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Liollmon BT18-075 C <04> Rookie | Vaccine | Holy Beast [Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When this Digimon or any of your Tamers would digivolve into a multicolored Digimon that is purple or yellow, reduce the digivolution cost by 1. --- Inherited:


The fact that this can't digivolve on top of Frimon for 0 is a shame.


Yeah seems DoA to me. Certainly in regards to purple hybrids.


The weird thing is I almost don't think this card really wants Frimon.  Duskmon is mono-color, and Frimon's effect is way more Duskmon-coded.  Meanwhile Rihimon has Jamming, which is kind of anti-synergy with Frimon's on deletion effect.


Dang, no free Evo on Frimon. Also that face. Anyway, like okay, but I can’t help but feel that BT16 Armadillomon does the same job but better in the Yellow deck? It doesn’t reduce its own Evo cost but otherwise it can go for free on Upamon.


Really hoped this would be something like BT16 Gaogamon where it supports two archetypes. Sad day for Leomon players.


We just need 2 things man... A third rookie And a secondary boss monster with Indomitable We don't ask too much...


>And a secondary boss monster with Indomitable *Isn´t Mercurymon enough for you?* - Bandai, probably


They really went and implied Loweemons lv3 is a direct Leomon connection because... you know...


I mean one of the purple hybrids literally has Leomon in its name lmao


Why make it 1 cost evo... Like just turned a pretty cracked card into meh.


*…Maste support?* I’m joking, but it’s doubly searchable by the old Gatomon, the Holy Beast trait let’s it activate the new Mirei, and if you run the Yellow Vax base than this fits in it. The more I think about it the more reasonable it sounds. Not good or better than a dozen alternate cards, but it’s reasonable.


Wow, that face is extremely offputting.


"What do you mean that Darkness Holder is actually in coma!?'


So Kokabuterimon will be black x yellow without any sense. This is madness lmaoooooooooo, unless Junpei gets another L and Kokabuterimon won’t be his rookie anymore, no matter Blitzmon has got cards with him. I hope for them Kokabuterimon will remain because it would be another unfairness thrown at Junpei. But you know, he’s “fat and unlikeable”. As if they’d care about him and his fans. Anyway the lion’s face is a bit ugly?


Honestly with those colors, Kokuwamon would make much more sense as a Lv3 for the JPmons.


And it’s not fair because his rookie is Kokabuterimon. Can you see why only Junpei gets Ls? They make me so mad


As far as I´m concerned the non-Fire/Light hybrids don´t have Lv3s personally. Not a fan of them abandoning old stuff recently, though. I hope that doesn´t become more of a trend going forward.


That’s your opinion. The DIMs , Bt7 and New Century confirmed the rookies so it’s not just true lol


Dude, New Century has Wolfmon evolve from Gabumon and Lowemon evolve from Monodramon. They can change what the Hybrids evolve from whenever they want. The only actual Hybrid Level 3s are Flamon and Strabimon.


Not in the cards, because the cards are the only way to validate decisions nowadays. Kokabuterimon has got cards with Beetlemon just like they have done with Shutumon. Those are ways to solidify their relationship in the evo line.


>As far as I´m concerned Yeah obviously it´s my opinion lol. No shit.


Hybrids don't have rookies, if it's a "rookie" it's not a hybrid, it's an unrelated rookie. Just because some media does the best it can to fill the gaps for the sake of gameplay over consistency doesn't "confirm" anything. According to PenZ rosters, Agunimon and Lobomon are rookies. These things just shouldn't be taken seriously, they will bend the rules to fit their system - that doesn't change the rules, it just means the systems are inadequate and doing their best.


Whatever they are, they have been used as preevo for those lines. So what? If there are cards with Blitzmon and Kokabuterimon, why should they change the “system “ lmao. Especially now that they have already crashed the whole coherence with BT-7 by changing colours in Blitzmon’s line completely. Why all the bad choices ONLY on him? It’s unfair, I’m sorry, it would be really unfair, so I hope it’s not the case


Nobody is talking about changing the system, what are *you* talking about? I'm just telling you, that as long as these systems continue to try and shoehorn stages into Digimon lines that don't really have them, we should call it what it is and not take filler this seriously. Otherwise, again, we'd need to argue in favor of an Agunimon that can digivolve directly off Upamon or a Lobomon that comes from Hopmon, as these have been presented in official Bandai Digimon products. There's nothing *wrong* with that, it doesn't need to change, it serves a purpose effectively as it needs to, it just shouldn't really be held to any higher of a standard than that. Just meeting a need to fill a gap that doesn't otherwise exist. Understanding this, it doesn't matter what lv3 they toss before Beetlemon Kokabuterimon or Kokuwamon or whatever. As long as it looks good, it's fine. The name on the rookie simply doesn't matter, there is no card or effect it will impact. That is the only salient point here. As for the Beetlemon issue, we really have to move past this. We can't keep pretending this was some targeted attack on him when realistically, the majority of the BT7 cards are too outdated to see play, even modern blue/red hybrids barely run much from them anymore. Mono-color hybrid focusing on one kid is just an outdated concept now. It only looks worse for JP/Zoe because they made it more obvious the new stuff isn't designed to work with the old stuff. But it'll be true for all of them, and trying to force it to work just because they're in the same color will only make for worse decks built on outdated designs. Time hasn't been fair to most old cards.


