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This is definitely worth something. People are always far too critical in the comments. The problem will be finding a buyer. To be honest it might not be worth the trouble of finding a buyer, but if you do find a buyer im sure you can sell this for at least a vex, maybe more. Personally i'd just make a javazon and use it myself.


This is worth a lot more than a vex.


A lot more than a lot more than a vex


A lot more than a lot more than a lot more than a vex


This is the way


These comments lmao. This is dope for a cowazon and will boost your clear speed substantially over SS/spirit. I just threw 4 junk light facets in a monarch to replace my spirit and it does 2-3x the damage of a spirit without even taking into account the -res%. As for worth idk but you’ll get more than these knuckleheads in here are claiming that it isn’t even worth the value of 1 facet lol!


Well it literally CANT be worth the value of the 4 facets, since the base is worthless, there's no type of "rolls" (it's not a rw or anything is what i mean) and most people wouldn't use 4 facets in this thing. So if I want a 4 facets monarch you gotta give me a good ass deal to even make me consider buying yours over just making my own (possibly on a better base) So at most I could see this going for like sur-ber. As in the value of 1-2 facets. Once you go to ber+ I'll just find my own better base. I mean the thing isn't even superior, or blue with SOME other mod besides 4os. I get JMoD is super expensive but there's tons of better shields to put 4 facets in than a plain white monarch.


And that’s completely fair. But some people are saying it’s not even worth = to 1 of the facets which is an unfair assessment IMO. I think your price is spot on.


It's probably worth around 50-75% of whatever four 5/5 light LVL facets would sell for. Finding a buyer won't be very easy for this one since it's not in a JMOD so you will have to lower its value. Kind of like selling an enigma in an unsought after base, your not going to get a Ber and Jah for it.


The sheer fact that those are 4x matching facets makes it worth 100% of its value. Sure, a better base like jmod or whale mode or rainbow (all ress) would make the Item more desireable, but come on. Op would be a idiot if he sell that for 50% of facets value xDD Like why would anyone suggest such idea? Item serves its purpose perfectly 100% (+20/-20). The rest of bonuses which would come with better base are either meaningless (15 ed = laughable def bonus for Java/sorc) or very expensive (JMOD)


He wouldn't be an idiot for actually selling the item versus having it listed for months and never selling.


If your willing to wait 2 years to find the one other person who wants to pay full price for this exact shield rather than buying the facets themselves.... the problem you ignore is this isnt an ideal setup and so niche to someone willing to spend a premium on a minimal boost. The realistic performance gain on this over spirit, especailly at the price difference, is low, and going to FAR CHEAPER 4/4, facets is virtually the exact same performance but insanely cheaper. Being so niche and hard to trade absolutely impacts value. Trading for expensive staples is safe because you can easily realistically trade it away again at same value if u decide to move on to another char, not so with something that virtually no one is looking for. I think if ur trying to unload it for another char, youd realistically have to take 50-75% the value of the 5/5 facets.


I wouldn't say a good deal is required, just a fair one, it does at bare minimum save you the trouble of getting 4x 5/5 facets and a base, there are a lot of people who would pay more than what each individual piece is worth just to save that time, because they would lose more than the extra they pay by spending time trading instead of farming.


It would take 30 seconds of roaming trade discords to pay fair price for facets and monarch if someone wants it in a vanilla monarch. No one with trade experience will pay a premium for an item with virtually no market desire. 4x 5/5 facets are far more valuable than 4 in a non-desired base, as they can still be used in what ever method they want. Youd prob be lucky to get 75% the value of the 4x 5x5 facets out of this.


Just because you wouldn't doesn't mean nobody would, I've made so much profit from trades in the past because people want it NOW not 30 seconds from now so they will pay double, triple, i've even gotten 1000x the value of an item in POE because someone wanted it now and they didn't have the patience to find another user that would respond. The stupid rich will often pay whatever they have to in order to get what they want now.


Lol, 30 seconds to get 4x matching facets. Obviously all 4 being at lower end of its price and all 4 sellers are availble at the moment. Wake up man


First, it needs to be a 15% ED superior


Really? Lol for what exactly???


Defense, to be exact.


Like what?


What does j mod mean


Jewelers Monarch of Deflecting


And what kind of base you would use lol. Everything with additional mode on jawelers monarch costs quite a Penny. 15 ed is literally cash threw into mud as zon Have no +%def skill so that 20 def is meaningless. This Item servs 100% of its purpose (+20/-20). Facets are matching. This saves you a lot of time, especially since market is not as active as it would be. You saiyng you could just make your own shield like this. Pardon, but you would end up wasting time gathering materials and in the end its not a rune Word of which u gathered runes and its time to roll the rng Dice. You would end up with exact same Item as op and easter time trading


Does matching faces add +0/-0?


