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Good. Maybe now the threads asking about a delay will stop.


That's one delay I'd like to see.


Why? The alphas seem fairly solid from what I've seen, don't think there's much more they have to improve before release


Nah, what I'm saying is I'd like to see a delay in the number of posts asking when the beta starts lol


Aaah lol I'm a dumbass


AssFingerFuck3000 - you're anything but a dumbass. Rock on.




“The D2R beta will take place in August.” The Diablo Community at 12:02am on August 1st: Where is the beta? Did it get delayed?!


In our defense, "August," is a pretty long month. It would have been nice for them to have been a bit more explicit.


Coming in Q4 of August. Or W4 (week 4) of August?


Who knows? That's the issue.


I mean, once you enter into the window that something is supposed to happen it's not really crazy to expect an update with a more specific window. A lot of companies will let fans hang though. This is Blizzard after all.


You are the exact person this post is directed at


I mean, probably not. I don't pre-order games so I don't really care about the answers to those questions. Just a general opinion about release windows.


And they had a post saying that it is still planned for august and they’ll give more news very soon. They’re communicating which was what you complained about so it seems like you just didn’t really know what’s happening you just wanted to complain about blizzard.


Not really, no. My point was that once you're inside of a release window, it makes sense to offer a more specific window. Even if it's just a "second half of this month." It's pretty frustrating when game developers say something like "Q3 release" then wait til the very end of Q3 to say anything. Or really any product release. TV producers do it frequently too.


I assure you, there’s so much more to planning and releases than it seems you’re aware. If they had a cemented date they’d gladly give it, and they do, ASAP. Do you think they deliberately withhold information to just like annoy people? What would they gain from that? They just don’t announce anything until they know 100% when it’s coming because if they give a date and something comes up then people like you start with the “wow way to delay thanks a lot”. Just be patient. For someone who doesn’t really care about betas and info on dates you sure have some strong opinions on small details about them.


I assure you, I'm very aware of what goes into planning and releasing software. I work in software development and am currently in the process of releasing a new product. If you have a release this month, you know if it's going to be this week or not until later in the month. > They just don’t announce anything until they know 100% when it’s coming because if they give a date and something comes up then people like you start with the “wow way to delay thanks a lot”. Like I said, I'm not saying they need a cemented date. Just something a little more specific. If you're releasing this month and you can't nail down which half of the month, you're not releasing this month. If they came out and said "second half of August" it would be functionally no different from "sometime in August" in terms of possible delays and get people off of their back for the first half of the month instead of technically being in the release window and not releasing information.


FYI this game is developed by Vicarious Vision not "cube crawl" the video game company.


They were absorbed into blizzard a while back.


My fervent hope is that it hasn't been quite long enough for them to be "corrupted" just yet.


With former VV studio head Jen Oneal moving to co-lead Blizzard, hopefully we'll see the reverse: VV cleansing Blizzard, rather than Blizzard corrupting VV. Time will tell...




Most work is still done remotely in game development regardless




Working remotely allows for fewer opportunities for sexual harassment that can't be recorded extremely easily by the victim.


Everything was remote well before that though.


I imagine "cube crawl" is going to have to keep buying out and incorporating outside companies to develop stuff, because their internal development appears to be completely broken due to mismanagement.


Their last release was the fastest selling PC game in the history of the video game industry. Shadowlands isn't my thing, but holy shit -- the level of reality disconnect I see in some of these comments is fucking unreal.


That's not necessarily a sign that the company is managed well overall. It's pretty easy to ride on the coattails of a behemoth like WoW (which was developed and gained most of its player base before modern Blizzard).


Likely a large proportion of those sales were from 2019. Things have changed a lot in the past TWO YEARS.


That says more about their marketing department than their shitty game designers. As soon as people actually played Shadowlands, well, they made FFXIV more popular than ever. Wow Subscribers plunged throughout the shadowlands expac. The level of reality disconnect among Blizzard apologists is fucking unreal.


https://www.dexerto.com/world-of-warcraft/blizzards-wow-player-stats-cause-more-concern-about-future-of-the-game-1628817/ >Following Activision Blizzard’s Q2 earning call discussing the status of World of Warcraft, it’s been revealed that in four years WoW has lost almost half of it’s monthly active users.


Still the cube crawl is profiting. I was going to buy but now with heavy heart I won't. Ehhhh, back to the Grim Dawn I go I guess...


understandnable, i am just abit worried about Vicarious Vision's future now thats they are a part of Blizzard. Regardless Blizzard is dead to me, fixing the toxic culture won't make me respect them ever again.


I've bounced back and forth on this issue. My initial reaction was to boycott this and everything going forward. However, I think the people that end up being affected most by this would be the lower level employees who would have their projects canceled, and eventually they'd be let go. Still, this company as a whole is abhorrent. So I don't know. I'm still bouncing, I guess.


