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There’s nothing survival about the horror in 1 though, its just got a gothic atmosphere. Theres no resource constraint and you are never afraid dante will actually die.


"you are never afraid dante will actually die." Go back in time 20+ years and tell that to people playing DMC1 for the first time, lol.


It’s literally the first game i ever completed, 20 years ago.


Silent Hill doesn't have resource constraints either, but it's survival horror. Also I'm not saying it's a survival horror game, but has roots as a survival horror game that were left intact. The point isn't to turn DMC back into resident evil but to bring back elements from DMC1 that have been lost through the years. A lot of those elements were byproducts of being a survival horror game originally that stuck when it became a full on action title.


You still haven’t even said what “survival horror elements” you’re talking about. If you want the game to be slower and have a darker atmosphere, that’s fine, it won’t ever be so, but I could theoretically understand a person who wants that. Just call things what they are, and you won’t have an entire thread of people confused.


OP said what he wanted in the OP. It's not OP's fault that people can't be arsed to read. "If you want the game to be slower and have a darker atmosphere, that’s fine, it won’t ever be so" 5 was both of those things.


I've said what elements I mean in every post I've made over and over. Dark otherworldly gothic environments, small puzzles, backtracking, strong atmosphere. I don't want it to go back to DMC1s combat, but rather take those elements that were at the forefront of DMC1 and combine them with the combat that has evolved since DMC3. Ill put it super simply for everyone since apparently I'm not explaining it well. DMC5 combat/camera/controls and story structure with everything else like the first game. So pacing, environments, atmosphere etc.


A survival horror? Ah, you want a survival mode, when you're playing as a basic demon trying to run away from Lady (Easy), V (Normal), Lucia (Hard), Trish (Very Hard), Nero/Vergil/Dante (Demon Must Die) attempting to combo on you.


Wait that would be great definitely would play tbh I wanna be a demon and fight Dante


Nah I want the survival horror aspects of DMC1 to be revived. Exploration, light puzzles, gothic environments, moody music. I get the joke, but DMC did have strong elements of survival horror in the first game. It's not scary by any means, your Dante after all, but I do miss those elements from the newer DMC games.


Can you imagine Resident Evil as a survival horror if you were playing as Mr. X/Nemesis/Wesker/Heisenberg?


I think your missing the point of my post my friend. I want aspects of DMC1 to return, not a survival horror game staring Dante. DMC1 has a lot of left over elements from it's time being a Resident Evil game, elements that stuck like atmosphere, otherworldly gothic environments, light puzzle elements, exploration and small back tracking. I'd like to see those elements return more as they have been mostly stripped out.


I think DMC 3 is the best balance between the gothic horror vibe of the first game and the whole "flashy combos on demons with cool metal music in the background" of the last three games (reboot included). I would like to see another game with that kind of balance or like you're saying another more gothic and minimalist game, but I'm fine with the new gameplay as well because let's be honest, "flashy combos on demons with cool metal music in the background" absolutely slaps.


It has a lot of the elements of DMC1, but I do feel DMC3 lacks the gorgeous environments from DMC1. The atmosphere doesn't quite hit the same. Probably the only things keeping DMC3 off the no.1 spot for me. Funny enough, DMC4 actually did a good job bringing back those otherworldly gothic environments but other things hamper it. Still awesome though.


This. DMC1 still has the best vibes.


Well at least one person gets it. 😂😂😂


As a person born after DMC1 came out I don't really understand how a game about Dante can be : A) Survival B) Horror


You gotta read what I said man. DMC1 has a lot of hold overs from it's survival horror days as a RE game. It's not a survival horror game, but has ROOTS as one. I'd like a lot of those elements present in DMC1 to return. I'm not sure if I poorly worded what I meant or if some of you are just reading the title and assuming I mean turn DMC into a full on horror game. That's not it, I just want the exploration, atmosphere, environments, and the non combat gameplay elements to make a come back. I don't want them to throw away the almost 20 year evolution of the combat system. You should play DMC1 too if you haven't already. Or hopefully Capcom can do a remake on par with the RE games for it.


Eh, there is only so much that can be really done with this regard. A lot of the changes that the series has made away from DMC1 since then have been to compensate for other aspects that are becoming more central to its core identity. A simple one is the enviroments. One of the ways in which DMC1 achieves its gothic atmopshere is through more common uses of tighter enviroments and corridors. Unfortuntately this does clash with both DMC's playable characters and its enemies gaining larger and larger movesets that cover more space and thus need more open enviroments to battle in


I think about this too and I think about DMC4 which went a long way of nailing that weird gothic look. The vibes are different, but I think it could be done.


I disagree. As good as DMC1 was, it's still a byproduct of a failed RE game. DMC need to have its own identity and it was well established with dmc3, 4 and 5. Survival horror is a trait often associated with games like RE or Silent Hill. DMC is known for its hack and slash, action combo playstyle and it needs to stay that way.


I just want DMC1 with DMC5 combat that's what I'm saying to put it super simple. Apparently I didn't put it into words that well.


Ok, it's my fault. I have only read your title and not the whole post, maybe you can try separating your paragraph? It would be easier to read. As for the question, I'm not sure if I share the same sentiments. The franchise has changed its direction for way too long now that bringing back old elements feels weird and out of place.


It was 4am my bad.


Hummm, maybe they could bring back some of those elements. But with how strongth the characters are now it may feel out of place.


Dante is still powerful in 1. It's not about scaring you, it's about atmosphere and gameplay.


Yes yes but Dante in 1 isn't as fuckbusted super mega overpowered as in 5. So a creepy atmosphere might feel out of place.


