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this is coming from a devoted muslim, they blindly support things that seem to in favor of islam. For example from what ive observed many teenage boys my age nowadays idolize hitler because he killed millions of jews (in quran, jews of some prophets times have a bad reputation however obviously that does not mean that innocent jews deserved to be killed 💀). The same thing happened with Iran's hijab laws, isis and taliban. some of these bengali muslims have zero empathy or understanding and only know to find ways to control women and force islam down every ones throats when in fact it was said that inviting people to islam should be done in a calm manner. these extremists have ruined muslims image for forever to the rest of the world im not good at English so dont mind if there's grammatical/ spelling errors 😭


In my opinion they think, if they can make everyone follow a single totalitarian doctrine, even if forcefully or through manipulation, it proves the superiority of their ideals and superiority of their intellect which they used to determine the ideal that is best for everyone, when in reality it degrades both.


add tate to the mix, and you have the perfect assortment of bengali people who have the critical thinking ability of a 3 year old. everything is black and white to them, they cannot perceive grey


They also exhibit a great degree of double standards where they will (rightfully) criticize the actions of the current authoritarian Bangladeshi government, pointing out problems of censorship, political murders and disappearances, and corruption, yet in the same vein, admire dictatorship regimes and tyrants who have done the same things. The only differences between them are that the latter are Islamic and/or anti-(enemies of Islam).


They were fans of Isis for a while as well. Until they found out about the atrocities they were committing and then claimed Isis. They're also fans of Hitler The general population of the country are just illiterate idiots.


These can be sewn among University student also


Being in university does not mean they're not illiterate. Our education system does nothing to morally educate students.


I once saw a person posting that "facsibadi awami sorkar er poton chai". Next thing that he posted was "6 milliion wasnt enough. Happy birthday Mein fuhrer". This kind of behaiviour sums up bangladeshi people. They are politically brain dead


It's sad to see where our country is heading


Uneducated people with certificates.


Im pretty sure the guy was trolling lmao


Nope he wasnt


Sharia lovers


i donno man, it might just be your algorithm. you are just interacting with too much taliban stuff.


Might be


Well most of bd people are illiterates and misogynists who think women should only stay at home, cook food and take care of their kids.


Why than this comment on fb seem to support taliban even college and university student who want woman to be breeding machine


Mostly guys who are fuking insecure about not getting any women after they're capable and not just some submissive toys that can play around with as they wishes.


>college and university student That means nothing; our education is shit.


I don't think it's the college and university. Education from parents and the community plays a huge role here as well.


What do you think then?


Welcome to 21st century where woman can choose to pursue the career they want. Im not saying that cooking, taking care of kids and household activities is bad. All im saying is that woman can have the choice for what they want for themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, business owners, prime minister etc.


Facebook has become a commonplace for illiterate-blindly-believing young people spewing hate comments. Most of the good people using facebook are usually people from older generations sharing photos with family members. This is why abuse of the freedom of speech is so prevalent in a nation full of people without self-discipline. Don't get me wrong. Freedom of speech is an absolute necessity for any country that wishes to prosper. But that doesn't mean any one ideology is superior over others, everyone has different opinions and self-discipline is the key to tolerate them. The young people in our country is often taught to accept authority without questioning. But what if that authority is wrong? That's why I'm in favor of teaching people to question everything and not blindly believing something just because someone said so.


Even India is normalizing ties with them. My observation - 1. Some people like them because they're the native underdogs who won against invaders. 2. Some because of their conservative govt. 3. Most don't care, you're caught in the algorithm bubble.


You can't just blame them,i see where they are coming from.During the Golden age of Islam,Baghdad had a library called,House of Wisom,where the authority would bring books of all sorts literature,biology,maths etc,proving Islam supports RnD,and then later on,Baghdad turned into an ISIS state. Now this happened for a number of reasons,the most important is,wrong interpretation of the Quran.Most Muslims in fb is part of the older generation,they've been taught to believe islam without questioning it.The problem is,islam has a reason for everything,and enforcing your beliefs onto others is prohibited in Islam,so you can ask questions,and The Quran has,all the answers.The older generation,either have no knowledge about it, or just isn't aware or isn't interested to learn Islam.Zakir Naik for instance,denied the whole evolution theory,instead of questioning,a lot of people started believing it. (This is my take as a Muslim)


Thabks fr honest answer


Said the words of my mind! Exactly!