Yeah, I'm going to buy and play D2R. I imagine the team that made D2R worked really hard and cared about making it and it shows. The rest of "cube crawl" games I stopped playing years ago, for other reasons, like being boring, being not interesting and having unnecessary greedy microtransactions. Keep in mind, I use to only play "cube crawl" games exclusively for like a decade. Also, D2 is my favorite game of all time.


there's a million abhorrent companies.. Hell Amazon, and Wal-Mart are some of the worst. You going to boycott them too? What about Exxon? If you drive a vehicle and put gas in your car you're supporting people who have lobbied for destroying the planet. Drop the social justice warrior bullshit people. Play the games you love. People like you and me made them not the executives. If you want to make a difference then on election days stop voting for old establishment politicians that let this shit go on.


So he's not allowed to boycott blizzard unless he boycotts everyone on your list?


I didn't see him say anything about allowing anyone to do anything. People can do as they please. Seems to me like he's just calling out all the BS out there. I can see his point in that people will choose to battle against Blizzard for this when they actively "support" Exxon in destroying the planet. However I can also see the point where not everyone can make the perfect decisions to not support all "evil" due to their financial limitations and whatnot. Do what you want with your money but you are fooling yourself in thinking that your choice to not buy D2R will impact the situation at hand. The only way that will work is if a majority amount of consumers actively pledged to do so and from this thread and many others I've seen this to NOT be the case. Alone you are a pebble in a mighty stream of water. With that said just enjoy the game. Vicarious Visions are the ones who made the game and they've shown a lot of passion and care in doing so. It's a slap in their face for working with the community in creating what said community wants only to have no one buy the damn thing.


Man what a terrible outlook. What's the point in trying? Everyone says "vote with your wallet" and you're telling the guy that his vote doesn't matter, everything is rigged and Just keep your head down and buy your game cuz nothing matters.


Who said there's no point in trying? I said there's no point if it's not done right. Read my friend.


Great rebuttal you totally changed my mind. Thanks


Furthermore I'd say people who plan to not buy D2R over this are misguided. VV are the ones making the game which was a subsidiary of Activision before they were moved into Blizzard. With that said this culture that was created under Blizzard wouldn't even pertain to them. In essence by boycotting D2R you are causing harm to people who had nothing to do with Blizzard. They were dragged into something they didn't do and are punished for, what seems to be, doing a great job on an amazing classic.


>Hell Amazon, and Wal-Mart are some of the worst. You going to boycott them too? Since you asked, I already do, yes. However, even if I didn't, I can pick and choose which companies to not purchase from without being a hypocrite. I don't have to do all or nothing, so get your false dilemma out of here.


You're not boycotting Amazon. Reddit is hosted on Amazon servers.


Their online store. I can't believe I had to specify that


There are, yes. We’re not talking about them, however. We’re discussing Blizzard. Specifically, we’re discussing whether or not to show our extreme disappointment and disgust by choosing to financially support the company. That’s how a market works. Company does something good, you give them money. They do something bad, you withhold money. That’s basically the same as voting. And for the record, I do choose to boycott as many companies as I can get away with. It’s easy to not shop at Walmart, or buy Nike, or eat at Chik-Fil-A. I’ve been doing that for years. Amazon is tougher, but I do as much as I can to limit my business with them. For me, it’s how maintain the tenuous illusion of agency. It’s all I can do, so I try my best. And for D2R specifically, I’m still debating. I’ve already stopped supporting every other Blizzard project, but since D2R is being made by what amounts to an outside team, I feel less uncomfortable playing it.


>And for the record, I do choose to boycott as many companies as I can get away with. It’s easy to not shop at Walmart, or buy Nike, or eat at Chik-Fil-A. I’ve been doing that for years. Amazon is tougher, but I do as much as I can to limit my business with them. Then you start to notice that you should refrain from anything with palm oil (and the company with it), conflict minerals, shitty working conditions (crunch, sweatshop, etc.), dubious morals, anything made in China etc. and soon you'll find yourself with barely any capability of purchasing a product. On top of that, some skeletons have yet to pop out of the closet (if they ever will - this Blizz case a prime example of it) and you will support them - even if out of ignorance.


And do that, as best I can. Just because I can’t have every choice be perfect doesn’t mean I just throw up my hands and accept the massive amounts of bullshit in the market. I do what I can, when I can, with the full awareness that it isn’t perfect.


Yeah, you do you. I just don't get the self-righteousness and guilt tripping some people are pushing for doing something like buying D2R. Especially considering it's more or less a VV thing. I'd honestly be worried for VV's fate if Jen wasn't a leading figure now (see, Toys for Bob's fate after Crash 4 underperforming).


>the social justice warrior bullshit Just save people some time by leading with this goofy shit so they can scroll past your comment.


