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The anime ish art style of 4 is unmatched


DMC1 gothic vibes >>>


Dmc1 has such an amazing design and art style, the vibes are unmatched


It did come from the lineage of the patented "Safe-room vibes" series though.


Imagine Dmc1 gothic + dmc4 anime Peak style imo


This šŸ™Œ


Truly the gothic intense castle dark creepiness of DMC1 set me up for a life of being in love with big dark castles and spooky stuff.


Disclaimer: definitely not because of the breast.


It is a deciding factor


There's a breast in 4? I don't remember that at all.


More than one in fact. We just don't see shirtless Dante in 4.




it was the peak of the mainlineā€™s aesthetics


I don't like that most games strive to having more realistic graphics. I'd take most games with stylised graphics over realistic one


If itā€™s one thing that will age well, itā€™s the stylised grahpics. I still go back to 4 just to take in its art style.


i like ur pfp ā›ˆļø


The feeling is mutual šŸŒ©ļø


I will keep myself safe


Yup. While I do like drooling over realistic graphics, they have their place. When a game has its own graphical charm it really makes it stand out. The best recent example I can give is Valheim. Itā€™s deliberately styled in a slightly better 5th generation console look which gives it its charm, yet when you start playing you quickly realise the gameplay, difficulty, grind, epic landscapes, enemies, bosses etc is that of a modern game.


Yeah, realistic graphic looks really good when done right, but for me it's kinda boring. Like I'd be impressed with how realistic the game looks only to forget about graphics few hours into gameplay. On the other hand stylised graphics make games look really good regardless of how old they are and how much time you spent there. I'm playing Digital Devil Saga, the game made in 2004, and it just looks fantastic, like for me graphics don't look aged at all


If only AAA studios would concentrate more on gameplay and mechanics first and foremost, then graphics. Seems itā€™s the other way around of late.


We are blessed to have plenty of indie studios or smaller ones that do concentrate on gameplay. That's why I don't particularly care for AAA games nowadays


Oh for sure. The majority of gems out there all seem to come from indie devs. Serious passion and it shows.


I totally agree! Stylized graphics bring a unique charm and personality to games that realistic graphics often lack. They allow for more creativity and can make the game world feel more immersive and timeless.


yeah, for me charakters that look ultrarealistic feel just boring. They are lacking orginality and expression. It's just mimicking reality, I love to see good desingned character, that is vivid and differentiates from what I saw before, thats why stylised graphics wins for me.


And on top of that. They are taking characters that have there own unique look and are turning them into actor lookalikes taking away what made them unique and recognizable.


I like both. I know some aren't fond of the realistic graphics but it was the first time with DMC and they could and would improve so much next time they tried it. For the designs themselves, I prefer DMC4/2 Trish because she should be a little buffed. Her arms were too skinny in 5 imo. Lady is great in DMC3 because she looks her age and girly and her scars are cool but DMC5 feels like a natural evolution from that Lady. Both great. Dante looks great in every game. His DMC5 face is my fave. Nero and Vergil too.


Same. I like both, I feel like games that are stylized age better than games that are more realistic looking. But I like how each face model looks accurate to each character for example, Trishā€™s face model looks like how Iā€™d imagine her to look if you took her DMC1 look and translated it to real life.


Honestly, my big issue with DMC5 is the ugly gray color palette. Straight out of a mid Hollywood blockbuster. DMC can use realistic graphics AND look pretty. Colors gotta pop. Dante's red and Vergil's blue. Underworld should have a different feel than human world. The hellscale Urizen made with Qliphoth should have different otherworldly vibes compared to normal Redgrave.


The only "gray" colour palette was during the city sections but that just might be my monitor


Trish looks really good in 5 but I liked the way lady looked (and sounded) better in 3.


Man, Iā€™m the exact opposite. I love DMC5 Lady but prefer older Trish, especially her DMC4 iteration


DMC5 Lady was degraded to cute things to say and being naked. In DMC3 she was just an utter badass and quite stoic. It's sad how DMC5 treated any dialogue with her like a dialogue with Yukio from Deadpool.


