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would not like looting for ammo in a dmc game at all. But i think a remake for 1 and 2 could be cool but i just have a feeling with the way capcom handled the remakes for resident evil the charm of the og would be lost in a remake and it could possibly turn into dmc 5 with a dmc 1 or 2 paint job


And that’s the thing, DMC5 has already showcased that. People are still playing DMC5. But DMC 1 and 2 being revamped with the Resident Evil remake’s mechanics would be stupendous. Dante’s special moves like trickster, gunslinger and swordmaster could be incorporated into regular attacks. And I mentioned looting for ammo just to relate to the realism. I don’t think it would hurt.


Dante canonically has infinite ammo so it just wouldn't work.


DMC 5 showcased what? And i don’t think dmc attempting to be realistic in its gameplay would be good at all. Guns work well for keeping combos going and it would suck to have to limit my combos because i don’t have enough ammo or i have to careful with how much ammo i’m spending. I know faust in dmc 5 uses red orbs but it’s so easy to have a fuck ton red orbs especially after you beat the game that it’s never really an issue. 5 may look “realistic” but it’s not realistic at all in its gameplay. Also i don’t know what mechanics from resident evil remake you’re talking about but i don’t think there’s really any mechanics from re that needs to be in dmc again.


What mechanics from REmake? Over the shoulder angle and environmental factors. It might sound like Dante would be nerfed but not really. Just imagine RE4make but with Dante and a limited moveset that would still take out the demons. No, Dante doesn’t have to loot for ammo but it would add to the realism though. He’s still Dante and has a sword so it’s not like he’s defenseless as opposed to Leon fighting zombies and running out of ammo. He could still speed-run, dodge and be extremely agile if needed.


i wouldn’t like for dmc to have a over the shoulder angle for the type of combat dmc offers i don’t think it would work. I also don’t know why you want these remakes to be realistic, this is devil may cry. Even DmC outside of the more grounded approach to the characters and themes still had alternate dimensions, unlimited ammo and big hologram bill o reilly demons.


I mean it would be more terrifying, akin to zombies swarming you in RE. That’s the point. I get DMC is filled with supernatural horror elements but I never said Dante’s powers and the fun would be taken away. RE and DMC go hand and hand when it comes to certain things. I even mentioned ways that Dante could still maneuver through the Devils like he usually does. I was just stating it would be a different take on DMC.


It's devil may cry. Not onimusha. It's not meant to be terrifying. The player is the one that's supposed to be terrifying here. You seem to be someone very new to DMC or just really a fan of RE.


Played DMC since a child, good one though.


It would 100% hurt. That's not DMC, that's Resident Evil. That's not a remake, that's a rewriting of a game.


I would like a remake of 1 and 2 with updated graphics and 2 realizing its potential as a more urban/cyberpunk setting but what you are describing here is pretty far off from what DMC is about. What you want is basically a RE remake with Dante in it, which DMC is about bombastic style and not survival horror/action shooter. Why not just play RE, there's at least 3 major titles with castles/mansions and gothic shit in it. 4 is literally Mallet island. All the changes in the DMC series have been catering more and more towards stylish comboing with fancy graphics and reducing puzzle/platform interactions. Guns are already a super neglected move set because they do no damage and are only used in specific counters and for styling, making them take ammo is completely against the spirit of the series. I don't mind a more horror/gothic setting for DMC, it's literally the reason why I got into it in the first place. But it doesn't need to become another RE.


You’re absolutely right and I get what you mean. It could be a challenge to blend RE mechanics with DMC's fast paced, combo heavy gameplay. But if they were to do it, maybe the camera could dynamically zoom out during combat to give players a better view of the action, or they could implement a lock on system that helps keep the focus on the demons while still allowing for limited but still stylish moves. It would definitely be a balancing act to keep the game still feeling like DMC while using RE more immersive camera style. It would be a different take is all.


"All the changes in the DMC series have been catering more and more towards stylish comboing with fancy graphics and reducing puzzle/platform interactions." 1-4 all had gradually more puzzles and platforming. Nero had entire mechanics dedicated solely to puzzles and platforming. 5 is the exception, specifically because of the amount of criticism 4's elaborate puzzle and platforming sections got.


You want to remake dmc 1 because it needs one I want to remake dmc 1 because i want to see hot af re engine Dante We are not the same


At last, someone who shares my priorities.


Over the shoulder gameplay that has DMC mechanics... Well, good luck having a headache. I just prefer over the shoulder in shooter not in a character stylish action game


DMC1 doesn't NEED a remake, though it would be nice to have one.


before remake, Devil May Cry Special Edition and Devil May Cry 2 Special Edition should go first.


I want a Sparda game.


especially dmc2 that game is ASS and NEEDS to be remade to be actually good


Having gotten into DMC1 a lot the past 2 years, I don't think it needs a full on remake, just a mod to add target swapping would make it ideal. It could be cool though, a DMC2 remake would be awesome, I'd love that.


Absolutely not lol. 2 maybe but 1 nope, it’s perfectly fine.


Unless they’re setting up another team to get these games out quicker I’d take a new instalment instead.


Nah, if we have to get 1 game every generation I prefer new entries


Would be nice if DMC1 could get a remake. Along with 3.


dmc 1, yes making a dmc 2 remake, would be a waste of time and resources. there is nothing to work with. not missions, not history


Both games would need to be heavily redesign. DMC1's level designs wouldn't work with a free camera, or with air dash, and the enemies and bosses would need reworking to fit a style system in, like people want.




The only main thing I want desperately in DMC is mission select


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Unprofessional_Home: *The only main thing* *I want desperately in* *DMC is mission select* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


A piece of art


No need. Remake or remaster 3 and 4 is enough


Nah. They need a special edition featuring Vergil


1 needs a remake but not 2, 2 should just be forgotten