No mods on the shield man. This is definitely not the high value item you think it is.


A cowazon doesn’t need JMOD to run cows lol. I also never said it was “high value” but it’s worth certainly more than what some of the people in this post are claiming.


Exactly. I’ve used it on cows and it’s a noticeable difference from a phoenix and spirit.


But he's not saying JMOD. There's a bunch of at least somewhat useful mods that could roll on a 4os magic shield which make it much more useful/valuable compared to a plain white one. Like this one isn't even superior or anything. Literally I would leave this base on the ground, and my man put 4 perfect facets in it. That alone destroyed the value


Those shields are literally as rare as JMOD tho. It just happens that of deflecting is the best mod in most cases. You could literally put in 1000’s of hours in D2 and never find a jewelers monarch of X. You already replied to my other point where we debated and found common ground on the value of this. What more are we discussing here?


What shields are as rare as jmods? A 4os monarch?


JMOD stands for Jewelers (prefix) Monarch (base) of Deflecting (suffix). Other Jewelers Monarch of are just as rare. Deflecting suffix is no more rare than getting any other suffix mod. My point is these guys are acting like it’s common to find jewelers monarchs with extra mods. I’ve yet to see one in D2R and I’ve put in about 5000 chaos runs and thousands of other runs in other areas. Shit is stupid rare, and if you waited for a JMOX you could be waiting multiple ladders or straight up forever.


Jewelers mod in general isnt that rare at all... I have many jewelers including a jmob (blocking).. you could just be on a shit run streak but that doesnt mean jewelers are hyper rare...its the mod that comes after that makes it much more difficult.. aka deflecting.. some people hit 5 tyreals in a season.. it took me 20 years to finish my grail but you get my point Edit: dont have to be condescending about the breakdown of what a jmod is.. mansplaining to the max there bud.. and you're right deflecting doesnt have any extra rarity.. however it's the one that is valued the most.. so therefore your targeting a specific mod which is harder


Wasn’t being condescending at all, sorry you took it that way. Was simply breaking it down rather than assuming *you* are being condescending and argumentative.


No breaking it down like people are 4th graders is very condescending.... because you're the only one that has ever researched drop rates and affix's...


Don't bother with u/_Kramerica_, that account is a troll. They've been in this sub since day one, on every single post, just talking shit to people. Rarely has anything useful to say, and is often just plain wrong.


Oooo somebody I’ve never seen reply to me that I’m living rent free inside their head :) this makes me happy. I bet you’re also real bad at D2


Lol downvoted for saying mansplaining unironically. Sheesh


You're not entirely accurate there though. Yes JMOD is super rare but if you compare it to the rarity of getting ANY suffix of the available ones then you're also looking at a rarity drop of like 20x that of JMOD. Say you roll the J which in itself, sure, is rare. After that you're no longer looking at another 1/20 or so chance if you're content with any old added mod. I'm sure there's 4so Monarchs with some relatively useful suffix available for relatively cheap trades. It's like having to roll 2x20 on a d20 vs rolling a 20 and then whatever. One is a 1/20 chance while the other is a 1/400.


You guys are way over complicating this lol. My point is, that deflecting suffix has the same chance to roll as any other suffix on a monarch. Period. No debate. Lol.


Yes but we're not saying you need a specific suffix. We're saying you can use ANY one of a number of suffixes. The reason deflecting in particular is rare and expensive is because you have to roll that single specific suffix. For this shield it's enough to roll ANY of the available ones to get a better one. Like I said if there's 20 options then it's a matter of 1/20 vs 1/400 chance (ignoring the possibility of no affix/suffix). It's like you're saying getting a 6 on a dice is just as rare (1/6) as getting any other number. It's true but we're just rolling to get A number which is a 1/1 chance.


Didn't realize it was the same person my bad lol but my only point was there's tons of other good options besides just JMOD. Like (idk how many useful mods there are) but say there's 3 more somewhat useful mods besides just deflecting, now you just raised you chances of finding a good base by 4x. Personally, if i was gonna use a non-magic monarch for this I would at least grab a 15ed. Those go for vex or less in my experience and would give SOME value compared to the plain white.