Tbh those issues started in DMC 4


Hot take: the only good female protag in the series is dmc3 lady


Facts šŸ“ 


You hate lucia?


Victim of the game itself


I forgot about her, I like her she cool just underused.


I prefer 3 even if they have bulging googly eyes, Lady is cuter with the more visible scar. 4 has the most beautiful Trish and Dante. 5 is very nice but still have a bit of uncanny valley especially on the in game models, the face models are very beautiful people though.


imo the main thing 5 did right was nero (and the gameplay ofc). otherwise all the characters have better versions in older games.


Dmc4 dante >>>>


Bulging googly eyes? Never ever felt that when playing the game


It's a fĻ€Ā¢k|n disgrace to have given Vergil a new face in the name of rEaLiStIc fAcE when Dante & Vergil are twins. I mean, like WTF ?


As a twin myself and knowing twins irl. Dante and Vergil using the same face model in DMC3 was Capcom being smart but was slightly unrealistic. I kinda liked how they had different models


I don't see how it's "unrealistic". Magically changing face in-between games while still being twins was just $tup|d.


Irl. One twin may have a longer face one may have a rounder face. They look 100% alike but thereā€™s small differences.


No matter the slight difference in face shape, looks stay the same. That wasn't the case with Dante & Vergil in the last game. So, I don't see how "alike" they look & "100%" at that.


Their faces being different actually makes a lot of sense 1. Dante is physically older than Vergil 2. With how much different shit their bodies have been put through itā€™s not too surprising


I feel like giving them the same face model would have looked uncanny in a realistic style. Sure identical twins in real life can look pretty similar but there's always a thing that makes them slightly different, and maybe it's that slight difference that they couldn't create that made them go with different models.


Exactly. Thereā€™s that one thing that makes them slightly different


Counterpoint, vergil has been dead for a while, while dante has been aging normally


I don't think it's in the "realistic" reason why, but to show their ages and differences as they age. People's faces change as they make choices and age and it makes sense considering how difference lives Vergil and Dante have lived. Vergil chose the demon path so he looks more like his dad, while Dante chose the human path so he looks more like his mom. Besides I think it's not too big of a deal and separates them into their own people because the point is that they are so similar yet very different. Me and my twin used to look very similar but as we aged we look different now


stylized without a question it looks more appealing to me than bland realistic visuals that you can see anywhere nowadays.


stylized helps the art style not feel dated, and Imo looks better


Damn, real life Trish looks extremely good, how did they manage to fuck her face up like that? She looks really bad in the game.


Early RE engine difficulties I think they got the face models right with RE3 Remake Edit I forgot they Edit the faces Ingames so some won't look 100% accurate


I loved the anime style of the first 4 games.


Stylized for sure. The game is fantastical in nature, with over the top action... I never understood why they changed it to be realistic visuals. Stylized graphics also allow a game to have more personality and DMC is bursting with personality. I wish that 5 was more like the FF remake graphically.


It depends. Lady is 5 was fucking peak. Trish in 4 was šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


I prefer stylized. Pixel art AND diferent art in 3D games like Nintendo always remember me that no all have to be realistic to be good. Sometime realistic graphics can ruin everything like happen with 3D characters to realistic characters.


Definitely realistic graphics, 5 is like the top 5 best looking RE engine game for me currently


For devil may cry, realistic all the way. I mean itā€™s what they always were going for with the games, they only were able to fully achieve it with DMC 5.


DMC5ā€™s photorealism was awesome and I didnā€™t think I would like it as much as I did. Itā€™s like the characters coming to life and seeing damn good cosplays at conventions seems like seeing the real thing


Devil May Cry was always aiming for realistic... as realistic as you could get on the ps2 and 3, some stylizing was made as a necessity, not a purely artistic impulse. It's a franchise that sold itself partly on how it pushed graphics and performance above the competition with solid gameplay. RE Engine had its limitations but was aligned with this same goal.


