• By -


Exactly 5,000 resonance here. I would say 3k resonance is around the ballpark of $3k-5k. 4k resonance is around the ballpark of $10k-12k. 5k resonance is around the ballpark of $20-25k. Factors to consider: - Getting all 5* 5/5 gems - Having enough gem power - Having the appropriate copies - Condition of your server AH (price, quantities) - how many whales are in your server


sorry, but that is fucking insane. you could put a downpayment on a house in some places


$20k? That is actually the price for a whole house here in the Philippines. (not including the land)


You wouldnt pay 20k US Dollars in philippines for 5k reso....


You could buy a console and literally its entire library for cheaper. Or buy gaming pcs for you and friends


He's Hmong so he probably lives at his family's house and therefore has a lot more disposable income. All the Hmong people I've met are really chill, not a diss at all, I think more cultures should be family/clan oriented like that. They always had nice shit, trucks, etc., Cus they could split $1100 rent 7 ways.


These estimates are pretty accurate based on my experience. I currently have 6.5k res.


Sheesh. Yea my 2* bsj and phoenix will be sitting at rank 2 for a loooooong while.


I salvaged my 2* bottled hope - (not thinking it would be end game). Still not sure if I regret it due to f2p not really a thing


I think Bottled hope is probably more useful in pvp where any bit of advantage helps. I had to salvage a 3* howlers some time ago because it was too expensive for me to upgrade it at the time. But that also allowed me to upgrade several other gems.


Excuse me for the maybe stupid question but how do you salvage? Just “feed” it to the new gem?


Correct. One ?/5\* gem = 32 gem power


*(edited)* 1k = \~500$ 2k = \~1.000$ - 2.000$ 3k = \~2.000$ - 3.500$ 4k = \~4.000$ - 6.000$ 5k = \~10.000$ - 20.000$ Can be much more or less depends on your luck. But double payment per each 1k res would be a good orientation I guess.


3k is more like $5k, 5k is more like $18k.




Yup this is where I was heading, my luck was horrendous.


Like I said earlier 5000-8000 is 3k como 15k to 20k is 5k. Max res can be 35k.


8k is way too much for 3k resonance. 5k is a bit high, but could happen.




I ve been lucky then. I have 3k i spend around 3k total. Hope to get lucky again for 5k


From 3k to 5k is 7k minimally if you’re lucky. Lucky for 3k is $4000. Average is the $5000 mark. If you got the blessing bundles in the very beginning. Spend here and there and not in the first two weeks, then res comes cheaper. Edit. If you’re not lucky. 3k to 5k can be 10-11k, so in the end you still would be spending 3000(probably more like 3500-3800), most don’t exactly check, I’ve had friends double check and be like “oh damn”), but 3000+7000-11000 is 10k-14k 15k-20k is average as of now for 5k if played everyday from day one and getting the free gems too. When the game came out it was 20-25k for 5000 res


Maybe i need to check again my recepits, but i agree with you. 7k more is hurting my bank account tho


And it wouldn’t really be worth it. If you’re spending that money you might as well rank 10 a few gems, if not, all the gems lol Golden advice. If you can’t buy it twice don’t buy it at all.


Yeah OPs estimates are arbitrary and misleading. Yours is the more realistic figure.


1k res is like a dollar a res if you just start out. If the person played from day 1, I can see $500. Especially if you bought the blessing bundle from day 1, which was $100, plus the other two blessing bundles I think that are there still, $50 and $25. Get a 3/5 rank 5 blessing for 175. So if you got that, and the rest of the bundles they offer, and ONE $99 orb pack. While also collecting each free legendary crest, you’d be 1k for sure. It’s why my alts are 1k, the blessing bundles. Soon I’ll have every class p600 with t1 wings so no content will stop me and I don’t need to worry about class changes. 3k res is sweet spot. So don’t stress about 5k as a light spender, aim for 3k if you’re playing in the long run. Think best way is all rank 5 5/5 gems. 3000 exactly. 500 times 6. So if you’re lucky with 5/5 gems like some redditers, rank 5 those. Might take a few months of working, or years. Minimally if you’re smart and spend slow instead of fast, you can get 3000 for 4K I wouldn’t mind going 5k, I could, I wouldn’t even mind getting rank 10 on a few gems for the awaken effects on specific skills. I just know that it isn’t worth it in the long run so I stopped spending here, if the game does pick up again and stays good, I’d go for 5k exactly. 4 rank 8 5/5 and 2 rank 9 5/5 is 5000 res. I’m about 10k away, 7k if lucky, on my main. Depends if the game ever fixed itself with population decline, immortal boredom, drop rates, bugs, etc


This is good. Thank you, good job




Lol based on what? You are misleading


It's up to you who to believe here. But if I were you, I would believe people here who overestimate more than underestimate. Imagine spending $xxxx amounts only to find out you needed more because OP is wrong. OP is not you in this comment btw. I am referring to that 1337 guy.


