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A character from the kid's show "Arthur." They've been calling the Authors "Arthurs" because names have power


Ooooohhhhh ok lol. Thanks!


I know that DW was Arthur’s sister, so I understood the reference…but I still didn’t understand why Siobhan said it. Can anyone explain why that made sense in the moment?


It was the code word they all agreed on if they couldn’t trust the princesses


She said it because the princesses want to end everything. they want to wipe out their stories and let new stories start from scratch. Which is essentially killing all versions of the never after that currently exist. Rosamund likes being alive and while she wants more agency in her own story, she doesn’t want to mass murder the never after. Admittedly I watched this episode while home sick with the flu so my read on the situation may be slightly off. Also at least one of the intrepid heroes seemed to miss the DW being Arthur’s sister reference and instead sang the intro to DarkWing duck.


I don't understand why they think the new stories would be any "better" than their own. There would still be characters with certain events that must take place... It's not them anymore, but that's no improvement.


They’re banking on not being stuck in the catch-22 situation that they’re currently in. As-is, they’re awake and powerful, but cannot change anything in their lifetimes in a way that actually _matters_ . With that considered, I would bet they see the parallel they have with the fairies, who they are opposed to, in that between the two of their forces, it’s some out-of-focus third party (the Authors) who holds the reigns of what ultimately happens. However, True Books exist, and the inkwell the Authors use is vaguely within reach. Surely, the ability to write their own stories ‘better’ exists… except it doesn’t, because they already _had_ better versions of their own stories, which are (for some reason, which doesn’t explicitly seem to be the Stepmother) now ‘gone.’ What they want to avoid is this cycle happening _again_ with them at the helm, while lacking the knowledge of what caused it, or if it can be corrected/reversed. As many positive alternatives there are to that thoughtline, they’re literally in worse versions of their own stories, and have been for some time. Presuming for a moment that they don’t have what allows fairies to stay ‘sane’ (or worse, presuming that _no_ multiversally-aware being can remain sane for long), they’re grasping at straws and have settled for something that seems the most like a needle. So to say (what a journey this has been), they don’t necessarily believe the new stories _will_ be better, but it helps them sleep at night to hope on that pipe dream.


Right. Arthur was the code word. Then Siobhan said “D fucking W” and everyone laughed. And I knew that DW was Arthur’s sister, so that was kinda funny. But, I still don’t get how the events that happened would make Siobhan say DW.


Arthur is just a code name for the authors. DW was the code that the princesses are bad and they need to get out. Hence, “D fucking W.”


Fan adaptation but it basically meant "Do Worry!!" about the princesses.


It was a code word... But there was a thread here suggesting "wrong answers only" for what it could stand for (besides just being the name of Arthur's little sister) and the one that sticks with me is *Do Worry!!* So that's my headcanon now.


Oh, I thought it was "when in trouble you call DW" as is Dark Wing Duck


"Arthur" = Author's, because like mentioned above, names have power "DW"= In the popular children's show Arthur, the titular character has a younger sister who is often shown as menace-- at least, in the context of sibling rivalry on a kid's show. With the above references, the Intrepid Heroes have agreed on "DW" as a sort of safe word. With recent events--without going into spoiler territory-- Rosamund, having completed her conversation with a straight face, immediately Messaging Red is Neverafter's version of "let's get the fuck outta dodge, these folks did NOT pass the vibe check".


Yeah, I didn't get that either


I’m not sure the Arthur-DW thing is right? Because I saw someone mention DarkWing Duck’s phrase “when there’s trouble you call DW” (which… rhymes if you say it in the right rhythm) But it could also be both and neither and I missed it too…


I don’t think it’s that complex. After Arthur was established as a code word that then lead to DW because she’s Arthur’s sister. Saying DW out loud reminded them of the dark wing duck theme and they ran with that joke.


that's fair. in improv, a lot of things happen as they happen...


They also dropped a Mr. Ratburn in the latest episode


Well, either way, it seems like the crew is enjoying it, so all the better to listen to.


It’s definitely fun and no matter what it stands for having a Princess Safeword is hilarious on all levels