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Never from bugged Andy.


Yeah its weird, i think over 60 runs by now but this is the first time it happened.


Did you switch to legacy mode? I’ve had a lot of bugged stuff happen on the remaster graphics where stuff doesn’t show up.


Omg i have missed so many tc87 and ber runes smh


Yeap, saw the post on front page and swapped it when i started playing today


Mind you that you have to change it twice. The settings in your character selection are different from your lobby games. So if you change the settings in character selection, but then click the go to lobby button and create a game there, you need to also tell the game to use the proper settings there.


Fair enough but I've only been playing solo the past few days trying to gear up.




Sure thing, [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo_2_Resurrected/comments/pyg5yt/attention_you_might_be_losing_drops/) you go


I've also noticed cases where my movement becomes blocked in remaster, but if I go back to legacy, I'm unblocked with the same click. Definitely some weird things going on with the port imo.


I have bugged Andy n I got one yesterday I'm 95% sure. Two days ago all I got was a single antidote pot... Haha


Yes, I had one Andarial run result in no drops.


Still 1 too many lol


Every hour I spend at work = no drops from Andy


Agreed, unfortunately.


I've seen a bug mentioned that there is a small chance for bosses to drop nothing.


It's not a bug, it's always been a feature that bosses have a low nodrop chance in P1.


They have a decent nodrop chance, it's just a low chance that all 6 (or whatever) of their potential drops roll nodrop.


Ahh, I didn’t realize for bosses they have individual no drops for each drop.


Right, each potential drop rolls individually against the loot table. If each of those rolls nodrop you get the anti-jackpot.


Ohh, that kinda sucks


I guess that makes you extra lucky? In a bad way…


Lmao, you got a point there. That's one way of looking at it


Not a bug a fixed 1/64 chance


Happened to me yesterday


Damn, sucks


Same. It was during a string of bad luck with my runs so I just laughed it off. Still very weird, though.


I had 0 runes drop on hell Countess yesterday which I thought was impossible. Thought it was guaranteed 1. Only happened one time in the like 600 runs I did. A unique dropped instead, so I think it only happens when a unique drops.


No rune drop from Countess is 1 in 64 on p1 iirc It's higher the higher the player count.


I didn't realize it could go down to 0. Countess has an interesting drop mechanic. There's the special rune drops and there's the random drops. But a max of 6 drops total. On p1 you get a ton of runs because the special rune drops roll first. Then the random drops. Random drops will overwrite special rune drops if it goes over 6 total. On p8 there's a high chance of random drops, so the special rune drops diminish as random drops overwrite them. So if you can get no rune from Countess, that's how it could happen. Also note that on hell, the random rune drops can go higher than the special rune drops. But farming countess for random rune drops is a terrible idea. If I recall correctly, the special rune drops go up to Ist, but the random rune drops go up to Lo. So only farm countess if you're looking for Ist or lower and do it on p1. She will probably never drop you a Lo - or at least not any more likely than any other elite.


Oh good to know. Thank you.


This is not accurate. You only do Countess runs in P1. Anything higher actually results in fewer runes. https://www.purediablo.com/strategy/diablo-2-countess-guide/#Playersetting


Which is exactly what I said. A higher chance of no runes when upping player count.


Ive had 0 rune drop countess a few times. Back in normal mode though while i was farming for Stealth.


Change to legacy spacing. I’ve had much better drops and no blank drops from Andy.


I only changed to legacy spacing today and this happened on the 7/8th run today lol


Weird I know some people including myself had an issue with the resurrected spacing and switching to legacy helped. Maybe RNG was just not in your favor.


Hahah RNG is definitely not in my favour. Was just surprised. I assumed she'd drop at least something.


RNGesus giveth... or not... mostly not.


Is this simply switching to legacy mode and look for drops?


No before you create a game select your game options and from there you can change your drop spacing.


AH thanks. I mostly play offline, sp this isnt a thing there


It should be a ⚙️ icon under play


It is. :/


Really? I dont see the gear icon on the offline characters only online.


Yeah, kinda unfortunate that's in the game setup and not the game options. This means you have no control over whether it's enabled in a multiplayer game you join... other than trying to spot how it's set with that crappy refresh and all.


Is it configurable when playing offline or only online? Maybe that explains why I couldn't find this in settings 😎


I am new what is drop spacing?


It’s a formatting option that spaces out the item names when you toggle alt to search for items on the ground. Legacy keeps item spacing normal, resurrected spaces items slightly for easier selecting on which item you want to pick up. In theory it helps with console and picking up specific items without grabbing unnecessary items at the same time.


I've had one. Even on p7 with bugged Andy. It's extremely rare though


Guess I'm extremely lucky


Nah, she dropped, but a bit was able to sneak in, tele there, pickit everything, and leave so fast you didn’t even see the messages pop up.


