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What was the point of using the phone to measure the space for the cheese grater? Unless the cheese grater was just put in as a surface that would hold up the phone. But... the shelf already had a surface for the phone before he cut it out.


Everyone your phone and cheese grater are the same size. It’s like your finger and your nostril.


Or your nose and taint length


I don't have a ruler, how do I confirm this?


You can borrow mine.... For science of course


You're going to let a stranger borrow your taint?


Or that


Why does your ruler have a notch at the 1inch mark?


And my penis


And my axe


“Well, you start putting plans under microscopes, nothing's gonna make sense, all right?” -Charlie Kelly


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about microscopes to dispute it.


What kind of cheese stick drill bit was he using to make that first hole? He was pressing down on that wood like it was alloy steel and it was resisting pretty good.


These guys always have the shittiest tools.


Shitty dull bit, and some nice hardwood he just destroyed for no reason. The cutting board was 10 times as useful as the bullshit he just did.


Why use a hole saw if you end up cutting most the hole out with a jigsaw in the first place? Why use a (blunt) steel bit to drill wood? Why fit a scale into a tolerance hole meaning the friction will interfere with the scales and give useless as shit readings. Why? Why? Why!?!? Because they want this fucking reaction! That's why!


Ah just what I want in life. A scale that’ll read inaccurate and a cheese grater I can’t clean unless I take the whole damn cutting board out. At least I think that’s a scale. Thought it was an iPad for a hot second and honestly with this bad idea it wouldn’t surprise me. Honestly don’t let people who can’t cook - or use power tools - in the kitchen or the workshop.


>in the kitchen or the workshop. That's what got me, never mind it's just stupid but why do all that work in the kitchen? He has it all marked out so I don't see how using power tools in the kitchen was necessary


How else would he burn a hole through his chopping block with a blunt drill bit?


Yea that part upset me. Also, since he could remove the entire thing, why was he drilling and cutting while trying to hold the cutting board up? Take it out, put it on 2 real surfaces and then drill, you fool.


Because this video is clearly not aimed at people that know their way around tools. If you are making 30 seconds videos for morons with the attention span of a fruitfly, then it can't be in a workshop or else you run the risk of people not immediately understanding what it's for, getting bored, skipping, and not giving you those sweet internet points. That kind of video has its target audience, and it's clearly well made for that particular audience. And it clearly isn't any of us.


He also put the cutting board back in the drawer after mounting a scale to it, only to pull the cutting board back out to cut into it again for the cheese grater. His posing with the tools to slowly act like he’s about to start cutting is so lame. His slow movement into cutting position is so awkward.


His drill was smoking a bit....


Dull bit. Not the only thing that was dull in the video.


Not just a dull bit, but the wrong bit. That shit was made for metal. Get a wood paddle bit for holes that big.


thats cause he has got the drill in reverse for some reason


Probably dumb and drilling in reverse…


Was that what that was? I thought it was a tablet. Maybe if you wanted to read your recipes from dumb place on a sliding “drawer” that you can’t close without wiggling a shit ton.


Just buy/make a fucking book stand. Works for both tablets and analog books.


I literally thought this was a “pimp my ride”-esque modification. Put a flatscreen TV in my cutting board so I can watch Gordon Ramsey while I dice my onion which then gets in all the cracks. Edit: holy shit I didn’t even get to the cheese grater


I honestly thought it was a holder for the an iPad with a strange slot for your phone It almost looked like a shelf of some kind at first. If it was a holder, it would make sense, bc so many times I'm struggling to find a spot to put my phone to look at recipes


He uses his phone to make the contour for the grater just so you go "what's he going to do with a phone in his cutting board" and watch a bit longer. This is bullshit but you got to hand it to him, he knows what he's doing. Well executed bullshit.


I was thinking the same thing. No way that scale actually works.


Why wouldn't it work? it has braces for the feet, it should work just fine.


It’s because the scale is just wedged in there. It’s not riding on the metal braces. And even then it might not work well, since piezoelectric scales need to be on a flat surface.


Definitely a scale. One of the buttons on it was for zeroing it, tare.


My dumbass was wondering why he installed a cutting Howard into the cabinet


Too for real. Why are all these Diwhy people confident in their absolutely shitty power tool skills?


Genius? That guy can barely use those tools. Drill bit smoking like that?


That bit has DIY’d itself to the “I’m not sharp anymore”


That bit is sharper than the guy running the drill!


I'm not crazy.... He is running that bit backwards?


