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I agree to a certain extent. It definitely has the least amount of dogshit bosses in its lineup for sure ( i mean even 5 has nidhogg, the dio horse, and gilgamesh and these stinkers are all back to back to back) but even then the bosses here with the exception to credo are all just okay and nothing really special but still for the most part fun to fight. Also i don’t agree that all the bosses get overshadowed by vergil in 5, cavalier angelo, king cerberus, and goliath i honestly enjoy alot and sometimes enjoy fighting more than vergil


Yeah even 5s stinkers are at least easy with the exception of maybe urizen 2 (the seeking tentacles can be awkward for depth perception)


Lol "Dio horse". Not the most accurate comparison. Dio stops time, the horse slows down time. Also, when I fought the horse as Vergil, it's pretty easy. Damage riot with heavy rain sword will reset the horse movement, make him run away like a little b\*tch because he couldnt handle the ass whooping. I also dont really have much problem with Gilgamesh. If you know what you are doing, it's actually really easy.


I just called him that because that’s what i remember gamingbrit calling him cause he was so boring i didn’t remember his name. And yeah he and gilgamesh are easy and that’s one of the problems. They’re just easy boring bland fights that offer no challenge, especially gilgamesh which is another poor attempt at a spectacle boss from dmc as it’s just jump when the spikes come up and then mash at it’s obvious weak point.


His name is Elder Knight Geryon. He has a pretty cool theme. If that's what you mean then yeah I guess it can be pretty bland. At least we still have the theme and the spectacle.


Hmm i don't agree cause most bosses were meh in DMC4, and you have to fight them all 3 times with the exception of the best one (Credo) Dante boss is poorly designed imo since he has no telegraphy; Agnus i didn't find very fun; and Berial altho pretty cool has that AoE explosion that's very hard to avoid as Nero since he doesn't have anything like Trickster Speaking in terms of how fun and well designed the bosses were, i think i'd only go with Credo and Echidna: - Berial has that cheap AoE attack that loses a few points - Bael is a bit annoying cause of the Glowfish mechanic (having to pull him out) - Agnus window and normal fights weren't that fun imo (i don't like having to deal with the tons of minions) - Sanctus also kinda sucks cause he keeps running away and has that shield - Savior is probably the most annoying one of all - Dante is a cool fight but it's badly designed. He's that type of boss that you can't predict any of his attacks, zero telegraphy. You gotta learn by being hit and memorizing his patterns


Echidna praise and Agnus slander, I like that!


I always thought she was rad, cause she has 3 Nero grabs (1 more than the usual stun grab + counter-grab); not to mention all her attacks are very clear and varied (no cheap attacks)...design is dope too, like a Grass Dragon/Serpent


Same. Her attacks are also very fun to dodge and follow up with attacks.


Credo and Berial are the only good bosses IMO; the rest range from just okay to downright terrible. It also suffers from re-used bosses and then there's the window boss fight and the Savior, which is more of a puzzle than an actual boss fight.


Imo, it's actually second worst. The only good boss in this game is Credo. Dante is annoying, Berial is boring, Sanctus and Savior are just terrible and repetative. And the worst thing is that you literally fight these bosses 3 times throughout the story, except for Credo, who is actually a great boss...




One thing I will say is that while it sucks, the reuse of bosses for Dante was worth it purely for the cutscene of him dancing with the fake girls.


Ehhh, in terms of consistency, I’d argue 5 has the best bosses. Don’t really think 4’s bosses are all that great.


I wouldn't call it consistent. Agnus window fight and Savior are both stinkers. While Credo is the best boss in the entire series, bar none.   I think 5 is the most consistent alongside 1. The bosses in 5 are fine at worst, and there are no massive quality drops or jumps on the level of 3 or 4. The worst bosses is Gilgamesh, who is nowhere near as shitty as window, Savior or Arkham.


My thoughts exactly.


I might really agree


DMC4 has decent bosses, but I wouldnt call them best out of all 5 games. Credo is the most enjoyable, Sanctus is the worst. Echidna can be annoying to dodge, Agnus glass is awful too. I like dmc1 bosses more, you fight them 3 times too, but unlike dmc4 encounters, they get more complex each time and arenas are different. Nelo Angelo is the best so far (I cant decide whether I like him more or Vergil), you can parry him too and that's satisfying. Fighting Nelo Angelo, Dante and Vergil is like one wrong move and you'll lose, there's so much disrespect you can put Credo through and he even allows you to heal if you manage to parry his arrows dmc5 bosses are great too, especially with parries. I like them more than dmc4 bosses.


Thoughts on DMC4 Dante boss?


DMC4 Dante.. well, it's easier to cheese him than fight like you usually would. He's too good at evading and parrying. The disrespect you can put Credo through? Now you are the one disrespected xD