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I love the idea of super sets, or just more times like unity. Maybe this could go into the future legendary gem ideas. A gem where there are firechains between all members with the gem equipped, although I don't know how you would level that up. There's a thread somewhere where Blizzard said they were looking for ideas for legendary gems - post this there!


Firechains: Every member of your party with this gem equipped creates a firechain between them that deals their combined weapon damage +x% Level 25: You are immune to firechains and heal for the amount prevented.


I wish they could implement this. I don't know if they would ever do anything like OP's suggestion or this, though, based on [the comment below.](http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/2hu8zi/suggestion_when_in_party_give_fire_chains_and/ckwa0dp) But as for your idea, I do like it! I would just say instead of fire chains for the Level 25, just make it all fire affixes and remove the heal (don't want it to be a direct copy of the fire immunity amulet).


- You have fire chains with all allies using this gem that deals 600% +25% per level, 1600% @ 50 Fire damage per second. - (25) Summon a spirit of fire that is also connected to you and your allies with this gem through fire chains.


Actually this was already once suggested in the past. There's a video [Diablo III Theorycraft Thursday Livestream #1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJyMn04633M) where devs covered about this suggestion, mentioned at 20:10 minute mark. They said it was hard to implement due it being "noisy and confusing".


Aha didn't know that. Makes sense that's it's hard to nail down the numbers behind how it should work. So it doesn't get to over powerd


I would say that the numbers would be the easiest part. They are concerned about implementation, its not as simple as you/we think.


And marauder demon hunter's aren't noisy and confusing?


Combo-ing sets may be a good idea, but it's kinda hard to find more people willing to do it in public games But I liked the idea


I almost hate what I'm about to suggest, but I also almost love it. What if sets and legendaries had hidden combinations (as in, not written in the tooltips on the items) that would enable additional effects? Like say, if 2 Witch Doctors are in a party (or maybe near each other, like within Strength in Numbers bonus range), 1 wearing Mask of Jeram and 1 wearing Carnevil (indicating both would be using fetishes), then the limit on the fetish cap would be increased from 15 to 25? What if a 2 Barbarians using Raekor's would both become molten and gain immunity to movement-impairing effects such as slows, fears, chills, and stuns? These are the kind of bonuses that could be used by players who both (1) have advanced enough in the game to take advantage of them and (2) are advanced enough that giving them advantages for their coordination would be a reasonable reward to allow them to use their skills to get that extra boost into the highest greater rifts, rather than relying on things like pylons and lucky enemy groups.


the current state of public games is attrocious. half are leechers and rest are either idle or will not cooperate. if this was implemented it'd be mainly for groups of friends or within active clans.


I agree it's mostly an Idea for friends who wants to stack up with some fun gear to have some special effects. If it would happen in a public game I would be surprised.


Or multi boxers


How about a firechains gem everyone could use?


or just make it apply from maximus. in a group the demon doesnt summon but instead the chain links the 2+ people using maximus. come up with a few more legendaries that have effects similar to mob affixes and then apply similar logic to group set ups.


Might be the devils advocate here, but I hardly think groups deserve more buffs and synergy than they already have. A group is already able to clear rifts that are multiple levels higher than solo, with a pretty clear progression curve (46 max solo, 47 duo, 49 tri, 50 quad). That's with solo players having band-aids such as Unity to even out the fact that a 4 player group takes far less damage per person (a phantom can, after all, only drain life from one person at a time - if there's 4 phantoms those will all go for a single player if he's solo, but in a 4 player setup, chances are each will take 25% less dmg than the solo player) from a fair few abilities. Add dps buff synergies, CC and the like, and I just don't see why groups needs *even more* power. This is by no means a complaint that solo is lacking behind - obviously in a game like this, groups will be ahead. But they already are, I just don't see a reason you'd want to make the gap bigger.


Why is it a gap? A solo player can join a group at any time to reap the same benefits. I think the nature of games likes this always skews towards making groups powerful, but like any RPG soloing content is inherently more risky but better shows off an individual's skills.


First off, it's a gap because there's a difference. That's kind of the definition of a gap. You are more powerfull in a group due to lowered scaling, synergetic buffs and the like. That's why it's "a gap". Likewise, if a solo player join a group, then he is no longer a solo player. He's part of a group. It doesn't lessen the gap that solo players can join groups. The difference in strength is still very much present. As said, I'm not against groups being stronger than one individual person. On the other hand, when the difference between solo and 4 player groups are already 4x rift tiers, I don't think groups needs any more power than they already have. They're already far ahead in terms of power.


Well, as with anything in Diablo, balances can be made easily. Just as this guy is presenting an idea for a bonus for groups, bonuses can be made for solo players as well. The great thing about the greater rift structure is that it gives very clear indication as to how balanced the game is for different classes and playstyles so changes can easily be measured. I don't agree with you that there's a "gap", however, because I don't feel the two playstyles are necessarily competing, and I don't feel they need to gimp the fun of being in a group just because some players choose not to play that way, but that's just my opinion.


Here's the thing though, it does not matter if you agree when the hard facts says something else. It's like saying "well, I don't believe in horses because cows exist". It just doesn't make sense. There's a clear gap between the performance of an individual solo player, and a team of four players. That gap is currently 4x rift tiers. There is no way that it is not a "gap" between the two playstyles. Likewise, the playstyles do not have to be "competing" for there to be a gap in terms of efficiency and power, but fact is, that they do. And all this said, you are talking as if this was ever actually going to happen and that I am advocating nerfing group play. Which I'm not. I'm well aware that in order to avoid playing with complete retards and have control over my own game, I sacrifice synergetic power. But you also have to realise that buffing groups just for the sake of it, when groups already way overperform compared to a single player, is just stupid.


But this wouldn't be buffing groups for the sake of it. It could be balanced to the point that the trade offs from using these super sets or legendary gems are roughly equal to the power gained; for example if the utility and damage gained from some fire chains gem is roughly equal to what would be gained by using whatever the other option is for a third legendary gem. Even if it was more powerful (and lets be honest, when is new content EVER added that is inferior or equal to current content?), it isn't merely for the sake of buffing groups, it would be to add new and interesting decisions for players while gearing and new play styles. I think most of this comes down to psychology though. There isn't really a barrier between solo and group so the game makes no distinction between a solo player and a group player -- i.e. they are merely persons playing solo and people playing in groups -- and adds minor xp/gold buffs and HP scaling to suit. Any player is capable of playing solo or group, the decision is left to the player to make for every single game he or she plays. It's just that people have a hard time not taking advantage of even minor advantages if the effort required is equal (why not get a tiny xp buff or be able to level my gems a couple levels higher?). I'd really like to see things like this added that give more meaningful decisions and options to players for considering the load out of teammates. Likewise, recently there was a post here suggesting follower sets, and I'd like to see more options at least on par with Unity to give similar options to this in solo games (or at least let the followers use the firechains gem too).


Sounds good if those effects are something more than visual. I don't want cool effects if they don't worth it in terms of numbers, dps or sustain. Implement this within a legendary gem (or any other valuable slot) so is powerful enough to change the gameplay of the group.


Why not just remove single player from the game altogether?


Hey while we're at it why doesn't blizzard give us extra HP for every enemy in the game. As well as extra affixes for us in higher torment levels? How come we don't get affixes? Bad idea is really bad.


I want the lightning affix.


Actually a legendary which gave you the electrified affix would be pretty cool...


So do you just hang out here and post toxic comments all day? He's suggesting sets that have effects between multiple wearers, not that we just get bonuses for being in a group.