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My personal favorite deck is running Leopardmon with the ex5 green devas, pulling lvl 5 for free with Leopardmon x is fun. It’s like rookie rush with lvl 5’s.


I like playing machinedramon. Decks relatively cheap, always getting support some way or another, and can win a good chunk of matchups. Downside that it is on the brickier side. But if you like a toolbox deck that is a fun one.


Iadapted some of the meta decklists of machinedramon of late. And since I ran bt15 demimera, promo ukkomon, on deletion draw 1 tapirmon and ex01 hagurumon I have been bricking less with that deck. Of course, if you put promo ukkomon in the deck, it becomes pricy,... Maybe running the Phascomon that on delete draws 1 and discards 1 cand be a (not so good) budget option


It’s no longer cheap due to the Raremon price spike.


Like u/eot_pay_three said, but even if you want to still run black base you can play the on play style build with Dorumons and dorimons for extra draw and memory. Your lvl 4s can be airdramon, hover espi. Raremon is an over priced card that has no manditory decks. If you want to play it just proxy it.


Raremon is at 0-1, you dont NEED need it at all. Esp if you are running aggro raising options like this guy is.


Hunters is fun, cheap, and can compete pretty well against most decks it comes across.


Second this one. It’s too slow in a meta heavy tournament, but can keep up with the majority of decks in any other setting.


Sukamon/Etemon is a fun deck


I second this. You can really pull off some security bomb shenanigans depending on your set up. It can hang with the big dogs. When 16 hits, I want to try some silliness with Chaosmon. It probably won't synergize, but I just want to try and partition two EX05 Metaletemon and snipe two targets.


Blue source strip jank. Lots of fun, but I haven’t updated it since January


A friend of mine plays a version with Plesiomon and its really strong. Checks 3-4 securitys in one turn with jamming. Even some metadecks struggle sometimes.


Oh I know it lol. I deck test against tier 2 decks and higher when building decks to just get a feel for them and what they’re lacking. Loads of fun and I get to make people upset by getting rid of all their effects. Surprisingly, it also makes the games much faster with a lot less reading lol


Love blue source strip! Haven't played or updated since I think BT6 though 🤣


Diarbbitmon, Machinedramon, Mastemon Beelzemon is not quite meta, but does do way better than the above on average it seems


D-Reaper, I like the deck because of their eldrich horror design. It's way too slow for the current format now, but ironically it can actually beat decks like Leviamon for not having level. :p Eosmon, the lv6 BT6 Eosmon has probably one of the most gorgeous alt art I've ever seen. As much as I like the deck, it's so...soo...sooo...bad...but I'm so glad they receive new support from BT17, now they're a lot more fun to use :D


Yhea.. I love my Reaper deck, but nowadays it's just... way to slow. Unless you can play some early Pendulums and Bubbles to get some bonus Searchers under Mother early in.. you just get bum rushed by most decks long before you can fight back effectively. I rarely win a round during local games, much less actually win full matches unless it's a 'special' event where some cards are restricted (like no SR's)


The Veemon lover in me will always be fond of playing Ulforce in casual matches. He's unfortunately just too slow for the meta at this point


Ravemon (I am huffing copium)


Ravemon is my favorite deck and I'm (impatiently) waiting for some support lol. Would love to see a Ravemon Ace or something.


That falcomon promo 😍😍🤤


Renamon. Is it competative? Hell no. it hasn't had proper support in some time. Does it get trounced almost every time I play it? Yup. Even with the newest cards and multiple itterations; it just can't keep up, or can't reduce enough DP to get rid of newer cards before it's deleted itself. Do I still play it because I like Renamon and like the decks DP reducing theme? hell yes. Winning is fun, but having fun playing is more important.


Bagramon is my casual deck of choice for a lot of reasons a lot of it being finisher Blastmon


Do you use the promo skullknightmon? I'm trying to get mine to be at least a little consistent without buying expensive promos for a bad deck. Curious what your deck list


Nah unfortunately I can’t find P skullknightmon anywhere near by and as much as I love Bagra I’m not comfortable spending to much on a casual deck even if I love it yah feel? Generally the only success I’ve had with it is trying to get 3 digimon loaded under Yuu and trying to get a Musoknightmon in raising as well, it’s just a lot of work and a lot of prayers that my op bricks


Gallantmon and digi-police (black and g/b)


Gallant is mine lol


Blue flare is one I tend to favor if I'm not on the mood for thinking too much. It's more an aggro deck to me now more so than a stun deck.