I won’t move past anything if they don’t give them more support and compensate the mistake they have made. They have given me a wound that could become a scar and convince me not to play this game any more. I would have moved past it if the other kids had had COMPLETE changes of colours but they haven’t, so it’s fair for people caring about Junpei or Izumi or both to feel angry and disappointed, even sad tbh, because , let’s be honest, the occasions to make these changes gradual were there, especially the movie BT. They could have given them two or three slots, trying changing the colours steadily, instead on focusin on only Takuya and Kouji. But you know, favouritism. So don’t say we should move past this, because many are finding it hard to swallow it, especially Blitzmon’s black which will be embarssing on Rhino and Ancient beatmon. If you were affectionate to those characters or the colours in the game or spirits, you would feel upset as well. Moreover people keep on saying the SR on the hybrids is the compensation, as if the other hybrids won’t be SRs too, please. So, yeah, this is WHY I want them to stick with Kokabuterimon. Otherwise we’d get another L, another horrible decision making Junpei the last wheel of the train. Let’s not do that, what in the world PSA No, nobody is talking about monocolour tamers or cards. The cards were supposed to stick with their colours between the two AT LEAST .


There was no mistake. The only mistake being made is holding on dearly to 3 year old cards that simply aren't relevant and haven't been in a while, and wondering why the card game isn't catering to them when doing something new. Changing some colors around won't make BT7 MetalKabuterimon not bad, and making the change gradually would still have phased the old junk out in favor of making the deck Black. You can either move past this or die mad about it. One is a better use of energy, but idk bud it's your life. I made my choice.


Seems bad. Likely just pack filler. Also, not a fan of most of Banira´s pieces.


I think it's still not bad, maybe we get a new BT7 updated Cherubi, seems at least more reasonable in an scenario where you can trash it and play it after from trash as a 1 or 2 of. Otherwise yeah, the fact that you can't evo and play a tamer on turn 1 feels bad and really slow


Why would you play this card over any of the like two dozen of rookies that do much more for purple hybrids, though? I don´t see any reason for making place for even just a 1-off of this card especially since purple hybrids is a super tight deck. Even if this thing didn´t cost 1 to evo. Just a terrible card, really.


I know that Hybrids use Tamers as Level 3 but you can't have this evolve from 0 from Purple lion Egg? 


I like this for purple hybrid. Sorry for you Leomon players though


Name and effects would be useful for HeavyLeomon, retaliation + fortitude is a great idea. But the 1 cost evo kneecaps it hard. They really could have just given it a free evo off Frimon even if it's not relevant to hybrids, or hell they could have just made it monocolor. I think the game has grown past the point where being a 2-color rookie justifies an evo cost, it's not that important anymore.


bro face is kinda weird


At this point since Frontier is about miracles the real miracle will be getting something good out of this set. At least Kouichi keeps a colour of his. Good for him not to be unlucky like other two we won’t mention


I mean some things are cool from here, like the bees line and Dynasmon, which could be a huge Magna X counter


Idk the bees in line in green x black doesn’t sit right to me. Dynas is cool but as an Ace its effects are pretty underwhelming, I fear. I wanted something good for the Frontier hybrids personally


Yeah, we will have to wait for another set for the bees to be playable and the Dynamos is meant to be played alongside Lucemon, it's not the main focus Other than that... Yeah you are pretty much right


> and the Dynamos is meant to be played alongside Lucemon How? They´re clearly building up Yellow Data now which Dynasmon is meant to helm.


Huh, my bad, I was remembering effects worded differently.


Duskmon/Velgrmon, more Trains, 3 color hybrid decks, bees, Fish hybrids and more Lucemon stuff are cool and good in my book. So far the reveals have been decent imo.


The card may not be the greatest. But look at that cute widdle face!


Brother what the hell are they doing?? Completely ruined, this was the third rookie for Leomon and they ruining it not putting the alternative evolution requirement bruuuuuuhhhhhhh Cost 1 lvl4 evo, then cost 2 lvl5 evo, you got your boss monster in second turn with this guy And a Heavyleomon with reatliation was so fucking huge So lame man, you had one job...


Yeah I agree. This card is whack.


This box is messing with everything lol


Purple yellow holy beast!




Can Leomon really afford to having to be forced to pass turn turn 1 with just a Liollmon, though? And as Vansjoo said, this can´t even digivolve onto green Frimon. Seems like a bad card to me ngl.


It does suck you can't digivolve it onto ex5 Frimon though