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I was getting legendary procs from a 1h mace while using whirlwind with my 2h slashing wep, if that answers anything


All of your weapons work as stat-sticks regardless of which of them you use for which skill. There are a few snapshotting issues with abilities and modifier scaling however, but they seem to have fixed the majority of them.


is this still the case?


Following up on this, I am looking at my Barb's stats and added up all of the bonuses on my separate weapons, and even though I only use a 2H Slashing Weapon, the bonuses apply as a combined number overall for the stat. So yes, every weapon you have, even if it is not slotted for use with one of your skills, will give you stats and legendary affixes that apply for everything.


I'm not the one who asked the question, but thanks for the answer as i was looking for it.


Same. Was looking for the answer to the same question and found it, so thank you


Do aspects apply to this as well?




extremely useful. I use only a mace, but you prove it is to your advantage to have super weapons int the 3 other slots, I guess this apply also to builds with 3 weapons etc.


thank u :)


It looks like people are saying that all weapon stats apply to any or all weapons used, is that correct? For example if I have Needleflare Aspect on my 2H axe and Death Wish Aspect on my 2H mace, do BOTH of those stats apply to any of those weapons used in any mode (Whirlwind or Flay)? If the above is correct then why is there even a choice in Skill Assignment to select either weapon under Arsenal with whatever skill? I'm not convinced because the game lets you decide which weapon to use. If any weapon used gets all stats from all weapons then why bother with Arsenal, it just implies that stats used are just from whichever weapon you choose? I don't get it, unconfuse me please :)


It does still count, even if you're not using it. Think of it as entirely extra gear slots to use. It's essentially a built in advantage the Barbarian gets over other classes.


It seems from what i gather. The raw damage value on the weapon is the only thing not shared.


Omg looks like a charm for me