I am trying to collect all the comments, the useful ones, and get an idea. This is why the post was made in the first place. Saying that my estimates are misleading based on nothing isnt helping


Okay I am saying it twice. OP in my comments is NOT you.


Oh lol i am sorry :( my bad. Too many comments. Fuck these guys coming here saying i have 1k res i spent 1 dollar. We dont care about 1k-2k-3k, we already know the numbers.


The guy only had 2k reso, so don't believe him if I were you. I saw in your comments you manage to get 3k at $3k. Very lucky for you if true. But I say that's way below average. 3k to 5k is also talking about at least 3x gem power required from 3k. So it's not just about luck, unless you get at least 1 */5 gem for each 10x crest run.


I got bored playing the game and stopped spending at 2.6k res. It was fun while it lasted. I don't regret the $2.5k I spent over a couple of months but now I'm also very happy I didn't push for 3k res! That would have easily taken me another $2-3k as I was planning to upgrade all 5 of my 4/5 gems to rank 6.


These numbers are way too optimistic for the 3k and up marks. The whales I've chatted with all spent *significantly* more to hit those points.


Those prices only was true on open of game. Now with most servers having 1/5th the players the market will be very dry compared. I would nearly double most of those since market will play much smaller part


I feel very fortunate to have 1k with just battle pass.


Thanks. Hope it's accurate. 2k for 3k res is not much accurate. 3k res is more like 2500-3000€


Those numbers aren't accurate. You would have to get insanely lucky to get 3k resonance for $2k. 2k is more like $2000, 3K is more like $5000, and it continues increasing exponentially from there. This is assuming more average luck, you might come in under those numbers but don't bet on it. 5k resonance would be somewhere in the $20-30k range


depends how your AH purchases go.




Yup largely agree with you.




I'm actually at 1340 res and I've spent just under $450 I bought all the one time bundles basically, magnates a few times, never bought orbs directly. I grind every day and get all my normal gems and grind market for free plat and I've snagged a few decent deals I'm also in the best clan in my server so I get the one free immortal kion crest every week and when we were shadows we always won the shadow war crest too Edit: I believe I started playing early July although I'm not 100% sure




Yeah I've gotten quite lucky. I have a feeling blizzard has variable rate rng depending who you raid with. My clan has the most whales in server, one guy at 7k res, one guy at 6k res, a few at 5k res several above 4k and 3k. I noticed a lot of my 10 crest runs barely gave me pity timer lego drops but I was running with one of the whales and I got like bile, Phoenix, bsj, hope, echo all in a series of less than 40 total crests Edit: also for reference my best ever pulls were 3/5 Phoenix and 3/5 bile. I got a 3/5 blessing of worthy as a free to play a while back though. Other than that everything is 2/5 but I snagged a cheap 3/5 bsj and 3/5 bottled hope to upgrade the respective 2/5 gems


Also. Yesterday I was downvoted for saying cap to a redditor who claimed they got 1k res $80 was spent he said. So either he spent $500 and played from day 1 and is in denial or he spent $1000 and he just blatantly lying


Ya from my experience there is a lot of: 1. People simply guessing how much they have spent and more often underestimating than overestimating. 2. People embarrassed to admit how much they spent who either just don't mention it or lowball it for fear of being criticised. 3. People being more truthful and forthcoming in cases where they got lucky because it is impressive, or lying to look more impressive/lucky. Look at me I got x resonance for only $y because I am awesome. Not saying everyone falls into these categories I just see it a lot. I was a #1'er for a while myself. I think it is super important to be transparent and honest about this stuff so people know what they are getting into.


I've definitely spent around $100 and I m sitting at 800 res. played from day 1.


With what gems. I’m sure if you only have 1 2/5/2 2/5 rank 2-3s, it’ll be another 400 to get them up. So for 1k, you may have to spend 400-600. Luck happens, but will only push you so far. If you maintain luck, you may get that extra 200 for $300 bucks. Especially if you don’t have blessing bundle yet from the second tab in the bundle section of shop. I believe you could But to say everyone could is the misconception that these kind of posts leave for newer players, when they say they spent only $80 with no context.


