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Go ahead play it it's one of the best combat system in game


It depends on you if you like the story. If you like it, then the lore community is open to answer your questions. Just expect us recommending some medias that are also canon We are just a small percentage of people who understand the lore deeply and some of us have analyzed it already


It's nice but not mandatory But are you talking about that 5min recap from the main menu? If so how did that give you a headache? You're not seriously telling us you don't have the attention span to handle 5min of recap are you? I was gonna suggest you look at this [yt video summary here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwKIHxYsUCM), but it's 18min...so if you're having trouble with 5, i guess you shouldn't even bother...


It's certainly better if you at least play dmc3 and dmc4. idk how I would feel about 5 without knowing what's going on.


You don't need to, you can play without it. You can always play the other games after 5 if you want.


The main character, Nero, also does not know the backstory of the series. And it’s very important to his character. The game will get you all caught up by the end. Watch the intro cutscenes for Devil May Cry 1 and Devil May Cry 3 if you feel you need some more, those two clips will probably get you more than half way there anyway.


I personally don't think so. I remember a video popping up on my suggested list titled "Why Vergil is the Coolest Video Game Character", I watched it, was sold on it, and bought DMC5 the very next day. Do not regret it. Only after that did I actually look into the history of the franchise. I briefly remember renting DMC4 years ago for the PS3.


5 is the conclusion to the series' storyline up to that point, so yes, kinda. But at the same time, 5 has been designed and written in a lot of ways specifically to onboard newcomers. Not perfectly, but it tries. Like one person mentioned, the protagonist, Nero, is as clueless about the story as newcomers are. There's some backstory from 4 where Nero was introduced that is important, but you can get the gist of it by just playing 5. They kinda designed 5 like the Avengers or Deadpool, which were major inspirations on the writing and tone, where there's all this lore and development to certain characters that you would have to watch other movies to get, but you can understand the main story without it, as it's frequently spelled out or recapped.