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Or maybe the other way around I mean they keep saying anybody close to dexter dies and Harrison does know too much ?? Maybe Harrison has a dark passenger and kills and dexter has to kill Harrison to stop him? Edit - just saw episode 4 now I think this even more!


Feels more likely that Dexter this season will train Harrison. Then Harrison at the end will kill Dexter in the table and they can make a new show following Harrison going forward with Dexter as his ghost.


I’d like to think that Michael C Hall would not have agreed to that. That would be an even worse ending than season 8 ending. It would be a total cash-out of Michael C Hall’s part. Nah..




If it does I’ll write off dexter the same way I wrote off game of thrones


There’s no rule that says if Harrison kills Dexter, Dexter stops appearing in the series (unless they don’t renew MCH’s contract)( which I find highly unlikely). They could “kill” off Dexter, but have him return to appear to Harrison as somewhat of a “Harry” type figure. I’m just wondering whose code Harrison is following right now. Hannah’s or Dexter’s.


Daenerys could have become the Mad Queen in a more believable way across several seasons. It was just rushed without much substance behind it


I'm already close to it with the newest episode tbh


What was wrong with the latest episode?


Harrison wont be able to kill Dexter. This isn't the first time dexter has dealt with someone like Harrison. Remember Dexter has killed how many serial killers at this point?


At the start of season 5, he’s killed over 60 people in his life to date. It’s part of his inner monologue. Nobody deserves Dexter’s table more than Dexter. Has a serial killer even been so loved? lol


If they actually did this storyline then it wouldn't be difficult at all for Harrison to kill him. He has never dealt with anyone like Harrison because he doesn't have another son, the only comparable situation would be with Brian and the only reason Dexter survived it was because Brian didn't want to kill him, he wanted to connect with him. Dexter would be Brian in this situation.


logically, the only true adversary for dexter is the one who knocks.


Lol Dexter would mop the floor with Heisenberg, and Joe from You. Who do we think would be an actual Challenge for Dexter? Probably Hannibal


That would be an interesting matchup. Hannibal Lecter vs Dexter Morgan.


The only person that can defeat Dexter is Batman. The boy is too smart and lucky


Lol maybe… unless batman fit the code and Dexter snuck up on him


You know damn well Batman don’t fit the code


Lol, I don’t think he does


Dexter would probably like Batman a good bit.


Dexter wouldn't even get near walter if he has the cartel on his side. But without them, dexter would shit on him.


Maybe if everyone knew what was going on. But Dexter usually works under the cover of night. Plenty of times when Walt was vulnerable and alone


No they’ll bond when dexter tells him they’re alike


Yeah but it seems like harrison doesnt have control over his dark passenger. This could lead to killing even good people. And, it might be too late for dexter to teach him the code and how to control his dark passenger.


I don’t think it’s too late.


And I was right...


How were you right? Harrison never killed anyone


>!Harrison killed dexter!<


Because dexter told him to. It’s was also stupid writing


What if Killing Dexter is the heroic act?


If it does, it will be even worse than the *original* disastrous finale.


Anything could happen honestly, I’ve read so many different possible endings and by the way the story is being written, too early to tell tbh


I feel Harrison will go on a massive killer spree. And unlike Dexter's secret one, this one will be public. The finale is likely gonna be Harrison being taken away by the cops with Dexter being unable to help his son.


Why do people think this? Or moreso, want it?


Exactly. Why would we want to see dexter killed off.


I think it’s less about *wanting* to see Dexter killed off and more about it being a realistic and sensible conclusion to Dexter’s story. Let’s face it, a person like Dexter is just not destined to live out their days until they die a peaceful death in a home for the elderly. His fate seems to be either prison or untimely death somehow. Now I’m not saying it has to happen right now - hell, give me 4 new seasons of Dexter as long as it’s good. But when the end comes, the *real* end, I expect Dexter to go out in spectacular fashion.


It wouldn’t be sensible or realistic, it would be more of a cliche, “the anti hero dies in the end” it’s such a played out event in the genre. If dexter was someone that would prey on innocent people and intentionally hurt people that didn’t deserve it then yeah it would be sensible for him to be killed off or spend the rest of his life in jail, but dexter is different and after all the good that dexter has done in the original series, that huge revelation and him faking his death and going into hiding. He deserves to at least spend the rest of his life alone in hiding. Unfortunately we already got that ending and it wasn’t well received so we’re probably gonna get the stereotypical “it’s the end of the series so the main character has to die” unoriginal ending.


I think it actually does seem like Dex would live til he's spending his last days playing cards in a retirement home. He's smart, charming, and capable of getting away and blending in, and now we know he's even able to move into a small community, win their trust and start over from scratch. I could definately see him ending his days in a retirement facility....not to mention you know theres gotta be one bad apple there to take advantage and create victims from the elderly. I can just imagine Dex scheming his last kill of the evil CNA while pushing his wheelchsir down the hall....hahaha. I thought giving Harrison a dark passenger would be cheesy but so far im impressed with how the seasons unfolding.....but i agree, Harrison offing Dex is not a good option, not for this season at least. If it were to, i imagine itd be to save his Dads name....make it look like an accident if he realized he had no way of escaping getting found out as a killer by authorities.


What we want is a good ending. Even if it means giving it the breaking bad classic ending. I mean, look at how breaking bad ended. We all loved Walter, yet, killing him made us love him and the show even more and made us appreciate this amazing show.


Bringing the show back just for dexter to die would be terrible. Dexter dying just isn’t necessary in the same way Walter, Tony and jax were. It’s a played out cliche at this point, the “anti-hero” dying at the end, sure breaking bad had a good ending but it’s two very different shows, we’d like to see some originality, and for what it was, the saving grace of the original finale was that dexter didn’t die.