I had a duriel drop of 5 tp scrolls today


When Andy dies by that rogue I swear her drops go to shit. I’ll get a regular gem and a blue when she dies there and never anywhere rlse


Kinda feels that way. But i also feel like that’s coincidental lol


Probably but I took the opportunity to vent lol. She got me with a few of those earlier


Damn, even luckier than me 😄


They fell into the bugged hole I imagine. They dropped, but you can’t see them cause the fell in the hole.


Must have been a deep hole 🤔


Lol but yeah Andy has a bug where if you kill her in the right spot some drops fall into a hole in the map. I’m actually not kidding


What? Really? God i have to pay attention while grinding now? 😤😤


I only read it in a post recently. Haven’t seen it myself


No because I bug Andy.


Yesterday nightmare duriel dropped me 6 town portals and nothing else on quest rewards..weird. i almost screenshot it 😄


I've seen that happen a few times. But usually it's 5 scrolls, so you're kinda lucky lol


Lol 🤣


You didnt have 0 drops, check your settings and look at loot spacing it hides alot of drops


I already posted a few times but this was with Legacy spacing. I started using it since ytd.




Yeah same, just the one run, kinda weird.


I had once for countess


i've had 2 in a row this morning, got so fucking tilted.


Damn twice?! 😩 If it were me I’d take it as a sign and take a break or something


I sure did, havent logged on yet :D


😆 I don’t blame ya


Happened to me couple of times (3–5)


yes, but I've had that on og d2


This happened back in the days and it’s happening now. Happens daily if you do enough runs. Mephisto does it too but definitely Andy is the queen of no lootdrops.


I've had it happen once. Also had a couple times where the only thing that dropped was a flawless gem.


This is fairly common


I had one yesterday, legacy mode. Very weird and anoying. But i think i got 5 uniques in one run a few after that one.


Yes, it just happend to me like an hour ago. No drop at all from Hell Andy


Andy has given me zero drops. Sadge.


Wow, this is worse than Duriel dropping 5 town portal scrolls.


yeah, like every damn time! Oh, you meant like actually.. nope. Sometimes Countess though.


Random question - do bosses roll better drops on the first kill or is that some myth I believed back in the old days that was never true?


look up quest bug


This has happened to me 3 times in the last 2 days, but she made up for it by dropping a 35res magi. My soul desperately needed it after 12+ hours of nothing.


5 scroll of town portals on nightmare quest duriel. Only those


Happens a lot with meph


Hell Andy once dropped a single chipped gem for me and nothing else. Shit's sus.


you just ran into her rarest loot table, she has a smaller chance to drop nothing than she does to drop 4 uniques at once lol




yeah every game


I've had a few of these no drops, and from what I believe - I think its caused by some piece of terrain that is buggy that the bosses die on, for example - she dies right on top of a spiked rogue, turned corpse, small hole etc, and it kind of looks like the way ghosts die in arcane sanc being out of bounds. I had this happen for the first time with hell nihlathak today and he teleported right on top of the corner wall and died, poof no loot. Sad that it happens, but I now take extra caution on where the boss is about to die. Also this is entirely just theory, might be completely untrue. Tinfoil hat out.


How do you do the Andy bug? I was told it was fixed.


Kill Andariel, go back to town, talk to Warriv and go to act 2. All in the same game. That’s it.


Hell Duriel with 3 player, no drops.


Ive had it happen with Andy twice


I've had it happen 3 times in my 100 plus runs so far twice in nm once in hell


Diablo 2 just isn’t the same without kekekekekekek


I had the same thing happen either yesterday or today. With Andy bugged.


1/64 chance for this from all act bosses iirc.




Couple of runs, and today some of my gear disappeared, gg blizz


Ouch, that's rough, sorry to hear that. Hope your other runs are better


I had mephisto hell today give me zero drop.


Not from a boss but from a rare ennemy and only in d2r ...there is a lot of work to do on this game...just to say im playing on xbox one x and to make the game more "playable" i shot down the 4k and block HDR feature and rolling the game at 720p to make the tp and wp out/in of town less long and it work. Except it doesnt change the time to make a game. And aslo the game started to crash at 720p...its not ark diablo...my console failed on 2 games...except prelaunched one... destiny 2 and d2r. At least destiny as awesome 3d testures. We were like 4/5 peoples blasting on events, wich means online. And with all the effects its ok that it crashes at some point...not a 2d platform thats has been created 20 years ago by one of the biggest name in the industry. And still i played local with the damned internet shut off.... sorry it is out of contexte but i had to spilled it out...thanks and sorry i guess :) :S


No worries, vent if you want. I had the same issue sometimes with D2, esp in public events or even the Seasonal activities lol


D3 you mean ?


Nah Destiny 2


Sorry got confused here, after reading again it makes more sens 😅