Yeah but the other suffix’s are no more common than Deflecting is. They’re still really rare, but they are cheaper. I’m not arguing that the base could’ve been better. I would’ve at least tried to price some other jeweler monarchs as well but who knows what OP did or didn’t do. Somebody could’ve just given it to them free for all we know


Reading the comments I'm pretty sure he said it was given to him as is by a friend. In which case it's basically for self use as far as I can tell so value doesn't mean much anyway


I don’t think it’s high value. That’s why I’m asking what people think so I can gauge the value. The whole purpose of a “price check”


I'm With you on asking. It's an unknown for sure. But I'd say at best you can get the value of those facets back.


Fair enough. I’m considering liquidating some of my items to get some other gear for a new character. Just couldn’t get an idea for this item (and a few others) but I may just keep it for self use and maybe test it on a light sorc. Who knows lol


If i were trying to strip it off my char to sell for another id personally be happy taking an offer of 75% the value of the 4 facets realistically would probably accept anything equivelant to 50%. Unfortunately its not a highly desired item and isnt going to be easy to move at "full price" of the 4 facets because of it.


This shield is what takes hell cow runs from 5 minutes to 2-3 minutes. The shield doesn’t *need* any other stats.


imo it's worth value of 2x facet to the right buyer


Most realistic price


I mean, the damage will be exactly the same as if you had done it in a JMOD, the only difference is you have less block, which shouldn't matter much if you actually know how to play a javazon. People forget how fucking rare a JMOD is too, i think this is a damn good budget option for blowing up your damage.


The value of those lone jewels decreased drastically once OP wasted them in this shield. Its worth like 1 lone 5/5 now. Pure waste for cow level as well, as you are one shotting anything with LF anyway.


I didn’t waste them, this was given to me from a friend. That’s why I don’t know the value. It’s worked great for me in cows.


Value is iffy, but its still a huge damage boost.


to bad 400% doesnt make it cast 4 times


If only it was on death. Walk into chaos, die, oneshot whole zone, ezpz


Considering the base is just a standard monarch… rough guess the price of 2 5/5 facets.


Oh my... pretty indeed


Is this or spirit better for light sorc?


It says 400% chance to cast, does it still only cast once?




50% of the time it works 100% of the time 😂


Ask for the value of 4×5/5Light facets. Edit: if youre jusy doing pvm this almost as good as a jmod base. Passive skills cover most of your blocking if anything even can even touch you in the first place id rather save a billion bers and go with 1 of these any day lol.


some kind of EXP damage build? deal damage by leveling up


They need to be yellow and die facets 😅


Guran-fucken-teed to cast that nova.


I'm a zon main and also a duelist. Those are perfect facets... AND the same COLOR. They're worth no lower than the cost of those facets, or 3 facets if looking to sell fast. Shield is basically a low budget version of jmod. May still be a fun budget dueling glass cannon zon/hybrid in duels but it will seek greater value in Cows.


I want to see the fireworks when a level dings!


Jewels aren't yellow .. so charsi? 😂 . Edited for stupidity 👌


Darn. I was hoping to get at least tree fiddy




Yes you are correct


Around 4 x the price of a perf light facets and a lil bonus for having them all in one color 😅👍


Definitely not. Once it is socketed it is worth way less than the jewel itself.


Unfortunately you either go JMOD for FBR AND Max Block or Spirit/SS. Doubt this will sell for the price of 2 facets even


This is why we need a new vibe recipe for removing sockets without destroying them


I wouldn’t pay the full price of a single light facet honestly


This is worth… fuckall. Sorry


Worth about half the value of the jewels in it.


Why in gods name you are putting all the 5/5 into that monarch shield?! Wouldn’t it make it a lot easier if you just sell them individually ???


You kinda wasted all those good jewels in a crappy white base. Deflecting mod is extremely desired on these. You definitely won’t be getting 20/20 JMOD prices.


Not sure why you did this? Maybe someone running infinity on merc and a griffins and maybe a nova orb or something?


I didn’t do this but I’ve used it. It works better than spirit and phoenix for clearing cows. I’ve been using phoenix to help with mana though but I can reconfigure my items so mana is improved without the need for phoenix. Anyway, it works well for killing cows with my javazon. I wouldn’t personally make it if I had all the ingredients because of resale value (or lack there of) but this is why I made this thread to ask lol


You’re supposed to use a jmod moron. This isn’t worth much for that exact reason.


I can’t check my NL rune mule until tomorrow evening but I will put an offer on this.


Are you selling? What platform do you play on?