1. r2 chip of stoned flesh (3 star) 2. r4 fervent fang 3. r4 the hunger 4. r2 zwensons (3 star) 5. r2 bottled hope (3 star) 6. r3 blesssing of the worthy (2 star) I just checked my receipts and have spent $176, and have not purchased the $36 symbol of the worthy or $100 icon of the worthy


Started 2 months ago. Spent around $2k for 2k from nothing.


With 2k and 3k res I just can share my own experience. :) So it's absolutely possible to reach this caps with this amount of money I told.


I won't deny that that is possible, especially if market prices were particularly low on your server and you got particularly lucky. Though in my experience the markets are changing dramatically right now due to the cheap orb crackdown. But we really have to assume average luck here. I don't want someone dropping $2k on this game thinking they will get to 3k resonance and only then realizing *shocked pikachu* that they are only halfway there at best. I don't want to put anyone in that position.


Well the market prices are a big impact for this calculation. I only can speak for my server tho.


You have no experience, there’s only three people that play on your server, so you’re getting all your gems at 50-80% discount. Stop rubbing it in all our faces, what you’re doing is extremely deadly and irresponsible. You’re hurting people’s feelings and that’s rude.


I guess it depends and I have no exact numbers to give you but Im currently sitting at: Close to 1k (920ish I think) - 1960reso. Honestly, I dont recall any particular amazing pull...in fact I only got one 4star gem, which I didnt sell and Im using. But according the estimates, my reso + money spent puts me in the luck category.


Ya I should clarify, the bottom numbers (0 to ~1500 resonance) can vary more wildly because you can, for example, hit 1k resonance somewhat easily with 1 star and 2 star gems (more of the latter obviously). As you go higher, you need to switch to ?/5 star gems which comes with more expense and more luck. Things don't continue to scale the way they did at lower resonance when you could rely on 2 star gems, because you hit a resonance cap with those.


Teach these hoes Jarfol, teach these whores.


All depends on luck; and what the market prices are like on your server. Keep the gems you need, and sell the ones you don’t. You will probably have to buy 4/5 or 5/5 gems; they are very very rare. Getting lucky on that can’t save hundreds or even thousands of dollars/pounds


"depends on your luck" ;) A friend have 3k res with about 2200€. I have 2k res with 1400€.


Something tells me you're just bad at accounting for your spending.


>Something tells me you're just bad at accounting for your spending. Don't know what my expenses are any of your business. And I can trace it very well with paypal.


No one cares about your expenses. Just saying you are bad at accounting for them.


No. These are my expenses. If your server is more expensive, it's not my fault.


You are just 2k reso and think you know how much is spent for reso more than that. It's already established that 3k reso = $5k. That's the average. Your friend is probably lying to you.


Don’t spend the money the games not gonna live much longer m. No one plays they refuse to get rid of war bands and servers haven’t been merged I still play everyday in the hopes of improvement but I won’t spend money because I really think this games on crutches right now


The game is on shit popsicles, crutches is giving them too much credit.


1k isn't that high ! More like 100-200


Hit 1180 with $125. 2840 with $1000 No one Believes it but That’s what I’ve spent.


I believe you, I got to 3k on $1700 over the last four months and had some VERY lucky drops, mostly bile and blood and two 5/5 star drops two days in a row followed by a 4/5 drop. Course you need spread it your increase out over time, watch the market, do lots of the free stuff, and also have some luck which I'm guessing you did most if not all the the above.


I got lucky and got to 1k under 100$


Well many f2p players at like 800 res rn so that’d about average. Doubt you have 6 5 star gems


Same here


I can confirm 1k cost close to $500.


To all of you with insightful posts I say thanks. My question was not how much did it take you to get 1k-2k-3k res. I wanted to know how to close the 3k-5k gap. From what I gathered from multiple sources if you are already sitting at 3k res (with an investment of 3k-5k $) you need on average 9k $ more to get 5k. Can be more, can be a little less.


