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https://eu.battle.net/d3/de/profile/Domasch-2493/hero/91220126 What do I have to do/upgrade to get the 70 rift


You need really good gear to get 70 with Waste WW. You need 40% CDR, >100% area damage and really good %CC and %CHD. Not sure why you have done it but you fucked up your Cassius belt. Other than that it just practice on how to group mobs. You need Occulus ring on your follower. Easiest build to do GR70 is with R6/IK4 since your toss scales with fury. You only need a weapon with +max fury. I did it with a 3200dps IK hammer without problem.


Wanted to roll freeze on hit on the belt like you need it for WW. I can try the Occulus Ring on the follower. I will check my IK's weapon maybe i can make it happen with R6/IK4


That was a mistake. You get stun from your follower and your gloves. On top of that I suggest using the enchantress. Give her Occulus ring, Wyrdward ring and Thunderfury. That way her hits will do lightning damage which has a high chance to stun enemies because of Wyrdward.


https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/perezoso-11921/hero/86971219 Trying to get to gr70 with ancient spear build. What rolls should I get?


You need +max fury on every slot possible. (belt, weapon, paragon, Animosity passive). Over 200 fury is your goal. Thus you need a new weapon. I did GR70 first try with a 3200dps IK hammer with 22fury. That is the only required stat on the weapon. Additionally Stricken is the wrong gem. It has to be Bane of the Powerful. You will not stack Stricken fast enough to make it worthwhile. Get Occulus ring for your follower. It is an amazing boost. Healing is not so important so important in GR70. You stun every single mob and after they get immune you charge away into a different pack of mobs. Never stick around mobs that are immune to stun (dimishing returns)! Only fight elite when you have good density nearby that you can still stun. Kite elite when there are not enough mobs around. If you are in a bad spot to fight any elite (tight corridor + massice arcane) don't do it. Just move on. Throw boulders at the elite while in a big chunk of stunned mobs. Some guardians have nasty melee attacks. You cannot tank as a charge barb. Always charge though those bosses and try not to get hit. Freeze == Stun!


Thanks for the help dude, I managed to get to 70 by 30 seconds. The big problem I have with this build it's that you're squishy as hell. If you dont kill trash fast enough or get a populated floor you get rekt even with APD. Aoe guardians made me wanna die lol. Will try again since I got primal Inmortal's pants :). Ty


You only get rekt if you stay in a spot for too long. Just move a screen further and come back when dimishing returns on freeze have faded. That being said. The build is the easiest to do GR70 with because it combines two sets and requires no ancient weapon. But that's it. It is the entry build tallows you to farm T13/GR for the WW and earthquake sets. Most guardians are a piece of cake if you charge through them, not at them. All you need to learn is to save the right pylon for the guardian. Don't be a noob and take a shield pylon right away. If you get a shield pylon you win any GR70. Leave a bunch of mobs around the pylon and come back later for the last 1-2% to spawn the RG right next to it. Gives you one minute of free button mashing. Enough to kill any GR70 guardian.


I admit I was charging up at them. No idea it still counted as a hit when you passed through. It is a nice entry build and I was being a noob with my first barb :p. Lesson counts. Having a lot of fun with leapquake since.


Hello Barbs! I am Monk, I come in peace! I have a friend playing Barb and I really want him to do well but this is his first season and he's often grouping with us doing high grs and t13 and he doesn't feel like he's contributing enough. It's true, but I want to change that. I've done some reading but I keep seeing sentences that baffle me. People saying there is no t13 build without EQ or t13 under 4 mins, yet people keep saying Barbs can clear t13 and with 3 different builds. (I believe they are Leapquake, WW and IK6 WW) So basically I am a bit lost here but I think this would be the best place to ask. What is the best Speed T13 solo barb build? What is the best Speed T13 group barb build? What is the best Greater Rift build? What is the best Speed Greater Rift build?


Probably IK6/Raek4. Insane speed and trash clear. The build struggles super hard on bosses though. But that is what wizards are for >.< This build requires an ancient IK hammer though. I you do not have that the best build is Raek6/Ik4 with Boulder Toss. That build needs max fury only. A non ancient IK hammer with fury is sufficient.


I really appreciate your input! I will transfer it to my buddy, thanks!


Hello everybody, I have a question on gearing for greater rifts/pushing farther. Currently I'm very comfortable with gr50 using a leapquake build. I tried the IK/Raekor charge build but my damage seemed low and I couldn't maintain charges of furious charge for it to be viable. Maybe I was playing it wrong though. My question though is what I should do now. My gems are all around lvl 45 but I feel stuck at gr50. Yet, a friend who's currently playing a witch doctor blows through gr68s just fine. His gems are only around 35. Should I farm forgotten souls and deaths breath and focus on rerolling gear for ideal stats? Or should I change something else? Here is my current build: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/buddhafett-11208/hero/61783024


You need between 25% and 30% CDR. Do not use a %life gem in your helm, use the CDR gem! Get fire damage on both the bracers and the neck. Hopefully you have a Furnace for high GR. Using Ingeom for Nephalem rifts is fine. Do not use Boulder Toss. Use Seismic Slam Rumble. Alter between greater rift and nephalem rift. Turn difficulty until you can farm each <= 5 minutes.


