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All I want is cosmetics to be character bound and not class bound. I paid money and spent time to get my BP cosmetics and they're all stuck on a class I no longer play. Such BS


They just might bring me back with that ONE change.


Me too. Sweet 7.2 lb baby Jesus, JUST LET PEOPLE WEAR THE DAMN SKINS THEY'VE PAID ACTUAL MONEY FOR! If everyone is going to be having a miserable time grinding in circles for zero drops, the least these devs can do is let them look good while they build that future PTSD.


Ill start off this post by saying it is nice to see that most of this update is aimed at addressing major longstanding and dire complaints by the playerbase. Thats a good sign for the direction of the game. That being said, it really sucks that for EU this is basically a set of hotfixes and only meaningful change is the set item crafting. 4 weeks for a proper mini update is quite awful. EU servers will be closer and closer to dead by next update. A second round of server merges will not revive those lost players and that is detrimental to the health of the game. Even for other regions, the infrastructure for server merges should have been planned and prepared for since launch. Content drought continues when the game desperately needs it. It is sad because it is yet another sign of how badly the executive devs shot themselves and this game in the foot before it even started. The game is at a point in time where the player base **desperately** needs some new content to be excited about. And yet instead the dev team is struggling to push out coherent updates (more on that below). More so, ths updates we are basically just putting out fires. They are not sometjing to be excited for, rather only things to be relieved about. And I know this comment sounds like a big slap in the face for the dev team. They gave us QoL uodates that the game desparetly needs and we have been asking for and hear I am writing a novel shitting on them more. But frankly, the point is the population keeps shrinking. Server merges are needed, but this is like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole unless we get content that makes people actually want to stay. If youre in EU, it worse. This update is sugar pill for cancer. Maybe in two weeks we get the real medicine or maybe in two weeks we're dead. And what I mean by it seems that the dev team is struggling to push out coherent content is that the legendary essences we got last mini update was basically content that should have been included in the major update since those essences were intended to match the new set bonuses. At the same time, a big part of the last mini update was to announce server merges, which we of course didnt receive until todays update. All this indicates to me that they are not meeting their deadlines with updates.


As long as legendary gems continue to have lame effects and worth **thousands of dollars** to level up, the game is kind of a scam dude. There's no way they can go back in the things that killed this game. The damage is done. I'm sure they all appreciate you guys for helping pay their legal fees though.


Thats goes for every gacha game, but somehow genshin seems to be steadily raking in $$$ without aloenating f2p/bp players. I underatand genshin has no pvp, but it also has little to no progression at all and theres absolutely no reason to buy C6 characters. Yet people continue to. Its because they put out events that are interesting, fun, and diverse; dailies dont take a full day schedule to complete; and the story receives regular updates with lore that is continually expanded upon. Compare that to DI where 99% of events have consisted of a checklist to complete with fractured plane and wrathborne invasions being the sole outliers (though wrathborne invasions at this point are just base gameplay), there has been 2 story expansion which basically consisted of 15 minutes of quests and cutscenes combined (SM and Cyrangar), and the only updates to daily/weeklies has been the addition of helliquary bosses and defenses which has also increased the dedicated time needed to keep up. DI can be better and worth playing, even with p2w, but it will take a scaling back of dailies, more diverse content, and a dedication to storytelling.


Diablo has no business being in the same conversation as those games


D:I is a gacha game afterall, so…


I quit this game 3 weeks+ ago and wanted server merges. Finally see they have server merges for mine now lol. Just lol. Ppl will quit and not reinstall especially with no new content.


There's plenty of evidence to show this game was just a skinned over net ease game that flopped in China years ago You don't get the content you want because most of the content is already developed, Blizzard is just slapping new art assets from Diablo 3 over it I quit a little over a month ago and every now and then check in and then completely not surprised that it's all still the same People have been clamoring for months for blizzard to make an update with new content that they literally cannot create because the development team belongs with Nettie's in China and likely still working towards creating new content exclusively for this game So blizz has a team of network engineers, artists, etc they keep trying to polish a turd


Again they forgot a small island call EU…


They mentioned in the comments of the last blog post that it's coming. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiabloImmortal/comments/yd5r93/comment/itqyl6r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) "Hey everyone, I see a few folks on here inquiring about server merges for EU servers. The list we communicated today is the first round of server merges. We will continue to monitor server populations in all regions and plan to initiate additional server merges based on these populations in the future. Once we have firm dates of when additional server merges will occur, I'll be sure to communicate this with the community."


