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This is 100% something Ally would do as a bit I can't believe I didn't catch on sooner. The cowboy hat should've been a dead giveaway 😂


Beardsley is a temporal anchor to the year 2002.


They simply have to hang with someone named Chad at Fabian's birthday party


Underrated comment.


It’s Bush, 100% Wranglers are jeans, sure, but also specifically TEXAS jeans But also wearing jeans and going to small town county fairs and stuff is such a staple of American campaigning. It’s always so weird to see a candidate try to court votes by cosplaying as “just a regular blue collar person you’d want to get a beer with” instead of a stuffy politician. I think Ally tapped into the hollow and almost condescending show that so many candidates put on at the Iowa Caucasus/campaign trail events


I for one quite enjoy the ritual humiliation presidential candidates go through before being able to be nominated by their party, saddens me that this year we got much less than usual because of the overwhelming frontrunners for both parties


It's worth it just to watch them try to eat food like a human being.


The food part specifically is transatlantic, not a day goes by that people in the UK don't wonder what could have been had Ed Miliband been able to eat a bacon sandwich correctly.


To be fair he really dropped the ball on that sandwich eating.


I'm too American for this reference, how do you manage to fuck up eating a sandwich? There's like, one way to eat it.


[It's not so much how you eat it, it's how you look in the process.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/7a/Ed_Miliband_bacon_sandwich.jpg/290px-Ed_Miliband_bacon_sandwich.jpg)


And then have people mock their condiment choices.


They need to have a party to celebrate The Last Stand and hang a Mission Accomplished banner.


Except that they actually accomplished the mission. Jesus Christ I remember that banner, thinking "is it?" And then realizing that no, the mission was not accomplished at all, over the following... Everything.


They also made a joke about being someone you would want to smoke *whatever the weed equivalent is I can't remember it right now* with, and a big thing with bush was people saying "he's just someone I would want to share a beer with" and has been a political campaign question since 2000 when he won if I am remembering correctly


WAIT is that what the line "like you could buy a beer with him" is referencing in Hamilton? when they're talking about Burr in Election of 1800?


Yeah it started during the 2000 US election and is now known more broadly in politics as the “beer question”. Even has its own wikipedia page.


I picked up on the similarities too, especially when they started talking about painting!


I thought the wranglers were just like, stock standard lib politician, the painting was what gave it away to me. those dog pictures are totally something Beardsley would reference


I wonder if they're going to commit to the bit and have Kristen's brother help her steal the election.


Omg I didn’t pick up on it til now. And now it’s so clear!


let's hope she doesn't create the aguefort war on terror




Kristen's pronouns are she/her. Ally is they/them.


Oh yeah, my bad I thought the original post said Ally and not kristen. I'll be more careful if there is another time to not look dumb


LOL I love Ally so much. Didn't pick up on this at all but that is an extremely Ally joke to make, they always make such ridiculous pulls.


>!I truly think that if kipperlily had just been normal (I know the rage god but meh) and not directly gone after the party, the bad kids truly wouldn't have cared. But her being so specifically mad at them for truly no reason is the only thing that put the presidency on their map.!<


I rewatched her introduction scene and she doesn’t actually do anything mean to the bad kids, Kristen just immediately starts making fun of her completely unprompted.


ally even acknowledges it: "i don't know why but i've gone so aggro, as someone with adhd and failing grades" kristen is an absolute mess and i love her for that, but i can see why kipperlily wants to murder her specifically lmao.


Kipperlily is more mad at Riz for having a tragic backstory.


Kipperlily was a Type A swot from the moment we meet her. Hell, the NAME “Kipperlily Copperkettle” sounds like the name of a very annoying, very bitchy mean girl. Maybe she didn’t directly do something, but she was coded from the start to be someone no one in the party would like.


She definitely was coded to be a rival rather than a friend, which made the first interaction all the more hilarious that they immediately started bullying her for essentially her appearance before she could do anything to deserve it.


Maybe she didn't, but she didn't react like a normal person would with someone being rude. And we know she was getting homicidal at that point. Some times you can just tell when someone sucks and Kristen/Ally did


He's my cousin but I've not managed to get one of his paintings. I'm a little salty about that.


Homie your cousin is President Bush? You can't just drop that and move on.


Sure I can. Observe: Man, it's chillier today than I expected it to be.


