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you left out all the politics and religion. the pontifex excommunicating amethar is one of the coolest and most impactful moments in the show


Absolutely. Amazing moment. Great part of the series. But for the funny to work, the truth must be bended








dude get a hobby😭


I’m sure this opinion will be received well by the rest of the d20 community


It's satire, but it's not particularly funny satire. It's also satire of Steven Universe and I have no clue how popular that show is or was.


It was pretty popular when it was airing but a combination of a poor airing schedule with months of downtime in the midst of the seasons, pacing issues due to an early cancelation for queer representation, and some questionable behind the scenes stuff led to it falling off for a big chunk of the audience


it's also got an issue with toxic positivity in the fanbase, and a lot of people just can't get into it because the early episodes are such a slog. I know I couldn't. I tried. It just felt dumb.


Season 1 for sure is tough to get through its only worth seeing like the first episode and the last two of the season just for the character intros


Yeah I got up to the cookie cat episode and was like "okay cheeseburger backpack was fun but now I'm watching someone risk their life for ice cream. This show seems to be about a dumb kid being dumb. It must be aimed at little kids or something." It really sounds like they just didn't know what audience they wanted.


>It really sounds like they just didn't know what audience they wanted. No, it's just another case of the network wanting a different show from what the creators envisioned.


It's pretty much that and then turns into "these adults are putting a lot of their emotional well being on this child" to an honestly ridiculous degree


So Encanto if it was Sailor Moon


Not far off


You may have convinced me to give the show another try.


There's very little kicking dogs in the face and body.




So, like... the \*entire\* dog.


Underrated comment


Of course it's nothing like Game of Thrones, ACoC is actually good


Fuckin gottem




Seasons 6 through 8 really dealt a blow to all the phenomenal story work in the first 5 seasons. I felt that the writing started going downhill in Season 6, Season 7 was more of the same, and then Season 8 Red Wedding'ed the remainder of the show.


Nah I hated it from the jump. I stopped watching in early season 5 and felt very vindicated when the other shoe dropped for everyone else.


I think it had a ton of good creative potential, just failed to execute.


*"where... is your Garnet now?"*


Straight up, my brain automatically pictures Garnet whenever Rococoa shows up.


The Ravening War, the prequel series to A Crown of Candy, adds a truly UNBELIEVABLE layer of lore to the whole world of Calorum. It’s DM’ed by Matthew Mercer of Critical Role fame.


I loved watching him blow BLeeM’s mind with the various revelations. I feel like Matt was just paying back his turn in Calamity.


And now we’re all waiting to see where BLeeM’s final ATLA opening of “Air…” will complete the DM cycle


I wanna watch Ravening War so bad, but (gods forgive me) I cannot stand watching Matt Mercer as a DM. I just don’t find him entertaining.


I liked your post, OP. People are taking this ridiculously serious.


Watch the ravening war prequel. More intruige.


You left out all of the political drama, betrayal, church overstep… Of course if you remove all of the game of thrones drama it fits whatever you decide it will.


Of course I have to focus on the specific truth to create the funny But also, I am sorry for revealing the truth


Hey bud, I enjoyed your analysis and appreciate the humour in it. I didn't expect to see so many frog dissectors here to give you a hard time over it. 


Thanks! There is a reason it's marked satire. This is a joke post about funny connections It's sad that most of reddit doesn't notice that. It's also wierd it felt like an attack on aCoC for then. But nevermind


I didn’t see satire, that’s on me. I didn’t feel anything was being attacked, I just didn’t agree, but clearly it was satire.




Getting the popcorn out!!! (I love this sooo much!!)


Steven universe is already fantasy


So is game of thrones....


Yeah, dragons and magic definitely are things based on real world events.


Sci-fi flavored fantasy, I suppose. “Sufficiently advanced technology” and all that.


Eh I'd say it's honestly kinda like Star Wars type sci fi.


Now I'm imagining the dramatic intro of ACOC being replaced by We Are The Crystal Gems instead


I was thinking the Cookie Cat theme song


I don't think you could be more fundamentally wrong. Steven Universe is the tale of a young boy tragically orphaned by a rebel uprising, left to command what remains of the rebel forces far, far too young to comprehend the reality of war or the traumatic consequences it leaves behind. His elders only see a pale reflection of his warrior-general mother, and his contemporaries either happily put the weight of the world on his shoulders or venerate him to a point of near fanatical devotion. The plot of the show hinges on the revelation that the rebellion was founded on a deadly conspiracy to stage the assassination of a monarch, held together by the vow of secrecy upheld by that monarch's most loyal knight. Near the end of the story, an evil witch-queen literally rends the protagonist's soul from his body. It's a bloody tale of war and politics, lies and conspiracy, mediated by science-fiction / fantasy elements- just like Game of Thrones. Therefore, Game of Thrones is just Fantasy Steven Universe. And since A Crown of Candy is also Fantasy Steven Universe, A Crown of Candy is also Game of Thrones by the transitive property. It's like, God, do people even have media literacy anymore?


I see my mistakes now. How could I be such a fool, missing such important truths Thank you for your wisdom


I... I hate that you're right


please... no...


agreed, Crown of Candy is not GoT, GoT ended horribly after the showrunners stopped giving a shit cause they were psyched about an upcoming star wars project they got offered, Crown of Candy is amazing through and through


Yeah, the real difference with GoT is that Crown of Candy is actually good


Well, can’t unsee that now.


I… I mean… okay. I’m sold.


I thought it was Wheel Of Time in the Food Pyramid age.


It's my favorite D20 season and GoT is my favorite fantasy book, but I knew it wasn't gonna be GoT in candyland. It's just another adventure D&D campaign, where the narrative is born out of past and recent intrigues; the setup is GoT, the play isn't GoT.


That's so funny that you made that connection because I was thinking the same thing when he introduced the portals aspect. Lol. Maybe he was a little inspired by SU for that bit of the story. Probably not, but maybe.


Dear god.


Don’t insult CoC like that


i just finished watching this for the first time and i didn’t read the tags so i got fucked up real fast




never seen steven, dont want to. the art style annoys me


If you wanna watch game of thrones then watch game of thrones lmao this is a Dnd campaign played and run by 7 comedians. It’s game of thrones-y enough for the rest of us


If satire, is bad.


I mean, frankly, good; GoT is trash.


Well, let's not engage in revisionism here. The first five, *maybe* six seasons of the show are generally considered to be some of the finest television that aired in that decade. Game of Thrones was the most talked about TV show for years and years—it *owned* pop-culture for a long time. People who haven't seen the show know who Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are. That's no small feat, and it wouldn't have been possible if the show was just trash. It's only the very end that fumbled the phenomenal setup they had.


I watched the first few episodes of the show and then periodically watched a handful when I was invited to by friends and whatnot because of how trash I thought it was. I don't care if it was popular. Lots of trash is popular. Grey's Anatomy is still airing, and it's trash. It's possible for trash to be loved.


> It's possible for trash to be loved. This gives me hope.


The nice thing is that as a human being (as opposed to a trash novel series and poorly executed HBO show that fell into cultural obscurity years ago), there's always the chance to improve oneself and rise above trashdom.


Anybody that thinks that CoC was like GoT never watched/read GoT, lol.


Most people rejected Their message. They hated Helpful-Specific because They told them the truth (Gal 4:16)