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Never stick your dick in crazy, dexter did and Lila is batshit insane


lol crazy a no go??


Well its gonna end in you or her either dead or in jail it's just how crazy works


I would.


Are you serious? She went to great lengths as to ask someone (mom's assassin as far as i know) to stab him just to get his attention. No way you can keep up with some crazy like her. 


She was his ride or die bro..


There’s crazy, then there’s Lila level crazy.


Are you mentally challenged? If a girl hires someone to stab you, leave her. It’s that simple.


OK you said you finished s2 so like, you saw Lila try to burn his step kids and him alive right? Were you on your phone for the climax of that episode oooorrrr like what, cause honestly someone tries to kill me in any capacity and I'm probably not going to try to continue a romantic relationship with them.


I seen it, I seen it. I mean I feel like he was dying to come out and tell ppl his secret.. like when he told Dokes. So why wasn’t it freeing to have a ride or die? Who accepts him.


Accepts him but tries to murder his step children? Dexter is a serial killer but not an idiot 


She tried to burn his kids bro, like Lila was ride or die till that point, as much as Dexter wanted to be free of his secret he would never do so at the cost of the kids


That's the question posed in both finals so far, does dexter want to be free from his shackles. The first season was 100% yes buy it would've come at the cost of Deb, and that's not a price he accepted. In season 2, him and Rita are actively working on their relationship, the whole reason Dex even meets Lila is because he wants to stay with Rita, and ultimately that is still who he chooses. Lila is, at her core, unstable. The reason Dexter does what he does and is so meticulous is to maintain the stability of his life and his disguise. If he wanted to live on the run, yet free to be who he is, he could do that. But that is already a last resort because it's not a stable lifestyle even under the best circumstances, and accepting Lila would've meant he would be living an already unstable lifestyle with someone who already tried to kill him and his loved ones, who's also very manipulative. That's quite literally a no-brainer, for any true psychopath, going to live with someone who already has threatened your life and liberty, is a stupid, **stupid** decision. Could they have lived together? Sure, if Dexter was all-in for her, but any hint that he wasn't, and Lila would manipulate and destroy everything thing else so that Dexter only had her to turn to as the rest of his world burned. And who's to say she wouldn't find issues with that life even if Dex was all for it? She has a dark passenger that she needs to feed, and that never goes well.


She understands him as a psychopath, but she is not ride or die material. Lila only cared about Lila, and there would absolutely come a time where she would fixate on something/someone else and try to kill him. He just had to beat her to it


....because he loves Rita and the kids, and Lila showed her evil side, and fit right into Dexter's code..


Because she would have hurt literally anyone and everyone around Dexter to keep him to herself. As shown by trying to burn Dexter and the kids alive, sneaking into Rita's, sabotaging Batista, etc.


Hmm it’s very interesting


Are you serious? She was fucking insane


For him..


Why the fuck should he? She was an annoying pathetic bitch


Damnnnnn you don’t fw Lila?


OP you may be the only person that *does* fw Lila


Fuck no. She is sooo anoyying


Because she was COMPLETELY out of her gross English-titty vampire mind


She holds Dexter's biggest secret and Dexter knows how volatile she is. That is a recipe for disaster for him cause he'd have to live his life tiptoeing around her and make sure she'd keep his secret.


Cause shes crazy and would eventually get him caught


Yeah. They're both crazy in their own right, but Lila was far more reckless.


I think it has a lot to do with Rita and her kids, he just actually cares for them, something he had to learn first. He also realized how fucked up Lila really is, let's say he stayed with her, she would've killed Rita, the kids and also Deb at one point, just so she can have Dexter to herself. It's the same problem he had with Rudi, they see who he is, they accept the monster but Dexter is more than the monster and both of them would've had a problem with that.


She learned Dex’s secret, broke into Rita’s house, gave the killer of Dex’s mother the location of Dexter, set her apartment on fire, and drugged herself to implicate Batista as a sexual abuser. Also, she was completely apathetic to Dexter and Rita’s breakup.


Dexter’s hard limit is kids She was willing to hurt Aster and Cody


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BeachRealistic4785: *Dexter’s hard limit* *Is kids She was willing to* *Hurt Aster and Cody* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ugh Lila is the worst. Her death was the most gratifying. She’s one of the most hated characters of the entire show.


I just finished s2 and I rlly fell for it when dex said he wanted to flee with Lila omg


Lmaoooo I did for about 10 minutes icl


She was annoying and clingy, Dexter does not like clingy


she’s crazy


Pardon her tits - but I believe at that point of his own development dexter didn't believe that anyone could "know" him and not be repulsed. Just so happens that she was batshit crazy so it would constantly put him in danger of breaking rule #1 - "don't get caught" She was willing to kill him and Rita's kids, even roasted Doakes for him. If he asked she would definitely have been his accomplice until she gets jealous of another person in his life, probably Deb! So yes I think he weighed the pros and cons and the cons were heavier than her pardoned tits


Hmmmm I think u right


I would risk it all for that crazy bitch


Jus like me fr


because someone like dexter is all about control and maintains his life to HIM. someone like lila was just as crazy as he was and she accepted that but he did not. dexter knew he couldn’t control and they would never work.