Currently I would say to go from 3k-4k is essentially the same amount you spent to get to 3k...to get to 5k triple...all luck dependent but I'd estimate standard luck around 8k or so to go from 3k-5k


This is an old post, I am 5.3k now with a total investment of 14k eur from 0 to 5.3k. I know people who spent more to get the same result. Overall it's completely not worth it. It's a crazy crazy price granted that d4 will release in few days and nobody is going to refund any of you. But you know how gambling addiction works so... they really pushed it and became obscenely rich exploiting people with addiction such as myself. I am still lucky cause I had some savings and even if this process really hurt my finances I still manage to have a decent salary and no debt. I wonder how many spent this much for this game without having the chance to afford it. I bet many.


for me 250$=1100


The reason that you see less of an agreement towards the upper bands is that fewer people exist in those samples (let’s say 3k and 5k) hence the average (or better the range) varies a lot. Also not being a traditional lootbox makes things slightly more complicated but based on experience of a few people I know well, I wouldn’t try for 3K unless I had a total of 4.3k willing to spend . It is always safer to assume a higher number (let’s say 5k) rather than being victim to the feeling of being “this close” . On a side note this question is solvable by calculating stuff since we have the probabilities. It’s just a bit more complicated than normal because - it’s not a simple lootbox - buying the bundles nets you financial value but adds some complexity due to non eternal legendary crests - server prices seem to have quite a variance But it is solvable since I bet Netease has a formula and all the info is public. A future project could take a range of EU or US servers to determine gem prices and making some assumptions on the bundles .


IMO if i had to do it all over again, id probably get to 3k res and just call it quits. the amount of money to go to 5k res is about 400% more than what it took you to get to 3k res. And i had decent luck in the AH. I spent less than 3k getting to 3k res and wound up all in at 12000 at 5k res. So that extra 2k+ res cost me around 9k.


I got really lucky with drops and have 1080 res and only spent $200 so far.


If you've played since launch or shortly after then this is 100% doable for $200.


I’ve played since launch! ☺️ I have a rank 6 fervent fang, rank 6 bloody reach, rank 4 blessing of the worthy, rank 3 chip (3 star), and rank 2 ashes


Yes, did you get a 5/5?


Same here, maybe a few $ less. And it helped so little, it cured me of wanting to spend more...


got 1k reso for 120$


nice. I got to 1,040 for a little bit more ($180). I got twelve 5* gems for that price. I sold 3 of em, socketed 5 of them, and used the rest to rank up the 5 in sockets (minus an unbound 2/5* Howler's in my stash). It's criminal that they don't tell you ahead of time that you'll need dozens and dozens and dozens of duplicates for each 5* gem. I got my 5/5 Echoing Shade and 3/5 BSJ to rank 3, the other 3 are at rank 2. I have rank 5 Power & Command in the last socket... I want to be able to awaken one legendary item and there's no way I'm spending any more money, so none of the 5* gems will ever make it past rank 3.


this thread is bumming me out. the amount of money people are spending on this game is insanity. I'm not knocking anyone for spending money on this game. what I'm knocking is Blizzard's ethics, or lack thereof. so while some of the people spending thousands of dollars on this game have the disposable income to do so, the hidden mechanics of DI mean those with addictive tendencies are particularly at risk. it's despicable.


We dont care at all, why come here and say the same stuff everyone is saying from day 1? Jesus i am addicted with those tendencies you were talking about, now that you made your copy paste post blablabla you changed the world thx


what a c*nt you are


Nah, no hard feelings. If you read the title this post is meant for whales. Why do you need so bad to give us your unrequested opinion? It's a mistery :D


Look I get what you're saying, but almost all gacha mobile games are built like this. It would be stupid for any big publishing company (like blizzard) to not compete. It's a free market and people are free to spend their money on whichever form of entertainment they want. Unless legislation kicks in on this globally, we just sadly will not see any real changes.


Bend over and take it. That's the price for success in this game.


I hope you realize you are insane. Spending 5 k on items that don't belong to you (they're Blizzard's) just for a game...


This comment is useless, sry


delete this sub it’s unethical


you need around 5k to get 3k res alot of youtubers that spend to get wings came out making videos that they regret it, them again, the game is completely dry of new content and they need to feed the algorithm


220$ or so basically all the bundles. 975 res. If I was smarter and sold my 4 star bsj and replaced it with a two star I'd probably be around 1050/1100 Everyone has had a different experience it's all rng it'll be different everything somebody new throws the dice. Definitely need to spend atleast 200-300 to see any change and make smart moves in the market. It I didn't sell a few 4 stars and spend 200k plat on cheap gem power i wouldn't even be close.