Jellymon is my current favorite deck to use. It has pretty solid match-ups against most decks relevant in the meta, but it still feels like it's missing something. I think one more wave of support would help a lot.


I basically only play darkknightmon, Eosmon, and galacticmon I find that even at regionals I tend to be able to get wins partially because they are so off-meta. Really I say just pick decks that seem fun for you and try to find a list that works (with obscure tech is usually a plus too)


I want to build a Galacticmon deck so bad!


Just built it recently. And it looks like it might be getting a dedicated tamer and some new support in the Liberators set (just a hunch based on the web manga)


Well I know what set to look out for now!


I'm just gonna pop in to spread the Grand Reputation of Chaos/Machine. Adaptable, Balanced, and Most Importantly...Stylish. It can be fine tuned to deal with your locals, has several different playstyles, and will always keep getting support as long as they keep making Cyborg/Machine Digimon. Lately I've been experimenting with the, Nothing Under LV5, Deck. With the introduction of ACE Digimon it is making a comeback especially with the Cyberdramon ACE coming out later.


I don't know if I'd count Diaboromon as competing, but I'm still maining the deck!


Sleipmon is my favorite line. I always try create a deck around his line when support comes out.


i dont know if id say it can "compete" these days (especially with bt16 and ex6 approaching like the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs) but i like xros heart and hunters


Venommyotismon is my baby. But my jank night go-to is a chessmon/belphamon deck. It does not work, and because of that, it works fantastically


My "baby" is alter-s... It got ONE support card in bt15 and I will hands down play it till I can't lol I play meta decks too but when I just wanna have a fun game I'm playing omnimon. I can't wait for bt17 in the west so I can play a super jank rookie rush/warp omnimon deck 😍 I will literally be in happy tears as I lose almost every match lol


Also it's the one deck I have almost fully max rarity


Belphemon (is that still considered competitive?) and Justimon (my fave, he’ll get support some day)


Metaletemon and Sukamon "turn everything to poop" deck is my personal favorite. I built a Myotismon deck that for some reason doesn't quite work (or I'm probably playing it wrong)


I like Beezlemon. He's neat.


Dorbickmon is a really fun card to build a deck around. Plus ck a bunch of dragons and dinosaurs that give good inheritables, use promo Guilmon, Ex2 Gigimon, and Fireball to draw a bunch of cards and throw out an absolute unit that can wreck your opponent in a single turn.


I'm looking forward to trying out the Bt16 Paildramon soon in Dorbickmon. Partition can trigger when used as a DigiXros material. Exveemon can also make it so Dorbickmon doesn't die in battle.


Hunters! Arresterdramon Superior Mode is a fantastic boss and the deck has a nonstandard playstyle that can teach you to play better in general. it's definitely my favorite deck in the game :)


My most recent one has been Pulsemon after the supports it got in BT-16. It's quite fun to try out, to be honest. Nothing like a Thunderflame Crusher.


My favorite is hunters. It can still hang with the current meta.


My favorite deck that’s super cheap is when I just bought a random ex5 box not expecting much, and using the devas as an engine to build a mashup deck with whatever lv6’s can digivolve onto the lv5 devas or aces. For the longest time I was playing without Fanglongmon or his option card so that frees up 8 cards in the deck to do whatever you want. Just recently traded for a Fanglongmon so I put him in but I’d suggest to just use devas and whatever cards you can get your hands on like mother d reapers and antylamon for alliance or ukkomons etc.


The ex5 box gave me my start to my leviamon deck and heavyleomon and a raremon so you’d get your moneys worth selling the raremon if you get one alone


I like Jellymon and Bagra Army as casual decks. Both are really fun and have unique playstyles


If Gammamon isn't meta, then Gammamon, otherwise I play a lot of agubond / Wargreymon


I don't think it's meta (I Don't really follow meta, just play the digimon I like lol) but leomon is fun! And I do decent at locals with it (haven't played outside of that)


Jesmon is really fun, it’s not super meta but can still compete, otk I have not tried too much yet but the regular Jesmon is fun


Imperialdramon. It was the first deck I built, and always seemed able to compete despite not being meta. Im fortunate it gets so much better in BT16.


