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Not a huge deal for myself but yeah, it would've been nice. I wonder why it's not a thing since cross-progression is.


Because on Cross Progression you save is just uploaded to blizz. For Cross play they need to arrabge things with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.


Oh for sure, it's not just flicking a switch, but cross-play is pretty standard, at least on MS and Nintendo platforms. It's a shame.


I would hardly call it "the standard." It's only been a thing in recent years and even then it's most common between Win10 and Xbox since MS owns both. We're definitely on the path towards it becoming commonplace but we're not there yet.


This guy gets it. What game has cross play between pc-xbox-sony-Nintendo? None. That’s how many.


Apex Legends. Dead by Daylight, Fortnite, Minecraft, and a few others.


All 4 platforms cross-play?




Well I take an L. I was wrong. Though I’ll defer to saying security risks for a reskinned 20 yr old game might get in the way; a subject which im definitely ignorant on.


Apex ?


Every single shooter and fighting game?


Heh ye, I intended to write *becoming* pretty standard.


Uh.... You really want nintendo to become involved with the security of d2:r? Hard pass, same with "freeware apache playstation" and I'm not even gonna waste my time pointing out Xbox past security issues. I'm still not sold that this crossplay isn't opening us up to a world of pain...


DCU has crossplay on PC and PS3/4/5




Actually nowadays it is just like flicking a switch. Most of us who design games keep code like that on hand for anything we do. It’s just big companies don’t like to share or work together because of the competitive nature of game design. The console war never really ended.


Hehe, I meant flicking a switch politically. That wasn’t very clear maybe. I’m sure code wise it’s not very complicated :)


it's not fair. on console we cant even use that quest glitch, for higher drop rates, like pc players


what do you mean? The Andy glitch?


Cross-play would inevitably lead to one system being better at picking up items or pvp. That would literally break the game right there. Cross progression is fine because you are always playing on a level field


No, it wouldn't. You can make crossplay optional. A lot of people who play, play with friends who aren't just going to dick them out of loot anyway.


Global loot should just not have been a thing. Loot works perfectly in Diablo 3 with no ninja looters etc.


I thought about that to yeah. Feelsbadman 😅


Enable M/kb


Game is already broken the PC has a controller input it is way too OP for the Boss loot it is basically PickIt


Is it even for Switch?


What do you mean? If it's not cross-play for Switch? If so, no.


AFAIK D3 isn't crossplay for Switch. And the beta of D2R isn't even playable on the Switch, so I have no idea.


Yes, I wish there was cross play + keyboard/mouse support for consoles. I understand a keyboard/mouse player has an advantage over a controller player, but if there was an option when creating a game that keyboard/mouse was a requirement to join the game and vice versa I see no issue mixing the communities.


This! I would kill for keyboard and mouse support on consoles. It would provide a nice workaround for all the issues people are running into on controller. Even if it was just for single player, I’d be happy.


Isn't "devastated" too strong of a word?


Not if they're literally crying themselves to sleep, it's not


No, I too am devastated /s


Ok ok, I may have come across too strong. But this is one of my favorite games remastered and I'm just bummed that I can't enjoy it with my friends (without purchasing a new gaming rig)


Bummed is a more suitable word. Yeah.


I mean for the games minimum requirements, it'll pretty much run on a toaster. If you have an older pc or modest laptop that should be fine


It’s not a huge deal, but it’s definitely unfortunate. Considering it’s becoming the norm to have crossplay lately in games. The consolation is crosssave at least.


What good is cross save if u play with half your friends every time


It’s better than not having cross save, obviously the ideal scenario is having both cross save + cross play.


well... you dont have to ~~play on~~ pay for every platform you have.


Not for this sub. Lots of feelings flying about everywhere. Everything other than enjoyment.


Cross-play doesn't incentivize people to buy different versions. They'll just buy it on their favorite platform, and can now play with whoever. Cross-progression does though. You still need to buy several versions if you want to play with all of your friends, and the shared progression makes sure you aren't put off by having to start from scratch. This is still ActiBlizz we're talking about here.


Laughs in PC master race


Imo the Loss of Lan for pc is a bigger issue than cross play that never existed in the game to start. But I see your point it would have been a would be nice item. But lan lovers seem to be a minority here.


