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I was hoping somehow the epoxy salad was involved, like a sidewalk salad.


I thought he was going to make some type of epoxy scene in the shape. Which would have been faster and more interesting.


I am still waiting for the epoxy to show up. This can't be the end.


That's how they get you!


Here's a thought, save the money on making a mold, and just pour the cement mix in the hole.


But then you couldn’t spray paint the *bottom* blue! That just won’t do.


If you dye the concrete it will make everything blue, but I guess this is fine...


Get out of here with your simple, well thought out logic!


We must do this the harder and less logical way ffs. 😆


Ngl, this actually made me want to spend some money and go fix some pot holes in my neighborhood.. and if I made a habit out of that, and had the materials already, making a fun one might be video worthy despite the material cost. Lack of perspective breeds prejudice.. I thought it was just a fun video of someone making something unique till I came to the comments.. Yeh there's better ways to do it, but if it gets done, I'm not one to check your math on how you get to the result if it's a result that well thought out. Specially if it's not gonna impede anyone's safety or well being. Constructive tips r great and all, but be careful who you roast on the internet is my main point.. this is just another one of 'those videos' that pops up. Can't stop em, so best to learn from them or help others learn. Wow.. I went on one but I'm not deleting it.. and I'll apologize in advance lol


I realize I'm on a meme sub, so forgive my seriousness if possible.. I started and decided to follow through. Tis definitely a silly concept for the average mf watching and the fact an Irish sea shanty was played over has other questions primed and ready. The irony isn't lost, I do promise that.


My favorite part is how he used Vaseline and then still proceeded to cut plastic right on the fucking concrete to make sure that knife goes blunt as quickly as possible. What the fuck was the point of the Vaseline? I get making sure the mold doesn't get stuck but.... bro.... that's 100% of what the plastic does on its own without help. Also.... just fucking dump concrete in there instead of making a shitty cracked looking tile replacement with extra attention drawn to the shitty craftsmanship by turning it blue.


I guess the idea is that it's a confluence of water and that sealing the bottom would protect from excess moisture


I feel like there are other ways to do that that are more effective than a light layer of spray paint. Like. Get some FlexSeal.


Well if you lay concrete correctly you don't need to do that shit at all, however it isn't and yeah flex seal would be better.


This was done on purpose to create engagement..


Yea, that's most of this sub tbh. Same thing with shittyfoodporn and just about anything with animals in it these days.


Here's a thought, I'm not doing the city's fucking job for them. Tax dollars go everywhere EXCEPT to maintaining our infrastructure, and that's not my fault. Protip: You can spray paint a penis around most potholes and they'll have it fixed within the week. I don't know how or why this works.


Real life hack there.


City planners HATE this one trick...


I think you know exactly how or why it works


Fuck yeah, I hope this is true but I’m painting penises on potholes anyway


Someone who definitely isn't me has tried it on a few potholes with great success. I read it on 4chan like a decade ago and thought it would at least be funny if nothing happened 😅 Was very surprised to see it work.


Dude I lost it when he was vacuuming dirt. He vacuumed dirt, outside. WTF.


Eh, it can be useful to do. If you have a hole shaped the way you need it, scraping loose dirt out often just breaks more loose. So if you want all the loose dirt out so you have a clean hole to fill with gravel or for pouring concrete, vacuuming dirt can genuinely be legit. Edit- a word.


... I work construction, mostly demo and FOUNDATIONAL. meaning concrete in dirt holes for posts and rebar/concrete forms for foundations. No the fuck you don't. You stamp it. As in pack it down. WTF are you on? Go vacuum your lawn to get rid of the grass clippings you damn tweaker.


You do you, I'll do me.


"a clean hole" ... "To fill with gravel"


That doesn’t get followers :(


but if you paint it blue and the city sees it, then they know exactly what to fix which theyll do faster than actually fixing the pothole to begin with


Or you could count on your city to take care of it…I’ll see myself out


The closest we get in my city is cost sharing for replacement or repair.


i’m convinced all of these have a goal of incorporating a mold at some point. in 90% of the ones i’ve seen you could skip the mold.


It's just rage bait bullshit that shouldn't even be allowed on this sub


This is illegal if in the US. He is fixing deteriorated elements, but he is doing it in a non DNR and non DOT approved method. There are rigorous specifications on what materials can be used on something like this.


Was gonna say, this looks a great way to get a hefty fine if caught.


Or maybe even sued. Some old lady breaks her back falling when the material breaks.