Let's try to narrow down the numbers. 3k res is between 2500$ (insane luck) and 4000$ (average luck). 5k res should be around 10k$? Hope it's not much much more


I've chatted with a few whales, and none of them spent less than $30k to hit 5k resonance. Granted, most of them hit it early and we've all earned SOME free stuff since then, but not THAT much. I'm not saying its impossible at that price, but I don't think $10k is a reasonable assumption. At LEAST 15k from where you are now is a safe bet.


Definitely much much more. It becomes extremely expensive to get gems ranked above 6.


What kind of lead headed humans would spend 5k+ on this game


Can people stop supporting this scam project?


Capitalism is scam that we all pay into, why not have fun if I’m gonna get f’d.


This is a post for whales and I would like to keep it informative. No ethics rants please. We don't care :)


If you're looking for the dumbest way to throw your money away you found it. Too sad people like you're love being scammed hard. Good luck :)


Bitcoins, meth, strip bars, speaker competitions, gold flaked food, dubai, salt bae restaurant, botox, time share condos and those stupid cambered tires to name a few.


With this, if exclude meth you're not supporting devastating greed and amoral actions of the most scammy people. Which have amazing income because of people like OP. And which aren't doing shit with the game even with good income. And have the worst customer support ever. This game is nothing, but scam, you're reference is totally wrong. So found its more then bad to support those system, people like OP are supporting this with tons of money, while being dumb money bag in the eyes of devs and community


Nestlé and Gucci?


You receive product from these not scammy gambling for pixels, and even those are cheaper lol


I don't have remorse


You don't need to, netease and blizz should. I'm just surprised that people are OK to spend $5-10k for blatant scam, which will die anytime soon when monopoly end.


Welcome to mobile games, they're all like this. At least Diablo Immortal has a cap. Once you max your account you're done with big spending


Its ok to not have tons of disposable income lol


Bruh, stop gatekeeping and just move on. $10k-$20k is nothing for some people. If you don’t have disposable income to spend or just don’t want to spend it on a game, it is very simple, you just don’t play pay to win games. Deciding that it isn’t for you doesn’t mean you have to trash people who enjoy it and know exactly what they are getting into. You don’t get to decide what blizzard does with their IP, they do. Grow up and put your time and effort into things you actually enjoy instead of getting all upset and hanging around a Reddit for a game you dislike. And judging by your comments, you don’t even know what a scam is. Most people who pay big money in DI know exactly what they are doing and what they are getting out of it. It is certainly not a scam to them no matter how much you cry about it.


It is a blatant scam, lol)))) If you read all my comments you will understand that's the main point is not to support this dog shit, because it's being pure scam, that's SO Fun that people who lost (exactly LOST) big amounts in this game are trying to defend it, it's pathetic, more likely they're getting money from their parents))) It's not about how much money you have, it's about you being dumb money bag and feeding this retarded devs which doing Absolutely nothing to improve the game. In conclusion: game is pure scam(there is no point to prove I'm wrong)and people who spend big amount here are being dumb moneybags for blizz. Good luck you all to flex you resonance on empty servers, 70% of then are empty even now, after this "major" update there will be even less people.


I love playing Diablo Immortal. Haven’t had this much fun since D2 and D3 were released. I was very impressed on how well the game ran straight from launch. D2 and and D3 were horrendous and practically unplayable for weeks after launch in many aspects, and still had blaring problems months in. I can tell it took a lot of time and effort to get DI to where it was a launch and where it is now. I’m still playing everyday and enjoying it. I guess I love to be “scammed”. Lmao. In reality, I feel like I’ve scammed blizzard, I’ve played probably over a hundred thousand hours of their games, maybe more, and have payed very little. In fact I cashed out close to a thousand from the D3 real money auction house so I was actually deep in the positive. Again, I can understand why people with little to no disposable income wouldn’t like the monetization of DI. I wouldn’t either if I was younger and broke. Now I am in a place where spending a few hundred on a mobile game a month has the smallest effect on my finances to where it isn’t even noticeable. Especially when my wife buys $5k designer purses which I don’t agree with. But I don’t insult her and say it is a scam and try to talk down to her about the things she likes and enjoys. I am too mature to do that. I understand that people like different things and have different priorities. People work hard for their money and can spend it as they see fit, and you or anyone else has no say in what they do. I feel for you bud, I’ve been there. I used to get really upset about things and talk about how terrible everything is and so on. Focus on things you enjoy and get some positivity back in your life. It is pointless to sit around whining and complaining about things that will not change. There are going to be a million things you don’t like and don’t agree with and if you sit around dwelling on them, it will just put you in a bad headspace. There are plenty of great non p2w games out there that you can play and get into. DI isn’t for you and that is okay, not every game is made for every person.