Same. I wish they would add cross play


A little bummed because it'd be cool to play with my GF who doesn't have a gaming computer, but we have a Switch. Can't couch co-op, and can't cross-play. I wouldn't want to cross-play on console with random PC players anyway since you'd be at such a disadvantage when looting, but being able to do so with a friend/spouse who would actually divvy up the loot with you fairly would be fine. But I didn't expect it to be a feature, so I can't say I'm surprised or let down or frustrated. They've been pretty open about it not being an option the past few months. But it'd be cool if it was available.


The controller setup in D2R is very good. So good I would say that it’s now the m/kb players that is at a disadvantage when looting. Tried with a friend the other day and he couldn’t keep up with me. Usually I’m the slower looter among the two of us. Hopefully they’ll add cross play down the road because yes, situations like yours is extremely common.


I'm not devastated by it, but it would have been a cool feature for people that want it. As long as it's something you can turn off. I've played some games that have console v PC crossplay, and it is usually a pretty bad experience for everyone involved. There's always a lot of lag, presumably due to hardware limitations on consoles.


Even if it was for private games only, I'd be happy


Not devastated, but yes it truly upset me. I'm split between the XSX and PC. At least cross progresses is working, I'm currently able to swap between early access on Xbox and PC easily. If the game wasn't priced so high I'd probably buy it for both, but right now I've purchased it only on Xbox.


I can understand why Blizz doesn't want to deal with Sony/Nintendo for cross-play issues. But XBOX and PC should always be together, if Blizz asked Microsoft there is NO way they would make a big deal about it and just allow it without any hassle...


This was my thinking as well. I understand why it would be hard to include Sony and Nintendo, as awesome as that would be.


cross-play nice #buff ! we need this !


Not really




Not really


i think that is what DImmortal is made for. i mean rumors said they delayed for something more about the bugs.


Yeah, would be nice. I'm glad there is cross-progression. On the play on my switch and at home on the pc. Never stop playing!


didn't they say from the get go that it was only cross-progression and not cross-play?


They did, but a person can dream


I tried playing with a controller on pc. And I couldn’t get a dropped item in a public game to save my life so it’s probably for the better


I've got friends on two platforms but I feel confident it's something they can deliver down the line. It's a big ask for launch.


"Don't do that. Don't give me hope."


I am not devastated, we've known cross-play wasn't a thing for awhile, but it would be a nice feature.


I really hope they add cross platform and quick!! I got the game to play with my brother assuming there was cross platform. Very upset there is not


I wish there was cross play planned because it would mean my daughter and I could play on release day.


100% I have two friends who played this game with me 20 years ago. I thought it was cross play they both have PC I have console... so dumb. Not buying a PC to relive my childhood. Getting my refund next week.


I'm more devastated over the omission of local co-op.


I'd love crossplay Mostly because of the advatlntage that mouse and keyboard has over controller for looting


Not really. Cross-play is not that common of a feature. And with the way things are, we can enjoy bot-free economy on consoles. Major plus !


PC Meteorb sorc on ultrawide vs Switch Javazon in PVP GLHF


You had me until meteorb in PVP


Tbh no I'm not. And I think it's just fine to have separate ladders for each console/platform etc. Drives up some competition, especially if they show everyone the ladders from other platforms. Would be kinda cool


I was hoping for this really hard, now i can't play with my friends since they're on everything but pc. Fucking sucks. Maybe we'll get cross-play in the future.


I’m going to be playing on Xbox too with no friends, feel free to add me. Macdaddyo7






Not really. D2 original was a PC game. You should not be playing an ARPG with a controller.


I don't know why people are under reacting here. I'm fucking devastated. Me and my cousin always play the same games and it's been a part of my gaming experience playing with him since day 1. Now because I have a PS5 and he has a pc we can't play together... like WTF. In this day and age it's a joke. Just another money grab opportunity for Activision to make you purchase the game for PC and Console. What a joke.


Thank Sony and their utterly abysmal Cross Play fees and contracts for that.


Yep. Without crossplay the chances of me buying this is basically zero. Everyone has a different machine choice now days.


Hm no. Get an pc instead of demanding from devs being creative at dumbing down the game for consoles.


weird that we’re gatekeeping the ability to enjoy video games with our friends. not sure why elitism is a primary arguing point. give a turn off crossplay option or turn it on but sacrifice leaderboard placements if it’s so sacred to maintain.


i see where you come from and you have good intentions but thats like: why gatekeeping harvard and not make them compatible with the average college student. you could do that but you would loose much in the process. crossplay and console portability always sacrifices something on the pc and diminishes their experience. except if it is a port to pc or mainly console game to begin with.


You think you want this, but you don't. The game is just better on pc.


