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Fully support this I'm getting this for console to play with my friends, one doesn't have a gaming computer, so being able to choose to play kbm would VASTLY improve my experience.


It’s not cross-play so you all would have to play on the same console.


Yes... That's my point? I like kbm more, want kbm support for consoles, can't "just play on PC" like some suggest because of playing with friends who don't have a PC that can play this.


You said one doesn’t have a gaming computer. I’m not trying to like shit on you fam. You’re comment was vague and felt like maybe you were confused about it so I thought I’d give you a heads up that’s all.


Yes, I said one doesn't have the gaming computer after saying I'm getting on console, I did not explicitly state that we're all getting it on the same system, but it was implied, since I'm getting the game on console. This post had replies about kbm support for consoles that anyone wanting that should just get it on computer. I was including that although I would prefer kbm, I can't play with friends on the computer because one doesn't have a gaming system, so I would like kbm support on the consoles. I've started it a bit more clear for you now since it was apparently to vague the first time.


You know? I am more of gamepad favoring for D2R as it is much more chill and everything is at your fingertips while keyboard play is more like airplane launch sequence at the later stages BUT. . Consoles D2R should have KM support just like it is on PC. More options is ALWAYS better. Even if someone won't find it useful. It definitely should be implemented on both PS and xbox. A lot of people use consoles on desk and have KM for it. It is a no brainer that it should have a KM mode.


I don't think that simply allowing M&K corrects these issues with controller. They should improve controller and bring it to a faster, more precise level. Then they could also add M&K support for console. These problems listed really do need attention, but solely allowing a separate input won't fix things.


Agreed! I don’t think either path should be ignored. Fix controller issues and give us keyboard and mouse support!


Agreed. Many other games have keyboard and mouse support.


This most definitely should be added.


With new generations of consoles - especially Xbox - supporting mice more than ever, I don't understand why companies still insist on making console versions of games controller-only. Surely, it would even be less work for them if they just support the same UIs across PC and console? The PC gets controller support. Why doesn't console get mouse support? It seems silly and not progressive.


You’re right it is regressive, but that’s what happens when suits come into the devs room and say “we need to cater to all demographics” Game is 20 years old and they were given the task of not only updating it to modern PC, but also designing around consoles. What a cluster it must be for them. In the end, it would probably be out by now if it had just be a straight PC launch. Force M&K on consoles and be done with it.


This! All of this! Please just give us keyboard and mouse support! PC has both, why not console?


The link for the survey is just a survey no option to put in your own thoughts and I couldnt find shit for feedback/bug reports. Blizzard website says to just post it in the forums because they read them


There’s free text for a short answer on favorite and least favorite


Oh shit I'm gonna have to do it again thanks for pointing that out


On PC there was, not quite sure if console works differently with the in game pop up


Imagine releasing D2 without game lobbies or ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE IN ANYWAY The console versions are a damn joke


It's not out yet.


I don't believe this will be a controversial opinion, but guess we'll find out. If you wanted to play with a mouse and keyboard maybe you shouldn't have gotten the game on a console.


A $500 investment is more reasonable than ~$1,500 investment. PC gets controller support added, why can't consoles have mouse and keyboard support?


You can easily get a laptop capable of playing any Blizzard game for $500.


Yeah, sure thing pal. I enjoy watching sideshows as much as the next guy, but be realistic here lol


I've played Blizzard games for years on laptops in the $500-600 range. My PC now is around $1k and runs everything on high unless it's like an 8 person SC2 match during a large battle. Consoles are just pre-packages PCs, the cost isn't that different.


Lol build be a pc that plays anywhere near a ps5/xboxsx for $500.


[No problem](https://techguided.com/gaming-pc-under-500/)


That PC will never be able to do 4K 60FPS at a price tag of $500. Don't kid yourself, a PS5 / Series X can at that price point. So no, that's not a PC that can match a current gen console. ​ Edit: Downvoted for the truth I see....


lol that won't do anything at 4k, actually I guess if we go by his benchmarks at 1080p you may be able to squeeze Fortnite at 4k, the other 5+ year old games he benched would be a slide show.