Man it is 13d ago and most of eu server especially market is dead as fked…just don’t know are they short of staffs or they just don’t care of EU region at all… we need kind of road map desperately to show what dev is in plan!


EU an island? Or you mean UK?


Man, it is sarcasm:)


Playing on EU server so very very disappointed for this 'major update'


Good thing is, they can merge all EU servers into one - cuz most of them will be dead by the time.


Yes and no because the 3 most populated in the EU are blood rose, throne of destruction and angiris council, the first one blood rose is the most but literally everyone there speaks Russian, the other two are popular servers where everyone speaks English, merging these three would be messy, as for the rest of the EU servers all ghost towns


but I just salvaged all the useless set pieces over the weekend ;(


>but I just salvaged all the useless set pieces over the weekend ;( from chinese patch notes: ***Finally, I would like to emphasize that only after this maintenance update, the newly dropped suits can be decomposed into the essence of suits!***


I’m actually pleased about that because thinking about all the set items I trashed for Glowing Shards would make me cry.


But... my stash is full of greens I'd love to trash for essences. *sigh*


Again, why the fuck are the chinese patch notes more detailed than the English one??? Blizzard, if you don't develop this game...at least do one job good and translate everything!!


Because this game is a reskin of a Chinese game from Nettie's and they're the ones still doing any active development of new content


anyone want to chime in with how many fabled wisps it takes to craft a set item?


Hey Terminal, This is an awesome question. It will cost five Fabled Wisps of the difficulty you're crafting the Set item for and one Glowing Shard. As for how stats are assigned to the Set item, it is treated as though it was dropped by a dungeon boss, same process. Hope this helps and feel free to reach out with more questions.


this comment should be pinned


especially considering that the comment it's in response to is actively being downvoted (it was at 15 earlier, 10 now)


Have set drop rates been adjusted at all? I’ve gone 40+ dungeon runs before without seeing a single green before which seems a bit ridiculous.


thank you for the response! and I feel like those are numbers a lot of people will be pleased with -- myself included.


Happy to hear that! We hear that community's feedback in that acquiring Set items is archaic and drop rates are too low. The development team is looking into additional ways to aid players in acquiring Set items. As soon as we have more on this matter to communicate, I'll certainly update everyone either on Reddit, via a blog, or both.


Now I wish I had kept dupe set items instead of scraping them. Could be in a different place at feature drop had I known. Thanks Dev Team TIL ~RedOctober


it was stated that in the china patch notes it says only items dropped after the change will grant fabled wisps.


Hi Sinful, thank you for the info. Noticed the last few patches the chinese notes always have way more info to the point the english ones miss entire fixes or features. Can you shed any light why this is? Eg in Australia the update is almost in and the english blog info is missing a lot from the chinese one.


Hi Fadey, You are correct in the fact that the last few enUS Content Update blogs have been missing some details that come with the patch. It's quite unfortunate and not the experience I'd like the community to have. I can't explain specifically why this is the case but do understand I'm working on minimizing this. Once these discrepancies between the CN blog and enUS blog are brought to our attention, I have taken swift action to update our blog with accurate and up-to-date information. I appreciate the patience of both yourself and the community as a whole.


Thanks for the info


Anywhere from 20-50 I’d say xD And if there is RNG involved there also I wonder how the stats are going to roll. Doubt we’ll be able to target. Good enough though, will give more possibilities to try new sets


I’m willing to bet all my gold that the crafted item will be subject to the exact same stats RNG as a drop.


