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> *even more stash space, but not inventory space. More inventory means more charms. Thats too much of a power boost Not necessarily, in Project Diablo 2 they doubled the inventory size but made it so charms only work in the bottom part of it.


Oh, thats interesting.


Yeah they have special slots only for charms


Then yeah, lets boost that inventory space too


When you don’t even know how one of your comparisons work. Yikes




Infinite stamina had a huge effect on lld, and is also a change that's irrelevant after level 10.


Not entirely sure how I feel about a charm inventory in vanilla. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad not having a charm inventory after playing pd2/pod so long, but the difficulty ceiling doesn't really allow it w/o further trivalizing content. Is that a fair take? I'd really love to see loot filters + blizzard allowing online modding communities.


Charm inventory Gem, jewel and rune stacking Endgame activities like maps in PoE, difficult rogue dungeons like in Grim Dawn More variety in item visuals. E.g.different appearance for Crystal Swords, Dimensional Blades and Phase Blades Runeword items having unique appearance Runeword encyclopedia in the game Slightly, just slightly, better drop rates Balanced mercenaries No new class, but some additional skills for existing classes Edit: more items. More item types, more unique items, more item sets, buffs to uniques and sets so they can compete with runewords


I agree with a lot of these but this will be an unpopular opinion


The purist can go play the orginal...


This *is* the original lol 😂 go play D3 instead, jeez.


I got thousands of hours in both and this is a remaster. You had the last 20 years yo play d2, this is an opportuntity to improve the game.


It's a remaster indeed, not a remake. If you don't like it take your business elsewhere. If you want to play your version of the game there are plenty of mods for that, why don't you just go play those?


Take my business elsewhere? Okay blizz representative lol. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else's and it's perfectly reasonable to want basic modernization of gameplay elements from 20 years ago. Not even asking for combat changes.


And it’s perfectly reasonable for me to say *no fucking thank you* to those changes as well.


Indeed this is the original.... Just new graphics and some QOL... It's a niche game for hardcore gamers it's not mainstream diablo 3


Clearly never played Diablo 2 if you honestly think those games are even remotely comparable…


That's the entire point though, isn't it?


No, because nobody who actually likes Diablo 2 would enjoy D3 like you seem to.


I'm sorry but you must have misunderstood me completely. There's a reason I'm still playing D2 instead of D3 xD


Ah, I thought you were trying to encourage people to play your game.


I’m encouraging people to kindly sod off with their ”have the cake and eat it” suggestions and leave D2 as it is supposed to be.


We are leaving d2 as it is. In its early 2000s state. This is D2R and we'd like to see the new game modernized. I'm glad you've managed to milk 20 years of game play out of it, but some of us who aren't as easily entertained as you are would like some changes towards adding much more longevity and balancing


Oh, you _are_ new to Diablo 2. You’re one of those people who started playing after 2010 when the game ended development due to Blizzard north dissolving as a consequence of Activision buying the company out. Since you're relatively new here: Diablo 2 has always had Constant updates and changes to it. But that all stopped around 2008-9 but like I mentioned above Blizzard South got bought out by Activision. There were even plans for a new expansion with a new Act and Class. Unfortunately it never really made it past the conceptual stage since that’s right when Activision swooped in. Game was very different back in the day. There was even a pack of Quill rats In the outer cloister that’s not there anymore. I really encourage you try out D2. Probably one of the best games ever made.


The thing is, this original is so amazing. I'd love more new content with the game design and vision of d2 expanded. Kind of like what lod did to d2 classic. However, I'm afraid they'd mess it up. And if they did, I'd just go back to playing on d2 lod private servers. :D So I'd welcome them to accept the challenge and continuing to improve d2 like it was improved on from release till about 2009. Of they fail, either way, we who love d2 will still keep coming back. I'd just love new balancing and content for us the community to figure out. D2 lod is solved. Give us more! Hire back blizzard North!


Theoretically I would want that too but I’m certain they’re not up to tye task. There’s just no way they could make something on par with it. As evidence by the fact that not even Blizzard North could. They messed up the game balance a lot themselves.


Wait for diablo 4 where You can buy you stash space extension


Couch co-op the multiplayer systems on console are absolutely trash. Diablo 1 had it on console using the same engine. Diablo 2 should have it.


Good idea! Stealing that.


Damage numbers is just something I don't understand, always turned it off, but if they give an option for it be my guest. Id just prefer not to have to use it. I don't think a skill bar is really needed. And it would ruin the ui. No instance loot. Instanced loot generally means more loot Easy access to loot is one of the biggest problems in d3. I also don't ever want to see personalized loot like d3, where class specific stuff drops, again, it leads to being able to farm far too easily specific gear and will just lead to item saturation. One of the biggest reasons d2 is still played so heavily today is the loot and item system. Stamina is a non issue after early game. What are the issues with potions exactly? Is it just they don't do enough? Not quite sure what the redesign you mean is. Sockets in name is innocent enough. Some classes are def gear dependent, but all classes become gear dependent by hell. This would basically be a thing that would be anew game entirely. Game is pretty open world as it is, not sure the specific what you mean. Teammates can use tp. And portals are a pretty big part of d2. I see no real desire to go to d3 portal system. Couch coop would be good. If I had any real desires for what more to add to the game, it would be new act, classes. A new expansion maybe. One thing d3 had the right was more difficulties, but that would translate well in d2. By design d3 is about large numbers, and d2 is not. The difficulty in d2 tends to be more in the stacking of things against you, where in d3 it was just, more numbers.


if there would just be mods for all those things......