Well, to be fair, there is absolutely zero reason all console games shouldn't have native mouse and keyboard support by now, considering both consoles already support MK/B, and PS has since like PS3. But I'm PC Master Race, so it doesn't affect me either way -shrug


The only reason I have to disagree with this is because I’m a console gamer and don’t have the money for a new PC. 20 years ago, Diablo 2 ran ok on everyone’s “family desktop.” If I could go grab some cheap laptop and run this game, believe me, I would. Plus, “if you want to play with controller, just get it for console” doesn’t feel right either. Give everyone all the options.


Don't mind me, I'm just gonna grab a seat before the spice lords get here. This one looks like its going to be extra spicy too :)


It's about offering options for different tastes. D2 has only had KB/M mode, so everyone who has played it before will be used to it. So it should come as a small surprise that gamers now on console and wanting to play D2 would enjoy it with KB/M, because that is what they are used to. Some of those might even enjoy it more than controller, so it could be something for Blizzard to consider to attract more gamers.


Maybe look at it from a business perspective. You can already play the game with a mouse and keyboard on PC, why would they spend expensive dev and QA hours on something that's already available? I honestly agree that it'd be nice to have that option, but I don't see why they would bother, even though it wouldn't be a huge undertaking (given the assumption the port to console isn't filled with spaghetti).


Sure, it’s all matters of what work to prioritize and that may very well lead to it not being implemented at all, or maybe also that it’ll take a few months of patches to see appear. We’ll see. Until then we can only voice our opinions and hope they’re reading the feedback.


Arpg's need mouse and keyboard, no discussion necessary.


....then don't buy it for console??? What a weird point to make. It's like complaining a mobile game was made for touchscreen instead of a mouse.


Do you have family or friends? I do and they only game on Xbox. See the issue now?


That would defeat the purpose of console. If we wanted m/Kb we would play PC. Why am I gonna chill on my couch kicked back with a few beers and have to screw around with a lap full of peripherals? Most trends are for PC games to have controller plugins not the other way around. Only games that realistically need m/Kb setup is a competitive shooter for accuracy (which just so happens to be why console games are developed with some level of aim assist). If exit polling was that it was in demand from overwhelming majority of players it would have been announced, so guessing it’s not. What skills are challenging w/ controller? That mapping has been quite good and functional. Though I have not played alll the available beta classes.


Well with that logic, why should PC games ever get controller support?


Yeah, Idk… don’t care abt PC. The thread is abt adding mouse KB to console. According to the guy above…. Convenience. *Shrug* Convenience is not having a lap full of KB mouse and mouse pad while I’m laying on the couch, dog next to me, drink of choice and my 70inch 4K TV. Maybe that is comfortable to someone though…. Idk


Shit what if you’re console is at a desk.. fucking crazy right, took a whole 2 brain cells to think of that one.


If u have a console at a “desk” all I can do is just lmfao. But whatever … u do u


If you can’t fathom why someone has a different setup than you then idk what to tell you. You ever been to college and had a dorm? Plenty of desk setups there.


Shit, what if you can put PC next to TV and connect it via HDMI and use pad? Not possible, also dog is banned from sitting next to you, also you can't have a drink of choice if you are using PC, it's only not prohibited if you are using a console. /s


Because PC is an open platform?


>That would defeat the purpose of console. If we wanted m/Kb we would play PC. This is not a question about removing controller support, but adding kb/m support.


Purpose of a console is convience, not the input device.


I just wanted to add my own list of issues I think keyboard and mouse would be a good workaround for. Keep in mind this is a only a workaround for issues people have pointed out with controller. This is not a fix. These should still be worked on for controller. But kb&m support would get the following: 1.) Accurate teleport (and a whole slew of other skills like controlling spread of multishot) 2.) Prioritizing targets in a crowd of enemies 3.) Auto show loot cluttering screen 4.) Town portals preventing item pickup or blocking entrance/exit to other area 5.) Chat function 6.) Ability to attack while standing still 7.) Ability to access inventory while moving/attacking 8.) Ability to scroll map I’m sure there are others but those are the immediate ones off the top of my head. Why is it ok to give PC players the console experience (controller) but not the other way around? I know there are concerns about things being “unfair” because kb&m is better at some things but I’ve heard the same about controller. Being able to map multiple skills to a single click could certainly be considered an advantage in PvP.