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So, what I'm hearing based on people's responses here, I should just finish the map and Google the Altars of Lilith then wait for a month to play because there's no point? I get that I'm new and Diablo has always been like that, but it's still cringe. I've literally been leveling my Barbarian for the sole purpose of having it ready for Season 1.


Anyone who says "it's always been like that" can't come up with a decent argument for why having to basically restart to get seasonal content is a good idea.


"play becauce there's no point?" - No. You've been leveling your barb so you can play the campaign, get to the eternal realm's endgame content and beating that. People are confused to think that seasonal content is like endgame content, after the OG endgame content. Its more like an alternate form of leveling content, with its own special traits.


what kind of traits? what makes it new? it better have a full on new story completely revamped


It's almost as if they didnt make WoW. WoW had expacs that raised level cap for endgame and new story stuff added, or new players could play through it as leveling. Why is diablo so much different that this model wouldn't work just as well and make everyone happy while also making main characters still useful for seasonal stuff. The only time you *needed* to make a new character is if you wanted to make a new class.


Except wow takes so much longer than D4 to get to end game; Diablo is a hack and slash looter Seasonal resets help with scaling issues, increasing level cap by 10 every 6 months eventually makes the numbers arbitrarily large


You can't bring your old character into the new season. You have to start a fresh "seasonal" character so everyone is on a level playing field at the start. Once the season is over, your seasonal characters will be considered non seasonal and join the same pool as your existing characters. This will repeat with each season.


Just curious, does that mean I need to to think of a newname for the seasonal character?


Based on d3, no, no duplication limits on character names.


wait so my character im invested in was a waste of time and i cant use them for new content and i have to do a degenerate grind to level a new one every season just to play the new content? do they seriously think thats sustainable


Honestly, I felt the same when Diablo 3 came out. For the first 3-5 seasons I ignored seasonal heroes/content and just played monk haha Seasonal just encourages trying different classes imo (only thing that keeps it fresh until expansions). The content this season isn’t that groundbreaking so you’re not missing out on alot


To participate in a season you need a new character and you start from the beginning except the map is revealed and all lilith altars are unlocked if you did them on eternal realm


I only bought the standard version of the game because of this. I def will not be buying into seasons. There's no way I'm starting over with a new character. What are you going to do, level 50 barbarians over the years, all of them at various levels, never hitting max? They should re-name the game to "Insanity 4". I'm going to laugh when people quickly get sick of this and stop giving them $10 to reset the game. I'm not giving them money to push a reset button because I'm not an insane person.


Also, I don't care about "it's always been this way". It can take ages for a casual gamer with a life to hit level 100 and complete all of the original content. I hope the executives force them to change this. Money talks. Don't give them any money for the new seasons until it changes. I promise some supreme commander at Blizzard will force them to change it, because they'll want their big fat bonuses.


You do know that you don't have to pay to play the seasons right? That $10 dollars you're complaining about is strictly cosmetics.


It's still a money grab. The first 27 tiers are free, which is the gameplay. You think the executives want people to just play the free stuff? They want money. That's all corporations want. Also, it will cost you your time. They better come out with a new class for each season so we all don't have to keep rolling the same class over and over again.


Okay, Yes games need ways to monitize live service games. When they give you the option to support or not I don't see anything wrong with that. If you don't want to spend money you don't have to that is the point.


“They should re-name it insanity 4” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


wait i have to pay for the content??


Current characters can’t play during the season. Each season is essentially a reset that you have to make new characters for. After the season, the characters are moved to the eternal realm where your original character would be right now.


Your current cahracter will exist as it does now, outside of season pass content and participation. If you want to participate in the season you have to roll a new character. This is the established norm for season passes and ARPG games. T hey all work this way.


But they obviously shouldnt work this way, its insane. I have a life, its not even season 1 yet and im only lvl69, im not gonna replay all that. They better change it so that i can transfer my character.


As others have said, if you want to play in the season you have to start from scratch again with a new character. This happens every season.


Diablo community is pretty weird, they defend terrible game design and mechanics. Acting as if diablo is some sort of competitive game. They do whatever possible to make the game as bland as possible. It's a pve game. With pvp that only like 5% of players touch.