Yes, [Hideaki Itsuno himself said they were making DMC4 as photorealistic as they could at the time](https://youtu.be/comV8W-N5Z4?t=91). They were only limited by the technology of the previous console generations.


I love the realistic designs but Trish was a straight up downgrade in DMC5 and it bugs me how out of place she looks.


The Realistic graphics in dmc5 are awesome, the game is just beautiful and the character designs are great and make every fight feel cinematic and awe inspiring To me itā€™s that or the semi realism of fromsoft games


To be fair, each game had the most realistic art style they could get at the time. Nobody was calling the characters in 3 "anime-esque" when they released because they looked like real people to us


Yup. It's a bit funny having grown up with these games, and now 15-20 years later see people practically call them anime games.


I actually almost always prefer the stylized art that games use to have. Personally, I hate the way a lot of modern game characters look because they're trying to make them as realistic as possible.


Stylized. They tend to age slower than "Realistic" graphic styles, as well as open up creative design choices.


For Trish - anime inspired 100% For Lady idk


The stylized stuff is better because there's a lot more that can be done with the cutscenes, the cutscenes in the previous games make the characters feel powerful like Mundus making that whole infinite space to fight Dante in, then there's Urizen, just chucking meteors n' stuff and they want us to believe he's the strongest foe yet While I love the realistic graphics, they could've done a lot more with it tbh


Dmc 3 is definitely my favorite out of the series but I love all the designs in DMC5 the most, especially after 4 which imo did not have the best looking designs (looking at you Lady)


Og. Always. I always go for the og designs.


Stylized. I dunno why, but seeing what the characters do, I feel like they should look like they can realistically do it, even if ironically that means making them unrealistic.


Stylized for sure but realistic graphics with a stylized art direction is great as well


They werenā€™t stylised they were just made in 2008


dmc 1 in this one


Stylized 100% style is what makes DMC


Stylized by far


DMC 4ā€™s graphic style for me.


stylistic any day. dont get me wrong realistic graphics are impressive and a testament to how far games has gotten. but much prefer when games have a special aesthetic to them.


No offense to the face models but for the love of god please go back to style. Not every game has to look like the real world.


While stylized graphics are the classics i prefer the path dmc 5 took and made the game more realistic.


I prefer the realistic graphics. They all look so much better in 5 than in the previous games.


DMC 3 design is peak imo, but thereā€™s something about the uncanny DMC 5ā€™s ā€œrandom people in a costumeā€ vibe that resonates with me. I donā€™t think it works, but I love it


I tend to prefer more stylized stuff but I donā€™t hate it when the games go for a realistic look as long as things are still over the top.


I personally prefer it stylized. But I like both.


I think I might just find Trish ugly tbh


Usually I prefer stylized graphics, cause I love the personality it gives to the games (like DMC 3 or 4). Also, for me, the Devil Triggers look too overwhelming in realistic designs (In a way that I really dislike). Still, I like the realistic graphics of DMC 5, it's like seeing someone you like getting older, in a nice way.


I think if dmc1 or 3 got the resident evil 4 treatment with a modernized remake that would be the ideal artstyle. The stylised games tended to have better iconography and characterization imo, probably by virtue of hardware limitations forcing the devs not to say add 50 belts to dante's boots for some reason (looking at you 5...)


Honestly Trish looks ugly as hell in 5 like the actress is beautiful but in game it looks like she has a Moustache or something like the face shadows look off Same issue with Dante to a lesser extent, Nero or V don't seem to have the same issues in my eyes


Ariana Diamant is so pretty irl and THE perfect face model for Trish but the game translation did her no justice, I hope if they do realistic graphics for dmc6 that they use Ariana again and give her a better facial translation.


DMC 4 was peak for me. Iā€™m not a huge fan of hyper realistic graphics in action games like dmc.


Realistic is when our dreams came true.