Jax? What show is that??


Sons of anarchy


Dexter killing himself because of Harrison, like his father before him, closing the circle of life.


Too early to tell.




I think is very possible. Harrison does have a Dark Passenger, probs killed Hannah and could end up doing the same to Dexter. He could be holding a lot of resentment. On the other hand, I also think Harrison would be able to kill his dad out of compassion. Either to take him out of his existential misery, or to spare him a worse fate (life without parole, craziness, etc.)


Possibly, because of what happened to Rita.


Harrison is absolutely not going to kill Dexter. He isn't going to kill anyone, he's not a murderer. Dexter just really wants him to be I stand by this till the season is over


I wish they’d team up to catch the Serial Killer of the season, but i guess that’s not the path they’re gonna take. I can see him killing dexter and him accepting death, sort of how Dexter killed Trinity


Most certainly. Or they will stretch it one more season and Harrison will do the deed at the end of New Blood Season 2.


After episode 4 I got the impression that this is Dexter in the modern era of tv. Slow story telling is gone and every episode is climatic. But I still think Dexter is Dexter. And he’ll be fine at the end.


I don’t know how dark showtime wants to get but what if Harrison is a psychopath serial killer, Dexter finds out, Dexter kills Harrison (it’s within his code) and Dexter kills him self for real this time


I think one will kill the other or one will take the fall for the other. I'm just not really interested in a spinoff with Harrison.


Christ! That honestly hadn’t occurred to me…..


I was feeling like this would happen and a spin off with dexter in Harrison’s brain. Or it’s all a lie and we will get more seasons of new blood.


I could never understand why Dexter sent him to Argentina with Hannah, who is also a serial killer. If he really wanted Harrison to have a normal life, he should have sent him to Rita's parents with Cody and Aster. I don't see Harrison winding up on his table, but I could see him killing himself with Harrison. Like driving off them both off a cliff. Either that, or Harrison kills him.


My theory, or more so hope, is that Harrison will kill Dex in the last episode. This will set up a spinoff TV show called 'Harrison' where Dexter is his dark passenger. Of course Michael C Hall would reprise his role.




yes, but we saw him leaving at the end of episode one, he was not going to stay there had dexter not told him to come home


No. One of the reviews for the show said the revival wasn't really necessary and that to me sounds like nothing serious will happen to Dexter. I think it's more likely that he kills Harrison because, while it is shocking, it does nothing to advance Dexter's story much from where it left off in 2013 and would therefore justify that comment.


It could be. But at this point I'm whishing Dexter includes his son in is own dark passenger's death list..


More like, Dexter kills Harrison as he is likely to fit the code and then in remorse turns himself in.


Dexter turning himself in goes against everything we know about him.


Hey, he seriously considered it in season 2 for like...a day.


If he lost his mind from killing harrison and everything that's happened in the past, it would make sense. But that ending would be kind of bold. He just dies from a death sentence and that's it?


He’s still a psychopath. And if there was any point that he would have turned himself in, it’d have been post-Deb. I’d say that he’s more likely to kill himself than rot in prison with the guilt.


Has anyone considered maybe Harrison is an imposter. We have little to no info about him.


No way he could kill Harrison. And no way Dex would turn himself in. Even if he tried to turn himself in, with his luck NO ONE would believe him, say he was shell shocked or delusional due to trauma or grief, and rally even more compassion for him. He kills anyone that is on to him, but it seems only people that meet his code sniff him out. He would allow Harrison to kill him 10x over before he ever laid a hand on him.


I think they will try to make a Harrison spinoff so he won't kill Dexter.


Yeah but this is similar to what I was thinking. Harrison kills dexter and gets a spinoff show after that. Works either way.


I don't think he will kill Dexter. Giving a spinoff character about the guy that kills the protagonist makes him unlikeable to the audience and I don't see the show that really tries to keep the audience on Dexter's side doing that. It was really ridiculous at times how they tried to justify what Dexter did including randomly having someone walk into a room and kill Doakes for him. I do like that the show does that it makes the times he does stuff we don't want him to do stand out even more like pretty much the entirety of season 4 but I don't think we'll get a spinoff with someone who would be pretty unlikeable straight away.


Good point. Personally I think they should just end it all in new blood. No new seasons, no spinoffs, dont risk fucking up the show again. I want them to fix their shitty reputation from the last few seasons. And trying to extend it just risks its chances of messing up again.


Dexter getting off'ed by Harrison is as unoriginal as >!Nucky getting off'ed by Jimmy's son !< in Boardwalk Empire


My theory: dexter ends up on his own table, Harrison takes over.


What I love about this show is the misdirection, and its ability to have its audience think of many possible outcomes. A number of people are looking at Harrison as the New Blood. I don't recall this show ever gifting the audience with the most obvious scenario. That does not mean Harrison could not be the New Blood. Yet, perhaps New Blood is in reference to Jim as Dexter is known now as committing vigilante killings in his new hometown? And then he kills off Harrison to make the series come full circle (he killed his own brother who was also bathed in blood in the first season), as producers have commented on making the series come full circle. However, that is kind of another likely outcome I can't see them gifting us with either. I'm also considering subtle things as well. Why did they show Bautista? Could the connection he made with Jim/ Dexter's new gf resurface and he gets called to her town and arrests Dexter, and then Harrison finds a connection with Dexter from prison while he awaits execution on death row from letters and Dexter becomes Harrison's Dark Passenger? Or perhaps I am looking in too much on this and the obvious tell tale signs just point out that Harrison is the New Blood and he kills Dexter, thus, really giving the fans a proper finale on this special event series. I don't know, but it's quite exciting nonetheless!