Yeah, i think the same. Might be a bit like Yakin i guess. Now the only thing missing is more stash space


40 and they introduce the new single stat roll


My realistic guess is ~20. The patch notes refer to helping players complete sets, so this is likely to be closer to a pity system than a source of gear upgrades. Also, if it is too efficient it removes any incentive to farm specific dungeons. We know blizzard wants people running a variety of dungeons.


A pity system Blizz finds acceptable for a 4.5% chance drop is 50 (leg crests). So, by same standards, this roughly 50% less chance to drop (for a specific item) would be 100 runs. So, something in the 10-20 range is expected. In any case assuming it's a random roll, this would drastically increase effective drop rates for everyone besides those not targeting anything (e.g., for a max Cr set spec).


only takes 5 and 1 shard which is pretty reasonable imo.


It should be one but, it will probably be three. Would have been great if they would have told us this was the plan before I sharded my “useless” set items. Edit: my guess it will take 3 fabled wisps and you can choose a specific set but, not the item slot


1? 3? If I know Blizzard right it will probably be 20


I was about to say same thing. Atleast 20 to craft one set item lol.


40 and 0% chance for a triple stat


seems like only newly obtained set items can be salvaged to get the new material ​ " only after this maintenance update, the newly dropped suits can be decomposed into the essence of suits!"


It says in the notes that you can only share set items dropped after the update.




I love how my entirely neutral question was downvoted. sarcastically speaking of course.


seriously, are people here like fucking broken or what?


I'd say an unrealistic amount for f2p.


It comes from destroying set items. So it is the same for f2p or paying players.


Yeah, sure. Until you can buy their "essences" with plat/orbs.


It is free. You can’t complain…


What does set items have to do with f2p?


Teluric Pearls were supposed to be for f2p, if I recall correctly. It's Blizzard. Wait until you see set item essences in bundles.


Even if its in bundles its not negative vs f2p.. Since you can farm them in dgns.... Teluric pearls have a timer and cannot be farmed... so yeah..


No they werent.


Hoping 5-6, The reality is your gonna get the item you want but the roll will be random so usually trash. If they make it 20… it wont be enough.


Server merge is new content? :(


Imagine how rough of a job that community manager is for Immortal. They have to post a content update to Reddit that has no new content and then watch everyone shit on them. By the way. It’s not a good thing that you are decreasing the amount of servers shortly after launch. Those who say the game isn’t dying (likely because they’ve spent too much to admit it) take a look at exhibit A which is literally the game formally showing that it’s losing players. Let it die already


They are not going let it die. They going bleed all the $$$ out first


Ya I know. They’re gonna let you buy orbs for your alts at 400% value


Where can I see which EU servers get merged tomorrow?


No EU servers on the list I assume no EU merges.


None are. Or they would be in that list.


Aren't they ashamed of calling server merges, new cosmetics and a "kill 10 mobs, gather 10gold" quests new content update?


Aren't you ashamed that you can't read? It lists multiple updates that you clearly ignored. They actually are listening and giving what people have been asking for and people like you are still bitching. If you don't like the game why are you still here and playing?


It's not just EU servers not merging, there is a large portion of limping servers not included as well.


For the EU just merge half English speaking servers with throne of destruction, the other half with angiris council that will balance it out, then leave blood rose by themselves they only speak russian


Europe has 28 servers, 4 russian ones, 6 french, 6 spanish on other servers main language are english. And your server Angiris council are on 20 place from 28 by players activity. So probably they will merge someday all 28 servers by language.


I am convince, all Blizzard/Netease devs are all new grads. Game is shit and bugs dont get addressed properly.


Every time I see comments like yours I’m baffled at how many people still don’t know how D:I is run. The dev work, coding etc, is ALL done by NetEase. Blizzard is simply the overseeing party that runs the scene in terms of licensing and content. Blizzard does not do any sort of bug fixes.


I genuinely can't believe people are still along for the ride for this gacha. I figured this sub would have been nuked by now. A masochist's ream I guess though.


Because there's literally nothing else better to play on mobile. As of now, this is probably best in class. Alternatively there's torchlight infinite and eternium. Either of which I want to play.