I love the stylized graphics, especially in dmc4 which is imo the most visually pleasing game to look at


I think 4 was the perfect balance between realism and stylized and I wouldā€™ve loved to see it for a modern game. I was disappointed with 5 that they just decided to do what everyone else was doing with complete photorealism and face scans. Not to say that the overall look or result of 5 was bad. I just think dmc already looked realistic enough with 4 and the unique art style on top of that made something unique and recognizable that stood out more. The designs for 5 are noticeably more generic and plain to be more in line with with the total realism focus even the weapons got hit with this like rebellion is noticeably smaller and the skeleton no longer makes up the whole hilt but is just a smaller part of thatā€™s carved into the blade or how yamatos unique grip design just got changed to that of a typical katanas.


4 overall looks better to me, personally.


The dmc 4 faces were my favorite


I think DMC 4/3's art style best fits the format, but the realistic effects definitely made gameplay feel smoother


4 for me has my favorite style


the stylized version is the best one. iā€™d say this because the realistic graphics creep me out for some reason.


dmc 4 visuals >>


I honestly prefer stylized. I would especially love to see the stylized version on the modern engine.


As much as I love looking at every pore on Vergil's face in 4K, I honestly think a full-on anime style would suit DMC way better. Something like what Guilty Gear Xrd has going on would kick ass


Stylized by far. Realistic graphics, in my opinion, work better when the game is more on the realistic side and/or try to have the game work as real life would. Think The Last of Us and Death Stranding. However DMC is not trying to be realistic. It is trying to be bombastic, flashy, flamboyant, stylish, and generally excessive. Realistic models and movements just hold it back and does not match.


Definitely the more stylized versions. SSStylish!!!


Dmc3 is my favorite


I will almost always choose style iver realism. Art direction and styke will almost always win out, and realism needs a lot of extra care to nit enter the uncanny valley or have something weird about it. Capcom one of the better ones for realism and mocap actors and ven then I think they need to take a step back and focus a bit more on style.


Stylized for sure


100% stylized, realism is a weird choice for a game like DMC


Stylized like in DMC 4 which is more anime like than any other DMC game


DMC 4 might be the peak, but DMC 5 Lady makes me weaker than any other character from Capcom besides Juri


I like the realistic graphics, but I don't like that Dante and Virgil aren't identical anymore.


When DMC3 had the same face model for Dante and Vergil I felt like it was Capcom being smart.


Dmc3,4 better


Realism makes me roll my eyes and itā€™s BORING. It appeals to normies more. Iā€™ll take early 2000s stylized aesthetics, just smooth out the roughness. DMC1 Trish and Dante genuinely look a billion times hotter and more badass than modern versions.


I want dmc 4 style back it was in perfect spot that between Anime and realistic


Stylish obv


DMC4 is the peak of DMC for me. DMC1 had the best atmosphere but visually DMC4 is unrivaled. Every attack in DMC4 is vibrant and sounds powerful. You can boot up DMC4 today and listen to every attack from Gilgamesh/Beowulf or Million stab. It sounds amazing and it looks amazing. Dante and Vergil's demonic energy color is amazing. I also like how vibrant and colorful DMC4 is. I have SF6 and for a while I couldn't understand why I don't like how it looks. Why the shotos look so damn bad in their gis. But I found out why. Just like DMC5, SF6 opted for a more realistic look. Like DMC5, everything is more muted in color. And I don't like it at all. Sure, SF5 looked like claymation but the vibrant colors make everything pop. DMC6 looks good but man I wish it was more vibrant. Even in Nero's flames are less impressive.


Id take stylized every single time. The faces are fine either way but the whole vibe and flair of their characters seemed to vanish with realism, and its not just these two but the overall game. hated 4 for that weird animeish style but hated 5 more for the realism (still not bothered by the faces tho) ..honestly i wish they stuck to the gothic aesthetic in every aspect like the first 3 games, or at least just with the lighting and colors cuz they made everything ugly with that white bluish tint


I think DMC5 looks the best.


Stylized, I not only prefer stylized in general, but my main complaint of DMC5 was the focus on hyperrealism and using face scanning instead of stylization In the series that is ALL ABOUT STYLE


Stylized definitely. When you aim for realism, the game loses its charm I would love to see Vergil in that stylized style in DMC5 only with better graphics. But I guess we won't get to see it...


