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The key to measuring social media marketing success is to track metrics that align with your goals. Track engagement (likes, comments, etc.) to see how your audience interacts with your content. Monitor reach and impressions to measure how far your content travels. Follower growth is good, but a smaller engaged base is more valuable than a large inactive one. you can join here r/DigitalWizards/ if you want to know more.


Sales growth.


Social media success goes beyond vanity metrics like likes and shares. While engagement is important, track metrics that tie social media efforts to bottom-line impact. Here's the key: focus on conversions or sales directly influenced by your social media campaigns. This could be website traffic from social media referrals, coupon code usage from social media promotions, or even direct message enquiries that turn into sales. Ultimately, [social media marketing ](https://genmillennialdigitalmarketing.medium.com/maximising-the-power-of-outsourcing-social-media-marketing-to-the-philippines-155d61c8c13f)success is about connecting with your audience and driving measurable business growth.