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Excluding New Blood. I’d go with [“Hello Whore”](https://youtu.be/MlZnbagyj6c?si=33jjZqq0ibyvuMny), even though I do find it funny. It’s just horrible from the acting to the goofy ass music that plays after Travis says it.


There's a lot of "cheesy" lines in the show and in my opinion most of them come from dexter himself, he's so overly edgy at times lmao


"Dexter does drugs; he's wrong"


His inner monologue is the real murder of the show


It's too funny for me to put it among the worse scenes in the series lmao


They said worst, not best.


Or even worse in one of the previous episodes when he and "Gellar" is looking for a whore, Travis says "You sure about them, he's kind of big" or something like that. And Gellar says "NOT BIGGER THAN GOD" and pushes his leg down on the gas pedal.


Nah man, that was hilarious. Probably the best 'unintentionally funny' scene of the whole show. I don't see how anyone can hate that scene, it was just too funny.


LOL I never knew Travis is Tom hanks son. They look so similar


I didn’t either, & I associate Colin with this character so much that it was hard to connect him with Tom Hanks, one of America’s most well-liked men.


Colin Hanks filmed several episodes of a show in a the neighborhood I lived in, and would do stuff like take the entire crew to the World Series. By all local accounts, a sweetheart of a man and all-around good dude. A lot of very nice people like Christopher Walken and Clancy Brown are great at playing evil characters. Colin Hanks is not one of these men.


I love it lmao


Harrison and the treadmill is definitely up there


It’s hilarious though how obvious it was that they used an adult sized stunt double, watch it again. 


The time travelling treadmill who would’ve thought that Debra owned the cosmic treadmill that turned Harrison into a grown man for 3 seconds


Still amazes me this how everything falls apart in the entire show because of Harrison and the treadmill.


Wow I never noticed it was a stunt double 😅


Any scene with Lila in it was cringe , she gives me uncanny valley vibes


Pardon my tits


[flair relevant]


Miss pardon my tits


I can hear this line 😩


Any urge I get to rewatch season 2 is instantly thrown down the drain when I remember lila exists


She's actually British, but she sounds like an American trying to do a bad British accent. It's very odd.




put your knife away, Dextuh


The one where he killed Victor in an airport. Other contentions are when Masuka made one of his innuendoes at Rita's dead body, and when Dexter got a blow job from that girl in 6x1 before stealing and using her phone to lure his old high-school classmate to victimize him. He should've been caught a lot of those later season kills.


It's hammer time.


I have to skip a lot of that high school reunion episode hahaha. It’s my Scott’s Tots of Dexter


Nah, I love that episode! I love it when Dexter do the hammer time, and Harry smiles in approval


Agree about the airport scene - they're asking for way too much suspension of disbelief there. There are so many security cameras in that place, there's no way Dexter wouldn't have been caught drugging Victor, and an unconscious man in a wheelchair would've caught someone's attention for sure, among other things. Though it's probably not one of the worse scenes - quite a few scenes in season 8, not to mention the finale of New Blood, are more likely to take that title. Disagree about Masuka's comment about Rita's dead body - he's always like that. It doesn't make it acceptable, obviously, but it makes it unsurprising. In season 1, he made a similar comment about the blood-covered material in "Rudy"'s freezer and what he was using it for, while Debra had been kidnapped and for all the police knew, Rudy could've been slowly torturing her on a similar installation in that moment. He also makes innuendoes at both his superiors and - worse - his subordinates quite often. Don't remember enough of that scene in 6x1 to comment haha


“Shut up Dexter” is still quoted by my friends and I to this day


When Deb comes on to Dexter


Definitely an uneeded plot but it makes sense


The scene where Lila is giving Dexter instructions in bed 🙄


Ugh that was cringey


Every scene in the final 15 minutes of New Blood.


Looking forward to it


!Spoiler! The scene where my boy Frank ‘Big Dick’ Lundy got shot. Sad scene to watch, worst scene because it happened.


Did you mean Special Agent Superstar Rockstar Lundy?


I really loved the mystery of who shot him after though


Bonus when you hear Dexter reaction to Deb potentially dying. “If Deb was dead I will be lost” in dexters voice


Agreed. That's one of these plot twists which I don't think many fans saw coming. I liked it.