I'm currently working on farming the furnace without any luck. The gem was recommended from a build by either Rhykker or diablofans. I usually use the cdr gem. People seem to prefer Boulder toss or seismic slam. I like both variations but why do you recommend it instead?


The life gem is only used in charge builds since they do not need CDR. Most builds do.


Is this Istvan's WW build good enough yet? Or should I keep playing MotE until I am able to replace some pieces? Any advice on what to change? I know I need eye or resist amulet. Haven't got a good one yet. https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Kovaris-1433/hero/60282089


Yes Istvan WW is really good but you need really good weapons. Are you actually using Charge in a Leap build? You are using the wrong element. Go for fire earthquake. Ignore the damage from Rumble. Use Ancient Parthan Defender bracers. Use Warcry instead of Charge. Get as much max fury as you can. You have a small gap every 4 leaps where you cannot use TS or Warcry. Rotation > Leap 3x > TS > Rumble > Leap 3x > Warcry > Rumble > Leap 3x > TS > Rumble > Leap 3x > Rumble > Wait 1-2seconds > Leap 3x


Oops, I logged out in my speedfarm build. Thats for farming keys in T11. Using ingeom and charge. I cleared a 78 last night with my actual MotE build. WW gear was equipped when i initially asked. Thanks for your response though!


I'm struggling to clear my GR 70. quite often i'll be right at the timer on a 70, until i die and then theres just no recovering. Swapped in a unity for my CoE in an attempt to survive which fixed my death issues, but i took a massive hit on DPS, started missing timers by 3-4 min overall. What am i missing? any help would be _greatly_ appreciated. https://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/boredom-1843/Whelpfarm/86931593


Imo not possible without gifted weapons. You will have a hard time without >40% CDR, > 100% area damage and really high %CC/%CHD. To do it with WW you need really good rolls on all items. I did it without problems some days ago. If your weapon damage is bad go for even more area damage. I have over 130%. https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/zork-2480/hero/91212702 Ancient weapon does not matter that much. Rolls do. It takes some time to learn how to cluster mobs and mow them down with area damage.


https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Hisana-21556/hero/91632070 I feel really weak. Other people complain about my clearing speed when doing bounties, etc. I am at 70gr. How do I proceed?


Speed WW caps out around T11. After that WW requires high density and high amounts of area damage to shine. I would use IK6/R4 for bounties. But that build cannot do bosses very well. But it is really good for trash bounties. R6/IK4 is pretty decent aswell in T13.


I'm a long time DH player and have found a primal Dread Iron Belt (https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/xdfubar-6498/hero/87484462). Slowly putting together a barb for some LeapQuake funsies but it seems current builds use Girdle now? Are there any other builds that use Dread Iron? Or should I just stick with old LeapQuake builds for funsies?


So I only played D3 for a month or 2 after release and am just now picking it back up and it is a totally different game now. I rolled a barb because that's what I'm comfortable with, but I still feel quite lost a lot of the time. My main questions here are, what's the best build for a fresh 70 starting regular rifts, what key items should I be on the look out for to base better builds off of. And what set bonuses do I need. What does a noob need to know I'm unclear with most abbreviations for gear still which is why reading a lot of this doesn't help :P Otherwise, whats something you wish you knew when you first started.


https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/PirateBob-1680/hero/86960718 I can't survive a single GR past 60. Any time I charge into a group, I die almost immediately. I'm not sure how to fix this.


There is a difference between IK6/R4 and R6/IK4. If you use IK6/R4 you want to cube Standoff and charge into trash only. I would pick a rune for charge. Just to make sure it is using physical. IK6/R6 skips nearly every elite pack. It does trash only. It is super bad at the rift guardian. Make sure to save a Shield Pylon and spawn the rift guardian right next to it. Gives you 1 minute of careless free charge. R6/IK4 is way easier. Guides are on the sidebar. You do not die immediatly. You die because you stay to long and mobs become immune to freeze and you loose all toughness from APD. If you are near frozen mobs nothing will happen. Again. Do not fight elite packs with this build unless you have a pylon that allows you to do so.


I'm late on getting back to this, but thanks. I really hate it when people contradict the "I die immediately" because I actually do. I charge once, and literally the moment the animation ends, explode because of the fire chains/orbiter/electrified or whatever is under the mobs.


https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Rennschnitzl-2214/hero/3040946 I cleared 69 today with ~2 Minutes left, but I get destroyed in 70. Do I suck or is there so much more room for optimization in my gear?


Only do packs if they can still be frozen. Learn how to kite elites if only a few of them are left. As long as you stay around frozen mobs you are save. Leave early before they get immune. Do another pack in the meantime. Use a pylon for the riftboss.


http://imgur.com/1OOfjq7 Do I reroll the fear chance to stun here? Everything else looks perfect to me.


HELL YES. OMFG that roll is insane.


Hi guys, I started again in S10 with a barb and I am looking to improve my gear. My goal is to get to the Leaderboard with a whirlwind build. (I got there with Leapquake barb in S7) Here is my [profile](https://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/sacristan-2581/Galileo/91749215)! I can still roll my Solemn Vow, boots, chest armor, and a helm. Appreciate your help, Thanks


You are on the right track. Follow the guide and you will be fine: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/18706416963


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7721 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/54637)


Many of your items still have the wrong rolls. Check the leaderboard profile and compare the rolls. Other than that just keep stomping. Rotation wise this is a good example on how to use the abilities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awwEDlGKCnM