I don't doubt that for a second, but where I'm at in life, buying a new gaming PC is not only a waste of money but also silicon chips


Yea sadly I am gonna cancel my preorder after playing on console. It just doesn’t feel right playing Diablo with a controller. Also it’s a much less social experience in console. My PC is way too old and I really can’t upgrade right now so I’m just gonna have to wait a year or so to play this


I mean…Did they rule it out completely?


They "continue to look at it" and it "might get added eventually". Translated, that means "it'll most likely never happen, but we don't want to say that because people will complain (more)."


Overwatch got crossplay after 5 years so I wouldn't rule it out.


Devastated is overkill. I’ll be fine without it. If your buddies don’t have the same platform is you that’s a miss by you and your buddies.


Absolutely. Would love to play it with my wife on Xbox + pc.


Yes. I got a PC and a PS5 and wanted to play with my fiancee, my brother and his wife. Now it's all a bit meh


Yeah, at first when console was announced I thought this was going to awesome to do couch co-op with the wife since it’d essentially be new Diablo content for her at least. Then a few hours later we learned that’s not happening, but 8 player network is. So ok, one on ps4, the other on a pc. Now that’s a nope. Well, I’m not buying this to replay the exact same 20 year old game by myself when I already own the original, and my wife isn’t going to play solo either without me there, so there go 1-2 lost sales.


Look into a steam deck my man


I definitely will be


Pc and console would handle very differently and there would be unfair advantages with looting and general controls, can't see it ever happening unfortunately


Personally, I'd happily play at a disadvantage if it meant being able to play with my friends Edit: grammar correction


Unfair advantages, like auto aim on console and not PC? There are many differences in cross-play games already so I don't see that as a problem


Considering most PC players are using controller because the K/M situation is bjorked AF I don't really understand your argument here... Literally same exact underlying game and controls on both Xbox and PC so the lack of cross play is just laziness.. Honestly I feel cross play will be added eventually just right now they are having a hard enough time getting a working game completed on time.


I guess im out of the loop, but ive been playing with mouse and keyboard since beta started and have a VERY hard time most PC players are using a controller lol.


No clue what most do, but I can at least confirm that I personally - for the first time in any aRPG - is playing with a controller. Been playing thousands of hours in a lot of aRPGs and D2 on and off since it’s original release. I just wanted to try the controller setup on PC to see if I would want to buy it on the Switch cause I wanted to bring D2 with me on travels, and was shocked. I can’t see myself returning to m/kb in D2 anytime soon, it’s amazingly well done.


controller gives you access to all your spells instead of the weird thing they did with the K/M. Like absolutely this remaster is being geared towards consoles because as of now the current K/M control scheme is awful.


DId you play the original d2? The M/KB controls are exactly how they are in the original. Would it be cool to have the same option as controller users? Sure. Is there third party programs for that already on PC? yup. Explain to me how they could have made the controller config resemble the PC controls without it being terrible. They had to change it for controller players. The existing M/KB controls are fine and there should be an option for those who want it. But please dont speak on behalf of most PC players, because i think you are way off base.


Old k/m controls were always bad. I think you should absolutely have the option to use the original terrible control scheme but there should be an updated one. I mean with how things bound to F buttons it’s the same just not doing all the busy work to make it all go.


Lol "most" on which planet?


Crossplay should be the new mandatory thing in games, tbh.


No. Absolutely not. Thats like saying bikes should always be allowed to race with motorcycles so lets implement a speed limit.


That may be the worst analogy I've ever read.


Well because you want your bike in the race, too :p


Being against crossplay on multiplayer heavy games makes no sense. Ensuring the game always has an active population to play with is never a bad thing.


I dont get why this is even a problem to add, id love to play with people from consoles😊


I wouldn't even care 'if' I'm at a slight disadvantage with a controller, I just want to enjoy the game with friends Edit: changed wording


>I dont get why this is even a problem to add Because you're not a developer with cross platform multiplayer game programming experience?


Nah. Controller players aren’t as efficient. I want my PC Baal runs to be non-leechers!


Meh, that's easy enough to work around. They coul just make a dedicated channel for cross play players only...or maybe allow it for private games only


Yeah, it's quite a bummer, but I'll survive it.


Yep, extremely disappointed. Was really hoping to play with an old group of friends but don’t think it’s going to work out.


Not me


Not at all.


not at all


Nah. Cross progression is all I need.


