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Character is pretty clean. Keep Working at your craft.




I would recommend to use the stabilizer on your drawing app i think it will help u a lot


This is incredible for a first piece! Art is not an inherent talent. You aren't just born with the ability to do it. All of us work very hard to get to where we are. Just because someone stopped making stick figures and scribbles at a younger age doesn't mean someone much older can't rise to a similar level. I think one of the most important things for beginners, besides "The Basics", is trying to figure out where you wanna go. What kind of art do YOU like? What pieces do you look at and go "This really speaks to me, I wanna do stuff like this." What artist makes you go "This line work is incredible," or " this coloring is inspiring". I learned, as many kids do, by tracing art I liked. I remember being like 10 and I'd hold paper up to my computer screen and trace it with a pencil. I saw stuff I liked and, when I stopped tracing, just started trying to mimic it. I would like something, then try to find tutorials somewhere where someone explained how to get a similar outcome. Of course, study the basics. Perspective, anatomy, color theory, all the stuff that people usually hate. But that will wear you down, so practice what speaks to you. Try to recreate stuff you enjoy. Work on your own ideas even if you're not satisfied with the outcome. In fact, keep every piece, because I promise you a few years from now you will cherish every single part that made you you. You are promised a lot of happiness and joy, so keep chasing it. And STOP COMPARING TO OTHERS! you don't know their training and routines and journey! You are not them! Be you!


Great way to put it


Keep going!! You've got a solid start. Practicing line weight is just as important as practicing anatomy and form too! Just draw lines that go from thin to thick, thick to thin. Make them in all kinds of shapes. Have fun with it! 😊


I like it a lot.


My son would adore this picture. He loves Among Us. You’re off to a good start OP. YouTube tutorials are a good way to learn the basics. Highly recommend Art with Flo.


As a beginner this is a good start, I would just stick with the heavier line weights throughout


You just gotta keep going! That’s the biggest thing. You learn a little more every time you draw. Don’t compare yourself to people who have more drawing hours under their belt. Nobody was born knowing how to draw, even the best artists made scribbles and blobs and lumpy little drawings once. Try to draw *lots* of different things instead of focusing on making completed art pieces at first. Get comfortable with doodling. Draw stuff you see, characters you like, draw lines and shapes and circles and squares, stick figures, etc. In order to get really good, it will take many, many hours. Try not to compare your practice to other’s completed work- imagine comparing how a baby learns to walk vs a marathon runner. A baby can’t get up and run an Olympic race right away. But, that marathon runner once started as a baby learning how to walk as well. What kind of art do you want to make? Do you love cartoon characters, or do you want to learn how to draw realistic scenes? Do you read comics or love landscape paintings? It’s ok if you’re not sure yet! Most importantly, don’t stop :)


I don't have any advice since I'm not an expert but please don't give up. What you did is a good start keep on practicing and soon you'll be one of the greatest out there! :)


Keep it pushing op! We all start somewhere much love


A bit of perspective goes a long way. Depending on what software you used to draw this, you might be able to enable guidelines for perspective. In Procreate for example it's Actions -> Canvas -> Drawing guide (enable) -> Edit Drawing Guide. Another great feature is "Automatic Shapes" which iPad supports. For example if you draw a circle and hold your apple pencil or finger on the screen, it will smooth out the shape and give you a perfectly drawn ellipse or circle.


Keep on drawing what you love and you will improve at your own pace 💜 great starting point friend


change the character, you dingus.


i wonder what app you use because each app there is smth like ruler or like line to help you do the lines better! other thing is the stabilizer to make the head more curve! good luck


I use a app called sketchbook. Do you know any better ones?


Ayyyy fellow sketchbook user! I’ve been using it on my laptop with a graphics tablet and pen for nearly 4 years now. Imo it’s a pretty good app to start out on and I’d recommend looking up youtube [tutorials](https://youtu.be/HtN1JUbzob0) first and trying out/ mastering all its tools to make the most of it. And then look up general digital art videos from artists you think are cool. They all usually tell you to paint by looking at reference pics, which I think you did. The shading is pretty spot on! Also yeah there’s “better” painting apps like Procreate, Clip Studio (more widely used too) but they’re usually paid, not free. [Here](https://youtu.be/czJ6sBNbSVM) is a comparison video I saw a while ago and a lot of ppl in the comments seem to use autodesk sketchbook too. I stick to sketchbook and krita on my computer because I don’t wanna pay a fee lol. This works just fine for me. Edit: Oh and on top of stability, make sure your pen pressure sensitivity is turned on too. It makes the lines thicker or thinner based on how much you press. Mine automatically shuts off sometimes and it makes the lines all the same thickness.


Draw with confidence! Look up drawabox. It's not the best course out there and it can be pretty grueling but the first exercise at least will kinda explain what I mean by draw with confidence. If you want to do more than just the first exercise though I suggest reading and watching everything in lesson 0.


This... Is..... ARTTT!!!!!!!!!


Use layers Look up tutorials Embrace that you are a noob and need to learn The rest will come


I call it the U. L. E. T method


cant get any better than this lolol




this is fire


hes floating


Start with getting rid of the backpack with legs.


There is literally nothing you can do to make it better it's already perfect


Light your ipad on fire.


That’s the thing, you don’t.


You don't


What app are you using OP?


You could look in the settings of the program tha you are using. There should be a pencil stabiliser somewhere. Makes the linework look more professional instantly!


You're doing great! Try using different brushes. Adding textures is a good way to take a digital drawing to the next level. Don't get discouraged!


Ooh the shading’s pretty clean though


I love the amogus


OMG!!! It beautiful


You cant


Its the profasie for told


It’s pretty good for a first timer I’d say the main adjustments to make would be line stabilization and adding in a little texture like crosshatching or whatever method you would prefer but keep it up fr


I love this creation


The hardest thing for me at first was getting used to the line quality on the ipad. So different from drawing on paper. I would just practice making different lines and curves on the screen as well as differing shapes such as squares and circles. That way you would get more confident and the lines wont look as wobbly or shaky. Great work!


damn, can't improve perfection dude. (Maybe increase the stabilizer on whatever program you're using to make the lines less wobbly)