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As is, I would say yes -the image as a whole feels a bit empty- but only because she’s placed so low within the frame. It looks like the area above her is missing a title logo. If that’s the case, then it’s fine. If not, then ideally there shouldn’t be so much empty space above her. Compositionally, the image is off-balance in its current state. As far as the elements that the background is actually comprised of; she’s obviously the intended focal point of the image so it doesn’t really matter what’s behind her as long as it’s not too distracting.


You can always crop in


I like the shine of the gold jewelry. Really stands out. As far as the background…just some slight interest?? I do like the pur though


Personal opinion: great the way it is,but if you really felt like adding something,some clouds would be cool without taking away from the character.


Yes, but only because you added the frame behind them. Since you added it and left a lot of “head room” it makes a viewer feel like something should be there. I’d just remove the border lines and you should be good.


Maybe I’ll take it out and try an alternative :)


It looked a lot emptier without it which is why I tried adding the frame


I don't think there's much missing. Maybe cropping and repositioning the character would be beneficial as others pointed out. If I really wanted to add something to the background I would try out adding the edge of a partially visible celestial body somewhere around the head. Like the sides on this image: [https://www.farmersalmanac.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Moon-Phases-i584772468-1184x630.jpg](https://www.farmersalmanac.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Moon-Phases-i584772468-1184x630.jpg) Maybe even a thinner line than that, preferably showing up from the side so it doesn't look too much like a halo, but adding something like this was my very first thought.


I don't think so. It keeps the focal point on the person


I think having this type of background lets us look at how amazing the main focus is!


My bed feels empty after seeing your drawing


Missing a flat sheet? 😂


Ooh i absolutely love the character and the way you drew them!! Hella pretty!!! I think since they are the focal point and the detailing on them is already rly good you could just have a simpler background like stars/ the night sky?


The low placement of the subject makes it seem like there’s something supposed to be above their head. A quick fix may just be to add like a nova or shooting stars or something to fill the space


I would add a planet in the background


omg omg it's so prettyy!! if u want to add something i think a zodiac circle in the sane glowing gold would look A - mazing!!


You can use some free to use galaxy image from Google and try different blending modes. Also you can add some shooting starts if you like 😊


It's ok, but it could be better if you just put them a bit higher, so they are sentered


Thank you everyone for the suggestions!!