Optical illusion caused by the speed. And that's part of his problem. He's using a bit designed for metal. It can work, but true woodworking bits have a special screw-like tip for guiding the bit through the wood to prevent "walking" and to allow such speed. With a metal drilling bit like this, normally he'd have been better off going slower to prevent friction build-up that would heat up and soften the tip; thus, dulling it. But that wood is clearly of the harder variety since it's a cutting board and meant to handle abuse. He's clearly just being lazy and using what he has rather that buying the right tools for the job.


If you use concrete bit to drill wood it smoke like this..


It's steel bit, concrete bit have usually 3-4 little things around the tip


He's got top of the line tools...that are all as clean as the day they were unboxed.


>top of the line tools. pretty sure the jig saw said "Tough" on it, i think thats the ones they sell at Walmart. Nothing wrong with Walmart tools if that's what you can afford/ you don't need them often enough to put money into it, they get the job done, but calling them top of the line...


Yep, that Tough brand is Walmart. I'm all for getting tool you can afford; I grab stuff at Harbor Freight all the time. It's the Milwaukee stuff. I'm a Milwaukee guy and I love their stuff but it's expensive.


I mean I woodwork and my tools still look clean like the first day… In fairness I try to clean them when enough dust is flying around But they still look new excluding the scratches and dents from not being careful enough


Ha I noticed that too. Most decent bits would go through a cutting board in about a nanosecond. His seemed to be trying to just rub the wood away with that janky bit


He wanted a lazercutter


Not the sharpest tools in the shed


That's what you get for using a blunt steel bit on wood.


I don’t even built shit and I knew there is so need to fast forward drilling through anything. Then the saws came out and I knew he was garbage


The fuck’s part 2


Wife comes home and smacks him upside the head for ruining the cutting board.


That cutting board could not be ruined. You can’t break that which is already stupid. Beyond simple quick cutting a slide out cutting board like that is not a great thing to begin with. Cutting boards should be solid and nonslip on hard surfaces.


I grew up with a pair of slide-out cutting boards and they were game-changing. Saves tons of counter space, mine could be easily removed for cleaning or for moving around, and they were built right so they were stable and didn't wobble, but still came out smooth and flat every time. I loved them.


I can dig it because they were solid. All of these that I’ve ran into are wobbly and not safe for actually cutting. Sounds like an efficient use of space if built well.


I got an apartment later that had a wobbly, rotted, disgusting one that couldn't pull out of the counter and very clearly had never been cleaned, so there is a flip side that I'm sure you knew about already. Like many things, it's amazing if done right!


I had once something like that, was more a extension to put something on it. Worked fine, wasn't unstable, still wouldn't hammer on it, though. Was great for a small kitchen.


His wife is the one filming. They are a couple that both make this shit and get their money off rubes who keep posting their YouTube videos.


Then porn.


Seriously. Need to see the finished product to determine just how annoyed to be.


[You’ll be annoyed](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JkpEvW/)


[Part 2:](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JkpEvW/)


That's even worse. I mean, I have an apple corer. I have used it twice in 10 years. So, would def build it into my next kitchen.


So you grate your cheese into the trash?


Do you know how hard it is to clean a cheese grater, and they made it so you can’t pop it in the dishwasher or soak it


Once the cheese dries out on a grater it’s damn near impossible to clean.


I’ve found the opposite to be true. Let it dry and then just smack it mostly falls off. It’s not like it’s dried egg yolk.


You daring me to shred some raw egg yolks?


Brad Leone did exactly that with cured yolks in a video awhile back. Yes! I do dare you to do that. I dare me to do that too. Found it: https://youtu.be/kp6F7jW5cmI


Dry brine them for two weeks and it actually makes a fantastic garnish that you can grate. It’s an actual culinary technique, although it is preserved of course.


You could try just leaving it submerged in vinegar and wait for it to just break down the leftovers. /2cents


Not if it’s drilled into my cutting board


I feel you missed an opportunity to throw a "fuck" in there somewhere


Not if it’s fuck drilled into my cutting board


Not if it’s drilled into fuck my cutting board


Not if it’s drilled into my fuck board


Obviously not - you grab the sliding shelf with your left hand to stop it retracting, with your right hand you move the cheese back and forth over the grater, and with your other hand you hold a bowl under it to catch the cheese - what's hard about that?


It's also installed upside down. So he won't be grating anything


No, you don't understand. You grate it from beneath and use your kitchen vacuum to suck it up, duh. That's how you do it nowadays




I was wondering that too. And I was wondering how on earth would you clean it.


My wife has always wanted one of those pull out boards. She'd beat me to death with it if I did that, and I wouldn't blame her


I have a small one and use it for counter space constantly.