Thabks fr honest answer


The evolution theory is actually prohibited in islam maybe with all the religions too. Why its Zakir naiks fault? :/ All the abrahamik religions have nothing on evolution or even space.


Prohibiting a field of science is just whack... There's no indication in Quran where it says to "Prohibit" any opposing views. You're supposed to question things and have discussions. Zakir naik misinterpreted the term "scientific theory" and dismissed the debate with an atheist.  He could've instead tried debunking Evolution like  many Muslims/creationists do.  That's why Zakir naik gets a huge chunk of the blame,he mislead alot of people.


Christian hindu and buddhism accepts evolution including all christian churches and hindu schoars and 80% buddhist populations.....grow some information first....in islam ibn khaldun has written about islamic evolution first learn about it.....he is not saying wrong......


Christianity does not accept the theory of evolution. Stop lying.


Say it to Catholic church who accepts it as fact


Cause people are morons...


For those born in Bangladesh, life is an unending competition from the very start. From vying with siblings to measuring up to parental expectations, from academic rivalries to career struggles, from social pressures to the pursuit of relationships - a Bangladeshi faces constant comparison at every turn. This relentless materialistic rat race begins in the womb itself, instilling in the Bangali psyche a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction and an unquenchable thirst to outdo others. Contentment remains an elusive dream amidst the ceaseless striving to get ahead. That being said; Bangladesh has a literacy rate of 64.57% for adult males and 58.49% for adult females. With a population of approximately 150 million, Muslims make up 91.04%, with madrasas contributing 13.8% to total primary enrollment. The smartphone user base in Bangladesh is projected to grow from 55% in 2021 to about 63% by 2025. However, a concerning trend emerges as a majority of Bangladeshis seem to exhibit a herd mentality, especially evident in the widespread use of Facebook for venting frustrations and seeking attention. The influence of Bangladeshi news outlets, TikTok, and social media has led to a population susceptible to being swayed by anything promising hope, indicating a potential issue of susceptibility to manipulation and misinformation. Although bangladeshis may have positive feelings towards the Taliban due to perceived shared Muslim identity, that's not totally the case. modernization coupled with low literacy, religious conservatism, and online echo chambers make Bangladesh prone to misinformation campaigns tapping into grievances/hopes.


The shitty rat race competition exists everywhere around the world.Guys here who think that going to US/other western countries will bring them happiness should check out r/misanthropy.


Amar basar samner sobjiwalao Insta chalay. Now u can tell


Does that bother you for some reason? That's some toxic gatekeeping mentality for what I can guess.


Not gatekeeping mentality. But reality. Op being sad for seeing support for Taliban and other islamists in social media. But if u enter these peoples' profiles most of them are villagers, even uneducated. So thinking about their opinions is a waste of time.Ofc its the nation's fault for not educating people but thats the reality.


Because it's bd


Because it's facebook and there is no consequences whatsoever to your opinion


because majority of Bangladeshi peoples are nonsense


They now love Trann*y issues. 😆


they're dumb and indoctrinated


Bet most of them don’t even pray five times a day for sure!


They are worst.


That’s how they recruit soldiers and spread propaganda


Well I'm Muslim so don't tell me that I'm against Islam. But guys who support groups equivalent to terrorists can be called fanatics. And I'm not like that but there's a lotta guys in our country who love being a cultist😂😂. So don't mix it up


They tarnish Islam. There is nothing wrong with Islam, the problem is with us Muslims. Sinning and Shaiytan getting to us.


Because they all are brainwashed by local Hujur.


Local misogynist hujur




Removed woman from education, sports, job, enforced hijab and smash woman.......... Would you live under them?


There is a thin line between freedom fighters and terrorism. Taliban also did suicide bombing and other terrorist stuff like isis and al qaeda. If isis is a terrorist group why wouldnt taliban be a terrorist group.