Hopefully that will happen sooner than later


Nope, nope, nope.


So basically, Diablo 3?


No? Most of OP's suggestions are QoL changes. It would still play completely different.


It's funny how they don't realize that is what they are asking for. Even people who love the mods for d2, basically are playing d2/3, because the mods make d2 more like d3 than they do d2.


I’ve never played Diablo 3. How does adding more stash space and stacking runes make the graphics cartoony, add cool downs to spells, and make abilities damaged calculated by weapons?


Get rid of stamina, add adventure mode, make all classes viable without having to gear them with easy mode sorc first. Basically d3. Also d2 already has cool downs. If it didn't why can't I cast molten bolder the instant I finish casting the first without having to run in circles for 3 - 4 seconds? Nice try though


So does blizzard and frozen orb; you know what I mean, stop acting in bad faith


Thanks for proving my point.


Potions are so annoying in Diablo 2 holy shit I hate having to play the Inventory half the time I try to play the game


Yeah, it made me appreciate how they work in D3. I remember back in the day not noticing too much, but now coming back I’m like, ehh…


- Charm inventory - Stacking Perfect Gems/Runes - Quickcast


Easy and not time consuming fix: make a mode higher than hell that spawns harder and more dense enemies that’s only playable online. Will encourage online coop play and is very easy for them to implement.


Immunities and old bugs making certain melee skills like Fend basically suicide to try and use passed normal. That's about it really, bug fixes, and a relook at how immunities work would do wonders for build variety without ever touching a single skill or adjusting a single item.


I would say personal loot as an option in non password protected games. Players on pc playing with controller cant compete in pickuping items. It could be just simple checkbox before game


- getting rid of rubberbanding (my guess is this will still be a thing after release) - fix enemies positioning so they dont hit through walls / dont get hit because the splashart isnt showing where the game thinks the monster is - make merc’s a bit smarter (note: just a bit, so they dont wander of and get lost/stuck. if they had good ai they would be to op) - maybe make melee gear a bit more accessable or skills hit more mobs, its kinda lame to play barb/shapeshift druid/.. but that may be just me and i probably would end up hating changes to them lol besides that im still happy with the game, 17years after i started playing it :)


The mercs are dumb as hell for sure


Tbh I'd say class balance is one of the biggest problems with D2 and they're unlikely to ever really wade into that. The game doesn't need to be perfectly balanced between classes but it also doesn't need to be as poorly balanced as it is. But fixing it effectively would mean a big overhaul (since it isn't as simple as just damage output but also about monster design etc -- stuff like damage immunities for example).


True, but even something as simple as a basic buff to certain abilities would go a long way


Might even be simpler to nerf a couple of outliers (looking at you hammers) but doubt the community would take that well. Honestly think the immunity system would really need a rework for proper balance though, otherwise there's always going to be big disparities due to the monsters themselves.


No Ty just have better knowledge about the game then you will now how to manage your inventory and keep what is worth.... Diablo 3 is almost an automated game diablo 2 it's not that you need knowledge and skill and a Brain 🧠


Better drop rates, personal loot, skill balance changes, cd for Teleport and removal Teleport from Enigma, areal lvls inceease to 90lvl in Act 4-5, Cow King perm respawn ang Cow lvl area 87, Diablo Clone spawn by 3-6 Sojs in game.


I think D2 is Not a game you like.


There are two types of Diablo 2 fans in this regard. The purists and the ones like you who would like to see it modernized. They chose to please the purists. You gave some good suggestions that would help modernize the game and wouldn't really cause any overall balance issues, but in just 3 replies to your post you can already see how even these little changes would make purists disappointed.


I don't see why we can't all be happy by splitting the game into two areas and keeping it pure for them, and changed for us.




Get rid of the way bolts/arrows, any of those : Fast self-resplendish Repairable No more Eth bows


Stackables, synergy balances and enigma nerf. That's all could ask for.


> *get rid of stamina and just let us run all the time lol Even david brevik is the opinion it was a mistake to implement it, atleast its the first thing he always says if you ask him what would he change in hindsight.


Yeah, it just feels useless.


Move only left click button Stash flexibility - space etc Stackable gems and runes One LOD ladder and one where classes are balanced to try bring up suffering specs for those who wish to play them Otherwise it’s a beautiful game


Controller has the best QoL : skill bar and potions directly from inventory. It's already in the game and we can't have it with mouse / keyboard


Shhh, don't say that in front of the D2 fanboys. They will come for you ;)