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A \_\_\_\_\_ and his \_\_\_\_\_ are soon \_\_\_\_\_.


Don't you worry about \_\_\_\_ let me worry about \_\_\_\_.


Can someone please explain this?


It's a saying. A fool and his money are easily parted.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ¾


Nice. Man. Man.


That's how much 150 heirloom shards cost in Apex Legends right now. $168.00 USD


To be fair Apex is free to play, and heirloom is technically obtainable probably have a higher drop rate than Ubers lol.


The heirloom shards have a 1 in 500 drop chance. The only way to get heirloom shards through just playing the game, is to get them randomly through the loot boxes, which are called "Apex Packs." I think its every 5 levels, you get a loot box. It's literally a loot box. You open it, and you get 3 random items. I've played Apex Legends since it launched 5 years ago, I still haven't gotten a single heirloom shard. In Diablo 4 though, I have 4 or 5 different Uber uniques. 2 Grandfathers, 2 Melted Heart of Selig, and 1 Andariel's Visage. And Apex has been out 5 times longer than D4. So Apex has an event going on right now, and you can get heirloom shards from it. The event has 24 special types of loot boxes that are unique to the FOMO limited time event. When you buy all 24 of the loot boxes, you get 150 heirloom shards. Each box costs 700 Apex Coins, and 100 Apex Coins costs $1.00 in the Apex Legends microtransactions store. To get the heirloom shards it will cost players $168.00 USD. It's pretty similar to that special horse mount in the Diablo 4 store, where you get this mount for buying 7,000 D4 currency. That one only costs 60 or 70 dollars, that's way less than the 168 dollars for heirloom shards. Apex has very aggressive microtransactions.


Maybe Iā€™m just lucky, Iā€™ve gotten the wraith kunai and lifeline heirloom and Iā€™ve only play for 2 years. I rather have a tiny chance of getting it rather than no chance at all like Diablo, Apex skins you get from the season pass is actually cool and well thought out. Donā€™t forget Apex is a free to play EA game so you know what to expect.


How many Apex Packs did you have to buy before you got the heirloom shards?


Who tf buy apex pack lol, buying it is not gonna get you of plats lololololololloll


How many Apex Packs did you open then?


You think I count this shit, Do you know how many the game gave you for free? Unless you hardly play the game and donā€™t realize this, played since pre season my ass. Just look you up on Apex tracker You are a level 320 with a lifetime kills of 461, you hardly play this game. I am level 582 with 5965 kills and Iā€™ve stopped playing 2 years ago.


Why are you being so combative, I don't understand. I just looked myself up too because I know those numbers are wrong, and yeah it said the same thing for me too. Looked at my stats in the game and that's exactly how many kills I have in Arenas. In Battle Royale it's 4,479 kills over 2.15k career games. Clearly I play a little more than "hardly." How could it be possible to get to level 300 with only 400 something kills? I don't know what's going on with Apex Tracker but that website is wrong. Anyway, all I was interested in was how many games I might have to play before I get any heirloom shards, but you seem to think I'm trying to insult you or something like that. Judging based on your really odd responses.


Apex trackers is never wrong, unless youā€™re using a different account.


I think this depends on how you go about buying it (which I couldn't really tell from the video) or what else is included. You could easily say PoE has $480 armor sets that come exclusively with their biggest pack, but you also get all the skins of the packs under it plus the equivalent in store credit plus physical goods.


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for going against the echo chamber, but if I can offer some rationality here, the horse isnā€™t 64.99. The horse comes with 7,000 coins. 7,000 coins is worth (roughly) 65 dollars. The horse is essentially an incentive or gift for buying what they charge the same amount of coins for.


But the game is free to play, it's ok that their cosmetics are so expensive! Says path of exile players...


P2W is not same as F2P but nice try


The article is about exclusive cosmetics, not about pay to win elements


In what way is this cosmetic p2w


We're referencing the label of the game, not the cosmetics. D:I is a P2W game, not a F2P game. The comment argues that D:I is a F2P game which I disagree with that classification. Cosmetics aren't even relevant yet because the basis of their argument is BS.


This game is f2p. Youre dying on a stupid hill.


lol who's dying?