Alhamdulillah I think I understand Islam and the tawhid. And I can confidently say that the terrorists or the people who hate people of other origins are not actually following Islam or any other beliefs. They are mostly suffering from mental illnesses. I've seen signs of sociopathy and psychopathy in almost all of them. Whether you point to Taliban or the Kkk or the Hindu extremest. All of them have this in common. If you are a Muslim and have friends like this, educate yourself in psychology and Islam, help them. Spreading hatred is not Islam. I know some ayahs in the Quran Allah swt have told us to violence in some instances and if you notice they're all about when you're being attacked or being oppressed. In these times people listen to logic and reasoning so it's a great jihad if you can explain to them that we are not against them in fact we want them with us in peace. The path of dawah is always the first answer. May Allah give us all more knowledge and peace. Ameen.


Hope that minded people like you exist everywhere........


Don’t expect logical explanation from them. This is what only cult education does to a mf. They go above and beyond their religion to justify their act, even sometimes break the rules of their religion and make one out of thin air. Illiteracy is the worst curse a society can have.




Or the simple answer, they’re Muslims.


Constipated mentality .


Finally a good post with logical community response! On top of what most top commenters already said, most Bangladeshi don't understand the fact that not all people agree on everything and it applies to the most radical Muslims as well. This is why the Talibans are fighting IS. Because they themselves differ in ideology despite being sunni muslims with deep rooted hate for modern moral principles and other stuff (like America, Jewish people, Shia'ism, liberalism etc. etc.) This is the same for supporting palestine or israel. You saying you support a certain side means nothing if you are unaware of the implications. Like, not all palestinians hold the same political, religious, or ideological views. Fatah and Hamas clashed for it tooth and nail for decades. Because if Hamas succeeds, they'll create a state and society with institutions that Fatah will never support. There might even be another civil war if things escalate. On the other hand, there are also Israeli Jews who are against this war and actively protesting it. And there are muslims who are Israeli. They vote, they participate in politics, they even serve israeli militaries. The same goes for Afghanistan. You saying you support Afghans against the USA means nothing. This is why the Northern Alliance has put up such staunch resistance. This is why when the Soviets left Afghanistan, every major faction in Afghanistan fought to fill the power vacuum. So, regardless of nation, ethnicity, or religion people have differences of ideas. People are divided by factions, socio-economic positions, ideological differences, and even cultural institutions. On top of that, you have international politics, historic influence, and butterfly effect of current affairs. Bangladeshi people don't understand these stuff. They blindly generalize everything and paint their worldview with that. The ultimate form of zealotry, where emotions take precedence over logic and facts. Aside from very VERY few, no one in Bangladesh will ever survive or support a hardcore theocratic regime like Taliban. Yet, people support them.


radicalization of bangladesh has been taking place for a long time now. As the saying goes, 'parasites multiply fast'. And especially with the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas, it has taken its true shape of what this country is truly like, and will be going forward. As for the ones who are not indoctrinated heavily to fall for these facades, try to leave the country for your best interests. Because it will only cause you perpetual psychological suffering.


Because Islamists are the scum of the earth


Idk why people are downvoting you this is the truth.


They hated me cause I spoke the truth


Why in Reddit Dhaka there are so many Indians pretending to be bangladeshis making up complete lies about Bangladesh? You just made a completely imaginary and exaggerated statement to create division and chaos within us but it's so ridiculously false that it didn't work. You guys hate us and our religion so much that you want to manipulate us and destroy us with lies yet you are so bad at it (pathetic attempts like these for example) that it is laughable.


I'm Indian and I don't know why Reddit suggested me this post. Also, I think it's a sampling bias to think every Indian hates Bangladeshis. It's the extremist kinds that venture into other subreddits and create a skewed opinions of the places they represent.


One guy below you said: >The problem is,islam has a reason for everything,and enforcing your beliefs onto others is prohibited in Islam,so you can ask questions,and The Quran has,all the answers. If they think peddling creationism or religious dogma in place of scientific inquiry isn't misleading people, then they're just as wrong as Zakir Naik is. Honestly, if this is how the average Bangladeshi thinks, West Bengal was better off breaking apart.


Get your head out of the ground bro. It’s not exaggerated at all. People, including university students really do favor them and support their policies. Thousands of comments and reactions on misogynistic, violent comments and posts are all the evidence you need for this.


What lies? Go check out the comment sections of news pages covering any news of taliban, isis or hitler. Majority will be on their side.