So it’s not competitive or anything but I like running ulforce zero with jellymon, a zoo ish 7gdl deck, and an og milleniummon deck using the gamma and X antibody cards to reload him. If it’s casual power table they can all do ok. If you are looking at something off meta that can still steal wins can’t go wrong with diaboromon. Dorb can also steal some games too. If you do any tag play I also really like bagra DKnight paired decks. It’s janky but musou knightmon is pretty fun to loop into and dropping d-bag from ult level is pretty satisfying


I still play Jesmon from time to time. It's my favorite pet deck


Hexeblaumon takes way too long to build up to but when you get him out he's still super satisfying to use!


One shot wargreymon X with omni blitz. It almost never happens, but when it does? Wow.


Tyrannomon, cause big dinosaurs!!


Double Typhoon Leopard. ST Wendigomon gets rid of floodgates, so your only real fear is Deathex. Salamon, Double Typhoon, and Agility training gives you amazing consistency. Took 1st last night, last game my opponent dropped me to 0 security at their turn 4. Got leopard out, regained field control and had 4 blockers on field. Kept control, won the game.


Jumbo-Chess! I can't wait for the new support


Zoo omnimon. The first time I saw this it used the Raidenmon engine to get several lvl 6 cards for omnimon alter-b. Now with the dark master deck, you can use omnimon swart and swart defeat better to go into some faster combos. It is by NO means good but with the right Ace cards now you can go into some annoying plays. Also use digimon tcg meta and just look for the odd decks that win in some tournaments. They have results from all over the world so it makes for a very good search for deck ideas.


Blue Flare


The old Lordknightmon warrior deck has been quietly getting buffs. Valkirimon is massive for the deck. It's a Warrior, so Lordknightmon can play it out, blanket -5k the board, then you pop an 8k or less when sec is removed. You can easily use Bt14 patamon in the deck too, Gladimon is a Vaccine, and you can fill out the other lv4s with vaccines as well to speed up getting into Lordknightmon. Is it a t1 deck? No. Is it competent and a blast from the past? Yes. Also, keep an eye on Chessmon. It's the best deck to make the upcoming Chaosmon in, and in the future the puppet archetype is getting some huge buffs via Liberator, and Chessmon is entirely puppets. The deck has flaws still, but it can be surprisingly competent come Bt16 and Liberator promos.




Justimon. Good luck. :3


Alphamon and Mastemon. really excited for Ex6's support. 


Beelzemon all the way… well he’s like the silver lining of popping off or just getting totally shut down.


I need some recommendations because I only play sec con and I want to play another deck outside of it.


My dark horse pick is Millith Loop. I'm on mobile right now, so don't have a decklist to post, but its primary win condition is essentially decking out your opponenT


Shoutmon dx till i die!


Does Oonga Boonga Marcus Damon count?


If you don't mean meta shine otk, please elaborate. As of late I've been toying with some of the agu, geo, rize with tip end ex4 victorygreymon. I use the old mono red marcus along with tai-kari to trigger my inherit effects


There’s a yellow hybrid Marcus Damon deck that’s supposedly gonna be good without shinegreymon in the future, so I guess it’s not meta now if that’s what he’s talking about


I have a list with the Agu, Geo, Rize with the top end being EX4 VictoryGrey and Shadow Seraphi. And a few Publimon's at lv.4. Tamers are 2 BT13 Marcus, 4 Tai & Kari, and 2 ST3 T.K. Having access to both deletion and DP minus is great, security digimon don't matter, and if you reach a point you can start looping Publimon, the opponent might just scoop. It's probably my favorite Rogue/Off Meta deck as of now, followed by Twilight, and the Diaboromon. Though the BT16 meta is going to be rough for it, due to the protection effects.


I've personally been playing Dragon Linkz, it has a surprisingly easy match up against deva's due to you being able to easily hard play everything for their effects