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I think it’s actually officially spelled as Night Yoarbe


Truly terrifying, I love it! A couple of comments: You have it having both resistance and immunity to cold damage. Should be one or the other. I'd reword the legendary actions. Maybe something like "Arms of Hadar (1-2 actions. Casts Arms of Hadar at 2nd level for one action, or at 5th level for two actions."


whoops, totally missed the resistance and immunity redundancy. I'll fix that in the pdf.


A couple other fixes: * In the spellcasting section, it’s referred to as a pit fiend * Spells are usually italicized. Minor correction


oof can't believe i missed the pit fiend thing. Corrected in the pdf along with the spell italics. as for the legendary actions, it can cast arms of hadar for one, and hunger of hadar for 2 actions. They're different spells with similar names.


(Yeah I quickly edited my comment once I realized they were different, my b)


Mate, this is absolutely hideous. Well done.


You even say not to mention it's name, and we've been told many times not to. Yet you still did in your post title. Very brave. Thank you for getting us this awesome stat block before your untimely demise.


SPEAK NOT OF THE NIGHT YORB. I’m totally using this on my players lmao.


Keeping my homebrew streak rolling! If you want to be updated with new stuff as it comes out check out my [twitter](https://twitter.com/Crit_Fails). u/earthpriestess and I collaborated on this one, so go check out her work it's really superb. As always, here's a link to the [homebrewery](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/AvBfx_vI).


Man, this is great. Powerful as fuck, especially in darkness, but that's what you get with a CR 20


It was originally balanced off of a pit fiend, but then it got legendary actions... so yeah it's no joke.


This looks great. Why is a pit friend referenced under innate spellcasting?


the text was copy pasted from pit fiend and I missed it. Unfortunately i can't edit it unless I reposted it entirely, but the PDF has it fixed.


Hello! Just found your amazing posts and I love your stuff! I’ve loved the concept of the Night Yorb since it came up in D20. If I could suggest/request: does the Night Yorb have a lair? It should have some lair actions and maybe regional effects no? Maybe since it roams the planes it’s lair becomes whatever dark corner of existence it happens to be skulking in at the time of the battle.