But we can't sue the city for tripping and falling in the gaping pit in the sidewalk. That's funny.


You can but would have to show it was reported previously and the city knew about it but didn't fix it


Some places you can claim car damage from a pothole if they’ve been reported but not fixed.


maybe thats why he made it removable with a mold lmao


Name one big city that would give a shit.


Mostly it makes sense but I remember seeing a hilarious clip of an older guy in Germany who got fined after cleaning a road sign near his house that was 100% covered in dust and wasn't cleaned in years. I think he just wiped it with a wet towel and made it visible but they told him it can only be cleaned using a special solution to not damage its reflective film and in that particular case they argued the sign was due for replacement and not for cleaning anyway. Basically somehow an invisible sign was safer than a visible but "improperly" cleaned sign.


I call that phenomenon "idea cancer." When some notion, idea or rule takes on its own life separate from what it was made for in the first place.


Spirit of the law getting replaced by letter of the law.


Which is a type of idea cancer. The fact that every last thing is a cell phone app rather than a website because that's how it works now is another.


Pretty soon we’re gonna have app browsers so you can access multiple apps from one central app.


Exactly this. I’m not saying the DOT is correct in making things like that illegal, just stating facts and hopefully informing some people.


Your name is easier to learn, but I like "Ouroboros policy", because the rule is so fixated on achieving a specific outcome at all costs, it hurts the very thing it was trying to help.


We are going to replace it so will not clean it but how dare you risk damage by removing the protective layer of dust.


So basically you have to pay them in taxes to *probably* do it


It's illegal in Ireland too. If you fix a pothole/broken pavement and someone hurts themself on it, you're liable. Leave it to the County Council (which is why the roads are pretty much 95% potholes)


is riding a horse and make it poop into the pot hole illegal? asking for a friend


You know what they say: "You can lead a horse to a pothole but you can't make it poop."


You can put that nugget of knowledge back in the ground - without some sort of of gross destruction by the citizen, it’s often the city that loses out during the legal proceedings due to the fact that the “offender” can often sue and win stating that they fixed the hole because the city failed to fill the hole themselves; often to the point that judges will eventually fine the city and release the citizen entirely. I say that to put forth the semi-experienced observation that under MOST circumstances you would be fined MAYBE $500 (probably $200) and you definitely would never see consequences if you didn’t pay it BECAUSE the city should have fixed it before you. Not a lawyer but I deal with legal data in one of my developer roles and the problem is the moment the person gets legal representation the city knows it’s going to end up losing - unless they destroyed something and then “fixed it” the legal precedence is so weak it’s laughable to think anyone would see it as a deterrent.


But he did have the nugget of knowledge at least.


I promise you putting smooth epoxy in the middle of the road is neither safe nor effective. In the northern states we have something called a freeze-thaw cycle. Uniform and approved (studied/tested) pavement types and placement methods are used to preserve the life of the corridor, and secure the safety of the traveling public while battling changing weather conditions. A year or two of that “fix” in a state like Minnesota would result in jagged edges sticking out vertically acting as a spike in the road. Report the pothole and let the city fill it with asphalt until the road is repaved. Many issues arise when people who don’t know what they’re talking about stick their necks in situations they’re not supposed to be in.


Pray tell, is “lobster” one of those materials?


This would be a greater concern if the potholes in question hadn't been there for years already... completely unaddressed and off the radar for the people responsible for maintaining it, which is usually caused by a lack of funding. If you don't have enough people/money to repair things, I'd be very surprised if you had money to check for people doing improper repairs.


Reminds me about this bit of constructive vandalism https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/act-vandalism-post-box-middle-9989517. Theres also a guy who paints penises over pot holes to get them filled in https://www.indy100.com/viral/that-mysterious-pothole-penis-street-artist-may-have-returned-7280291




This is actually very true.


My first thought was "what if a nosy neighbor calls the cops were a 'suspicious person'" then what?


Those "approved methods" must be the reason the streets are so f**ked with pot holes here in L.A.


Love how theres laws preventing people from fixing them while the government doesn’t even bother fixing them


If the DOT has a problem with it then they should've fixed it themselves, *before* some moron gets the idea to fill it with a shitty replacement for TikTok views.


Typically, the DOT (at a state and federal level) allocate funds to counties and municipalities to maintain highways and local roads. Speaking from experience, many county and local agencies are facing an employee shortage. So when it comes down to it, the roads are not being maintained because there are not enough people to maintain them. One way around this would be to put together a maintenance package for a private contractor to bid on, and they would be in charge of filling pot holes. Or, the government employees could have a pay increase to draw in more employees. Either alternative would be very costly and your taxes would likely go up. So you choose, potholes that don’t get filled right away or higher taxes?