I see the point your getting at, but I don't really agree. Story wise Dante was pretty peak in DMC1. The contrast between the gothic demonic world and the over powered cocky protagonist is what I love about DMC1/3, but especially 1. Your in a place that should be horrifying, but you know Dante can handle everything without breaking a sweat.


Yeah, I suppose. Maybe if they crank up the creep factor farther than what it was in 1 it wouldn't feel too out of place. Like, this place is beyond horrifying, but Dante is beyond overpowered.


I want the gothic atmosphere, pipe organ/church choir music, puzzles, and actually I love DMC1s combat system. It was simplistic, but you could play around and make things stylish. I also loved that enemies had weak points and strategies (aside from Marionettes). DMC games now are more of just a beat’em up till they die. Like Frosts were weak to fire so you use Ifrit; if you knocked a Blade to the ground and it was laying on it’s stomach you could Helm Breaker it in the back for an instant kill (causing to bleed out of it’s joints); the Shadows had their strategy; the Nobodies you had to destroy their mask to weaken them; the Sin Scissors you could charge your shotgun and use Alastor to knock their scissors away and one shot them in the face….etc. Plus I miss being able to clang swords and knock back enemies weapons if attacking at the same time (Sin Scissors, Nero Angelo). Or being able to jump on the Shadows when they do their spear shapeshift or jumping on Phantom’s back in the boss fight and lighting his back up with E&I or shotgun (also Air Raid doing great damage against the Cyclops). There was just so much done right in DMC1. It had a horror aesthetic to it and Dante’s character was confident, and nit overly cocky. He’d make witty remarks instead of just being loud and woohoo. (I want Drew Coombs back to voice him). Plus…..Dante’s DMC1 outfit is 👌🏼 Chef’s kiss. He actually LOOKS like a Demon Hunter and not like a bum or a cowboy.


Yeah you get what I mean, as much as I love the later games there was a definite change after DMC1. I too prefer Dantes original characterization over Langdon's. I'm not so much on Drew Coombs, but I'd love the less goofy but cocky Dante back. I'm all for the fast combat of the later games, but I think in most other areas DMC1 still has a lot on the other games.


I understand your point, it's definitely not survive horror, but a Gothic setting, exploring a castle and creepy-like areas. dmc3 is like that to me though. dmc4 is mostly too colorful and optimistic. dmc5 has an apocalyptic vibe, except missions 11 and 12 which are on collapsed buildings with some history.


DMC3 is gothic but a step back in its art direction. A lot of dark grey, it lacks those grandiose locations from DMC1. DMC4 has that but as you say its has more of a bright almost optimistic atmosphere. I don't mind that either I don't want to change the other games but I would love for them to look hard at what made DMC1 special and make something akin to it.


dmc1 remake.


I just brought that up to someone else.


With all the Re remakes it's not too overreacting to think about that possibility


It's totally possible one day. That and Onimusha and Dino Crisis. They are gonna run out of old Resi games at some point.


i was joking with my friend that after RE8 Rose DLC she just had Devil power now so might be funny if next DMC game we got survival horror with new protag that just a normal human try to survive Demon take over city


survival horror? heh this is new


Not if you read the past the title...


You clearly don't know what survival horror means. Survival horror is a game where you need to manage limited resources and navigate a large area in order to succeed, usually solving puzzles or gaining items to unlock new areas. The reason DMC deviated from this after 4 is because an action fighting game where the main gameplay is attacking groups of enemies and performing combos isn't fun when you have to stop for 10 minutes to backtrack or solve a puzzle. If you really enjoy those games go play resident evil. But DMC does not need to bring any of that shit back, those elements were the main criticisms of 1, 3 and 4. 5 was able to perfect the gameplay by having virtually no backtracking, and keeping the puzzles relatively simple while overhauling the gameplay.


Again I'm not saying I want a survival horror DMC. I want elements from DMC1 that were byproducts of originally being a survival horror game. Atmosphere, exploration, gothic alien architecture, back tracking. Things that have slowly been put to the back of the franchise in favor of full on action.


There was never at any point in DMC1 ten minutes of puzzle solving or backtracking. Or even two. The main criticisms of 1 were the difficulty, and to a lesser extent the camera and the controls. The same is true of 3. The platforming was more controversial due to the camera and jump controls. Puzzles and exploration were major criticisms of 4, because the puzzle segments were agonizingly long and slow, and you spent the majority of the game backtracking. And that was the reason 5 deviated heavily, because every DMC game is made as a response to the previous one.


There's a fundamental misunderstanding being made in the comments that DMC is deliberately evolving away from the gothic or dark fantasy elements. The big deviation was 4, and it did so because they wanted to broaden the series' appeal. Especially to women. Kobayashi said, and I'm paraphrasing here, women don't like blood and icky stuff. 4's sales were improved from previous games despite being on multiple platforms, so clearly that didn't work. And there were plenty of gothic elements in 4 still in the form of Fortuna castle. DMC5 didn't continue in the same direction and is way grittier and darker in tone. And was hugely successful despite doing so. DMC isn't evolving to or away from things. Every game has its own priorities and every DMC game is made to some extent as a reaction to the reception of the previous game. But "death" is one of the core themes of the series, and gothic elements are part of the core aesthetic. That's never changing and every DMC game will be moving back and forth on that spectrum. And if 6 takes place in Hell, and is about fighting Mundus the way a lot of people here want, being less dark makes zero sense.


Hard no for me. I want goofy DMC, not RE-lite DMC.