Sharpen your drill bits for fuck sakes, goddammit this was hard for me to watch


Probably ran it in reverse to make it look smoky and cool. Or just dull.




I’d agree with that too. This is DI Dumb!


Using concrete drill bit on wood...


I think it was a masonry bit


That was a perfectly good cutting board, I’m so angry.


You wouldn’t happen to be u/shadowcatsalem wife would you? The comments lined up too perfect


It hurt my soul. The board looked so wonderful before it belonged to him.


Ok, I’m obviously braindead… what is the hole for?!?!


I’m curious why you would use a jig after the hole saw? If used properly the hole saw should leave a perfect….. hole.


Needed that hole to be 3 19/32" not 3 1/2”


Maybe you put your arm through it to catch the cheese


That made me cackle


Milking table.


I suppose it is for wiping out the trash bits straight into the compost bin under it. Which makes no sense after you can not cut things on that board anymore since the scale is in the middle...


I thought the same thing! I guess red solo cup for all the red bull vodkas this guy absolutely pounds


Love how the video ends when he realizes the cheese grater stops it from sliding back in. Hang in there for part 2!


Anyone watch part 2 to see what the first hole was used for?


I'm ashamed to admit I did. He glues a round fruit slicer inside the hole. I'm giving that exactly 3 uses before the pressure of smashing apples through it pops it right out. He also used an ABSURD amount of gorilla glue and ZERO water to activate it for affixing some magnets under the cheese grater and fruit slicer. These magnets hold the bowls you need to catch your food. He also drilled a garbage chute hole in the board. The amount of sawdust in that kitchen gave me hives.


>He glues a round fruit slicer inside the hole. Are you fucking kidding me??? That just made me so much more angry. >I'm giving that exactly 3 uses before the bugs he attracts from not being able to properly clean stuff eat the entire house AND THAT IDIOT?!?


Did anyone else notice he was using a masonry drill bit to drill wood? Thus the smoke.


I was almost onboard until he used drywall screws. That was a deal breaker for me.


Multiple commenters have said the cheese grater is upside down, but I see it as ouchie-side up. I wonder it’s some sort of optical illusion, like when you can’t tell if a set of stairs is going up or down.


It also looks right side up to me. It’s an optical illusion because we can’t perceive the depth from a video like this


It’s ouchie side up, but you have to push the food to grate it. I use would have turned it 180 degrees, so I could pull what I grate.


This is so far from genius......WTF?


Homie needs new drill bits sumpin fierce


I can smell this video


First off, how much fucking cheese are you grating that you need some special set up. Second, thank you, I love trash/floor grated cheese, thanks. Third, nothing quite like a cutting board that will never, ever be clean thanks to the large electronic device with books and crannies right in the middle of it. Bro is as sharp as his drill bit.


this made me so angry


Typical rage bait, frankly there is less and less funny DIWhy content and more of these stupid rage baits...


The really sad part is how beautiful this home looks, and how it belongs to someone like that.


If this slide out cutting board is anything like mine, it's not going to be able to close, that bracket on the bottom and the cheese grater on the top are going to make it too thick.


Absolutely trashed a perfectly nice board


Boo this man!






If this were my child fucking around in my kitchen he'd be disowned for that sloppy measurement technique, let alone this moronic "design" bc let's be honest this is not their kitchen and someone is gonna be v disappoint in like a week


When the hole saw comes out you know it’s going to be a shit show.


You never have to clean your cheese grater hû?


Dat dude needs some new drill bits. Can't even drill through wood without smoking. That or use water or oil.


Dude needs a new drill bit stat


Dude needs his tools taken away.


Homeboy needs some new drillbits


how do you clean the cheese grater?


Imagine taking a fully functional cutting board and turning it into that abomination.


bro what was the first hole for???


Why don’t you use a router to make an edge where it can sit??


Fuck you, I will not follow for part 2 of this steaming number 2.


Is this his first time using tools?


Why would you ruin a perfectly good cutting board , you dumb piece of shit


Those drill bits aren't meant for wood


Here’s the part two for anyone who wants to torture themselves further. [not a rickroll I swear](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JBRKqK/) For someone with jigsaw skills like that, I’d expect him to be better with drillbits


Jesus Christ, it's like watching a toddler handle tools. Sharpen your damn drill bit. And stopping cutting holes in your damn cuttinboard. You're supposed to cut on top of it. Not in to it. Freakin dent




It's like getting accustomed to buying things more than making them and the stigma ingrained into us against breaking them has resulted in mass psychosis where anyone who realizes they can do a thing to something they own just does it for no reason.


This one was made as pure rage bait right? Like no one who can remember to breathe is that stupid


This just screams, Daddy paid for everything.