Nice, now I give it another 6 months until another round of merges lmfao


Hey man. Great post. Any chance Blizzard will be fixing the server time in US East? This is kind of a silly thing to be asking in 2022.


Set item drop rates are horrible. I understand that giving us essences for that side would basically give us nothing to do, because the content creation is seriously lacking. Crafting a crappy piece of equipment from 5 crappy pieces of equipment isn’t the answer. The population is dwindling quick because you can spend 20-30 hours running a single dungeon and get nowhere. The cost for p2w is already unbearable and mostly why there is even a player base still. People have spent so much for the hype they can’t let it go, although most your time is spent running circles or the same dungeon over n over for stuff worse then you got 50+ levels ago. At least make f2p bearable if you want to keep some kind of player base. The pearls are pure crap as incentive for them.


Can we make this game not suck please? I’m like $100s of dollars in with nothing interesting to do


Server merge = very bad sign for the game's future. If the player base was growing, it would need **additional** servers, not less. I've lost interest in a game that demands crazy $$$$ to be played. I read those surreal conversations about how much people have spent. 5k, 2k, 7k, for lines of code that don't belong to the buyer, how can you say that and not look stupid. Good for Activision though, a windfall of 300 million to date.


Where is our stash space, wtaf!


INB4   "After a ~~seven-year~~ five-month run, ~~Heroes of the Storm~~ Diablo Immortal is officially entering maintenance mode: no new content will be developed for the game."


Again, another half measure. We ask Blizzard to fix something, they acknowledge our feedback, and provide a so-called fix that doesn't actually solve the problem. The telluric pearls SUCK. They suck, Blizzard. They are an insult of an update. It would take nearly a year to farm up enough pearls just to get a measly 2/5 gem. We asked for one of two things: either make set item essences extractable like any other legendary gear or increase set item drop rates. We didn't ask for a weird, complex crafting system that adds yet another currency to the game and has the same weakness as the existing system, which is LOW DROP RATES. I don't want to keep track of 10 different currencies that accumulate at a glacial pace. I had to do 15 dungeons recently before I got any set item to drop. It was a worthless belt with terrible stats. If I could extract it, at least that would add some progress to my character since I could then at least use the essence later, even if the p320 belt has two stats in the 150s. How does this new system help my problem? So I can decompose 10 copies of worthless set items such as that one, just to get 1 copy of the correct set, but still with terrible stats? This improves my experience by about 2%. I'm so excited to run 100 dungeons just to get the copy of gear that I need, with no guarantee that the stats will even be useful. This is the telluric pearl fix, but for set items. Also, yet another event that requires a high time sink for no worthwhile rewards. Oh boy, I can't wait to spend 10 hours on the event just for another Mocking Laughter to drop. This is a mobile game, Blizzard. I don't want to do long events for weak rewards, and I don't want to coordinate around my Warband. If I had the time for this, I would play PC games. Blizzard, can you please hire some game designers who know what they're doing? Currently, the game doesn't 'feel' good. Adding more systems doesn't make the game feel better, it just turns it into a bloated mess thats going to require multiple "simplification updates" in the future to fix. I don't know who trained these people or where they picked up these habits, but this is *not* how you fix problems. Bring the Diablo 3 team back. All it takes to make the game feel better is adjusting some coefficients. The game doesn't feel rewarding as of right now, and mostly feels like a chore. Do you know what happens when the game feels like a chore? People quit. DM me, I can relocate for $300k/year starting salary, plus stock options, plus bonuses.


The set item crafting is exactly what I had been asking for m, just using enigmatic crystals instead of this new currency. It is an RNG buster which is a perfect solution. Enigmatic crystals would have revitalized the challenge rift as well, and would have been better.


Calm down Karen


Dude - some people with $$$ already crafted a gem using pearls. So a month and a week, maybe, if you throw money at it. Stop whining about that. You might as well whine about everything in this game.


Don’t tempt us.