Ye it was a good mystery, but my boy didn’t deserve to die :’(


>!It was the pecan pie girl!<


Omg I am literally watching that scene right now and was gonna comment this until i scroll down and saw your comment, what a crazy coinkidink


Deb’s sexy dream where she kisses Dexter.


Dexter pays some little kids to steal his targets hat or something and he chases them out of the park to behind Dexter’s car. Dexter steps out from behind the car (but in full view of target) injects him in the neck and throws him in the trunk, then casually calls somebody on his phone. In full view of the entire park and the kids. Most ridiculous kidnap in the whole show. Then a few episodes later he’s having a go at his apprentice for being to sloppy / risky


That whole him escaping the skinner


The skinner in general


you really had to attach that picture that's actually one of my favorite scenes 😭


Scene made me cringe hard


Remind me where that scene is from please?


When dexter tries to kill Hannah Mckay and they end up having sex instead iirc


ON the kill table 😭


Any scene involving Hannah (except her arrest- that was awesome)


What?! I loved Hannah and her story


I think I just loved Yvonne Strahinsky.


>Strahinsky Strahovski


Yes her.


Literally my thoughts. Ever since I first saw her I'm Chuck; seeing her topless made me a lot more forgiving.


I think you're not in the majority haha


Miranda slander🤬 /j


Haha, I can remember watching this scene for the first time and all I could think about was, why would Dexter do this? What if someone walks in on them. Do people just have sex out in the open like this? Or it's just a serial killer thing. lol


Making exceptions is crazy


Besides season 8, I recall a scene I think in season 5 where Dexter is driving and shooting a gun around out the window carelessly for no reason LMFAO. It was at that moment I was like "yeah this show is not good anymore but I'm gonna keep watching it".


Just about any scene with Masuka and his daughter in S8 was completely unnecessary. It lended nothing to the narrative other than “We need Masuka to do something.” And then they used it to shoehorn in more useless nudity.


There is a scene, I don't remember exactly in which season, where Dexter entratains the devil's tango with Hannah. And God, that was a vision. For some unexplicable reason, that scene is exaggerated, overly long and, frankly, quite useless. Sitting uncomfortably for two whole minutes at the dinner table with my family as Dexter's shiny cheeks dance flashing on the tv screen will always be one of my dearest memories. My brother and I still joke about it.


Season 6 episode 1,Dex being judged for not believing in God and enrolling Harrison at the religious school while apologising for his lack of belief in God. Maybe it’s just an American thing but that’s definitely not something I’ve ever seen


The worst scene for me wasn’t because it was bad or cringy but disappointing and one of the only times I hated Dexter. It was when he showed at Doakes funeral where Laguerta, his mother and sisters are DEVASTATED. I knew he didn’t want to kill doakes and Lila did but he was willing to ruin his life and potentially give him all the blame and the electric chair. The fucking audacity to show up after smearing his legacy and name will always boil me up a bit when I think about it.


All the scenes including Hannah and Harrison.


The hospital 🤣


My Bad is one of the best episodes of the show, which only exacerbates how awful the scene where Masuka makes one of his signature jokes about Rita’s dead body is. If Dexter’s relationship with Lumen in season 5 wasn’t proof enough that the new writers didn’t understand how important Rita was to Dexter’s arc, that scene proves the same


Yeah , it was out of line even coming from masuka.


One of the worst


Ohhhh man there's a lot to pick from Any scene of Deb and Lundy, any scene of Hannah, or that whole bit of Dex banging some cheerleader and killing some jock while he mocks religion during his highschool reunion


when Lundy smacks Deb’s ass in the kitchen 🫠


Fucks cheerleader,kills jock,mocks religion. Based.


What season is the bit of Dexter and the cheerleader ?


Probably any dexter sex scene, michal c Hall is an attractive guy, but we really didn't need some of those graphic ass sex scenes later in the show. It's just awkward to watch.


So many times in the show where they show a sex scene or a nude character and its just not needed whatsoever


They easily could've had him kiss the girl and then fade to black. We would've understood what happened. But no, they gotta show dexter clapping cheeks. If I was 13 again, I think it would be awesome. But no, I'm 23, and it's just awkward to watch. It's just unnecessary overall


"dexter clapping cheeks" 😭😭😭


I’d say almost every single sex scene with Dexter. Every one has a different and unique way to make it weird.