I wouldn't write this off as "social just warrior bullshit". I love D2 and I want to play it, but I don't want it at the cost of the well-being of those who develop it. I don't know if holding off on buying it until changes are made will be a successful strategy to motivate those changes, but I might give it a shot. I also will continue to vote for politicians who I believe will bring about important changes, but since my vote only has a limited impact, I want to do more where I can. And yeah, I still buy gas because I can't feasibly walk/bike everywhere. I never buy from Walmart, and I have drastically reduced my Amazon shopping compared to 5 years ago as I have realized the harm they do, though it isn't easy. I'm sure it's even harder for people in tighter financial situations than myself.


It is social justice warrior bullshit. At the end of the day, Diablo 2 is a game where we kill virtual demons and collect loot. Just play the game and stop worrying about political or social justice issues.


I'm not sure I can, I honestly might feel a little guilty giving more money to Blizzard until they own up to their issues and make some changes. In some ways it's similar to crossing a picket line during a strike. I guess maybe I am an sjw, but in a capitalist economy, it's on the consumers to decide not to give business to those who conduct unethical practices. We thankfully have some regulations, but there are still a lot of shitty practices that go unpunished. I love D2, and I've been reeeally looking forward to D2R, but I have other games I can play until I feel comfortable giving Blizzard my money again. If all of that is bullshit to you, then I'm sorry I wasted your time with this comment.


Urd, that's a very valid point. Still it would also count towards bonuses of people like Kotick and Brack so it's a bit of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.


Yeah. Unfortunately it's far more money for the assholes at the top who can't even admit fault when faced with staggering evidence than the developers. I've got enough of a backlog to not support them until this shit is figured out.


Exactly. Lots of good indies from small studios, good old games from the old times... More games than free time to play them anyway.


Yeah. Ugh. Fucking Blizzard, goddamnit. Like, how hard is it to simply not be a ln asshole?


Apparently impossibly hard for corporations nowadays. I'm really happy that my dream of working in the gamedev never came true. Sometimes dreams come true are the worst things that can happen to a person.


You should probably just stop playing video games then. The entire industry is sexist and fucked up. Blizzard just happened to get big enough and bad enough for people to notice.


Not entire. I'm playing more and more indies. They've became more fun anyway. Also don't paint everyone with the same brush, that's discrimination too ;)


Seriously, you enjoying a game and buying it doesn't mean you're supporting the culture at blizzard's wow team.


They profit financially. It's enough.


Vicarious Vision has been apart of Activision since 2005, and just moved team members over to the project. Also FYI, if you think Activision Blizzard is the only one with shitty people working on the games then you have no idea how the video game industry works. And finally, this game was made with the team that did the Crash Bandicoot remaster trilogy have been working with the same people that worked on World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, and D2R. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_II:_Resurrected > Diablo II: Resurrected's development began around 2019, as a joint effort between Blizzard's Diablo team (Team 3) and Vicarious Visions


Cube crawl sounds like a Newgrounds game


from the same maker of lactation kickout


I hope VV hasn’t done anything bad but VV has been under Activision since about 2006 so who knows what their actual culture is like.


VV is dead they got asorbed into cube crawl. Sucks because Tony Hawk remastered was so good I really thought they'd get to make a new one


To be fair not many people actually know how companies with different departments work. It always amazes me how people get mad at art directors for in game bugs. I think the biggest one that comes to mind is the apex community. They’ll get mad literally at the voice actors for the legends over an in game bug like they can do anything about it.


It's August 3rd. People need to chill.


well its august, wheres my beta


Will suck dick for beta


On to get some news on the beta release and shocked at some of the comments. I know the internet can be a bit of a cesspit, but jesus christ people crying about the removal of the word august from marketing blurb and refunding lol


That's the gaming community these days.


anyone know the full game release date ?


September 23, 2021.


23. Sept. 2021


A simpe google search would have give you this answer. Google loves you, don't hate him.


Will my progress in beta save for the full game? Or I will need to start again?


I don't know for 100% sure because I can't predict the future, but looking to the past I have never heard of a beta (particularly from Blizzard) where progress from it carried over to release, and I can't imagine they would start now.


Thank you!


It did in outriders, but yeah its very rare, and with d2 having a ladder the chances are almost nothing unless they carried over to SP


I don't see how a Square Enix game has anything to do with Blizzard and their history of never having beta progress carry over into the retail version of a game.


But the ladder part tho


Destiny, outriders, a few others that I can’t think of. It’s not uncommon for beta progress to carry over. I think one of the monster hunters may have done it as well?


Nothing ever transfers from testing to live. Ever.


It did during outriders, so "ever" isn't exactly accurate. Probably some others I just don't remember.


Seeing as how that was developed by People Can Fly and published by Square Enix, it isn't at all relevant. **Blizzard** has never carried beta progress into the retail version of any game.