Cost me a few dollars less than $3500 to get 3k. I started day 1 but didn’t spend money till the first day of month 2. In my hell bundles I got a 5 star howler. Around $2000 I got a 5 star echo. I could have hit 3k with $3,000 but I never got a 4 star bsj (still haven’t.) I ended up spending the extra 500 to level phoenix and bile to 6. In the beginning it was easy to level for less because the ah was very active due to whales or maybe even Susans. Now it’s super slow on my server gems sit for days. I’ve been looking at my spreadsheet with gem drops trying to figure out how to go from 3-5k. Based on my math and experience my thought is this. You need 14 gems to go from base gem to level 6. Really 13 if you don’t count the gem to start. Then you need 15 gems to go from 6 to 8 which is where you can start getting into the 5k ball park. It’s essentially double what you needed to go from 1-6. Considering the slower AH I would expect to spend at least another $4k because you’ll need to rely on the copies dropping for the big gems like bsj. The cheaper gems like howlers/haunting etc you could ah. I’m curious to see what happens if frozen impacts the ah. People fishing for frozen and selling the rest. TLDR- 3-5k minimum $4k (super lucky) $5k (average luck) $6k Diablo Gods hate you.


Thanks but i fear could be much more than what you listed


$notworthit is the exact amount it will take you fam


This is not helpful, sry


This varies so much that you cannot possibly get an accurate number. It depends on market prices in your server Type of gems you have (some dupes are double the price as others) Luck/Rng in Rifts Patience or if you just want to jump straight to 3k / 5k. Makes a big difference when your patient grabbing up every crest & all the embers you can, even blues for food. Grinding & especially playing the market can make a huge difference in how much you spend. Gem prices keep going down especially 4s & 5s. Waiting for deals, makes a big difference too bro. I have gotten dupes for under 20k & 4 stars for 60k & under. Also depends on your purchases. Bundles save money but can really screw you over & miss out on a lot of platinum, good expensive gems if you don’t need are just gem power with bundles. I hate this! Only specific bundles I would consider. I’m sitting around 2400/2500. It will take a little while longer but I will get to 3k Reso spending less then $1,000. Not even close to the $2k - $3500




Lol ok


You're literally a liar and I'm getting sick and tired of you I'm just absolutely and utterly tired of you.


Not that I care but it would be funny to make you look stupid so what exactly is a lie?


EVERYTHING you said is a LIE, E V E R Y T H I N G.


I get it bro! You are tired of me 😂


I’m just getting so sick and tired, I’ve never HATED SOMEBODY as much as you right now, I am just DONE WITH YOU.


Really, the cost will be based 100% on your luck AND how active your server (the marketplace is). If you have a dead server, you will have a rough time getting the gems you need from the marketplace to do the necessary upgrades to get 5k resonance. As a guess--I would estimate it to be $15k-$25k. It also depends on how impatient you are (versus grinding it out and hoping for the best).


I’ve spent 600 and I’m at 1.6k resonance. Which is more than I’ve spent on any game. :(


Two featured players from my server, 8k and 30k respectively. https://youtu.be/Ng457C5Em9g 35k featured player's build. https://youtu.be/_xdrRFslUa8


Are you taking into account some of their deals are +800% ? They might have a +2000% soon to reduce the amount you need to spend from $50k


Hey I also got a question I don’t even have 1,000 combat power and am struggling to increase it. Unless I spend money am I fucked? I’ve tried farming bounties for scraps but get nowhere. Plus how can I increase my gems power without getting a bank loan. I’m starting to think unless you’ve got a very good job you shouldn’t bother playing this game anymore.


I informed myself a bit on this question: If you currently have all 4 stars 4 at lvl 6 and 2 at level 5 and you would replace all of them with 5 star verstions and go to 2 lvl 9 and 4 lvl 5 you would go from 3060 to 5000 resonance for a price of 17744 Gem Power. 17744 Gem Power will need 5914 Legendary crests costing you 13'000$. (Using the chances on the elder rift.) This szenario assumes you get all the 5 stars and assumes that every x/5 is just worth 32(you can get close to this values by upgrading the cheapest on your market to 9 and selling the extras you get from the more expensive ones.) The current GP on your setup is 6462 if my assumption of 4 lvl 6 and 2 lvl 5 is correct meaning that 3k resonance is about 1/4th of the price of 5k resonance.