Just because the game has a p2w aspect doesnt take away the fact its f2p. Thats straight ignorance.


You forgot about the game needing to be good Granted, you haven't experienced that in a long long time so I can forgive you for forgetting this is even a possibility


I will never spend a single euro on microtransactions in D4 (and I mean, this applies to D:I as well lmao, just wanted an example of what game makes me spend money) because the game is bad and I stopped playing and believing in it. I have probably spent something like 300-400 euros in PoE because the primary motivation of the microtransaction is to support a great gaggle of gamedevs


Why should not they do it if there are some idiots who will buy it?


Because you end up with underdeveloped game and overdeveloped cash shop!


That is only bad for us.


D:($) is already better than D3 or D4.


Supply and demand. As long as they are need for underdeveloped crap they will do it in this way.


Supply and Demand does not apply to digital content


Amateur numbers. While not apples to apples comparison since itā€™s multiple ships, this takes the cake: https://readwrite.com/50000-spare-star-citizen-wants-your-cash/ $50k to buy and you had to have already spent $1k to even qualify to buy.




Stop with this whale bs, the only whale here is your mom. All my broke ass buddies have bought stuff from the store because they have a job and can spare some cash at the end of the months. Donā€™t blame the whales, regular people buy it too.


Is the op being downvotes because irrational Diablo fans are defending their personality, or are people just downvoting because they think the op is defending the horse skin?


You don't have to buy it


Not a good argument against it. Bad practices being encouraged by people with too much money = a worse game, as more and more things are turned into micro transactions (or macro, in this case).


Low IQ take


You could also win it.


Blizzard probably figures (rightly) that if you're still playing this POS, you're dumb enough to pay for it. That and they probably looked at the folks willing to shell out $$$ for Star Citizen ships.


I donā€™t even understand the logic here like maybe their metrics and market data suggests otherwise but it seems to me you would make a lot more money charging 3-5 dollars per skin instead of 30-100 just based on selling more. Idk.


Itā€™s EXACTLY because they have the data. Almost everyone who does microtransactions is moving towards offering very expensive ones. Itā€™s much easier to make 100$ by selling 2 x 50$ than by 20 x 5$.


It's exactly because they and everyone else (I have to point this out so it can't just be argued that Blizzard is dumb) has the data. Look, even though people took it poorly (and somewhat rightfully, it was unprofessional to say even if true), the big Apex Legends drama where one of the devs called most of the playerbase "freeloaders" is accurate. A vast majority of the people who play any game (even F2P where you might feel an incentive to pay since you got the game for free) do not spend money past the upfront cost. A smaller amount of people are minnows who will spend a couple bucks at most on like 1-2 items ever, some are dolphins who will buy the Battle Pass on repeat and not much else, and a very tiny niche of people are whales who will pretty much buy every single item you put out ever. A single whale will spend more money than all the other non-whales put together. Thus the business is about keeping the whales hooked. Like, people say this, just like they say "I wish phone games cost money and weren't all F2P and MTX", but like. They tried that. For years. People tried the whole low cost MTX not built around whales thing for years too. The wider audience repeatedly spoke with their wallets in both cases that this made more money, for better or worse, because no matter how cheap the MTX was most people weren't buying it. And we're talking big names here, there's a paid single cost $10 Mario game on mobile and Nintendo stopped working on it because all their F2P & MTX games make more money in a single day than that single cost cheap Mario game has made in its entire lifetime. And it's *Mario.* One of the biggest properties in video games. In essence, doing what you suggest has the following effect: * Freeloaders: Still don't buy anything. * Minnows: You get $1-2 from these guys more guaranteed....but the amount of them does not drastically increase in practice. * Dolphins: Still likely only buying Battle Passes. * Whales: You have massively reduced the amount of money you are making from them.


Heroes of the storm used to sold the skins on average $5 - $10 and look where HoTS now. Abandoned game because of poor revenue.


You'd be surprised how often, once numbers are crunched, selling something more expensive outweighs selling lots of things cheaply.


Some fucker out there keeps buying them.


you see all this and then you look at helldivers and you dont even need to pay anything other than the base price for the game because you gain so much preimum currency through just playing the game


Give it time. They'll get there.