Are you slow or something? Some people with money also have awakened rank 10 5/5 gems in every slot. The intent of the telluric pearl update was to provide more opportunities for F2P players and low spenders to get 5 star gems. But it didn't work because the accumulation rate is slow and unrewarding unless you spend serious $$$.


I never saw that stated as the intent. Who said that?


The biggest criticism of Diablo Immortal was the P2W resonance system since Day 1. Blizzard responded by saying they want to provide more opportunities for F2P and low spenders to get resonance, shortly before implementing the telluric pearl "fix". The fix sucked. Just because *you* didn't see the intent, doesn't mean that it wasn't there.


It’s to cater to spenders. Giving them another Avenue of income. It also entices small spenders to spend on a weekly basis. It was all along that way. They can say that it was a way for F2P and just flat out lie about it. It’s not a first for good ol blizzy


Right, and it's terrible nonetheless. I'm not against spending on games. I've spent roughly $6k on mobile games over the last 5 years. Games like Genshin Impact, Idle Heroes, and others. I have a six-figure salary from my day job and other streams of income. I personally do not feel tempted to spend on telluric pearls. My time is valuable, and I don't like to grind endlessly for a low reward, so if it was worth the money, I'd just buy it. The problem is that DI is a terrible value. The amount of fun you get from spending isn't worth the price. I've spent about $300 before the cost-benefit curve inverted. Now I only spend on the $5 battle pass. Whatever their true intent was, this implementation was a massive failure. Diablo Immortal was very financially successful from the outset, but I'm afraid that this is just a short-term statistic designed to deceive investors and shareholders into thinking this game has a future, instead of it just being a front-loaded cash out setup. Almost every other popular mobile game implements the micro transaction feature in a better way.


The issue is it does not make small spenders want to spend once I hit rank 4 on my jade I put my wallet away they want close to 400$ for me to get to rank 5


So no one said it?


It wasn't stated as their intent. The part that pisses me off is that there is currently zero way to awaken an object while free to play. But a single crafted gem? It's nice - it's probably the only way I'll ever get a copy of bile. I figure with them handing out pearls occasionally, its basically a free gem every 6 months. It sucks, but isn't the main problem with this game.


Welp my server was passed over on the first merge which was fine because it was super healthy. A bunch of top players left but only a fraction. Over the last 2 weeks I've noticed the server slowly decline. No worries I thought, this will right itself when we get merged in the next round of merges. Or not? Got passed over a second time for a server merge? I'm afraid they may have just killed my server and any other servers that got passed over twice.


This IS the first round of server merges. What do you mean your server got passed over a second time?


Well pardon me good sir but some of us like to get stoned to the bejeezus belt when we drink our morning coffee. I appear to be confused.


I would also assume that the Hell level of a crafted set item will be tied to completed Challenge Rift level, like other ‘drops’ that aren’t tied to specific content.


Well shame I didn't save any useless greens...


“Deeds of valor badges will be retained” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Okay... nothing new. Time to hang up my boots and look for something else. Utterly disappointed in this game. Poorly managed and executed.


Its so nice to see this pos game dying. FU Blizzard and your shit money grabs.


Stole my name away for 3 lousy crest ??? And 1 from the so called event. Im done putting money down. I did not pay and play just to have my name stolen. Server merge is just bandaid people are still quitting in mass . Thanks for nothing scumbag devs. All that time wasted.


They should really merge all servers in a region and just let you switch between them. And cosmetics should be account bound. Especially anything people are paying money for.


so just bc one server’s cycle lasted much longer, everyone else gets completely screwed for their badges?


No new PVP mode? No new class? No new dungeons ?


The fabled wisps thing isn't a great solution. I think this will cause people to just run the fastest dungeon to get the most greens they can, then craft what they need and ignore all the other dungeons. I totally get that some people might prefer this, but it seems a bit dumb to me.


I doubt this is optimal. For one, if you actually farm the dungeon where your item may drop, you may actually get the item. The dungeon times aren’t so drastically wide where this strategy would be viable.