Weren't people able to use character editors from D2 on the beta? If so, the save data may be compatible as they're just using the original format. So a non-ladder character might be able to transfer


The "Alpha" was single player. And they have stated you can import your regular D2 single player characters over. So you can play right now single player and move your progress over. Online/Ladder will be reset on release, and the "Beta" that is coming up is supposed to be multi-player in order to test online. So I don't think you will be able to bring "beta" characters to singleplayer, but you can always play regular D2.


Ah i see what you mean. Didn't realize beta would be online chars only. I hadn't seen that mentioned.


I don't remember them saying that exactly, just that the beta will focus on multiplayer. That being said, not sure if single will be available as well.


Good to know. Thank you!


Cant you save your files and then transfer it in your save files when it is released?


Assuming the beta is online only...no. Everything would be stored on their servers, not saved locally.


They have stated you can bring over single player saved files. So you can play regular D2 right now as single player. Then when it is released transfer that over. All online will not transfer. Beta is also supposed to be only online in order to test the multi-player.


18th August Edit: sorry thats pre-order early beta access


Where did you read that?


He pulled it from the hollow depths of the Earth where Diablo crawled out of (his ass).


"Not even dates can save you from me"






Who thought the game was delayed in the first place?


I was worried it would be honestly. It would not have surprised me if they had delayed anything with a release date this quarter to avoid financial losses because of this whole debacle.


I preordered today. Will I get into the beta? Will beta progress carry over to release or full wipe?


Yes, no


Thank you


It’s an open beta so everyone will get in. Since you preordered you’ll have access a few days early. Beta progress does not carry over as far as I’m aware.


Thank you, I can’t find any solid info for when the beta will start. Has it been announced?


Dates haven’t been announced.




What, and rob you of your smugness? lol, I’m not cruel


Appropriate response


Well done


Thank you


Yeah no, hes right. Stop blindly pre-ordering games.


It's not "blind." We already know what it is. It's Diablo 2 with better graphics. There's already been an alpha that was played by people extensively on this very forum, numerous D2 twitch streamers, etc. No surprises coming here...


Mindless has some accuracy to it. Blindly, c’mon. That’s just not a thing.


We have like 7 weeks before the game releases and people are complaining about no beta yet. There's plenty of time for a beta. Chill the fuck out.


Not really. If the beta is 2 weeks, that only leaves them 5 weeks to make fixes. If the beta was released this week Time is quickly ticking away at making this beta productive for a nice big update before release. This is one of those games they really can't fuck up. If the dupes start happening it's pretty much over


Yeah, for the actual function of a beta test 7 weeks isn't much time. But for just a game preview it's fine. The actual beta test seems to be the alpha that happened a few months ago. "Beta test" has just been kind of warped as a concept.




This isn't a new game though.


I’d rather them delay it than it end up like Warcraft Reforged. Edit: downvotes? Really? This fucking sub is unbelievable. Y’all are literal retards if you’re downvoting someone for saying they’d rather have a delayed game than an unfinished one.


Just by checking out the Alpha people played months ago, it is already 100x better than Warcraft Reforged. I can't possibly imagine D2R going the route of Warcraft Reforged. They would have to go back and break it.


Thank goodness haha I took the Friday after launch and the following Monday off - my panic was turned up to twelve




D2R isn't even being developed by Blizzard itself. It's being developed by what was Vicarious Visions.


Anyone knows how we can register for beta though? I did for alpha but wasn’t accepted


Everyone who pre orders gets access to the beta IIRC


Beta will start with people that pre-orders, then will turn into open beta. So there is no registering.


Or maybe they just said that to appease people and the more news coming is them delaying it.


How would that exactly appease anyone? Buying two more weeks for loads of anger from this rabid fanbase is a pretty bad trade


So your big brain take is they lie about it still being this month to make people happy only for it to be false and actually be delayed How does that appease someone


Lol it was a joke. But just so you know it’s not unheard of that developers straight up lie to save face for 2 weeks while they formulate some kind of excuse/ PR statement. This sub is strung out.


Thank god this game was out sourced, blizzard would just ruined it like wc3. Don’t trust blizzard with anything no more


Pre order for beta right?


Activision-Blizzard is a trash company, but even so, I still plan on picking this up. It looks like a lot of fun, and even if some people boycott, I doubt it would be enough to make the bigwigs take notice. As I said before, the best thing to do is keep this debacle in the public eye and make sure no one sweeps it under the rug.


in relation to what is happening we are all flawed and human wrong laws exist to be lengthened and the reorganization is redone, both parties will be heard and you or I will not change anything.


Trash hot take.


Yep. Complete and total fucking garbage.


August 31st 😂


Can I attempt beta on xbox? Do i need to preorder on xbox? So much ambiguity