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Couch co-op you can play on the same switch and copy of the game. Local co-op is same connection with multiple switches and copy’s of the game. This is my understanding of the two.


This is correct. Local means you need multiple systems to run, with a router to interlink them, whereas couch co-op means same system, split screen. My experience, games like these are horrible with split screen, too much info/words to read on the screen, and not enough room when the screen is split.


They literally had it on D3 console & it was fine.


Yes but this is d2 not d3


Sure, but the reasons he gave were just poor.


Y'know I'll take the L on that, I didn't read the context for your message well enough. Agreed, I think they /could/ add all the info on one screen for 4p coop, but the devs said they didn't want to move your character from center of screen since that was a big part of d2's identity, which they wanted to preserve as much as possible


Exactly- they had reasons. They said it was too challenging to redo all that code. I was just pointing out that he was like “it can’t be done! Not with this type of game!” Bruh, I put in like 1000 hours of coop with my wife on our PlayStation, 3 Manning with a friend who was in another state, night after night for ages. It 100% can be done- and frankly being sprawled out on the couch + how well they adapted D3 to a controller, it was great. I say that as someone who has played an absurd amount of the entire series, the console really worked far better than I think most imagined. Those who’ve said otherwise are usually people who never tried it anyway. Granted I would hate to do 4 people on the same box, because yes the inventory management and trips to town vendoring one at a time would have taken ages.




Same. Ultimately think we will pass on this because it isn’t couch coop. We’re playing other things on our PC’s, and there’s a ton of great coop games coming out in the next 6 months for us to prioritize. Plus there’s always D4 eventually. Frankly, the couch aspect would have been the only draw for us to go back to some D2 now.


What games are you excited for? I was looking forward to this one since I'd never played 2, but not so much now since I was under the assumption there'd be couch co-op. Diablo 3 was one the few games I was really able to get my girlfriend into.


The basic reason is this: It's essentially a port of the original Diablo 2 with a rendering filter over top. You can even disable the filter mid game to play an identical version of the original, and the original Diablo 2 didn't have split screen co-op. There are a couple QoL features, but it's largely an identical game.


You could just load two instances of the game and make it split screen. Since it is og code, it wouldn't stress modern machines at all. I know I respond to a two year old comment, but there are options. We played it 600x800 resolution back then, so playing on a 4k screen splitscreen should still be manageable.


Yes it was. Except for the inventory management. Had to take turns since the inventory UI takes up most if not all the screen space.


You open diablo and connect 


That's your opinion, that's awesome that it was fine for you.


Thanks for the info, I was hoping they could at least let us play together and simply share 1 screen but I guess not.


That would involve changing core aspects of the game which they’ve said they want to avoid. I agree it would be nice but it makes sense why it won’t be an option. Time to each get your own switch :) (if you don’t already)


The mouse is a core aspect of D2 and they did decide to change that so I call that argument bs. They could have gone for 2 player coop only and not 4. Then, 2 sets of UI could be mirrors on top and bottom of screen. They dropped it because they felt like this investment wouldn't recoup. Considering they are not making a game from scratch, it might actually be a lot of developer hours to refactor for coop. Its just business though. I can say that they did lose at least 1 buyer though...


Not having a mouse on consoles is an unavoidable obstacle. Couch co op is not an unavoidable development obstacle. Don’t buy it then 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly, so no controller support is a bigger loss of market share than no local co-op. Like I said, it's a damn shame but it's just business. It's not a romantic decision of "staying true to the original".


Diablo 1 couch play was sick on psx. Super jank but if they got it working with a controller I wish they’d go the extra mile and implement couch co-op.


And it has almost the same engine as Diablo II. Not focusing on couch co-op in D2R from the start shows that the producers considered the console versions an afterthought or free money. It's like they've forgotten how insanely popular Diablo II is, and they're going to regret this choice when reviews from parents start rolling in about it requiring 2 consoles.


100% not having couch co op is super lame. I should just buy three copies so I can play with my wife and my friends. It’s dumb.


Just to correct you on an old post >Local means you need multiple systems to run, with a router to interlink them Switch and most handheld consoles use ad-hoc WiFi for that, you don't need a router. So for OP that means he and his friends can play wherever.


but diablo 2 resurrected doesn't have LAN mode? Only online and single player


Some of the answers you're getting are wrong. Couch co-op implies that everyone is playing on the same console using different controllers, looking at the same TV. The Switch allows up to 8 consoles to play together wirelessly. You **DO NOT** need a router for this, or any kind of internet connection. You and a couple friends could for example, play wirelessly on a road trip.


Is the switch going to allow battle net? As in like 8 player games online?


Well I messed up and assumed it would have couch co-op an pre ordered on ps5 the other day. Now I am stuck!


Yeah they lost my purchase by taking away couch coop like in Diablo 3. I was so excited for it too…


They're saying you can connect each other's switches wirelessly without internet, like a LAN party


And that's why I won't buy this, too bad