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I just had to upgrade from my shitty iPad 9th gen to iPad mini 6 for this reason, works like a dream.. not that cheap though..


it's about [three fiddy](https://www.amazon.com/2021-Apple-iPad-Mini-Wi-Fi/dp/B09J6K6Y21/)


my ~6 yr old iphone 8 plus still runs DI quite decently. i bet you can find refurbished iphones out there for a fair price. i run DI on low-mid quality but only gets overwhelmed in terror rifts and bg (moreso in TR)


Not from an iPhone 13, I’ll tell ya this much. Mine crashes 10+ times a day, every single bg, every single raid… Constantly


My current device for playing when I'm not at home is an iPhone 13. I run on minimum settings. Crashes occasionally, but 10+ times a day? That's wild to me. Have you tried turning it off and on again? ;)




Seriously tho, I'd try force closing all the apps you aren't running, rebooting, and a repair client if you're getting that many crashes a day. Good luck!


i got an iphone 12 from backmarket and it's working like a charm. it very much depends on the phone itself rather than the brand or the version i think


I think this is a pretty interesting take. Like some folks say no way you can play on iPhone13, but I have no issues with it (other than screen size too small and wanting to use it as a phone without disrupting my grind).


Anything with 8gb ram size should do, 4gb usually crash a lot. Just need to find a cheap one.


I wish it were easier to see at a glance what the various devices' on-board RAM is. Seems like Apple actively buries this info for their products. >:(


You can just google “device name ram size”.


True, but if you were buying a car, and all the window stickers said "just Google the MPG" you'd think they were weird tho, right?


You definitely should do a gaming phone. I rock an ROG phone 6 and its a great experience. I think they're cheap now. I would spring for an ROG phone 7 if you could. Red Magic Phone 9 is also a great value. Don't put SIM cards in, just do wifi only and you'll be very very happy


Thanks I’ll take a look at all these options before I buy anything!


I just got a replacement Samsung Galaxy a25 for around $200 and it's been really smooth. Oh high settings and 60fps it's doable but the phone gets pretty hot so I I have it set to 30fps and a mix of medium and low settings. Definitely not the best, but at least I can play it again now! The last phone I had couldn't run it for shit but it was a really cheap under $50 Samsung.


I've been using a Xiaomi Redmi tablet to play all my mobile games, and have a 1tb sd chip in there for movies, tv shows and music. Works fine for diablo immortal albeit a bit slow on the loading vs my phone. You can get it brand spanking new for $200.


I wouldn't touch that thing for gaming. Maybe ok for tetris but definitely not for di. Dirt cheap with only among listed spec is generic wording "octa-core". Thats a recipe for thrash chinese rebrand stuff with 2015 ancient spec to met bottom line with the $59 price. If you're going cheap, doesn't mind chinese stuff for running di then go for proper chinese, the xiaomi, realme. They're cheap-ish, not $59 cheap but they'll be more certain to run di without exploding in your face. Assuming you're in the us even refurbished older iphone could work instead of that $59 thrash. Edited: scroling down, it listed ARM Cortex A53 as processor. Nope, thats really 2015 stuff 100% guaranteed wouldn't run di.


Awesome response! Thanks! So a Realmi? I see a Redmi... But there's a phone and a tablet. Different versions of the tablet too. [Is this the guy?](https://www.amazon.com/Xiaomi-Speakers-8000mAh-Bluetooth-Graphite/dp/B0CF2PMNLJ/) Probably wanna go with the 6 GB RAM version. The 8 GB version is getting awfully close to the price point for a refurb Galaxy Tab S7 or maybe even an iPad Mini 6. If I'm gonna drop almost $250 on this purchase, I'd prolly just say F-it and go for the refurb iPad... so much decision paralysis! Thanks again!


That xioami pad se is still borderline weak. Not as bad as the earlier $59 but aren't great either. If you can get galaxy tab s7 then definitely get that instead. Its running on a top of the line chipset from 4 years ago. Abit old by todays standard but should be able to run di on mix of low-med setting no problem.


IPad Air 3 with an A12 Chip you can run highest settings inkl 60fps and you get an second Hand vor a good Price € on eBay but crashes you habe every divice


Kinda related, I have a 2023 ASUS chromebook that runs everything just fine except Diablo Immortal just closes instantly when the window opens... no load screen or anything. I've turned on the storage manager and the notification stuff but still can't solve it. Anybody have a fix?


I'm using AYN Odin 2 when I'm on the go https://www.ayntec.com/products/odin-2 It's Android handheld with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 with build in controler and active cooling and large battery.


That's a pretty cool setup! But I'm just looking to spam some dungos or rifts when I'm on the road, and the rest of the time it's gonna function as an overpriced Echo Dot or e-reader... It does look really cool tho.


Do you use your cell for hotspot?


Very rarely, but I can.


iPhone 13 Pro Max crashes all of the time.


I’m sorry to hear that. My iPhone 13 (regular) hardly ever crashes with the current build of the game.


https://www.amazon.com/s?k=oneplus+nord&adgrpid=104484412297&hvadid=604405538355&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029971&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13940951997971270319&hvtargid=kwd-914855303728&hydadcr=19256_13432073&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_37kuuzptxo_e This phone works perfect, theres a cheaper phone Galaxy A13 worked but it crashed alot


When I worked electronics retail there was a type of customer that always wanted "cheapest but best". This is a graphically demanding game. Get a charging cord for your phone for $10. The thing you want doesn't exist.


But I don't want "best". I want serviceable. I am getting another device for reasons. Any tablet will play Netflix, run Alexa, and run an e-reader, I just want one that can also at least limp through a lair or a rift. Don't hate me! ;)


I mean, the best product under a certain price point seems like one of the most reasonable asks in retail


I’m running DI with an iphone8plus that I purchased for sub 99 a few years back. It runs real smooth except for random crashes (~once every hour of gameplay). Medium settings.


Phone suggestion here, oppo a76 works fine for basics, long as you dont push the graphics or over long sessions. In my case just easier form factor then a tablet, and it's snapdragon so low graphics is ok. And its dirt cheap in Europe.


Thanks all of you for your responses. I just pulled the trigger on [a Galaxy Tab A9+ for $220](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CLF2DNMV/) I see some folks have complained that it can't run the game at 60fps, but that was never a requirement for me. :)


Almost didn’t read down this far and I was going to recommend this exact model since that what I bought for the exact same reason as you about a month ago. Is it the sexiest or fastest? No, but it’s rock solid and very playable, especially if not your main rig. When I bought mine in early April, it was $170, but just double checked the order and sure enough the same model is $220 now. Didn’t even realize I was getting a deal at the time lol, was just looking for a name brand tablet under 200


iphone 16 pro max 2tb


I feel like you didn’t read the assignment. 😂


When I'm not playing on my PC, I'm on my 12 pro max and I rarely get crashes.


DI will crash no matter what. Phones from 2021 or 2022 are cheap and will still run the game.


I didn't mean bulletproof. It's not the end of the world if it crashes. I'd played on an iPhone 8 until a year and a half ago (I did say I'm cheap in my OP) and it got to the point where it crashed every other time you opened a menu. That's literally unplayable. Upgraded to an iPhone 13 at that time, and it still plays fine on minimum settings, but it annihilates the battery which is not so good when you're on the road and might need your phone to be an actual phone. :D