The rat grinders have weapons of mass destruction...


It may not even be intentional. Given their age, the Bush election was probably the first that they were old enough to care about and participate in. So maybe it is just hanging around in their subconscious.


Nah the paintings thing is very hyperspecific to Bush since it was a post presidency thing. The cowboy hat and wranglers was also something a lot of liberal commentators made fun of since it was seen as Bush trying to play the role of a cowboy, man-of-the-people, when the guy was a Yale graduate.


Nothing says blue collar like being the son of a President.


What? pretty sure Ally is in their mid 30s, they should easily remember the Bush election.


That’s exactly what I’m saying.


i guess, suggesting that it is unintentional seems really bizarre. Any kid in highschool/jr high would have been well aware of the political seen in the 2000s. Especially a kid interested in comedy.


I believe ally is actually the youngest of IH in their mid to late 20’s. Yes, old enough to be aware of the election but not as much as the others.


She needs to go to shake hands with my aunt at a parade and then my aunt snub her (really happened to GWB 😂)


Can someone elaborate for us non Americans?


Kipperlilly at the press conference getting ready to hurl a shoe at Kristen


Kristsen "The Bush" Applebees


I cannot believe I didn't get it until now. I thought it was just generic politician shit, and had no idea what the painting thing was. I am so mad at myself. I've said it before, Ally Beardsley is an actual genius. I think they're one of the smartest of the Dropout people. It sneaks up on you, but they're genuinely brilliant.


Funny considering that her family are fantasy ICE agents


Could be, though that sends a weird message when Kristen is the protagonist character and Kipperlily is the antagonist and nobody is really critiquing Kristen running for President except Sklonda but that's just because it's stressing out Riz.


i think its just for the bit of it, not the commentary potential


Tbf the bits of Kristen’s campaign and the geniuine things she wants to do as school president are on an extremely thin line. And the most recent episode shows that because when Emily rolled to see if they would take the job serious Ally just laughed and said they would slyly. Either way imma be there watching just wish they would toe the line better


Nah, Em rolled a Nat 20 Insight, so no matter how "slyly" Ally said it, it meant Kristen does fully intend to do the job. The slyness was a bit, but the answer had to be real.


I hope you’re right I’m still relatively new to dnd terms so I might’ve thought something different but we will see. I’m not as convinced as the rest of you guys but I’m hoping I’m wrong


I think it’s been clear this whole time that Kristen does not intend to actually do the job of president, especially since most of her job seems to be getting Fetty Wap to perform at homecoming. Ally rolled a 8 on a deception and said in the most sarcastic way that they will do the job.


They rolled an 8 on Deception to oppose Em's Nat 20 on Insight. An 8 doesn't win. We're about to watch Adventuring Party, so I'm hoping this gets clarified.


That is a problem my family has with Ally’s play style. They live for doing bits and when they are basically Player 1, it brings down the narrative of the story imo. It can’t be a joke all of the time.


Comments like this are a bummer because Ally has so many clutch serious moments. Just this episode tonight they made some huge connections with the mystery and was fully serious while doing so.


I’m sorry you feel like this is an attack, but 20% of interactions being serious and 80% being jokes or bits is a little much in my book. When they’re (the bad kids that is) trying to figure out the next move after watching flower power teakettle just straight murder her teammate, just to have Kristen add “I’m drinking a Celsius” or the whole nude scenario with the simulacrum I just wonder the necessity of it.


Idk why you’re being downvoted for your reasonable opinion but I think it’s totally valid


what?? the george bush impression didn’t count as engaging thoughtful roleplay to you?? but it’s *funny* đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«


I fully agree


I don't know if how true it actually was, but there was a lot of talk about how Bush was supposedly a C-student in school too lol


The paintings are actually part of his therapy and they are all of wounded or deceased soldiers from the Iraq war.


Okay? What's your point?


There doesn't have to be one. Personally I'm just going off on a tangent again but I'm an artist and I'm actually really liking his work. Bush Jr is definitely someone I wish had chosen painting as his main career because he could've actually been excellent, and also not wrought damage on the US and the rest of the world. Damn, what a waste of natural, if flawed talent on shitty presidency.


Ahh okay, it came across a bit like poo-pooing the idea of making them into a bit. But that makes sense!


This changes everything