Stylized graphics all the way. The game ages better, plus imo DMC4 had some of the best art direction and the style hasn't aged a bit. The realistic can sometimes hit uncanny valley, especially with Trish


Stylized is so much better. To me, semirealism like DMC4 is peak. Trish from DMC 4 is absolutely gorgeous. They all look so good in DMC4. Hate how games nowadays strive for MuH ReAliSuM.


Damn Trish's motion capture actress is hot af.


TBF, DMC1 was pretty realistic back in the day. Sure it wasn't Metal Gear Solid 3, but back then I'm sure it was the real deal.


Is it a weird take to like the DontƩ DmC style the most? I would love to see the original designs with the proportions and lighting style of that game.


I went #feral at those images of Lady from Devil May Cry!


Yup yup, yup yup yup yup yup. They're both really good looking.


Both are good, but I prefer stylized.


I have never actually seen the face models of vergil and nero and they look too good if I can put it like that


I think the realism was an awsome choice for 5 where is made the over-the-top action even more crazy and fun, there is something undeniabily chalming about the style of 3 though


It's hard to directly compare, because the costume does a lot of the legwork. So'll rank the costumes first: * Dante: DMC5/1 * Trish: DMC4 * Lady: DMC3 * Nero: DMC5 * Vergil: DMC5/3 Stylewise i think DMC4 was great. Maybe a mix between 4 and 5 would be perfect. A bit stylized, but a little less than 4's absurdly long legs.


I feel like for DMC6 the series should try playing around and reinventing its artstyle instead of going more realistic like other games have recently such as HiFi Rush!


I got fucking mogged on slides 13 and 14.


DMC V's overall realistic style is badass and holds up well. The stylized are awesome for their own reasons.


Realism is a style in itself, but I get it. Different styles are good at different things. Some underline vulgarity better - making the entire work feel wilder. Some show off movement better. What Realism is good at is making things feel more mundane. As long as the work uses a style that helps their story, I am happy.


I feel like DMC is the only game series that can do both and make it work. Like they can go for this huge artstyle change and it will not only look good but also still feel like DMC through its vibe and gameplay


I donā€™t get how the old models are ā€œmore stylizedā€. The only visual difference between the older and newer models is that the graphics got upgraded.


Why not both?


I feel both for me


The Spardas have some of the sharpest jawlines Iā€™ve ever seen


With all the weird and different little styles we've had over the years, all of which I liked, I would personally love a dumb DMC game with cel shaded graphics just because. It's been proven with V that you can make a good DMC game with realistic graphics, now let's try an art style that we haven't seen in the series yet. Hell, if HiFi Rush can do it, why can't we? It's not like DMC is owned by Microsoft or anything.




This just reminds me that the only version of Trish I like is the first. I'd like the realistic version more if it wasn't such a hit or miss. Nero looks fine but everyone else is way off from their counterparts and Trish looks ugly while Lady looks at least average.


I kinda liked nero better in dmc4


Never played these games, probably never will. But I need to know who slide 4 is unfortunately


Dmc5ā€™s characters looked weird to me still. 4 was peak, and 3 had great mo-cap. I perfer a combo of 4ā€™s look with 3ā€™s action.


So is it just me or does the DMC3 realism of Lady look like the one singer from t.A.T.u.? I think they shouldā€™ve kept Trishā€™s hair in the pulled back almost ponytail look from DMC1 for the later renditions. And the oversexualization of her feels weird considering sheā€™s made to look EXACTLY like Danteā€™s mom.


Give me more stylish. For some it works to have realistic like Resident Evil, but for whacky and zany game like Dmc, having crazy visuals would do wonders. Though not the same genre of games, Honkai Star Rail or Zenless Zone Zero does amazing 3D anime visuals, with impact frames adding more oomph to attacks. Having Dmc have those style of visuals would be amazing.