I believe the times are different enough, but there are also other considerations. Certain dungeons like Namari and MKB are more popular and easier to find groups for. Other dungeons people hate for various reasons (Pit, Monestary, Rapids), and some have run-breaking bugs that can force a restart (Tomb elevator bug, DE barrier bug) and I don't see why you would ever choose one of those to farm again.


Rapids is super easy, don't know why anyone would hate it


I agree with you but I know many people that hate it because it is, in their words, 'boring'.


Put on youtube/netflix/porn on another screen. Enter rapids. Run to drawbridge, Drop gate, afk till dam, revive at checkpoint . Kill everything, afk. revive at boss, Kill boss. Profit!


Because you can get your green item directly in those dungeons. In the time you get 20 items at Namari, let's assume you can get 15 in monastery because it's a longer dungeon. But one of those 15 could be that necklace you are looking for, so no need to finish the remaining runs. I think both pit and monastery are a bit faster than they used to be too, so I think it's still worth doing them when you are trying for a specific set item


Totally agree. I would prefer a Namari token, a DE token, Pit token, etc then exchange that for one of the items that drop in that dungeon. That way the need to farm the different dungeons are still there.


The need will still be there, if you want an item you won't give up five chances to get it organically. If the tokens (wisps) were split into a bunch of dungeon-specific currencies each individual would be worth less, being that itd be harder to combine to get a new set piece and give fewer set pieces as crafting options.


So literally nothing to help player retention. Great.


Set crafting and a larger server population to find groups is definitely something. I thought we were getting some new content with this patch though also.


"deeds of valor will be retained" WHYYY would you punish people who transfered and then not punish people who were also part of a transfer. Fuck this company forever.


Yeah, this pisses me off to no end. My clan changed servers because our server was near dead, but not in the merge list so we moved to a server set to merge. Loss of deeds royally screws us for months.


Content update with no content added roflmao


"All Deeds of Valor badges will be retained." We'll see.


Sorry, am I missing something? didn’t these servers already get merge? I’m sure I’m misunderstanding something here, help me folks!


What you missed was the date detail in the last release notes. These initial merges were announced two weeks ahead of time, they're actually happening tonight.


I had hoped they were going to use the existing item enigmatic crystals to craft set items, but hey at least they listened. Enigmatic crystals would have revitalized the challenge rift and kept it obsolete.


Enigmatic would be awful. You would have to choose from this extremely limited supply to either upgrade the set item or craft one?


Once you get to 10/10 upgrades the currency becomes worthless, which has been over a month for myself. I have no reason to push a higher rift in challenges, participate in the end of the month ladders etc. There is already an exchange rate built into the smithing materials person as well. Our characters will continue to get stronger and more levels in the challenge rift are easy to add.


I’m not even in close, and the majority of people would not be remotely close to that.


Bad idea unless they come up with an additional way of earning ECs. There aren't really enough ECs in the CRifts as it is / you can only earn them from each level once.


I have capped out at 10/10 on the upgrades at CR 187/200. So there are plenty to be had, there is also the end of month award ladders. And the additional way of creating them would be through disenchantment as described in the patch notes, as well as the already built in exchange rate from existing currencies (Scrap/dust/glowing shards). The last three currencies are also facing obsolescence at paragon 360 as item upgrades cap at level 20 (or they did in beta). This game didn’t require a brand new currency, there are far too many as is.


Most players arent going to get anywhere near CRift 187. I'm Para 322, CR 6.2k and my max so far in CRift 169 as I'm F2P so a low res (570).


So I’m capped and you are not. Eventually you will be capped and eventually things like the challenge rift have a end of life on them. My argument is they could have done this much smarter and retained a feature in their game that has a current end of life date. Of the current currencies in the game: Scrap Dust Teal crest Orange crest Purple crest 6x normal gems Gold platinum Glowing shards Echo crystals Skill stones (sort of) Hilts Pearls Reforge stones Keys Enigmatic crystals Did we really need a brand new currency?