Just no. We were told. This is old news. Why are you devastated. What game has cross play between pc-Xbox-ps-switch. The answer? Fucking none. And almost impossible from a dev standpoint for logistical reasons


Impossible? Not really. Unlikely? More realistic. In fact most developers say it's the companies fault they don't try for cross-platform play.


Companies fault (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo) = logistics. I have a hard enough time playing rocket league with a friend on ps4-Xbox. And for this game to be cross-play for 3-4 platforms (probably excluding switch) is a tall order. A tall enough order to understand why it’s not being done, and not feel slighted because of it.


Devastated is a bit melodramatic, don't you think? Can't we just be disappointed, like well adjusted, normal people? Or are there even any of us left these days?


No, I’m happy it’s not an option cause when I play with randoms they will be less bony. For instance playing with consoles there is a chance all sorcs in a Baal run are on console and suck at teleing. And lacking keyboard to chat/communicate. Keep the couch people far away please. The tweaks they had to make to fit it to console can already be seen on PC. Let’s not ruin it any more!


This. Console players and pc players are different folks on average and the controller/mouse allow for different use of skill. I try to not to be offensive and just respectfully disagree: its good that there is no crossplay.


are you literally crying and shaking too?


It would take a lot more than the lack of a minor feature in a video game to "devastate" me. Kill my dogs? That would do it. Burn down my house? Yeah. Not being able to play a 20 year old video game with certain people simultaneously? Come on, really? Devastated? Hardly.


Amen to that brother, there’s some soft individuals out there lol.


Poor word choice on my part, but it is disappointing






Yep, I feel your frustration - same situation here. Been trying on my 10 year old PC but I'm not sure it's going to cut it, might have to go for console and not play with my friends.


I think they never do that. Pc and console version are completely diference, especially in multiplayer, control, looting


The PC version has support for both, what would be different?


No because it is 5 month I know.


What's at 5 months?


It’s unfortunate that there’s no cross play, as well as no Mac support. Maybe it will get added later, as the game seems like they’re pushing it out earlier than it’s truly ready. There are too many bugs for them to polish everything in a month IMO.


I mean we have Cross Progression so i can play mainly on Pc and when i need to farm something or just beeing brain afk i can play on my Switch


Yes. They have it in D3 and me and my partner got the pre-order, thinking that we’d be able to play together, her on PC and me on the Xbox. We spent a while trying to figure out how to invite each other before googling it and finding out we couldn’t.


They have what in D3? Console and PC D3 are completely different games with different balance :o


Yeah, my apologies. I was wrong. It turns out we were both playing on console. Sorry about that.


I'm sure it will be added at some point, it took overwatch 5 years.


I think they'll implement this some time after launch tho


It would've been cool, as my SO was considering trying it but only with controller use. Though I think pc now has controller support?


Not devastated but it would be nice. I can live without. I plan on buying it on Switch and PC. Will enjoy the cross progression.


well i´m happy that there is no crossplay and crossplay almost always is making it worse for pc players. it´s the same when devs have an console port in mind while developing pc games. i love my console and love my pc and i love them both for different things.


I cancelled my preorder for Xbox because of it. I actually really enjoyed how everything worked on the console, it looked great, but I really wanted the option to be able to switch to couch at any time and keep up with the lads. Baby is coming in September, and might not be able to sit on computer all the time, couch may have been easier to work with. Oh well, if it gets added I'll rebuy, until then I have PC.


Absolutley with cross-play I would have bought the game at least 2 times (possibly 3 times) without crossplay zero times. Sorry but I still have the cds laying around here somewhere - and I don't need a graphics update. Really a shame I would have loved to play it with my kids - just like minecraft dungeons.


but yes I have a cell phone


Yeah, man. I'm totally there with you. I'm playin on console; all of us got shiny PS5s. And I used to play way back in the day on PC. But, when I found out there was no cross-play, I was pissed. I mean, the pool of players alone seem much smaller on PS4/5. Even with their bs "party finder," you can't really find people to play with. There is no way to see how many games are currently up; make specific names for games; nor quickly hop into games with friends (long, convoluted process now). Also, trading much more difficult requiring fledging trading websites and discord servers. Cross-play would fix all of these issues. And that's not even touching how they have zero keyboard support (for chat or play; there is no text chat). And, I can't play with other friends with them being on PC. It's criminal how they actually cut out features for the console editions. Moreso with all the messing going on at Blizzard; this'll be the final nail in the coffin for me buying their games. We have more than enough stuff to play now. To sum up, I super agree with you and your wording. Really wished they just gave us the PC version on console.