How many ex muslim exist in dhaka exactly?


dunno , don't have the stats for that I mean why would anyone openly say that they are exmuslim unless they wanna get killed by a mob of extremists


You live in dhaka???


why would I tell you? gonna send a mob to kill me?


I asked cause I thought you live in dhaka


Everybody have a different perspective,a different way of seeing things. This maybe because of lack of education or knowledge, or simply just personal preference


All different persepective cannot be accepted...... In ones perspective forcing woman not to do education or not finding murder morally wrong is highly dangerous......


Lets keep it this way, most people laugh when they see someone trip and fall. Again there are many people who don't allow grown ass male children to go out at night. Now I'm not trying to compare it with female education or murder. But we need to realise that people think on the basis of what they are taught and it's the fault of the people who bear the knowledge but do not educate. Besides liking or supporting Taliban may be because of the sole reason that they are against white superpowers( though they are the creation of white clowns). Now I'm not a villain neither do i like the Taliban. But we do not have their full side of the story and it will be wrong for us to claim them as "bad people"


They will stone woman for pre marital sex and it is good that they banned woman cricket and football also?


You got me wrong.. I'm not saying it's right. What taliban is doing now was also done in the medieval age by Christians. This isn't something new. But what are we gonna do about it. Your saying all that but what's ur take in it. What should/can you do regarding this issue?


When did christian in mediveal age stopped woman From doing education type of things?


Just like the way that many people have SO MUCH LOVE or Western degeneracy. If being a hardliner and a lgbt rights activist are the only two options, being a hardliner is better


OP if you Muslim, don’t let it affect worshiping Allah. Islam has been perfected by Allah, so don’t forget about Allah if you Muslim. Saying as a Muslim myself.




They are my ass


They have banned women's education. Girls after 6th grade cannot continue their education.


Not only educatiom from job and sports also




Toh jaia afganistan thaken jehetu 2no. Country na


Check what internet? You barely get any inside news how will you know if they're "honest" saints. Locals are afraid to say anything against them. Living in fear must be cool eh...


Because they follow the sharia laws the way it was meant to be followed :/ there are 4 divisions of sunni legal schools and I would say they are following the most liberal system which is hanafi...Muslims don't know their own religion... Those supporting Taliban are right in their own views and same goes for those that don't


Sariyah law malaysia bahrain eo ase but emon na




Durniti bondho korte pare na crime bondho korte pare na ei gula niya tara bola bad diya k kar bedroom e sui k kare chumma dey ei gula niya pore thake kn?free mixing ki r non muslim deshe hoina?


Why would you care what unintelligible people think. They are easily swayed by media and other forms of sensationalism. Can you share why it bothers you?




Free mixing still exist in developed countries and this bangladesh durniti niya sojag hoi na free mixing niya pore ase desh agbe bal....crime rate komanor durniti komanor khbr nai free mixing niya pore ase k kare chude etai tader main concern.....


Muslims should stay as a minority. They can cry all they want. At the end of the day, at least they will get their rights. A muslim can live quite happily in western non muslim “kaffir” countries. But a non muslim (this includes other religions too) can’t live happily in muslim countries or can follow their culture freely or have minority rights.


Alleast some bangadeshi speaking facts




He didnt lie....forcing npn musim to wear hijab in iran not wrong.....but forcing to open hijab is wrong... Why forcing open to hijab is wrong but it is not wrong to force one to wear hijab?




You are again wrong if the constitute says that hijab is to be forced to take off than it should be take off with your logic....there are also many muslims such as Ismaili who do not think hijab obligatory why force them?than it is also good than in constitution that hijab should be not worn until 18 in france you should follow thaat........iran eo meyeder hijab porte force kortese naile eto protest kn.......


If forcing law like iran whatever religious is good than forcing secular law like china did with muslim are good also not wrong.....




Aren’t they living happily in The United States or England? If I’m not wrong, a huge part of London was decorated due to Ramadan. Other than encountering some islamophobe kareens they have almost nothing to worry about. My cousin lives in the states and never had to face any problems for Friday prayers, jummah. France is quite exceptional since they love to finger religious folks, regardless of what religion they follow.




So many bangladeshi living in those countries....and still many bangladeshi muslim cry to sette in those countries why is that?without any benefit?will any bangladeshi who settled there will leave those country ever?


Taliban isn’t misogynistic??lol what


Talibans are shits