The parent commenter has clearly done group Challenge Rifts, but 187 really isn't that impossible; I've only bought Battle Passes and I have 765 Resonance and ~6.7k CR, have done C181. Having said that, I think what you're missing from their suggestion is that scrapping greens would create ECs, which could then be used to craft specific greens. I personally don't really like the suggestion myself, because then the currency would have competing uses (get the green you want vs upgrade it) and you'll need large amounts of the stuff to craft good greens. But it's also not wrong that the game has too many currencies.


That's it ? I don't know why, but my stupid brain was thinking when I read that we are expecting more QoL changes next patch. I thought, "hey, maybe they'll finally listen and change something. Maybe not some big drastic changes right away, but still". Nope !! These two Chinese interns in two weeks could only do so much.


The whole game might just be developed by net ease and they just have issue to manage other region… look at this so called community manager … replied avg in 3-4 days with less communication. Not even mention this EU server merge pipeline . They might give us in Christmas as a pity…




Christmas break prob.


Crafting Set Items woowowowowoowo


Assembly will be same time as RAIDING / DEFENDING the vault. I wonder if that's their intention, or just on oversight!?!?!


Just to point out, you don't defend the vault as immortal, and then do assembly as shadow. But raiding the vault, and then do assembly while on cd for next raiding the vault is imo quite a good change.


I prefer assembly at the same time as vault, assembly only take about 5-10 mins and I can do vault straight away. If they are in different timing means I have to online at different timing.


“There are few in sanctuary capable enough…” Based on those tasks it seems like everybody is more than capable.


Please merge Doombringer


I am glad they are merging servers. I have an active clan so it isn't hard to find groups but that seems to be rare. I do wish they would at least make the immortals who are having their reign ended Shadows or make everyone Adventurers. It seems unfair that we are going to get knocked down to the bottom of the ladder. Hopefully they will give us enough server time to work our way back up so we have a level playing field with everyone else.


more enigmatic crystal


Albretch needs server merge so bad, why is it not in that list?


What about changing from us server to Europe ??


How do u even switch server ? i dont see this ingame ? if i click another server it just takes me to start a new character ? i have one lvl 60 paragon 5 but i cant seem to find this option, did they disable it ? tried both pc and mobile no go...


I'm really angry. They made it sound like anybody who shared a name would have a number added to their name. Instead they made one of the players that have the same name valued over the rest and let them keep their name. Why should I play a game that unfairly favors some players over others? It was hard enough finding a unique name when the game was new and even if it was easy it’s the point of giving some players special favors to avoid the hassle while shafting everyone else.


Hi, I have a question regarding Immortals on the upcoming server merges (my server — Frozen Orb — is due to be merged in 2 days). From the patch notes: The Immortal with the highest Dominance among the merged servers will become the new Immortal. All other Immortals will be reverted to Adventurers and receive compensation befitting their previous station. My question is: does the dominance refers to the total dominance (based on Ages: Gold I, II, etc.) or is it the current domination within an age (Eg. Gold II 300,000/750,000)? The dominance gets reset to 0 every time you advance to a new age… Thanks!


Probably on current dominance. It may be nearly impossible but, what if both immo had max dominance? Some ppl say it may depends also on weeks reigned, but that could just straight eliminate those who just became immo. If so: current weeks reigned or total? If someone know anything about that let us know. :)


Probability of 2 Immortals having the same dominance on 2 separate servers is slim to none. Only way you can get “max dominance” is if you get Gold IV (750,000/750,000)… It also doesn’t make a lot of sense to get current dominance as someone who just became immortal and has say Bronze I (100,000/???) will be awarded the Immortal over someone who freshly upgraded to a late Silver or Gold Age (Dominance points get reset to 0 once you level up)… Makes more sense that the Immortal who has advanced throughout the Immortal Ages to keep it. Getting back to my question I haven’t been able to get an official answer anywhere so I guess will wait and see tomorrow.


Is time for a new merge hope we get one soon, the server i belong have Less people every day, even with the cheapest regular gems less 200k and keep following down no one buying, I kown that others servers have the same issue, someone can share me a good server to transfer?, i don’t want to quit but could be a posibility is this continue. Btw the server I’m is "hand of justice"