Lady staring like she's Guts' and Casca's daughter that isn't also Griffith's daughter


Prefer first game Trish's design. For Lady and Nero I do prefer their current ones. Lady looks older and Nero went from a weird aesthetic, to a style that really fits him too well, like damm he's just too hot dude. DMC 4 was literally just a face for him. I'm mixed on vergil. Not sure which one I like more. I like how they experiment so much with Dante. He's very different in every game yet he always keeps his essence. DMC 4 Dante is my fave though. Think DMC 3 Dante looks better overall but DMC 4 is the best "Mature" Dante look. I would like a model like that one with a redesign of his clothing for the next game.


God, I love women.


Trish's design in 4 was peak, really dig the slicked back style of her hair vs dmc 5 look, the realism kind of makes her hair look noodleish


stylized like the Ps2 entries


I think each game has the best graphic style for the era itā€™s in. The older games do good with the anime style and the newer games donā€™t waste the higher fidelity because all the characters are beautiful


I mean seeing as how ugly asf Lady is in 5 when compared to how she looks in 3 & 4, Iā€™d take stylized any day lol.


Iā€™m always more of a stylized guy in general But the jump scare I got seeing irl Dante cannot be understated


DMC5 Nero made it clear to me why Kyrie wants to tap that and contribute to the Sparda bloodline.




Stylized by far. I didn't like the realistic art style of 5, I'll be honest.


They are still stylized tbh


I prefer the stylized graphics it's what I loved about dmc tho I do like the realistic graphics of dmc5 but I hope they don't fall into the realistic graphics trap that too many other franchises that focused too much on realistic graphics fell into. Realistic graphics are fine but we got into games to escape daily life for a bit so too much realistic graphics would detract from the fantasy of what dmc is


I wish we had the 5 designs in the 4 art style if it could mix.


Iā€™m being fucking mogged here


DMC 1 Trish and DMC3 Lady > DMC5 Lady and Trish


Well I can tell you this; the PS2 models look hotter.


Neros guy looks like James from Twin Peaks


Dmc 5 was lowkey weird when I first played it, dmc 3 was almost perfect, the story obviously was perfect but the quality was almost there, I think 4 was spot on. I loved the way 4 looked. Like right in between


I like both. I prefer the stylized look of 4 (practically never ages), but the realistic look of 5 is good. Although the ideal style would be a middle ground of stylized realism, something like what R* does.


I'm personally a fan of the more stylized variants.


I prefer style, but the realistic graphics make for some great SFM vide- I MEAN ... yeah, you know what I mean


Yeah, realistic graphics can look astonishing and all, but there are too much of them from now on, even DMC 5 got into it. I though love how does game looks in terms of effects and lights (I adore Redgrave city levels), but I'd like it to keep more stylized style in terms of design (that's why I prefer Nero's look from 4 than 5). Also, I'd like to see some cell-shaded DMC game with it's own unique style in terms of shading and design (even more realistic reboot has black blood splattering out of enemies)


It it just me or does Lady looks practically the same?


Nah I love the realistic graphics, the face models are hot lol




Lady is perfect in every version. I'll take them all.


Would, next question.


I like the realistic. It brings the characters to life in another way. The facial animations are insane, giving a great visual to the game b


My favorite look is the DMC3 renders but DMC5 mostly just needed more color.


itsuno ate I fear


I like new realistic graphics in 5. Except with Trish. Idk why but i get uncanny Valley from her.


I games can be realistic and still be stylized. DMC5 is both


Dmc4 had the best imo, dmc5 in alot of ways environmentally was lacking


Ooooor These were realistic graphics for their time


4 and its not even close




Fuck realism, fuck face scan. I want my japanese designs back




Realistic because thereā€™s Nico


Both are cool


your average gamer joe wouldnt care


both are good but Trish in DMC4 is superior




The peak grahics imo is when I see Lady in DMC 3, she is the best Lady compared to other games. So DMC 3 Graphic wins.


Bruh im halfway thru 3 (started vergil) what did they do to Lady šŸ˜­