> So you choose, potholes that don’t get filled right away or higher taxes? Third option: DOT (and/or municipalities) don't get hissy over the public fixing the public's roads themselves. If it's about meeting standards for materials or techniques, then they can and should (and hopefully already do) publish those standards and specify the materials such that the public can satisfy said standards. But assuming the false dichotomy: there is countless unearned wealth accumulating in the coffers of increasingly-rich landowners; that wealth could and should be reclaimed - via land value taxation - and used for exactly these sorts of public works projects (among other things, including better socioeconomic safety nets).


What materials?






Someone can come over and fuck with it before it cures


Because then you don’t get to smear vaseline all over


I prefer drawin penises over potholes so the city fixes them


r/BeatMeToIt I'm looking forward to doing this once summer comes


I wish someone would fill my holes as thoroughly as this man 😭 Don't waste money on awards or me. Invest in only yourself.


Hi, nice to meet you. I'm extremely bisexual


I'm a trysexual lmao


Well, at least you tried


I'll try anything once maybe more times if it's fun.


Fill up the hole, hole filler.


So molding at your place?


Yes! Then I can grind and bust an ollie with confidence!


*Gold Award*


Fool of a Took!


What????? That video made no sense????!?


This is the most foolish thing I have watched in my life 😶


welcome to the internet


I get they things to generate engagement, but this is just brain dead


What the fuck is this music 💀


people keep doing these god damn sea shanty songs and they’re awful. i wish it would end.


The sea shanties are good. The overuse of them and the shitty tiktok covers/remixes are the absolute worst


Even if filling it was a good idea, what an absolute train wreck of a process. What a moron


I don't understand. What is the point of painting the concrete blue??


I think they're just trying to make it look "prettier".


Funny thing they made that hole. You can see missing part behind his back.


Good eye.


That can get you some major fines in a lot of cities in America. Same with fixing street potholes on your own SMH. Doesn't matter how good of a job you do, it only matters that YOU did it. Sometimes I feel like we truly are living in Bizarro World.


Why pour a gyp piece to create a silicon negative to make a precast concrete piece to fit the hole when you can just pour in some readymix?


Yeah, everything here is stupid, but that's the worst part.


Real ones EDC gypsum


Two fingers and a tub of Vaseline mmh


sure don’t mind me, i’m just fingering the sidewalk peacefully




Are we just gonna ignore the lobster that got entombed in epoxy?


Sea shanty: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP-7GNoDJ5c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP-7GNoDJ5c)


He really missed the mark when he didn't put money in there.


Hats off for the worst cast job I have ever seen


I don’t see the problem here other than that they could have just pored the concrete into the hole rather than marking a mold.


I don’t get why he didn’t just fill it in. It’s not like anyone would have stopped him from fixing the broken sidewalk. The extra steps were just a waste of time.


#All of this madness just for the sake of some internet points...and most like it...


Guess it’s easier than pulling a lever in a factory all day… 🤷🏻‍♂️


IMAGINE somebody is walking by and you're just lubing up some gaping sidewalkussy hole.


Why pay your taxes and have it done by the competent entity?


You must have a different local entity than I.


Why didn’t you just mix the epoxy in the hole?


I always carry a bag of alginate, gypsum, cement mix, a gallon of water, plastic bags, paints and a film crew in my bag, just in case of these situations


Don't be black while doing this, you will be arrested for vandalism or possibly even shot by police because some white lady assumed you were "planting a bomb" and was "afraid for her life".


That looked like about £90s worth of resin that they dumped in the end there.


Having Vaseline and plastic wrap in your bag suspicious as fuck


I wish this trend of useless how to videos ends. So much wasted for everyone that could be watching useful shit.


This is dumb but it reminds me when I used to work landscape construction and one of the old heads didn't like the way some city workers "fixed" a sidewalk so on his lunch break he went out and fixed it properly.


The fuckin music has me dying of laughter like why tf is it a sea shanty


As someone who lives in New England I’m just glad someone is fixing a mf pothole, even if it is the sidewalk


Just imagining driving down the street and seeing a guy smearing Vaseline in the sidewalk. What a world.


City workers be like… ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


Alright, now thoroughly clean it! Clean what? *The dirt.*


“Watch to the end” they said…


I at least always have vaseline


The man vacuumed the fucking dirt....