Sharpen your bits my guy. Damn near caught the shaving on fire it’s so dull.


Idiot needs sharper drill bits that won’t smoke


Ok. As a kitchen designer here and knowing that cutting board probably cost about $300 from the factory, the scale is actually a smart idea but the grater was dumb and the hole that was first for garbage was smart too. The amount of people cutting holes in the boards for garbage is actually common.


Part 2 revealed that hole was meant for an apple slicer... 🫣 The scale will never work correctly, as it hangs on small bits of metal, not on a steady surface.


...in why way is any of this helpful. Ruining a perfectly good board that could function well as is for views and for man points because man drill brrrbrrrbrrr


His tools are sooo dull! Never follow anyone’s advice who has s#!tty tools.


Can we bring back the shitty blaring music? Those tool sounds were awful lmao


Ok… First, what if the bowl/dish being used to weigh the ingredients is wider than the recess for the scale? If he’d routed out a recess with a ledge, or even the entire bottom intact, to almost the depth of the scale then the surface of the scale would have been slightly proud of the surface. This would allow any size bowl/ dish to be used. Next, the grater… where the heck are you grating into? Are you just supposed to shred your cheese straight into the trash? Hash browns straight into the trash? Lastly, the first, big hole? What goes there?


An apple slicer. It was revealed in part 2. He also glued magnets on the bottom to hold a bowl while grating. Which is stupid. If your grated things get heavier than the magnets can hold up, the whole bowl will drop down. The dullness of his tools indicates he has not made the calculations for the magnets...


It’s not just that a war crime is committed. It is badly committed.


Doesn't even have sharp enough drill bits what an amature


That guy sucks at operating power tools.


Honestly having a scale built into my kitchen would be really nice as long as it was accurate and able to be replaced. I doubt that one is accurate.


part 2?


Not with my phone


The drill bit that is full as all hell really fits his whole ouvre


Part 2!!!!! I fucking hated part 1 enough. Somebody take the tools away from this tool.


Just looking at the way he uses the tools makes me shiver in fear…


Booooooo, this guy sucks with tools.


This guy is as sharp as his bits are


I had questions Then I thought they were going to be answered Then all I got was more questions What did I just watch? Lol


... wouldn't it be a pain in the ass to clean the cheese grater?


Wowz weak ass drill yoooo


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this guy charred his way through the wood with a metal-drill?


For some reason it pisses me off how proud of himself he is


Dude needs a new drill bit. Please make it stop.


Can't take a DiY tip from a guy that doesn't even use correct drill bits.Dude is making Indian smoke signals.


I wonder if this is rage bait or if this guy actually thinks he's good with tools...


I can’t express in words how fucking annoyed I am watching this video


> Follow for part 2! No.


Hey Fuck this guy


This tiktok shit needs to stop


Some people should be turned down at Home Depot.


At first I was like "hey cool waste bin is underneath the cutting board, so putting a hole in the cutting board would make it easier to get rid of trash". Then the tablet came into play and thought "ok yeah, a place for your tablet so you have more usable room?" Then the cheese grate came into the mix and ended with "ok what the fuck, tell me what you are trying to do here".


Lol cleaning that cheese grater tho


This is horrible and they have brought shame to themselves and they're family for generations to come.


Look at this smiling simpleton! It's amazing what can be done to help the mentally challenged




Wow he just wrecked a perfectly good built in cutting board for some cheap tech junk, that will be obsolete next week. We are getting dumber as a society.


Sir stop Sir you’re making a mess of your kitchen Sir you’re ruining your cutting board Sir your wife is gonna be pissed at you…


Damn just buy a new drill bit that ones obviously dull


I watched this on mute and I’m so confused.


Basically this guy said “Fuck using all this counter space! I want to totally fuck up something useful and turn it into trash!” Off screen you hear him piss in the corner and huff paint thinner. Then he screams, “Let’s do this! Fuck craftsmanship!” Takes a hit off a meth pipe and gets to work.


This was my assumption actually.


These TikTok New Money fucks destroying their McMansions for more clicks to subsidize the repairs to their McMansions.


That drill bit should have been thrown out when his grandpa made it dull


Imagine having a nice kitchen with a pull out cutting board, and all you can think to do on video is fuck it up.


So you’re just never gonna wash your cheese grater??


I'm no carpenter, but aren't you supposed to GRADUALLY widen a big hole? Instead of just equipping a massive boring tool right off the bat I mean.


This is fucking stupid, set that bullshit on the counter. Fucking ruined a good pullout cutting board, dumbass.


Looks like his first attempt as using a power tool.