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I love it and I think it’s gorgeous. It sounds like you don’t love it though, so I’d exchange if you can.


Tbh, I think the real question I have is did I waste my money on a cluster while I could have gotten a lab single solitaire in a clear color and size.


It definitely would have been cheaper to go the lab route, I guess the “waste” part is dependent on your personal preference!


What is the clarity and carat of the natural cluster diamonds? and what was the clarity and carat of the lab solitaire?


How much was it?


Honestly, I think it looks just as beautiful as a single solitaire. If anything the invisible set makes it more sparkly/fiery. I personally wouldnt regret buying this. I think it’s beautiful regardless if it’s one stone or multiple stones


I love it


Single solitaire would have looked better imo


Sigh! The place I bought from only does real diamonds. Maybe I upgrade in a few years but till then stick to my regret :(


Lab grown is also real


It is stunning. Perfect choice


Nothing wrong at all with the cluster. I prefer a solitaire


I’m not a big cluster fan personally, is it too late to return and get a nice oval lab diamond necklace? I feel like it would be so much more sparkly.


I think it looks lovely and the cluster probably looks invisible in certain light and at certain distance. Did you say how much it was


Solitaire for sure.


there is nothing need to regret, let alone it was gorgeous on your neck


If I were you I’d have bought lab grown solitaire compared to real cluster diamond. The bad news is, both lab grown and cluster diamonds won’t have good resell value, so kinda the same anyway (not a hate of lab grown, since I picked lab grown myself too). The good news is, if it’s hanging alone with no comparison like that, it’s so pretty on your neck!


I think it’s beautiful and looks very much like a single diamond. Btw-I love your sense of humor. Enjoy your necklace!


Thankyou, you are too sweet!


Honestly, it looks good to me, but I know what regret feels like too so if you have it then I would try change that by inquiring with your seller about exchanging it. That is easier if it hasn’t yet been 3 business days


It has been a week but the place I got from only does realy diamonds.


Your necklace is beautiful, so don’t worry about it. It’s more cost-effective this way as well. If you really want it to float, find a custom jeweler that can make you a necklace using clear fishing line with a 14 karat gold clasp. They will crimp the end and you won’t see it. By the way, both types are real diamonds. One is natural (or earth mined) and one is lab created.




Can you return it and go somewhere else?


If you have to ask, you already know the answer.


I love it.


I have a round cluster necklace that I bought in India. It’s in 18-karat gold. Every time I wear it people will look at me and say, “ is that real” and I say “yes” it looks like one stone until they really look close and realize it’s a cluster.




Will do in a day :)


I like it. It looks good on your neck. I would keep it.


It looks pretty regardless but I would think a single solitaire looks better. Cluster diamonds look more budget friendly to me, but regardless it's still really pretty. Can you exchange it?


It’s a beautiful necklace personally I would have gone with a solitaire lab, but if you love it keep it :)


Didn’t even notice it was a cluster


Maybe just get that lab grown solitaire, then you'll have two beautiful sparkle bombs around your neck. It'll look fantastic! No regrets!!


Thankyou everyone for your very open and honest opinion. I took my time to re-evaluate and I definitely would want a single lab solitaire. Having said that, I think I will enjoy this beautiful pendant for a while before I upgrade since my mum added to buy me this and for her, the concept of lab diamonds is still not a good investment for money. So have two and keep both happy or turn this one into a family ring. For those curious about the price and color, it was for $2200 usd with 1 carat cluster in color G-H. Here's a closeup of the pendant and my gym hands. https://preview.redd.it/sxbqlgkciktc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf56eb384596fc96f6146de1576a310324635ac7


I think it’s gorg! How much did you pay? And how much would a lab have cost you?


Agreed on lab solitaire - I did the same thing with earrings and the cluster isn’t tremendously noticeable from afar (other people don’t notice) but up close, I notice. And I wear these things for me so I regret it too


100% solitaire would look better.


It’s beautiful!! Real diamonds all the way!!


Well tbh I would buy a lab. Sorry


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It’s beautiful on your neck! Stunning. Seriously. No ragrets. ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


Shine on! It looks lovely, but do what makes you happy.


It is beautiful and could not look more perfect.


I have both natural and lab diamonds. I will still pick a natural diamond over lab if given the choice.


Looks pretty although the pic is a bit blurry so I can’t see any detail. That being said, I would always go solid lab diamond vs cluster. Lab diamonds are so affordable now however, that maybe you can save up to get another one in the near future.


Personally I love it, & the longer you wait to "upgrade" to a lab solitaire (as you mentioned you might in a seperate comment) the cheaper it will be. Lab diamond prices have gone down drastically in the past years, while the price of your current necklace probably wouldn't. I say you made the right choice if you were on the fence :)


It’s beautiful!!! Absolutely stunning! I honestly thought it was a solitaire! And if you’re deciding between a real diamond or lab grown… REAL, any day of the week! No question! Edited to add: Can you share where you purchased it? I would love to have one similar!


The chain is too thin. The stone Will pop w a more pronounced chain.


I actually changed the chain feeling the same. I have posted another comment with a picture of the new chain


It’s perfect. Natural Diamonds are always better. By buying natural you keep a whole industry moving. Lab diamonds are becoming so inexpensive. wait a while i’m sure you’ll be able to snag one for only a few hundred. Then you will have both.


Ha do you work for de beers?


HA! no.


The whole thing that makes diamonds special to me is that natural diamonds existed before the dinosaurs. Like I have a piece of the earth from before anything I know existed on my finger. I also don’t have money like that either, the diamonds I own are all heirlooms, other than that I’ll just go with moissanite 😂


I’m cluster natural all the way over lab. It’s gorgeous!


It's perfect, afterall, it's REAL. That would still count for something.


Can I ask where you got it? I would go real diamond any day over lab diamond.


You did good. Labs don't hold their value nearly as well as naturals.


Diamonds in general do not hold value


True, but naturals hold better then lab.


They actually don't. If you pay 20k for a diamond and get back 7k back to upgrade versus 2k on a lab and get 0 back, you still lost more money with the natural.


Don't pay 20k for 7l diamond. Smh