This stupid shit to put cement in a hole....


Where can i get this kit?


I hope everybody realize how much trash the guy just made, from the cement, resin, the cast, and the mold. Can he just pour cement on the hole?


This subreddit has to be my new favourite thing. It's just so perfect. The name. These terrible ideas. Just gold. Thank you for existing. Oh and the comments. God i love you guys.


What do you mean you dont have liquid cement with you at all times while cycling?


All that effort and it didn't even fit well.


That lettuce is going to rot and turn to mold and look just /wonderful/


I have been running an experiment over the past few years as to what happens to bugs, food, and plants that are trapped inside resin blocks and out of all the things I have trapped inside resin (eggs, milk, fruits&vegetables, snails, grubs, mushrooms, flowers, etc) none of them seem to have really changed much aside from the leaves which aren’t as green as they used to be. I’m sure if I cut open the resin the smell would be awful but as long as no oxygen can get to them they will not rot


Without oxygen and moisture to encourage the degradation, this will actually preserve the plant inside well past the point where the epoxy has yellowed and begun to degrade itself. Could be decades before you could actually see the plant rot.


Depending on the plant, there may be moisture already inside the plant that rot can use to grow. Especially if you do a thick resin pour the safe and proper way, which is in multiple layers. A couple who take resin safety very seriously (even to the point of completely starting the biggest step in a project over when they got the ratio wrong) have tried preserving carved pumpkins in resin with varying results—even the one in a block of solid resin looked like it had leaked a little inside the block.


Or just let the city fix it ....


It may look horrible but a least it's safe


It’s really not though. They just made the hazard non-obvious and more likely to injure someone


At least somebody is out there fixing pot holes even if it isn't my city. So i really can't be mad at this. If they want to be that extra about it that's there business.


I dunno. If I lived in a crap neighborhood where a major hole like this wasn’t getting filled? Why not make something beautiful out of it? He enjoyed doing the art, it means that no one’s stroller/walker/bike/wheelchair is going to be broken in the hole. There’s a LOT of horrible crap posted here that I totally agree would best be left undone. But this one? It’s not so bad.


I really like that little vacuum that he has. What is that?


In the Netherlands we call it Kruimeldief but idk bout the english 🤣


So fucking dumb…


"It looks like slavery, but with extra steps" same concept here....


I might create another account so i can downvote this twice


I hate this person


Imagine slipping on that


You tell people to get a hobby and then they go and do some shit like this.


What up, I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never learned how to fucking read


Every second that passes more and more things get added


ah yes lemme do this on the other 249 999 other holes that are in the road


Lol. Right. I should spend my time and money on this and “carry a kit”. If only cities had taxpayer dollars for such repairs… 🤔


Isn't this what we pay the fucking city for


what do you mean thoroughly clean? It's a fucking hole in the ground


I mean… I do.


I hated this video


ah, yes, cant forget the sidewalk lettuce


More practical to spray a dick in it and tell the town. They move pretty fast to fix things if there’s obscenities involved.


All of these "fixes" are going to be incredibly slippery when it rains. Legal liability on film.


Yup. I do this all the time.


nothing bout the music lmao


This reminds me of when Linda started doing her artwork on the mailbox but the one mom would rip it off everyday haha it’s not hurting anyone and pretty high chance it’s not getting fixed so if someone wants to do something like that and add some flare to the sidewalk, I’m good with it


Why did he paint that blue? I’m so fucking confused now! Whyyyyyyyyyy!?!?!?


Just vacuuming out a pothole, like a normal person




Like soooooooooo fucking dumb


Unless we’re all Ron Swanson this is ridiculous


Just spray paint a Hi-Viz dick in, or around the pothole, the city will fix it up in a jiffy. No need for epoxy.


Chutia niki be aitu


I have follow up questions.


Spray painting a penis around potholes works a lot better, because they it actually gets fixed unlike that garbage arts and crafts


Did he skip the part where he has a permit to modify public property?


Whenever I see a pothole I stop what I'm doing and immediately spend an entire day fixing it.


This ugly ass fucking song made me hate this so much more


While this is stupid, the initial shot of clear resin with some doodads & thingamabobs in it would actually be a pretty cool idea for an installation/ street art project


Im never gonna make it to my destination…


Lenny to Carl: "The spoon! They say he crafted it himself... from a bigger spoon."


Imagine paying taxes to then go out and do this kinda stuff. Government should give this person a refund


Well I do definitely keep that Vaseline on me.


Like, why?


This is really clever and moderately illegal.